Trapped Soul

By LololovaX

39.4K 1.3K 124

Kate Beckett is a homeless woman in her twenties and one day a man stumbles across her. Richard Castle can't... More

Chapter 1 - Screw you
Chapter 2 - My Roof... Mine!
Chapter 3 - Please Stay
Chapter 4 - Running Away
Chapter 5 - Not Going Anywhere
Chapter 6 - Too Much
Chapter 7 - Motherly Talk
Chapter 8 - Late Night
Chapter 10 - Better For Real
Chapter 11 - Alone & Cold
Chapter 12 - Secrets
Chapter 13 - News
Chapter 14 - Hunted
Chapter 15 - Surprise
Chapter 16 - Update
Chapter 17 - A day off
Chapter 18 - Fright
Chapter 19 - Endless Walking
Chapter 20 - Someplace Safe
Chapter 21 - Something Left Behind
Chapter 22 - A New Friend
Chapter 23 - Heat & Deep
Chapter 24 - Elephants With Memories
Chapter 25 - Flashing
Chapter 26 - Trapped Inside
Chapter 27 - Waking up
Chapter 28 - Hospital
Chapter 29 - Homewelcome
Chapter 30 - Preparing
Chapter 31 - Night Surprise (final chapter)

Chapter 9 - The Grip Of Death

1.2K 45 6
By LololovaX

I sat down in the couch waiting for Rick to come back from the bathroom. He had told me to stay there so he could go take a shower and then he would come back and we could continue watching movies for the rest of the day. He had been in there for forever so I decided to go check if he was alright.

"Rick?" I asked before pushing his bedroom door open.

No one was to be seen so I took a few steps inside. Once I was in I didn't know what to do or where to go. I couldn't hear the shower so he couldn't still be in there. I went over to the bed and touched the covers softly with the tips of my fingers. I heard a dull thump and I jumped at the sound turning towards it. I saw Rick stand in the opening to the bathroom and he had just dropped his boxers on the ground. To my relief he had his towel around him. A small part of me was disappointed and I couldn't figure why.

"Kate?" he said and I blushed hard.

I turned around to give him his privacy and I could hear him pick up his boxers. He started moving around behind me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't... think you were still... in the shower" I stuttered.

Keep it together Kate! I tried not to think too much about the abs I had seen on his stomach. About how wet his hair was. How beautiful he looked.

"It's okay. I'm done" he said and I turned around to find him still without a shirt.

Was he trying to kill me? Couldn't he see the desire I had in my eyes? Or maybe he could see it and just enjoyed teasing me. I couldn't stop staring at him with wide eyes. He got closer, one step at a time. When he was close enough his hand slowly touched my cheek and I felt something shoot through our touch. I looked into his eyes and they mirrored mine. Hunger. Desire. Heat. He bent down a little, not much but enough to make our breaths touch the other's face. His breath was hot and it felt nice blowing on my face. His lips were so close. Only inches away from my own. There was an invisible tension between us. His blue eyes were staring into mine and it was like we could see into each other's souls. He bent down a little further but not enough to let our lips touch. It was starting to frustrate me. I wanted him. Badly. And I could see in his eyes that he wanted me too. I decided to break the beautiful silence.

"Kiss me" I whispered and I could see something sparkle in his eyes.

He bent down further and I closed my eyes as his lips touched mine. It was just a small peck. I looked up at him and he looked down at me with question in his eyes. I stepped on my toes and let our lips touch again. At first he was surprised but almost immediately started to move his lips against mine. I laid my hands in his wet hair and played with it around my fingers. I felt his hands land on my hips and he held me close to him. His tongue brushed across my under lip and without a doubt I parted my lips. Our tongues met and danced together. The heat in the room raised and my heartbeat was racing in my chest. I moaned and I felt his body stiffening against mine. I felt something disturbing the peace in his pants against me. I put my arms around his waist and dragged him with me while I stepped backwards to the bed. I let the bed trip me down and he followed me, landing on top of me. His body moved against mine and I slid my hands over his chest. His hands travelled down my body and slipped under my shirt. His touch was electrifying and pleasant bullets shot through every inch he touched. We pulled away our lips so he could pull my shirt over my head. The split second the shirt was out of the way he crashed his lips back to mine. His bulge was moving against me and couldn't help but put my legs around him. Not to stop him, definitely not to stop him. But more to make it possible for him to get closer to me. He stopped kissing my lips and kissed his way down to my ear, where he gently bit it. I growled and he kissed my neck. He kissed my pulse, making my heart beat harder.

"So there's someone else you love" a man's voice came out of nowhere.

I pulled away from Rick and saw him. Senator William Bracken. The murderer of my mother's death. The reason I had to hide as a homeless. The monster of my nightmares.

"How did you find me?" I asked, trying to hide the fear in my voice that was so clear in my eyes.

"That was the easy part. I just let this fool find you in the right time. He accepted the money to help you and now he's going to do the job for me" Bracken said with a big, evil smirk on his face.

I looked at Rick who looked down with a small hint of shame which disappeared the second he looked up at me.

"Rick?" my voice was weak and it cracked.

"A job is a job. You seemed to find me attractive and what better excuse could there be to have a little fun before finishing the job?" he said and I could feel my heart ache before it broke.

"How could you?" I sobbed.

I got up from the bed in a try to get away from him. He didn't follow, he knew I couldn't get away, Bracken stood in front of the only exit.

"Mr. Castle, finish the job. There's no need to continue this ridiculous hunt" Bracken said and Rick jumped up from the bed.

He went to one of his drawers and opened it. He reached down and pulled out a gun. I tried to think, I really tried, but I couldn't come up with a plan to escape. I was too occupied trying to understand the fact that the person who seemed so sweet on the outside and who helped me wasn't who he said he was. I had thought he was real. I had thought he was the light in my life. I had thought so much. Now it seemed to be that none of it was true. Rick pointed the gun at me and I let my tears fall down my cheeks.

"Kate?" Rick said with his sweet voice and I looked at him. "Don't take it personally" he said and I looked at him with angry eyes.

I closed my eyes and when I heard the gunshot I screamed. Out of fear. Out of rage. Out of sadness.

"Kate!" I could still hear his voice as the darkness took over.

He repeated my name over and over, each time it sounded more and more desperate. As though he didn't mean it, like he was trying to wake me up. Wake me up?

I shot up in sitting position in the unfamiliar bedroom and I looked around. Rick sat on my right side on the bed and he looked at me with great concern. It was a dream. A nightmare. My breathing slowed down and I felt the sweat in my forehead. My heartbeating slowed down too and I took a calming, deep breath.

"You okay?" Rick asked and I remembered he was close to me.

I pulled away from him and it resulted with me laying on the floor beside the bed. Rick tried to catch me but I just pulled away further. I crawled backwards on the floor away from him. He stopped in his movements and looked at me with a face filled with emotion. I could still see the concern in his eyes but there was also something else. He was hurt. Hurt by the way I'd pulled away. I felt the wall hit my back and I could feel my eyes start watering. Rick slowly slipped down from the bed landing on the floor a few meters away from me.

"I'm not going to hurt you, do you remember me?" he asked but stayed on the same spot.

I didn't know what to believe. I thought I knew him but he could be working with Bracken. I hadn't had the thought before the dream but that could be it. That could be why he was so nice to me.

"Please, Kate? Do you remember anything about yesterday? I want to help you. I won't hurt you in any way. Please, you have to trust me. If you want I can stay here, and never touch you but please, don't be afraid of me" he said and I started to doubt my nightmare.

Then I remembered the other part of the dream and I looked at him with widened eyes before my head shot down to my knees in embarrassment. I felt my cheeks getting hot and in my vision I could see Rick slowly come closer to me.

"I had a nightmare, that's all" I whispered and I wasn't sure if he could hear me.

"Yeah, I figured. But whatever it was about I'm here, you can talk to me. I'm not dangerous" he said and he was only one meter away.

He stayed and sat down to show me he wasn't going to go any closer. I didn't want to look up at him because if I did I might have told him the whole dream and that was something I most definitely did not want to do. Just remembering it was embarrassing. I blushed and I swear I had never felt this way before. If I had dreamt about it there must be some part of me that really wants it to happen. Not the Bracken part, that was probably just fear from everything that had happened, but the other part. The part were we kissed.

"Why do you keep blushing more and more?" Rick asked and I looked up at him.

I got stuck in his eyes and had to snap myself out of it.

"I don't wanna talk about it" I simply whispered and he nodded.

"I can live with that. What I can't live with is the fear you have in your eyes right now" he said and I bit my lip.

A tear rolled down my cheek and he reached out to wipe it away. He moved slow in case I would want to pull away. I let him wipe it and his thumb against my cheek was comforting. I crawled closer to him and snuggled into his side. I could tell by his body language that he was surprise by the sudden contact but he put his arms around me and held onto me. At first I could feel him leaning his head on mine but after a while I felt him shift a little and I could feel his lips touch my hair. Which reminded me of the feelings I'd had in my dream. I started to realize that I was not only sad because I didn't know if I could trust him or not and because of the sad part of the dream. I was also sad because the other, nicer part, was not true and would never happen. I couldn't help but sob a bit.

"Schh, you're okay, nothing's gonna happen to you. I'll make sure of that" Rick hushed me and kissed the top of my head again.

I looked up at him, catching his eyes in mine. We stared at each other for a moment and I couldn't help but let my eyes flinch between his lips and back to his eyes. I could see he noticed the change. I felt a tension raising in my body I hadn't felt before, at least not for as far as I could remember. In synchronization we both moved closer. I stopped inches away from his mouth and he sensed my hesitation. He stopped too but none of us pulled away, I could feel his hot breath agains my face and I wanted to kiss him so badly. Like I had in my dream. I looked into his eyes again and saw the desire that mirrored mine. That was it. I couldn't take it anymore. The tension between us was too much for me to handle. I closed the last inches between us to let our lips touch.

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