Fairy Tail Super

By JungleFurious

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A young Saiyan has escaped from Planet Vegeta's destruction. A wormhole suddenly appeared and, instead of mee... More

Into a New World
You're Not From Around Here
Welcome to Fairy Tail and The Search For Macao!
First Day On The Job
Dear Kaby
Natsu vs. Arlic
Oshibana Station Showdown
Saiyan Against the Wind
Wrath of Lullaby

The Armored Fairy

290 6 1
By JungleFurious

It was the next morning and Natsu and Arlic were on their way back to the guild. Arlic yawned a bit as he didn't want to get up from his sleep, but he had to start the day.

After arriving at Natsu's place yesterday he realized that it wasn't the most cleanly of places. However, he has slept in worst from his time traveling the galaxy. Natsu had a spare hammock and it was pretty comfy, not as comfortable as a bed but it sufficed.

"So what do you think we'll be doing today?" Arlic asked.

"What we should do, go on a job." Natsu said simply.

"You want to do another one together?" Arlic asked.

"Of course, I mean we are team now." Natsu said with a smile.

"A team?"

"Aye." Happy said as he started explaining. "You see, wizards in guilds can go on jobs themselves, but if they want they can form a team with other wizards of the same guild. The more members, the more you have a chance of completing a difficult job."

"And we already completed a job before, so that makes us a team." Natsu said.

Arlic thought about it and smiled. "Alright then, I guess we're now a team."

Both Arlic and Natsu fistbumbed signaling the official formation of their team. To be honest, this felt pretty good for Arlic. He was never a part of any team on Planet Vegeta, but seeing as he was now trying to start a new on this world he might as well be a part of one here.

Pretty soon the arrived at the guildhall and said their greetings to everyone.

"Morning Arlic." Mira greeted as the Saiyan took a spot by the bar.

"Morning Mira, I'll just take a water." Arlic said.

"Sure thing." Mira said as she handed him a cup of water.

"Hey Arlic!" Elfman said as he sat next to him.

"Hey...you're Elfman, right?" Arlic said.

"Yeah that's me, and I've got a challenge for you." Elfman said with an eager grin.

"Oh yeah, and what's that?" Arlic said with curiosity.

"How's about you and me arm wrestle?" Elfman asked. "A true contest of strength to show our manliness."

Arlic was surprised by this, but then gained a smirk of his own. "You sure about that? It won't be easy for you."

Elfman didn't seem to waver as his right arm began to glow. When the glow died down his arm was much bigger and covered in metal. "It wouldn't be manly if it wasn't easy!"

Arlic still smiled as both of then grasped each other's hands and got themselves ready. "On your mark..." Arlic said.

"...get set..." Elfman continues.

"...GO!" They both exclaimed.

Elfman tried to put as much strength as he could, but Arlic's arm wasn't even moving a single inch. Elfman gritted his teeth as he tried to overpower the Saiyan, but Arlic wasn't even breaking a sweat.

"You doing alright there Elfman?" Arlic asked.

"This...is...nothing!" Elfman groaned out as he tried to win.

Arlic's smirk got bigger as he started to up the pressure. He started moving his hand slowly as he brought Elfman's hand down slowly. The muscle of Fairy Tail tried to push back, but it was like his hand was caught in a vice grip.

"HA!" Arlic gave one last push, sending Elfman flying.

"Whoa!" Elfman flew so hard he crashed into a table. He groaned in discomfort and his eyes were swirling.

Arlic had a guilty look on his face. "Oh crap, sorry Elfman!" He turned his head over to Mira. "Sorry about the table Mira."

Mira wasn't angry though, in fact she still kept that kindhearted smile of hers. "It's alright. These tables break all the time so we have plenty of spares."

'This happens so often they need extras?' Arlic with surprise. He knew they loved to fight a lot, but it must get really intense if they need spare furniture.

"Hey guys, how's everything go-what the heck happened to Elfman?!" Lucy shouted as when she entered she saw the aftermath of the arm wrestling incident.

"You just missed it Lucy! Elfman lost to Arlic in arm wrestling!" Natsu said while laughing.

"That was just from arm wrestling?!" Lucy exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yeah, I might of went overboard with that one." Arlic said.

Elfman got back up and had a wide smile on his face. "Are you kidding me?! That was the greatest arm wrestle I have ever had!" He patted Arlic on the shoulder, showing there was no hard feelings. "You're a real man!"

Arlic chuckled at the big guy's enthusiasm. "Man, he's full of energy."

"Well, that's my little brother for you." Mira said while giggling.

"I thought you two were related, there were similarities." Arlic said.

Natsu got up from his spot and made his way towards Lucy. "So what are you planning today Lucy?"

"Well rent is due next week, so I might as well find another job." Lucy said.

"Great, you can pick one out for us." Natsu with a smile.

"Aye. We chose the last one, so now it's your turn." Happy said.

"Why would I go on another job with you?" Lucy said angrily.

"Cause we're part of a team." Natsu said as if it was the obvious answer.

"As far as I'm concerned, our team is officially disbanded. Besides you didn't really pick me because you wanted to, you chose me because I was blonde." Lucy said bitterly as she remembered the last job.

Natsu looked at her in confusion. "Come on, that wasn't the only reason. We picked you cause you were really nice." Natsu said simply.

Lucy was stunned by those words. She looked into his eyes to see if he was just messing with her, but saw that he wasn't.

She looked down in order to hide the blush on her cheeks. "Alright...I guess we can keep our team together." Lucy said softly.

"Alright!" Natsu and Happy cheered.

"Hey Lucy, trust me when I say that you can do better than teaming up with flame brain there." Gray said, obviously striking a nerve to the dragon slayer.

"Jerk." Natsu said.

"Did you just call me a jerk, pyro!" Gray said, as he butted heads with Natsu.

"So what if I did, stripper!" Natsu countered.

"Dragon breath!"

"Popsicle head!"

"There they go again." Lucy sighed.

Out of nowhere Loke came by and held Lucy in his arms. "Why don't you join the team of love with me, Lucy." Loke said smoothly.

"Uh what?" Lucy said bashfully.

"You're just so stunningly beautiful that I have to keep my sunglasses on or I'll be blinded by your dazzling beauty." Loke said thinking his words were working.

'Girls really fall for this?' Lucy internally scoff.

Loke happened to down on at Lucy's belt and saw her Celestial Spirit keys. The moment he laid eyes on them his demeanor completely changed. "You're not a celestial wizard, are you?!" He asked as he jumped back in fright.

"Huh?" Lucy said in confusion.

"Yup, she's got fish and crabs and stuff." Happy said while chewing on a fish.

"Cruel fate why must you toy with me so?! Loke shouted in despair.

"What the hell is his problem?" Arlic mumbled to himself.

"I'm sorry, but you and I can't be together my dear!" Loke stated as he ran out the building.

"What got into him?" Lucy asked. One moment he was hitting on her, the next he was running away like she had the plague.

"Loke has a bad history with celestial wizards. Rumor has it that he dated one and it ended badly." Mira explained.

"Well I guess I should go help Lucy find a job for us." Arlic said as he got up and joined Lucy at the Request Board.

"Well Arlic, if you, Natsu, and Lucy do decide to go back another job let me know. The master is away at a conference so I'll be filling in." Mira said.

"The Magic Council? I think I heard of that before, but I don't really know it." Arlic said.

"Oh, that's right, you wouldn't know about them." Mira said as she remembered that he wasn't from their world. She then looked towards a man with a large rounded torso, wearing a white shirt and a hat. "Reedus, could you lend me a light pen?"

"Oui." Reedus replied.

After getting a strange looking pen from the man, Mira began to draw a diagram of light out of thin air. Arlic looked at it and it seemed to resemble some form of hierarchy.

"The council, Era, is the most powerful organization beneath the government in the magical world. It has ten members and it's their job to uphold all magical rules and regulations. If a wizard breaks any magical laws they would be tried by the council." Mira explained.

'Doesn't seem that complicated.' Arlic thought. While the diagram showed that this planet did have a monarchy, it seemed that it didn't have that much of an influence in certain affairs. Completely different then how things worked on Planet Vegeta.

"Then there are the different guild masters league which are local groups that work together, then the individual masters, and it's their job to pass on the decrees of the council. They also communicate with other guild masters on a regular basis. They are basically the glue that hold us together. It's a pretty stressful job." Mira continued.

"Wow, I had no idea the guilds were all so interconnected." Lucy said in awe.

Arlic then noticed a small drawing that wasn't attached to the hierarchy of guilds. "What's that small patch over there." Arlic pointed out.

"Those right there are the Dark Guilds, which exist outside of the system. They're the bad apples of the magical world and mostly focus on magical crime." Mira answered.

"Doesn't matter which planet you go to, scum are found everywhere." Arlic said bitterly.

"They sound kinda scary." Lucy said fearfully.

"Aye." Happy said in agreement.

"Say that again!" Natsu said angrily as he and Gray still butted heads.

"Fine, pyro pants!" Gray insulted.

"Icey breath!" Natsu retorted.

"What'd you say!" Gray shouted.

"Now those two have resorted to lame insults." Arlic said with a sigh.

"Those two are so immature." Lucy said.

"Guess I should go separate them." Arlic said as he got up from his seat.

He never got the chance as he, and everyone else, was drawn to the door being slammed opened. They saw Loke by the door and he looked absolutely terrified. "Bad news guys...it's Erza, she's on her way here!" Loke said fearfully.

Everyone in the entire guild completely froze in fear. Natsu and Gray, especially them, stopped their fighting and began to pale in fear.

"Wow, just mention her name and everyone freezes up." Lucy said aloud.

"Well she is the strongest female wizard we've got in Fairy Tail and more than a bit intimidating." Mira commented.

Arlic looked around and couldn't help but have a sense of déjà vu. 'It's just like back home whenever Frieza came by to see the planet.' While he doubted that she was even close to being as powerful as Frieza, she must be a skilled warrior to have this kind of response.

Everything seemed to be silent as everyone heard an audible sound of foot steps approaching the guild. Everyone didn't say a word as they knew who was approaching.

Arlic turned to see who this Erza person looked like...and his eyes widened in surprised.

A relatively tall woman with a slender figure, scarlet-red hair, brown eyes, and a serious look on her face entered the guildhall. She wore a silver armor with the emblem of Fairy Tail over on the left side her breast plate. Beneath that she wore a blue skirt and a pair of black boots that reached just below her knee caps. What was odd, however, was that she was carrying what looked like a large horn across her shoulders.

Arlic looked at her for a moment and can safely say that she was beyond beautiful. Her scarlet-red hair seemed to captivate him, before shaking his head. 'What was that just now? Why does this keep happening to me?'

"I have returned, where is Master Makarov?" Erza questioned sternly as she placed the horn on the ground.

"Wow, she's pretty." Lucy commented.

"Welcome back Erza, the master's at a conference right now." Mira said as she seemed to be the only one who wasn't shaking in fear.

"I see." Erza said in understanding.

Arlic didn't really believe Narsu and Gray when they said Erza seemed like a monster, but he was at least expecting something out of the ordinary. This girl right here seemed to be the most normal girl on the outside. It was the inside that drew his attention the most. He may not have learned how to sense power levels just yet, but he is getting there, he can tell that Erza has a lot of latent power within her. He can tell she is strong.

"So, umm...what's that giant thing you've got there, Erza?" A random guild member asked.

"It's the horn of a monster that I defeated. The locals were so thankful that they decorated it and gave it to me as a gift." She then gave the guy an aggressive look. "Do you have a problem with it?"

"No, not at all!" The guy said immediately.

"She's not anything like I imagined." Lucy said.

"Now listen up!" Erza commanded. Almost immediately, the entire guildhall stiffened as they waited for Erza to speak her peace.

Arlic looked around and was almost reminded on how a higher lever Saiyan warrior would always command respect from his crew. She seemed to be using a similar method.

"While I was on the road I heard a few things. Word is that Fairy Tail is causing nothing but trouble as of late. Master Makarov doesn't seem to care, but I most certainly do." Erza said sternly.

She then went on to reprimand every member she beloved had problems. From Cana to her drinking habits, Wakaba and his smoking, Nab who hasn't even picked a single job yet, and Vijiteer who should take his dancing outside.

'A bit stern, and a little too bossy, but I've seen worse back home.' Arlic thought as he watched Erza continuing to scold the entire guild.

"She's really tearing into everyone. It's like she's completely taken over." Lucy whispered to Arlic and Mira.

"That's Erza for ya." Happy said.

"Even if she is a little bossy, she still seems like the sanest person here. I don't get why everyone is so scared of her." Lucy said.

"I think we'll find out why as time goes on." Arlic commented.

"Are Natsu and Gray here?" Erza asked.

Arlic and the others turned towards the direction of those two in curiosity. When they did Arlic had a shocked look on his face because what he saw was just beyond bizarre. Natsu and Gray, who were shaking in fear, were holding on to each others hand in a friendly manner.

"Oh hey there Erza, we're just hangin' out like good friends tend to do." Gray said nervously.

"Aye." Natsu said, just as nervous.

"Why is Natsu talking like Happy?!" Lucy exclaimed.

"That's great, I am quite pleased to see the two of you getting along so well. However, it's only natural for even the best of friends to lock horns every once in awhile." Erza stated.

"I wouldn't say we're the best of friends..." Gray trailed off.

"Aye." Natsu said in the same tone as Gray.

"This is just too weird." Arlic said as he noted Natsu and Gray's behavior. This in turn caused Amora to giggle at his statement.

"Well it's only natural, Natsu's terrified of Erza. A few years ago he challenged her to a fight and she beat him up pretty badly. Then she found Gray with no clothes on and decided to beat him up as well." Mira explained in a cheerful manner despite the subject matter.

"That last one I can understand." Arlic said. That would explain why Gray had been so diligent in keeping his clothes on right now. Must be a personal record for him.

"She also beat up Loke for hitting on her." Mira stated.

"And I can understand that." Lucy said.

"I would've paid good money to see that." Arlic said.

"Natsu, Gray, I need you to do me a favor." Erza said suddenly.

It seemed that those words changed the atmosphere of the entire guildhall. Everyone stared at Erza in a serious manner as she has never asked anyone for a favor.

"While I was on my travels I heard something that has me troubled. Normally I would consult the master, but he isn't here and this is a matter of utmost urgency. The two of you are the strongest wizards here and I could really use your help." Erza said solemnly.

"Did that really just happened?" A random wizard asked.

"Did she really asked one two for help?" Another random wizard asked.

"We'll meet at the train tomorrow morning." Erza finished.

'Me and Natsu...' Gray thought.

'...on the same team?' Natsu thought.

"Erza, Natsu, and Gray on the same team." Mira said in awe. "This might be the most powerful team in all of Fairy Tail."

"Hey Erza, I want one other person to join us on this mission." Natsu said abruptly.

"And who might that be?" Erza asked.

Natsu pointed to Arlic as he was sitting at the bar. "This guy right here. His name's Arlic and let me tell ya, he's strong."

Erza looked towards Arlic and walked up to him. "I'm sorry that I didn't notice you there. Are you new to the guild?"

Arlic nodded. "That's right. My name is is Arlic and it's nice to meet you."

"Likewise, but before I agree to let you accompany us on this endeavor I need to ask you something." Erza's face took on a serious demeanor. "Natsu may have said it, but I want to hear it from you. Are you strong?"

Arlic stared intently at Erza in the eyes, not wavering from her intense stare. "I don't like to flaunt my strength, so all I have are my words. I can assure you that whatever mission you have in store for us, I'm strong enough to see it through."

Erza stared intently into Arlic's eyes and could definitely feel a certain strength in them. These were the eyes of someone who has seen a lot in their lifetime and has grown strong because of it.

Erza smiled and nodded her head. "Very well then Arlic. Please meet us at the train station in the morning."

Arlic smiled and nodded his head. From the subtle urgency in her voice, he could tell that this mission was something she's worried about. If he could help out anyway he can, he will.


Magnolia Train Station...

The Fairy Tail wizards requested by Erza were currently at the train station waiting for the armored wizard to arrive. Arlic was currently leaning on a pillar while Lucy and Happy sat down on a bench close by. They were currently watching Natsu and Gray doing their usual, which is them butting heads again.

"I don't see why she asked you to come along." Natsu said angrily as he stared down at Gray. "Me and Arlic alone can handle anything this mission throw at us, so why don't you go and take a hike!"

"I'm not too thrilled about being stuck on the same team as you either, but we ain't got a choice!" Gray said, just as angry.

"Shouldn't you try and stop them?" Lucy asked the young Saiyan standing by them.

"I thought Mira asked you to do that, that's why you tagged along." Happy said.

"Yeah, but I don't want to get caught in the middle of that." Lucy said as she looked towards the two rivals.

"I'm not stopping them cause they'll just keep doing it on this trip." Arlic said. "Best to let them get it out of the way early for a more smoother ride in the future."

"Sorry I'm late. I hope you weren't waiting too long." Erza said as she came walking towards them.

"No, not at all." Lucy said cheerfully.

The moment Erza came walking up to them, many of the Fairy Tail Members had different reactions. Happy seemed to continue smiling and had no reaction, Natsu and Gray stopped glaring so each other and wrapped their arms around each other while doing a stupid dance, and Lucy and Arlic simply looked at Erza with wide eyes as they saw the immense amount of luggage Erza brought with her.

"Damn that's a lot of luggage!" Arlic exclaimed.

"Aye." Happy chirped.

"I don't believe we've met before." Erza said as she walked up to Lucy.

"Yeah, I'm new to the guild. My name is Lucy and I was asked to come along by Mira." Lucy said happily.

"The more the merrier." Erza said in a friendly manner before addressing the whole group. "Now then, are we all ready to depart."

"I'm good to go." Arlic answered.

"Hey Erza, I'll go with you, but only on one condition." Natsu stated, which surprised everyone.

"Shut up." Gray whispered to the Dragon Slayer.

"Oh? Well then let's hear it." Erza said simply.

Natsu gave Erza a determined grin before answering. "I want a rematch when we get back to Fairy Tail."

This in turn surprised everyone in the group. "You got a death wish or something!" Gray quietly exclaimed.

"I'm a lot stronger than I was last time, and this time's gonna be a lot different, cuz' I'm going to beat you." Natsu said strongly as he continued to stare down Erza.

'Im confused, is he afraid of her or does he want to pick a fight with her?' Arlic thought as he couldn't understand his friend.

Erza continued to stare Natsu down until she smirked slightly. "Yes...I can tell you've improved. As to whether or not you can beat me...I suppose we'll have to wait and see."

"Oh yeah, I'm fired up now!" Natsu exclaimed as flames shot out of his mouth.


That bravado disappeared from Natsu the moment the train started moving. Natsu slumped against the seat he, Gray, and Arlic were on while Lucy, Erza, and Happy dat across from them.

'One minute he talks tough,  but the moment we ride a train he's as floppy as jello.' Arlic thought as he looked at his friends torment.

"I swear you're totally pathetic Natsu. One minute you want to pick a fight, the next you're like this." Gray taunted, knowing Natsu was too sick to retort.

"It's gotta be tough for him getting from one place to the other." Lucy said with concen.

"Don't worry he'll be fine. Why don't you come over and sit right next to me?" Erza asked.

"Aye." Natsu groaned.

'I'm guessing she wants me move.' Lucy thought with a sweatdrop.

Lucy and Natsu switched places as he was being cared for by Erza. At first, Arlic thought that she was going to use some kind of healing technique on him. What he didn't expect was for Erza to punch Natsu in the stomach, knocking him out cold.

"There, that should do it." Erza said.

"You do realize that you just knocked him out, right?" Arlic asked.

"Yeah?" Erza said curiosly as she didn't see any problem with her method.

"...Nothing." Arlic said as he learned you shouldn't be questioning the craziness.

'Maybe she's not as sane as I thought.' Lucy thought.

"Anyway, I think it's time you start filling us in. What kind of crazy mission are we going on?" Gray asked.

"Of course." Erza agreed.

Arlic listened in carefully as he could definitely tell that she was worried about something. Whatever this mission was, it's definitely got her on edge.

"I have reason to believe that the dark guild Eisenwald is up to something big. I'm not sure what it is, but it has something to do with a magical item called Lullaby." Erza explained.

"Wait, did you say Lullaby?" Arlic questioned as he felt like he's heard that word used a couple of days ago.

"You've heard of it before?" Erza asked in surprise. Arlic went on to explain about the time they got ambush by rogue wizards and tried to eat Happy, how he took them down before they could do it, and how they were taken away by an unknown party. "I see, so you ran into Eisenwald before." Erza said.

"I'm not sure they were part of the guild, but they did mention Lullaby." Gray said.

"I'm guessing someone of Eisenwald didn't want them talking to us, so they took them out of the picture." Arlic said.

"It sounds like they were members of the guild but they dropped out. Probably didn't want any part in what they were planning." Erza guessed in deep thought.

"It seems that ever since we've heard that name 'Lullaby' I've been getting a bad feeling." Arlic said with a frown.

"Allow me to explain from the beginning." Erza said as she began her tale. "I had stopped at a local pub in Oniba that was considered a gathering spot for local wizards. I overheard a conversation, and they said that they had found the location of an item called the Lullaby. One of them said they would find it and break the seal."

"Are you positive that these guys were a part of this dark guild you mentioned." Arlic asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"Yes...I can't believe I was a such a fool." Erza said as she scolded herself. "I recognized the name they said...Erigor, the ace of Eisenwald. He only accepts assassination requests, and that has earned him the title Erigor the Reaper."

"He kills for money?" Lucy said fearfully.

"When the council outlawed assassination requests, Eisenwald decided that money was more important. They broke away and have remained active ever since." Erza explained.

"Okay, I should be heading home now." Lucy said as she was shaking in fear.

"Lucy's all slimed all of a sudden." Happy stated.

"It's sweat." Lucy growled.

"How could I have been so foolish?" Erza scolded as she slammed her armored fist on Natsu's head. "If I had only recognized Erigor's name sooner I could have done something. Now we're in this situation and it's all my fault."

"Look, don't go blaming yourself for all that nonsense." Arlic said, gaining her attention. "If these guys really are as and as you say it is, them the most simple solution is to take them down, am I right?" Arlic asked with a smirk on his face.

Erza was surprised by his confidence, but then she smiled slightly as well. "Yes, I suppose you are right."

"So if I got this right, you think that Eisenwald is planning on using this Lullaby because they're planning something big and bad." Gray guessed.

Erza nodded her head. "That's right, and I'm not foolish enough totals on an entire guild by myself. This is why I asked you all for help. We're going to storm the Eisenwald guild." Erza said strongly.

Arlic smirked with anticipation. "Sounds like fun to me."

"You and I have a difference opinion on fun!" Lucy said while shaking even more.

"Wow, now she's really slimey." Happy said.

"I told you it's sweat!" Lucy growled at the cat. "Anyway, let's try and change the subject. What kind of magic do you use Erza?" Lucy asked.

"That's a good question." Erza said.

"Erza's magic is really pretty. She makes her enemies bleed a lot." Happy said cheerfully.

"Not sure if that can be defined as pretty." Arlic said.

"I don't know about that, personally I think Gray's magic is much more beautiful." Erza stated.

"What, like this?" Gray then placed host fist on top of his open palm. An icy mist surrounded his hands before he opened them up, revealing a small ice-sculpture of the Fairy Tail guild mark. "I use ice magic."

"Oh wow!" Lucy exclaimed. "Now I get why you and Natsu don't get along. He's fire and you're ice, not exactly a good combo."

"I never thought about it like that." Erza said in amusement.

"Nah, I just hate his guts." Gray said simply.

Arlic was pretty impressed by the display of magic by Gray. His attention then went back to thinking about what this Lullaby was that Eisenwald wanted. It sounded like a type of weapon. But what it can do is a complete mystery. All he knows is that they dont want any of its secrets to get out before they initiate their plan.

'If they're willing to take out members of their own guild to keep its secrets hidden...then there might be more to this mission then meets the eye.' Arlic thought to himself.


Soon everyone arrived at the Oniba station. Erza said to get to their not destination they were going to need a magic mobile. Arlic asked what a magic mobile was and she explained how it was a vehicle that requires one to drain their own magic energy for fuel.

"Finally, now we can start our mission." Erza said happily.

Arlic then noticed that they were short one wizard. "Hold up, where's Natsu?"

Just as soon as he said that, the train whistled and started to leave the station. It didn't take being a psychic to realize that Natsu was still on the train.

"There he goes." Happy muttered.

"I am such a fool. I was so busy talking that I completely forgot. Natsu hated all forms of transportation." Erza said berating herself.

"Weren't you the one that knocked him out in the first place?" Arlic said as he remembered her tactic.

Erza lowered he head in shame. "You are indeed correct. If you so wish, you may hit me for my penance."

Arlic shook his head with a sigh. "Oh quit being a drama queen." Arlic then looked forward where the train was going and took a few steps forward. "I'll go and get him."

"Wait, how are you..." Erza never got to finish speaking asphalt happened next surprised her.

Arlic was then surrounded by a blue aura and he seemed to be floating up a couple inches of the ground. He then shot off into the sky like a rocket and sped right towards the direction the train went.

Erza stared wide eyed at what has transpired before turning to the others. "What kind of magic was that?"

Before any of the two wizards could think of an answer, Happy jumped in. "That wasn't magic at all. Arlic can't use magic because he's an alien!" Happy said cheerfully.

"I don't appreciate being made a fool of, Happy." Erza said with a glare, which kind of scared Happy a bit.

"He's not lying Erza." Gray said as he stepped forward. "Look, I know it seems like complete nonsense, but let us explain."

Erza nodded her head as she waited for the two to tell her what she wanted answered about Arlic.


Natsu sat on the same seat as he was still riding the train. His face was scrunched up as he felt like his insides were doing cartwheels.

"Why...gah..does this always...bleh...happen to me." Natsu groaned in discomfort.

A young man wearing a white jacket, had a spiky black pony tail walked up to Natsu and had an arrogant smirk on his face. "Well, what do we have hear?" The guy said rudely.

'Who's this guy?' Natsu thought.

The guy then kicked Natsu right in the face and kept his foot planted there. "Don't think that just because you're in a legal guild that you're all high and mighty. You want to know what we call you guys who follow the Magic Council blindly, little flies!"

Natsu may have still felt sick, but his expression became enraged the more this guy blabbered his mouth. Natsu pushed the guy back and lit both his fists on fire.

"Touched a nerve, huh?" The guy said cruelly.

"Why you..." Natsu never got to finish as he felt like throwing up and the fire dissipated.

"Hehe, what kind of magic is that? Let me show you how it's done!" The guy then launched three shadow tendrils that slammed Natsu right in the chin, knocking him into the ground. "Not so tough now, are you?"

Before the shadow wizard could do anything else, the train came to a complete stop that caused him to fall down and face plant on the ground. Out of his jacket pocket came falling a wooden flute with a skull that had three eyes.

"What the hell was that?" The shadow wizard asked.


Oniba Station

"Ma'am, you can't just pull the emergency lever like that!" A station exclaimed as Erza was holding on to the emergency brake.

"It's for our comrade, please understand." Erza said simply.


Natsu looked to the ground and spotted the flute. "What the heck is that thing?"

The shadow wizard grabbed the flute. "Damn, he saw it!"

Before anyone else could make a move, the roof to the train exploded. Everyone looked up out of the hole that was made and spotted Arlic floating in the air with his hand glowing blue, signaling that he blasted the hole on the train.

"Hey Natsu, you okay?" Arlic asked in concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine man." Natsu answered.

"What the...who in the hell are you supposed to be?" The shadow wizard said in surprise. He then noticed the same guild mark on the guys arm as Natsu's. "So another fly has come along."

Arlic heard this and glared at the shadow wizard. "And who the hell are you supposed to be?"

"Names Kageyama, and you two are messing with Eisenwald now!" Kageyama said strongly.

"Attention all passengers, we apologize for the delay and will now continue moving the train." The loudspeaker said.

"Oh crap!" Natsu exclaimed as he felt the train beginning to move. He quickly grabbed his things at looked up towards Arlic. "Hey Arlic, we need to get out of here and catch up with Erza!"

Arlic saw Natsu run towards the window and instantly knew what he was thinking. "Wait Natsu, hold up!"

It was too late as Natsu jumped right out of the window of the moving train. It wasn't too long as Erza came driving by in the magic mobile with Lucy and Happy inside, while Gray was on the roof. As Natsu jumped out the window, his head collided right against Gray's head, causing them both to hit the ground.

Arlic growled in annoyance as he looked back between the train and his friends who exited the magic mobile. He could have chased after Kageyama, but he wanted to stick by his team. He soon floated down and next to the others.

"That hurt, you idiot!" Gray exclaimed angrily.

"Shut up, you icy stripper! Why'd you guys left me on the train?!" Natsu exclaimed.

"I'm just glad you're weren't badly injured." Erza said as she hugged him, but that caused his head to slam into her chest armor.

'That had to hurt.' Arlic thought before speaking. "So who was your new friend on the train?"

"I'm not entirely sure, but I think he was the guy who dragged away those guys who tried to eat Happy." Natsu guessed. "He said he was with Eisenwald."

Erza's expression turned to fury as she slapped Natsu hard. "You fool! That is precisely who we're looking for, how could you let the enemy escape!"

"What? This is the first I've heard of it." Natsu said in confusion as he held his cheek.

Erza was about to berate him, but Arlic placed his hand on her shoulder. "Don't you remember knocking him out so he wouldn't get motion sickness?"

Erza's eyes widened with realization before looking down and closing her eyes. "Yes...please forgive my incompetence."

"Oh quit it already." Arlic said with frustration. "What really matters is that we need to get going and catch up with those guys."

Erza nodded and made her way to the magic mobile. She stopped and turned back towards Arlic. "Gray and Lucy told me about your origins. While I can say that I am somewhat skeptical, I will trust in the master's judgment."

Arlic nodded at that. "That seems fair enough."

"So what was this guy like?" Gray asked.

"He didn't seem like a typical dark wizard." Natsu said as he remembered the encounter. "I did see that he had a strange flute with a three-eyed skull."

"A three-eyed skull?" Lucy asked with her eyes widened in fear.

"What's up Lucy?" Arlic asked.

"You look like you've seen a ghost." Happy said in concern.

"I've heard about that thing before...Lullaby...the cursed song...it's death magic!" Lucy said, sounding horrified.

"What?" Erza asked in concern.

"A cursed song? You mean like an incantation?" Gray asked.

"I'm guessing that this is one of the bad ones." Arlic stated more than asked.

"There are some deadly forms of black magic that kills whoever the curse is used on." Lucy said.

Arlic growled at this information. "And with how badly these guys worked for it, then this Lullaby must be the worst of them all."


Kunugi Station

The entire train was being ransacked by the dark guild Eisenwald. Watching them was the ace of the dark guild, Erigor the Reaper.

He was a tall man with spiky silver hair and had tattoos all over his body. The only clothing he wore was a scarf around his neck and raggedy old pants. The most distinguishable thing about him was that he carried a scythe the length of his body.

"Get everything off the train. Luggage, people, conductors, I want them all gone. Anyone tries to defy us, kill them all." Erigor ordered his men.

Kage hopped out of one of the train cars and walked towards his boss. "Well, look who's here."

"Kageyama, I heard you were coming back aboard this train. There's quite a bit of wreckage, care to tell me what happened?" Erigor asked.

"Come on, aren't you interested to see what I brought back with me?" Kage said with a smirk. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the skull flute. "I finally managed to break the seal."

"Excellent." Erigor said with wicked glee as he took hold of the flute.

"Is that it?" One of the Eisenwald members nearby asked.

"Yes, this is it men, the forbidden Lullaby. Originally it was a tool used to capture simple death curses, until the black wizard Zeref turned it into a demon flute. Now its song can kill hundreds, maybe thousands, if I so wish. And now it's all mine." Erigor said evilly.

He, along with every other member of the dark guild laughed evilly. Their dreams are about to come to fruition and no one can stop them now.


Hey everybody, here's the next chapter!

Boy did it take me awhile to write this, but now we are finally introduced to one of the most badass anime characters of all time.

So now we are starting the Lullaby arc. Nothing really much to say there, but I can say that things are definitely going to get crazy.

So without further adeu, thanks for all the support and I'll see you all next time!

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