Chapter 5 Pretending

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Chapter 5 Pretending

Lucas's POV

I walk into the parking lot of the school, and look around instinctively for the shiny silver volvo. I find it in the shady corner of the junior's parking area. They are here, and now is my chance to be honest with this strange guy that I met yesterday. I begin to wonder if my resolve is childish. I mean I heard them distinctively say that they needed to feed on humans, excluding me. They were most likely dangerous as far as the circumstances showed. I could be putting myself in danger if I let him know that e didn't compel me, but I somehow can't stand to keep this a secret. I want to know more and if I pretend that I don't remember then I'll never get any sort of answers.

I walk into my spanish class, and shuffle silently to my seat with my head bowed. I can feel Skylar's scrutiny burning in my back, but for once I don't care what she thinks. I'm not depressed, and I'm not going to hurt myself. She just needs to learn that I'm really honestly better than I was. I fall into my seat like its a soft bed of flowers, but when I hit the metal surface I wish I hadn't. I look from the corner of my eye, and see Emmett isn't sitting there. Where did he go? The car was here, but then again it is Edward's car. Maybe Emmett is sick, or something.

I try to supress the feeling of dread as the class rolls by, and Emmett never comes in. Maybe he'll come in later in the day. I saunter off to English dejectedly, and almost pee myself, when I open the door, and see Emmett sitting in his desk. He looks so much like a model, but I can't think about that right now. I rush to his side, and sit down in my desk. h looks at me sadly, and I almost blurt it out right there. He must be sad that I was scared of him, before he compelled me to forget (Which I didn't). I'm honestly a little scared of what I heard, but I know that Emmett wouldn't hurt me. I turn to him, and whisper

"Do you wanna ditch with me?" I ask, and he frowns. I know he's about to say no, so I begin damage control, before any actual dmage is done. "Come on; it's just a little class. It's not like this one absence will cause us not to graduate" I joke, but he's unmoving, so I go to plan B. Fine Mr. Cullen wants to be difficult, but I need to talk to him about this. "Can we skip next period?" I ask, sticking my lower lip out in a baby put face. He actually smiles Ha! I broke through his seriousness.

"Sure, but where are we gonna go?" he asks curiously. I actually smile to myself because I have the perfect place, for us to go.

'Let me be in charge of that kind sir" I said with an evil grin. This is going to be fun. I know I should be nervous because I'm about to confess to a possible superhuman cannibal that his compulsion to make me forget what I heard didn't work, but I'm not. I'm just excited to spend time alone with Emmett. I twiddle with my pen, while the class listens to a lecture about some dead white guy. When the bell rings I rush to my sister's locker, but she isn't there. I decde to leave her a note, so she can cover for me, if I get caught.


I skipped with Emmett, but I need you to cover for me if anyone asks. If Dad finds out, then he'll think i'm depressed again. I love you, and I'm sorry about this morning


I stick the note on the white board inside of her locker, and rush back to where Emmett agreed to wait

. When I turn the corner, and see him there; leaning against the wall, and staring off into space waiting for me. I push my feelings aside, before I can blush, and wave at him. he smiles before strolling over to me. We walk torwards the closest exit, and straight off the parking lot.

"So, where did your family, and you move?" I ask quietly. My voice didn't seem to be working now. I was feeling the nerves that were nonexistant earlier. What if he didn't want me to know, and I'm just a liability? Will he kill me? I left a note with Skylar, so atleast people will have some kind of idea of what happened to me.

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