The Assassination Classroom i...

By Plushy_plue

219K 6.3K 4.8K

A teenager named {y/n} was visiting their grandma in America, a typical otaku. However, one night while going... More

The night that changed you forever
Goodbye America...hello Japan
My new home?!
Bitch-sensei pt2
Tch Bastard!!
My first mission!!
Dumb Assembly
I can go home!! Wait why are they here?
No way!!! Ouran kids!
I saved Haruhi just in time!
Cool!! I get to stay with the Ouran kids!!
My new abilities
Heading back home
I meet Itona!
Finally test day
Our trip to Kyoto!!!
Kyoto pt 2
I hate this!
Transfer student
I didnt mean too....
Bitch-sensei v.s Karasuma
Human target
Movie trip to America!!!
You know them!?
A sleepover at my house!?
Valentines day special
We meet again
Part of the truth revealed
Ciel Phantomhive house
Why is Karma so mad?
We wont lose the game! Not again!
Oh fuck yes!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course it had to happen
They're here!
Take that back!!!!
That was close
I was so scared...
Holy shit....I'm going to die
I just made a new enemy
It'll soon be over
I really need some rest
God damn it why!!? (part 1)
No... (part 2)
Swimming pool!!!
I'm going to kill him!!!!
Final exam begins pt1
Let the battle's begin!!! pt 2
Well I'm fucked
Little Clarification
Final battle part 1
Shit is getting interesting pt 2
Things cant get worse...right?
Under Cover mission!
It's actually him...
Its all over
The book isnt over!
I cant stay here anymore
Training camp?

Ugh give me a break!?

2.1K 81 22
By Plushy_plue

As most should remember the famous Ciel is standing in my room being a nosy brat.

"So what do I owe the pleasure of having you?" I crossed my arms as I stare at the two
"Well there was some things that I found rather odd. For one thing I found it strange that Kyoya had a file of a American girl; which was labeled deceased" He glances up as he took another step forward "So I though why would he be looking up a commoner girl who had no value to him" He spat out that word commoner..god I hate rich people
"I never understood why. And yet a few days later we meet each other at that park. No wonder you seemed familiar. You were that dead commoner girl from America that Kyoya had files on" he looked at me and smiled.
"You seem up and about; healthy and alive as ever. Yet why would it say that you were dead?" Ciel sightly looks me up and down to examine how I look.

I cover my chest and turn my body slightly to the side. "Ciel Phantomhive! My eyes are up here! You devious little guard dog! I highly doubt a certain little blonde would be so thrilled to hear that her beloved fiancé is checking out another women" it's my turn to tease. I grin as I placed a finger on my cheek. "Lady Elizabeth is her name correct?"

I can clearly tell I shocked him. I heard a small gasp when I mentioned his little betrothed. I chuckled slightly as a hint of annoyance could be seen within his eyes....or should I say eye.

"Sebastian!" He looked at the Butler.
"Yes, my lord" without saying a word Sebastian came behind me, bending my wrist behind my back as he held his other arm around my throat I however was unfazed.

"How do you know about Elizabeth!" He demanded with a hint of anger.
"Oh lord Phantomhive. You aren't the only one who can obtain knowledge. We both love to use people as mere pawns. Frankly I am a pawn myself by force and threat however there is a difference between us~" I allow my eyes to narrow at the boy as he became intrude with what I was saying.
"Oh and what is that miss {y/n}" Ciel stood up as he looked down at me like I was nothing but a bug that could be squashed at any moment.
"I may be a pawn and have pawns of my own just like yourself; however, I do not allow anyone to pull my strings Phantomive. I pull my own and can take anyone underneath my power and break apart anyone's little empire right underneath their nose"

With that I kicked off my feet, my head landing on Sebastian's chin and nose. Causing him to lose balance slightly; I took that as my chance to twist out of his grip, spinning and landing a side kick near his jaw. But of course he recovered, and along with his demon speed he blocked the kick just in time.

However I'm not as weak as people think. And Sebastian has just witness such -the man sliding a few feet from the impact landed him in between me and Ciel.

"Ciel and Sebastian, I recommend you return back to where everyone else. Don't make me repeat myself or else I will have to remove you from my home. Is that clear" I glared daggers at the boy and his demon butler. I gave a annoyed sigh as I stuck the needle in my neck.

A gasp can be heard from the the boy as he watched what had happened. My eyes closed slightly as I walked past them to join the others. Boy this kid is going to be'll be a very long weekend...


Everyone sat at the table with full belly's. I gave  a small chuckle as I saw a few girls leaning their head on the table with a smile on their faces. "I'm glad you guys like the food"

I gathered the plates and headed to the sink to wash them when Haruhi came behind be while putting a gentle hand on my shoulder. Turning around I gave her a confused look.

"Allow me to do the dishes {Y/n}-senpai. It's the least I can do for letting us stay with you" She took the soap from my hands as she began to wash the dishes.
"Oh thanks Haruhi!" I gave her a smile when Tamaki came next to her tried to help
"Oh allow me to my precious daughter!! Daddy will love to do the dishes for my precious little girl~" Tamaki cooed as he helped Haruhi.

I giggled and walked off to join the rest of the group in the living room. We talked and laughed for a while until the tv screen turned into a video call with Karasuma face on it.

"{Y/n} I won't be home during the weekend I have meeting with the general. I won't be home until Sunday so I'm going to need you to go food shopping...but don't forget the stuff" he spoke as if he was trying to hide something. I mean it's true! He didn't want the class to know he likes cake!
"Booooo" I pouted slightly at him.
Giving a sigh Karasuma said his goodbyes and hanged up the phone.

I felt Karma chuckle beside me; looking at him with a raised brow he shook his head. "The more he's away the more time I have time to play with my toy~" You can practically see devil horns come out of his head as he finishes the sentence. Rolling my eyes I looked over at the Phantomhive brat that sat in the single chair; having Sebastian next to him.

Rio walked up to duo; staring down Sebastian as Ciel grew annoyed.

"How can a hot butler like you take orders from this kid?" Of course she has to be the one to say something like that
"Because that is in our contract" Ciel was quiet irritated at the girl. "And who you calling a kid?!"
"Actually Rio he's older than you guys" I stayed as I leaned back.
"What?! No way?!" I heard Megu and Sugino gasp in shock. Ciel gave a cocky look in return
Hayami and Hara both looked at me. "Your in this class to you know"
"Yes but I'm a high school student who's graduating in a few months" I sticked out my tongue at the girls. I know I'm short but come-on!
"Ohh yea! Your parents couldn't stop talking about that at the beach" Yada says smiling

I looked down hoping they wouldn't bring them up; Nagisa and Karma looking at me with worried eyes, knowing why I gave that face. Ciel noticed the change in mood and became interesting in the conversation.

"Speaking of your parents when can we see them? Your mom is pretty cool" Kayano asked
"Actually...uh my parents don't know who I am..their memory of me got erased..."
"What?? How?!" Whispers and gasped can be heard among the class. Ciel looking at me with slightly pity
"I went to visit them but they completely forgot who I was..." looking away slightly while trying to hold back the tears from falling. Karma placed his arm over my shoulder for comfort. I didn't argue back since my throat burned from holding the crying back.
"Impossible. One does not forget their own child" Ciel spike rather harshly as his British accent came out rather strong
"Oh Ciel nothing is impossible. You should know that quite well" I say while glancing quickly at Sebastian. "It's possible with the help of military weapons"

Karma looked at me and gave a confused look. "You think Karasuma did it?"
"I know it wasn't him...but that stupid general. It had to be that old wrinkly bastard. After all he drugged me!" I clenched my fist at the thought. I swear I'll kill him!!
"My my that isn't how a lady is supposed to speak" I heard a husky voice come from across from me. I glared at the demon.
"Shut it butler" Sebastian gave a chuckle.

Wait a minute!? Sebastian!! He can help me get Information!!

I stood up from my seat as I gasped. A few kids looked at me with confused looks. I ignored them as I walked over to Ciel. The boy raised an eyebrow as he leaned back in his chair. I rested my arms on arm rests of the chair as I looked into his eye...I gotta get used to to only looking in one eye

"You! You can order Sebastian to go get intel on the situation. He's the best person for this"
"Th hell I will. Why would I do such a thing" Ciel set his tea down as he looked at me.
"Oh come on Ciel! It's a win win situation. You can finally see why Kyoya was interested in a dead American commoner" I grinned as I used his own words. Even though I hate it; it's the truth.
I can see I got his attention "Hm oh alright fine. Sebastian you will help {Y/n} figure out what happened with her family memory loss. And report back to me first. That's an order"
Sebastian grinned as he placed a hand over his chest and gave a bow. "Yes my lord"

I rolled my eyes and gave a sigh. "Fine he can report back to you. But Sebastian I do need your assistance; this may be difficult can you handle it?"
He gave a small chuckle as he went on one knee, and took my hand as he kisses the knuckles. "Of course. What kind of butler would I be if I can't do such a task. I'm simply one hell of a butler". He smiled as he looks down at my hand.
'Man he's even hotter in person...' I should've known he can read my mind since he glanced up at me slightly; amusement can be seen in his eyes.
"Follow me. We will talk more about this"

With that I shook the thoughts of Sebastian out of my head; nodding at Ciel as he got up to follow me. Karma and Nagisa followed along since they were there when the situation happened.

I led the the boys into an office that me and Karasuma uses for plan making. "Here we will talk about the plan for you sneaking into the military of defense"

I looked around the table to see Ciel interested along with Nagisa. But Karma is glaring at Sebastian as he holds a smug on his face.

Ugh give me a break!! This might take a while....

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