Rewind (A Hamilton AU/ Hamgel...

By uhohspaghettiHOE

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Angelica Schuyler has been having a odd dreams of her sister marrying an unnamed man and him breaking her hea... More

Author's Note
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter VIX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII

Chapter V

539 16 16
By uhohspaghettiHOE

Things were getting wild in the Schuyler household. Maids and the help running around the home to bring the proper garments for the ball. Two maids ran into each other and almost dropped Elizabeth Schuyler's expensive shoes that she purchased. That would've been a disaster. All in all, everyone was bursting with excitement and panic as the day of they've been preparing for has finally arrived. The Winter's Ball. Peggy is getting her hair done, sitting to her left was Eliza with her face getting caked with makeup, a huge grin on her face from ear to ear. To her right, Angelica was standing up and getting her corset tightened with a pained expression.

"I'm so excited! We've been awaiting this day since forever! Are you excited, Peggy? What about you, Angelica? Oh gosh, what if we meet men! I might find the love of my life here! Speaking of loooove, do you think you'll get a man while we're here sisters?" Eliza said in one breath, a voice laced with pure joy

"You know me, Liza. I'm not interested in getting a man. But I'll be there to support you all the way!" Peggy answered

Eliza nodded, "That sounds fair, Angelica, are you interested in getting a suitor? One to father's liking might I add?"

Angelica looked at her sister's bright face, and couldn't help but feel sorry for, knowing what's going to happen.

"Maybe I will! I've always been a bit more re-OW! COULD YOU BE PULLING ANY TIGHTER?!-clusive. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so loud. As I was saying, I've always been a bit more reclusive. So, maybe this time I can have someone to love." She replied.

Eliza took her sister's answer to heart and looked ahead to have her make up finished. Peggy's hair was done and she stood up to get her shoes and jewelry. She locked eyes with her sister and they looked at each other, knowing what was to be done tonight. Angelica gave a sigh of sadness, or pain she didn't know which one. Eliza noticed this

"What's the matter, Angelica? We've been awaiting this ball for months now. Why aren't you excited? Do you not want to go?" Eliza inquired

"No Liz," Angelica looked at her, "I do want to go, it's just... well it's just that... I- I don't know if I'll find a man tonight! You're so beautiful and talented. I just don't measure up to you. Peggy's funny and gorgeous as well. You two are obviously the more superior sisters. That's all" Angelica swiftly lies. She felt about about lying to Eliza's face like that but she just couldn't tell her. She just couldn't

Eliza gasped and looked at her sister with sad eyes, she couldn't believe what she was hearing! Her older sister was standing here and telling her she wasn't good enough.

"Angelica Schuyler. I know you like I know my own mind, you are just as gorgeous and funny as the rest of us, maybe even more! If you think you don't measure up to us, you're entirely incorrect. You are selfless, beautiful, outspoken, and a very funny woman! Any man, or woman, I don't judge, would love to have you! So wipe that frown off your face and smile because you are good enough."

Eliza lectured her sister, with so much passion that it almost brought Angelica to tears. She couldn't help but feel guilty about whats gonna happen later tonight. She couldn't help but feel guilty about hurting her sister.

"Thank you, 'Liza," Angelica said "now run along, get ready for the ball! We're gonna have so much fun!"

Eliza giggles and ran out of the room, with her hair and makeup already finished. She was dressed up and she put on her shoes and jewelry and she was ready. Angelica, however, was nowhere near being ready and she would take a good half-hour before she was.

———time skip because I know y'all don't want to read her getting ready, so let's get to the spicy bits———

The carriage stopped at a grand dining hall in Morristown, New Jersey. The Schuyler family exited, Peggy blowing a kiss to Albert before she went, he winked at her and said he'd be back later to pick them up. As soon as the family walked in, all eyes were on them. Phillip Schuyler kissed a woman's hand, Angelica walked proudly with confidence radiating off of her, Peggy was winking and flirting with the women and men of the ball without being seen, and Eliza was hiding behind her sisters giving a shy wave from time to time.

Yes, the Schuyler's truly were the envy of all

As everyone settled into the ball, the door opened loudly and some already quite intoxicated soldiers walked in. A man with a beanie stumbles as he yelled "Ladiesss!" Angelica was standing next to her sisters and they all laughed and scoffed at this man's behavior. Another walked in with a thick French accent, who was equally intoxicated, and was yelling "Revolution! Amenez les dames au lit pour la révolution!"

Angelica's sisters gasped at this man's vulgarity. Except for Angelica, who burst out laughing. People looked at her with disgust and she heard someone whisper "She's a Schuyler? That poor man. What a truly unladylike young woman!" It took everything in her not to grab a glass of wine and hit that woman with it. Another man with a ponytail was scolding his fellow soldiers for making a fool of themselves. Peggy looked at him, astonished by his maturity. She winked at her sisters and whispered.

"Oh yes, this one's mine"

Angelica and Eliza looked at each other and smirked. Well Angelica smirked, Eliza smiled

"You have fun, Peggy..." Angelica said, knowing full well what she planned to do with that man tonight

"Yes, Peggy. Please, be safe! If he hurts you let us know!" Eliza reassured her sister

Peggy walked away, and Eliza looked at Angelica with excitement. Her eyes were wide and she looked like she was going to pop.

"Angie! She's finally getting a man! She's going to be happy! They're going to get married, have children, grow old together, I'm so excit-"

Eliza was going on and in about how happy she was that Peggy was getting a suitor, whilst Angelica looked at her whilst a confused face.

"Slow down, Eliza. What on Earth are you talking about?"

"Oh, didn't you see? She said "this one's mine!" She's obviously wanting to get closer to him, right? She wants to marry him, yes?" Eliza has the look of a child with eyes full of wonder.

That's when Angelica realized, Eliza didn't understand what Peggy meant.

"No, Eliza, she meant that he was her's for the night. Not forever. She wants to get closer to him, yes. Not emotionally, but *ahem* physically." Angelica explained as best as she could without popping Eliza's little bubble.

Eliza was very religious, thus being very sheltered. There was a lot of things she didn't know, which was shocking considering she was 23 years of age. Hell, Peggy knew more and she was a year younger than her.

"Oh- OH!" Eliza realized, or at least she thought she did "Is she more of the hug first, get acquainted later type of person?" Angelica was astonished that Eliza got hugging when Angelica said "physical"

"Yeah, that's what I meant. Hugging."

Lastly, the General of the Continental Army, George Washington, stepped in with a sort of sophistication. Everyone looked at him and applauded, but no one, except Angelica, saw him. George's right hand man. Mr. Washington picked up a glass of fine wine and raised it to the air, encouraging everyone to do the same. He was about to give a speech

"I, thank you all for letting us attend such a formal event. To begin, an update on the war. To keep it short, we're not doing very well. We are short of supplies and weapons, but we are trying our best. We will continue to persevere through our circumstances to win the war, for the people. For the country. And for the belief that we are our own people, and we can run a nation without some "king" regulating the price of tea. Raise a glass to freedom, to the revolution!"

George Washington smiled and looked down at his right hand man. "Anything to add, Hamilton?"

"PAY YOUR FUCKING TAXES!" The short man yelled, to the shock of everyone and to the embarrassment of Commander Washington. He gave a nervous laugh and said, "Everyone, please enjoy your night!" He glared at Hamilton and pulled him by his forearm outside

I looked at the events that just unfolded. I glanced at my sister to see her reaction. She was, thankfully, unfazed, meaning she didn't see a thing. Good, she didn't see Hamilton making a fool of himself. Oh god, if only she did see, maybe she would've picked someone else.

Instead Eliza scoffed, "Ugh, they should keep politics out of events like this! I wasn't even listening to Mr. Washington's speech. Do I feel bad? Yes. Do I regret doing it? No. I still raised a glass though, only out of respect." Angelica was baffled at her sister's behavior

"Eliza, this concerns you just as much as it concerns them. If we don't win this war, we'll never be free. Think about it. Our flag being burned and replaced with King George's flag? Mr. Washington bowing down at the King's feet? Every soldier, who fought; executed, enslaved, put in prison? Women never getting the rights they deserve and forced to be attachments to our husband's accomplishments and not being independent? There's more at stake than you think, Eliza. For someone so intelligent, I didn't think I'd have to explain something like this to you.

Eliza looked at her sister in endless wonder. She will never understand why her sister gets like this. Acting like she cares about politics when she has so much money and men falling at her feet. This is the last thing she should be worrying about.

"Well, if that's how you feel, then fine. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to get more wine and find a nice man to dance with!" Eliza said with her head high and a big 'hmph' following her sentence

"Wow, miss. That was quite incredible. I didn't think a woman was capable of knowing so much and having so much passion towards politics..." Angelica turned around, ready to call this man out for thinking women weren't that smart, but stopped in her tracks

It was the man of/in her dreams

The same intelligent eyes in a hunger-pang frame. She looked at him and she was trying to introduce herself but she was too caught up in her thoughts; she then realized who and where she was.

"My name is Angelica Schuyler, you are?"

"Alexander Hamilton."

"Well, Mr. Hamilton, where is your family from?"

"Please call me Alexander. No need for all these formalities. It's not relevant where I'm from, what is relevant is what I haven't done but will do. So just you wait. Just you wait Miss Schuyler. I'll go get us more drinks"

Angelica was just as smitten with him now as she was the first time she saw him in her dream. She was at a loss for words. Handsome, intelligent, ambitious. Something she could find anywhere else, but it couldn't be him. Not Alexander, because there was no one else like him. She looked behind her and saw Eliza dancing with a man, but she was looking away from him and looking at Alexander. She heard Eliza excuse herself, then she knew what was coming.

"Angelica, Angelica! I think I'm in love! Is this what love feels like, sister? Do tell me, I wouldn't really know, this doesn't happen often for me..." she whisper-shouts at a very fast pace.

"Elizabeth, calm yourself. How would father react to seeing you make a mess of yourself? You're a Schuyler sister. Act like it." Angelica scolded her.

"Angelica please, you don't truly believe that rubbish father tells us, do you?" Eliza asked with a sly tone.

She had heard these words before. A rush of déjà vu washed over as she struggled to remember what she said in her dream. Angelica decided to make something up and pretend not to know who she was talking about

"Of course I don't. What does he look like? Is he handsome?" She sounded excited, in reality Angelica was having a war inside of her mind, deciding whether or not to take him for herself saving Eliza the heartache or let Eliza be happy for a brief, shining moment. She knew what she needed to do. She made up her mind.

"Is it that one over there?" Angelica inquired

"Yes! How did you know?" Eliza asked with a blush on her cheeks

"Wait right here, I'll get him for you."

Wait what? Angelica what are you doing? She thought to herself

Angelica walked across the ballroom to fetch him for Eliza. Almost as if she had no control over herself, she realized everything was going downhill.

"Come with me, Alexander." Stop

"Where are we going?" Don't do it

"I'm about to change your life." This isn't part of the plan

"Then by all means lead the way" Don't you dare

As she walked closer with the man at her side she heard words of encouragement and words of discouragement in her brain. They were telling her two different things. She was truly dying inside as she felt her brain tear itself apart and be at war with itself

Four steps closer
Turn around

Three steps closer
Keep going

Two steps closer
You're doing the right thing

One step closer
You will be responsible for your sister's descent into depression

"We're here." Before them stood an Elizabeth Schuyler who was red in the face and was silently thanking her sister.

"I'll leave you to it." Angelica immediately went to find Peggy and tell her what happened. When she did, she found Peggy with the man, who she learned was John Laurens, and they were getting a bit steamy outside of the ballroom. In fact, they were outside in the bushes kissing and Angelica was at a loss for words. Peggy finally looked up and looked at her sister and realized she was in distress.

"Wait here, I'll be back to finish what we started." Peggy told him in a flirtatious way

Her hair was messy and her clothes were wrinkled. That's alright, she didn't really feel like showing herself anyways. Now that she was with John Laurens, everything was behind her and all she cared about was getting this beautiful man into a bedroom. Not before handling her sister first

"Angelica, what has happened. Is he yours? Did you do it? I need details!" Peggy was always one for gossip

Angelica looked into her sister's eyes and started sniveling. It then turned into sobbing and full on tears.

"Margarita , I'm a terrible sister! I let her have him, I know what's going to happen. Yet, I let it continue. This lapse in my judgment. It's inexcusable! I am disgusted with myself. I'm so ashamed of what I've done. I don't know what to say" Angelica fell to the ground and was clinging on her younger sister's dress in tears

Peggy was standing there motionless. Just staring at her sister and wondering what to say.

"A-Angelica. I know what you did was an "in the moment" decision. Don't be mad at yourself. Don't be mad at anyone. You did what you felt was right in the situation, even though it was completely wrong," Angelica have a loud wail of guilt "but you at least made her happy for a good few years. The fact you put your sister's happiness over yours, yet again, says a lot about your character and how much of a good person you are. So, applaud yourself for being a good person. It wasn't the right choice, but it made someone happy, yes?"

Peggy gave Angelica the best answer she could, since she was slightly intoxicated and in a daze due to all the fun her and John Laurens has been having. Angelica looked up at her sister from the ground. She stood up and jumped into her sister's arms, almost knocking the two of them over. They hugged for a long while and Angelica looked at her sister's face and held it with her hands with a smile

"Thank you, Peggy. Thank you"

"Anytime, sister. Now, I have some unfinished business to attend to. Laurens! You better still be there!" Peggy shouted. Angelica laughed before walking away and giving the two of them some privacy.

As she walked away, she couldn't help but review all of the events that happened tonight. She left the house, so excited for the event of the year, and now she will leave it with regret and sense of bitterness.

This was no one's fault but my own.

There was nothing I could do

I could've stopped this

You made a good choice

My choice will result in Eliza's sadness

She'll be happy for a little while

She won't be happy forever

No one is happy forever

Eliza should be

Her thoughts were jumbled together and she couldn't even recall what she was thinking because every positive thought fame with a negative one. She was slowly driving herself and insane and she couldn't take it anymore. She was pulling at her hair at this point

"Stop it! Just stop! Go away" She was yelling at no one but herself and she knew if anyone saw her she'd be in a mental institution

However, there was one thing the battlefield of a mind had in common. It was one word. A word Angelica would use often and in her mind, it has a double meaning


Author's Note: Holy shit. I have written over 3000 words in this chapter and I'm so proud of myself. I apologize for making it so long and I know probably should've split it into two parts and kept it to only 1000-2000 words but I could resist. I knew y'all would also be pissed if I did y'all like that. Knowing damn well I only post when I feel like it with no consistent upload schedule. But anyways, how are y'all? Do y'all like it so far? How do you feel about Peggy and Laurens? Do you think Angelica made the right choice? Let me know! This is setting the path for Angelica to have her do-over very soon.

Also, when I said that Angelica's mind was a war, I meant she was having a conflict with two voices in her head. Her conscience. When I said that these voices both said "congratulations" they had a double meaning. The good conscience said "congratulations, on being selfless and making your sister happy" the bad conscience said "congratulations, you have ruined you sister's life." So yeah, I wanted to clear that up so no one was confused

Thank you so much for reading all this and getting this far in my story! Comment, like, the whole shabang on this book! Thank you


Kennedy Brown❤️

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