« First Love »

By namjoonshaven

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Title- First Love Pairing- MinJoon Theme- Modern Royalty + Mafia AU © Namjoonshaven More

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1.8K 100 18
By namjoonshaven

Unexpected beginnings
4773 words
January 13, 2019

"Tell me everything you know..."
- j.hs

"Good morning everyone, my name is Kim Soo-Jin, your host for today and we're going to start off with something i think everyone has been informed. Last night popular fashion designer Kang Dae's tweet became a 'twitter moment' when he tweeted out this," The female news caster reads the designer's tweet out loud when it pops up behind her on a big screen, "You guys know i don't usually inform things myself and leave everyone in the dark until the last second but this piece of news is something i have to say...i reached out to Namjoon and asked him to be the new face of my next clothing line and...he said yes!"

"The media is raving about it, followers are going nuts, the entire thing alone wasn't something anyone expected," she goes on, "Kang Dae only specializes in women's fashion so if hes making Kim Namjoon the face of his next line...is he branching out to men's wear from now on?" she raises her brows with a silly grin on her face before laughing once she saw herself in the camera. "Noah what do you think of the whole situation?" she adds.

The camera cuts to where the weather is announced and the shows weather man smiles once the spotlight was on him, "The whole thing is, like what you said, pretty unexpected, but a lot of people are looking forward to it. Kang Dae's the reason women's fashion today is more extreme in embracing ones self to the world, if he's going into men's fashion who knows what kind of ideas he'll think about and put to reality. However," He shifts his tone, "there have been others who are against it, take a look."

Various screen shots of different tweets and posts across social media platforms were displayed in a slideshow showing disagreeing or hateful comments with Kang Dae's decision on picking Namjoon.

"Of course every celebrity gets their backlash and Kang Dae's is people accusing him for using Namjoon because he's been the hot trend recently and Namjoon's backlash being that people don't accept him easily due to his background or experience," He goes on, "Now I'm not saying these things are false nor am i saying that these accusations are far fetched, i'm in neutral ground here, arent you Soo-Jin?"

The camera cuts back over to the newscaster woman and she nods her head, thinking a moment before answering, "I would say i'm in neutral ground myself but after seeing his classmates perspectives towards Namjoon i think hes not so bad as what people make him to be."

"Your right, your absolutely right," the man agrees, "not everybody knows whats really going on behind the scenes all we can say or do now of the situation is to see how it all unravels, i mean we still haven't gotten an interview of a sort of Namjoon himself but i think its going to happen real soon. Now that hes involved with Kang Dae's project."

"Yes, yes," the newscaster nods, listening to every word, "now moving on from the topic, robberies." she changes the subject as told in the script since commentary ran longer than they thought, "robberies have increased in the last year, majority targets being technology stores-"

The flat screen TV was switched off. Namjoon's mother heaves out a sigh in the quiet home.

She momentarily sits up from the couch and paces around the living room cursing, "Namjoon...what the hell are you doing?"

"Kang Dae!" you could hear Namjoon rush out from the castle with a backpack on and his bag that he carries around all the time. the said man sees Namjoon trotting down the stairs and hopping right in front of him.

"Well, your quite dressed up." Kang Dae compliments and he notices hints of makeup applied on his face, popping out the glaze in his eyes.

"Oh," Namjoon looks down at himself, "its become a thing where the maid's here enjoy fixing me up. they're not even suppose to anymore which is kind of weird."

"they've taken a liking to you," Kang Dae pats him on the back while leading him inside his car, "after you." Namjoon bows and hops into the car with his belongings and Kang Dae notices that Namjoon was followed behind by Jimin and his close friend Hoseok.

"Don't worry your highness and Namjoon's companion-"

"did he just call me companion." Hoseok's eye twitched. 'I'm not a dog' he thinks to himself.

"he'll come back in one peace i assure you!" once Kang Dae finishes his shout he hops into the car seating next to Namjoon and he could hear a faint "i hope so" from his highness. the man smirks, nodding at the prince's direction before shutting the door and telling his driver to start up the engine.

"Are you sure about this? what if something bad happens to him?" Hoseok crosses his arms against his chest, eyeing the prince beside him.

"I've known Kang Dae long enough to know that he wouldn't try any funny business, hes trusted by my father i should trust him too," He goes while gazing over at the other, "plus with the amount of security and how he plans his where-a-bouts its hard for anybody, even the paparazzi, to track him down."

"I get that hes famous but why does he need to hide himself like a wanted man?" Hoseok grew curious.

"because, i'm not sure if you've heard of this, but the last time when he let his guard down his designs were almost stolen by an under cover model that worked for a different fashion agency. They could of tarnished his reputation if he wasn't able to deliver his work on the promised time his line was suppose to be out."

"people go through that much trouble?" Hoseok scoffs.

"quite so," Jimin's sighs through his nose, "thats why i don't involve myself in the fashion industry, avoiding their party invites and stuff. They appear nice once cameras and the spotlight are set on them but their nothing but rats wanting to ruin one another to get to the top."

"pathetic." Hoseok clicks his tongue.

"they truly are..."

It wasn't long after that Kang Dae's driver arrives at five star rated hotel that Namjoon heard a lot about. Not a lot of people can afford a night in the Deluxe Hotel, only the rich and famous from Korea or around the globe get to stay in Deluxe. He would if never thought he'd have a chance to even get near the place.

"I have a meeting to attend to soon so i cant be able to escort you inside," Kang Dae breaks the news, "just walk in and tell the front desk that i've sent you and they'll do the rest."

"i don't understand-"

"you're going to be staying here silly." Kang Dae pats him on the shoulder.

"What really!" Namjoon practically jumps from his seat.

"yes why else would i bring you here?" he goes on, "I treat my top models with upmost care, every single one of them, this is what i do."

"t-thank you so much sir!" Namjoon clutches his bag tightly, "is there any way i can repay you, i dont have a lot of money but i can try-"

"there's no need for that, no need," Kang Dae stops him from going further, "just having you as the face of my next line is enough." his smile was warm and Namjoon felt mellow inside.

he didn't realize he was staring until Kang Dae rushes him out the car or he'd be late for his meeting. He looks so tiny standing in front of the Deluxe hotel. He never thought he'd live to see the day of him even being here. Then when he walks inside, automatic doors closing behind him, he stares around in awe like a tourist in Time Square.

He didn't want to stand around looking like a sour thumb in a place where everyone he sees, walking past him or settled in the lobby, were like a completely different species of their own. Namjoon gulps down once hes standing in front of the front desk and hes greeted by a women with a simple smile.

"um...i-," calm down nerves, "Kang Dae sent me here?" he was expecting a mix-up like the people not knowing what he meant and he'd be left embarrassed for the rest of his life. He didnt expect for the woman to gasp and quickly work something out on the computer in front of her.

with a bit of fast keyboard typing and a scanning sound coming from behind the desk she reveals a plastic white card with the hotel's logo on the front and a bar code on the back.

"here's your room key sir," she hands over the key card like an offering to a god. Weird out by this, Namjoon is hesitant to take it from her. Once he does, she smiles warmly, "your room is on the left wing, there will be escorts waiting for you provided by Kang Dae himself."

"o-oh, okay thank you." Namjoon heads over to the left wing of the hotel and he asks himself, how will he know what the escorts look like. There were people walking in an out from the wing and his steps slow down as his eyes glimpse around the area. He's contemplating of going back to the front desk but two women appear before him.

they were...really gorgeous. One was a foreigner, a tall, blonde woman that was most likely american. Her wavy styled hair reached to her shoulders and the vintage glasses she had on fitted her face nicely. She had on a white short-sleeved turtle neck, a black pencil skirt, stockings and black pumps. The second woman wore the same get up but she wasn't a foreigner, she was a Korean as well with pale skin and short black hair. She was a couple inches shorter than the tall blonde and had delicate makeup unlike the blonde who's makeup was more flashy.

"h-hi." his voice his timid. They were definitely young yet older woman, in his chase, with an aura that made you feel lesser than them-intimidation was their specialty.

"you're Kim Namjoon, am i right?" the blonde woman says. he nods his head as his straightens up his posture.

she smiles, "My name is Jocelyn Gram, this is Min Byeol, we're your escorts for today." He bows his head to them with a relieving sigh, "Nice to meet you two."

"this way mister Kim." Byeol insists as she heads further in to the west wing. As the three head to his room on the elevator one of them wished to take care of his bags but he kindly declined the offer.

once the elevator reached his floor with a ding, the doors open and the blonde woman begins to speak, "Mr. Kang Dae informed us that you aren't familiar with Deluxe so once your all settled in and done with your schedule for the day we'll gladly give you a tour around the place since the two of us frequent here often. That's unless you aren't tired after today of course."

"we understand if you'd want a tour tomorrow. Today's schedule is hectic," Byeol picks up, "we're here to help you along the way so it isn't so overwhelming."

"what am i doing?" Namjoon wonders.

"you'll be able to explore around Kang Dae's company so you won't get lost there once you start working under him, and meeting his staff and other models that your possibly going to work with in the future." Byeol informs. "there's more but that's what you'll be focusing on for the day." she adds.

"have you had breakfast yet?" Jocelyn asks.

"yeah," Namjoon responds, "I've eaten."

"okay good, then all you need to do for now is take a look at your room," she says when she stops in front of a door numbered 918, "unpack and take a moment to calm yourself, you look rather nervous."

Namjoon lets out a ghost laugh, "yeah i-uh, i really am."

"don't worry, that's why we're here," Byeol pats him on the shoulder, "go ahead and scan your key card." she instructs.

He nods, moving forward to stand in front of the room door once the blonde woman stepped back. The key card was scanned and a green light accompanied by a unlocking sound was the effect of his cause. He opens the door and takes in the fresh smell of cherry blossom scented candles. The room was spacious, the bed almost the same size as the one back in the castle, larger than his own back home. It had a good view of a golf course that the hotel owned that went for miles and a large pool area with a joint water park. the interior had white and gold being its main colors and the bathroom was a good size as well, it was completely different from the hotels hes stayed in with Jungkook and his family on their occasional trips or for his soccer games during championships.

"this is so cool." Namjoon says out loud once setting down his bags on the bed. The two women look at each other with fond smiles at his reaction to the room then look back at him.

"we'll be at the lobby waiting for you once your all good here okay?" Jocelyn informs and Namjoon nods, assuring them that he remembers his way back their.

As the two ladies exit out his room, shutting the door behind them, they walk down the path they once came from. When they look a left talking to one another two other people walked passed the ladies that were heading to the elevator. One of the two people look back at the women with a smirk plastered on their lips.

"you wish to sleep with them, mister Kim?" the second person says, who was a woman wearing rather revealing attire since she had on a leather black pencil skirt, a v-neck purple crop top and simple black heels.

"i'd love to yes, but," the woman who she called sir turns his lust filled eyes from the two ladies over to her with his palm caressing her cheek, "another round with you will satisfy me just fine. Later sadly since we have more of an important task to get to."

the woman with the leather pencil skirt nods, understanding of his decisions. "What will we do first today then, mister Kim."

"just have to find a way to meet up with my brother. I have to have him forgive mother and me.." then he clicks his tongue, "and don't call me mister Kim, in public you call me Taehyung or 'babe', you play as my girlfriend, remember?"

"oh right, sorry m-" she stops herself, "i mean Taehyung."

"good," Taehyung understands, "i know you haven't been doing this for a while, your use to call me by my sir name." he switches the top when he looks over to the way the two ladies came from, "also...that blondie and sexy Japanese looking woman came from that room over there." he points over to room 918.

"the fucker that lives there was probably having a great time with those women, dont you think." he scoffs. he never would of guessed that it wasn't some old man with a ton of money, fucking young women with a passion living in room 918, but his own teen brother. It was a plot twist he'd be surprised of.

Taehyung, not dwelling longer on who was living in room 918 heads to another elevator that leads further up the building with his assistant/make-believe girlfriend. His reasoning for this is simple, his cover is a model in the public eye and for people to stay away from him instead of using him for personal gain, he had to have people believe he had a significant other. Plus if anyone tried coming onto him for whatever motive his 'girlfriend' would deal with them.

twenty minutes later and Namjoon exits out from his hotel room with his trusty bag with him. He hoped he didn't take long for Jocelyn and Byeol, though he was relieved when he noticed them in the lobby without annoyed looks on their faces.

"everything good to go?" Jocelyn says once he approaches them.

"key card with you?" Byeol lifts a brow.

"yeah," he points over to his bag, "i keep everything in here."

"good," Jocelyn starts off, "we have a car prepared to go to Kang Dae's company, lets go." as she says that the three head out from the hotel and from there on his day commences.

meanwhile Hoseok was in his borrowed room in the castle, texting Jungkook about everything that happened so far.

"how annoying.." hoseok chuckles as he lets the phone slip from his hands. He wanted to take a shower soon enough and head out somewhere because even though it was cool living inside a huge castle he didn't have much to do.

he gets up from his bed stretching out his limbs and heads straight to the bathroom. He momentarily stops himself from taking off his shirt when he noticed there wasn't any towels. Like at all. He remembered having some last night. Probably one of the maids entered in his room earlier in the morning to swap them with new ones while he was with Namjoon seeing him off with Kang Dae.

he wonders if its a good idea to look around and find a maid or maid's cart with fresh towels. It wasn't like he was lazy to do so, it would pass time, the shower would too. He didn't want to wait long for a maid to come in for new ones so with a brief sigh he motions out the front door of his bedroom.

he roams around the halls still not finding a maid or cart in site until he takes a right and notices a maid's cart at the end of he hall. He marches over and feels accomplished with himself when he collects up the fresh stack of towels laid nicely atop the cart.

"your highness, do think clearly about the situation-" that was Khan's voice, Hoseok could tell and he was rather concerned with how troubled he sounded. Then again he always sounds troubled since he stutters a lot and quite timid for such a big guy but for some reason this was different.

He noticed how at the end of the hallway he was in, lead to another one. As he creeps closer, keeping his head out just slightly, he noticed that it was Khan talking to...the King. he starts to eavesdrop on the conversation, wondering where it would lead to.

"I am thinking clearly Khan, are you trying to go against my orders?" the king voice sounded threatening and Khan feels pressure on his shoulders.

"no of course not your highness but, this isn't the way to go," he tries to reason, "there trip is suppose to have them bond together, to have a good time and get to know one another. If things all go well for them i assure you they'll be fond of-"

"and if things don't go well?" The king interrupts.

"it will," Khan reassures, "have faith in your son."

"oh, i do have faith in my son, that doesn't mean that i have faith in Namjoon," King Park continues, "what if that boy doesn't cooperate and doesn't take my son's hand in marriage? everything that's happening right now will turn into waste."

"what?" Hoseok whispers to himself as he hears some more.

"y-your highness-"

"enough." the king holds up his hand, refraining the other to speak. "Namjoon needs to have a mentality that Jimin is the only one he can depend on, that he's the only one that he should trust and be beside with for the rest of his life."

"manipulation isn't the answer, he's too young to go through-"

"i said enough, you should know by now it means you don't have a say," the king snaps, "time shouldn't be wasted. your dismissed."

Khan was furious on the inside but was he brave enough to go back on the king's word and risk everything...no he wasn't. "yes, your highness..." he wouldn't stand a chance against the ruler and so he turns away, walking off from the king's presence as he did the same.

Then when Khan takes a turn to the corner where Hoseok was creeping at, he felt his body being yanked harshly to the side and smashes against the walls. Unable to catch his breath at the feeling of his neck being strangled from Hoseok's arm pressing against it. He willingly had his hands in the air, pleading for dear life but Hoseok wasn't going to let him slip by.

"tell me everything you know." it was an order, one that Khan felt that if he didn't follow he'd regret for the rest of his life. The fear he had just by looking into Hoseok's anger filled eyes was too much for him. He was powerless, that he knew.

"whoa.." Namjoon was in awe. The car he was in took him to Kang Dae's company tower and it was way bigger than he imagined it be. He's seen google images of it sure, but it was mind blowing how small he was compared to the place. "this is so cool!" his smile was quite vibrant.

"are you going to be in the car forever?" Jocelyn pokes fun at the teen, adoring his reaction towards the building. Namjoon didn't realize he was staring so much and he felt flustered once he hopped out the car.

for two hours he spent his time exploring the building, meeting people who worked under Kang Dae. He was able to entire in the man's office as well, staring in awe at the boards filled with designs hes already created or are possibly in the process of being made in the future, along with colorful sticky notes scattered around. It was about time for him to meet models that he'd be associated with in the future but he was given a little leisure time at the lounge area where all the workers went for lunch break.

he sat himself down at a table with a plate of deserts he got from a catering table close by the entrance and a glass of milk. He was a sucker for sweats and even though their were other tables filled with healthier food or full course meals he wouldn't pass up an opportunity to snatch a couple of donuts or more. He took a bite out of a glazed one as he was casually scrolling through his socials when suddenly he felt pairs of eyes set on him. Glimpsing around the room he guessed right, seeing that their was a group of workers glancing at him. They weren't the only ones, their was a pair of women who were whispering at each other aiming their talk about him, a single man sipping his coffee who jumped when Namjoon made eye contact with him.

he was rather uncomfortable and anxious, not knowing what they are talking out or what their thinking about him- it could be something awful. Namjoon tries not to let it get to him, his focus locked on his deserts but every time he tries to he feels all the more paranoid of all eyes being aimed at him. That sort of attention of being the main topic wasn't the worst, but in this situation it felt like it was. He just waited and waited, feeling all the more smaller in his seat by the second for Jocelyn or Byeol or anyone to just pick him up already and take him somewhere unfamiliar again. Then, when thirty minutes felt like years, he heard Byeol's voice call out in the lounge.

"Namjoon?" she says and he quickly gets up from his table, already cleaned, and quickly walks over to her. "Ah, there you are. Did you have time to eat without a rush?"

"yeah, i only ate deserts." he smiles as slings on his bag again.

she chuckles before escorting him out the lounge, "sweets as lunch isn't healthy, now that you're a model you should refrain from eating too much fatty foods. then again i guess it wouldn't matter much, Kang Dae did mentioned you have a fast metabolism."

"it's not the best...i'm constantly hungry when i don't need to be." he knew that much.

"even so, we should help your cravings become more favorable towards healthier foods like broccoli." she recommends and Namjoon's face crinkles.

"alone no, but broccoli mixed with shrimp dipped in sauce from the grand buffet, sign me in." his mouth practically waters and, wow. He's hungry again. Byeol laughs at his words, he was a lot more..different from what she pictured him to be. He didn't act like a mob boss's son at all he was like every other normal teenage boy.

if she was being honest, she had fears herself towards him. After all the crazy news of the mafia boss's son needing to get married with the prince of Busan was something no body would expect- it was like a movie plot brought to life. In the beginning of it all she thought it was ridiculous how many people supported the boy, going on his side for obvious reasons. He was a normal student at a public school who was captain of the soccer team- crazy good with his kicks. Another factor was that he was a minor, just a teen with a face you wouldn't deem harmless- say quite cute calming to look at. His image and who he was as a student made him look innocent and, again from the start of it all, she thought it was bullshit. She was one of the second large group that feared him, hated the idea of a boss's son ruling side by side with the prince. She thought he would corrupt everything in the system and lead Korea in its most prospering times to its dreadful downfall. Terrorize the many countries and beautiful cities, create a name to prove something, anything - she was just afraid. Just like the many others who are against him. Against Namjoon.

Then, when she heard from her boss Kang that he wanted the boy to be his model because he was his 'muse', she couldn't believe it. Suddenly given orders too, to be an escort for the boy's first day..she thought it was some kind of haunting nightmare. The entire time she was waiting along side Jocelyn at Deluxe hotel's lobby her body was on edge. Having dreadful scenarios of what Namjoon's personality would be like. Thinking he was an asshole who'd curse like an animal or have a dead look in the eye being dangerously mysterious or a perverted powerhouse.

all the scenarios she had of him vanished once she took one good look at him looking like some lost puppy in an unfamiliar place, like it was all new to him. Byeol at the time thought maybe was an act, of course a boss's son would be familiar with luxury and other unmentioned crimes or acts- for sure the whole regular high school student image was phony.

looking back at those thoughts makes her seem like a complete idiot. The entire time being with Namjoon for hours made her realize that she was just paranoid. He was just...a teenage boy who rambled a lot when he was clearly nervous meeting new people. Cracked jokes to lift the mood and make himself more comfortable in a situation. Fond over the most simplest of things like a tiny cactus displayed on one of the workers desks he passed by. Asks questions not a lot of people pay attention for. Had a sweet tooth, especially for chocolate sprinkled donuts. Actually, he wasn't just a teenage boy, he was unique - that's what he was. Has a smile with the brightest of white teeth, but the smile brings out the best in people, that she noticed. Possibly has a heart of gold.

yeah, the image she had on him was different after all. If only the the people who thought the same way as here before would see it too...

« 14 »

[any mistakes? Point them out! Thank you]

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