RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) E...

By HyperKabuto264

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This is inspired by Nehpetssanders. He owns Wattpad and especially DeviantART. After seeing his inserts, I fe... More

Shadow Wrath's Abilities, Weapons and Accessories
Red Trailer
White Trailer
Black Trailer
Yellow Trailer
Volume 1 Opening
Volume 1: Ruby Rose
Volume 1: The Shining Beacon
Volume 1: The Shining Beacon (Part 2)
Volume 1: The First Step
Volume 1: The First Step (Part 2)
Volume 1: The Emerald Forest
Volume 1: The Emerald Forest (Part 2)
Volume 1: Players and Pieces
Volume 1: The Badge and The Burden
Volume 1: The Badge and The Burden (Part 2)
Volume 1: Jaunedice
Volume 1: Jaunedice (Part 2)
Volume 1: Forever Fall
Volume 1: Forever Fall (Part 2)
Volume 1: The Nightmare Grimm Strikes
Volume 1: The Stray
Volume 1: Black and White
Volume 1: The Nightmare has Weiss?!?!
Volume 1: The Nightmare Hunters Arrive
Volume 1: Atlas's Most Crucial & Important Relic..... The Beta Spark
Volume 1: A New Day Begins
Special Episode: Got away with it by a Pardon
Special Episode: One Down, Three to go
BONUS Volume 1 Episode: A Gift from an Unknown Ally
Volume 2 Opening
Volume 2: Best Day Ever
Volume 2: Welcome to Beacon
Volume 2: A Minor Hiccup
Volume 2: Painting the Town...
Volume 2: Extracurricular
Volume 2: Burning the Candle
Volume 2: Dance Dance Infiltration
Volume 2: Field Trip
Volume 2: Search and Destroy
Volume 2: Mountain Glenn
Volume 2: No Brakes
Volume 2: Breach
Volume 2: Build Tenma Tribe -vs- Team CRDL (PART 1)
Beacon's Secret
Special Episode: "Lovely Ca"-Tastrophe
Special Episode: Visiting an Old Friend
Special Episode: Build Tenma Tribe and Team STRM meet up
A Halloween SPECIAL (2018) (Part 1)
A Halloween SPECIAL (2018) (Part 2)
A Halloween SPECIAL (2018) (Part 3, FINAL)
Special Episode: Two Down, Two to go
Volume 3 Opening
Volume 3: Round One
Volume 3: New Challengers...
Volume 3: It's Brawl in the Family
Volume 3: Lessons Learned
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 1)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 2)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 3)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 4)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 5)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 6)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 7)
Volume 3: Never Miss a Beat
Volume 3: Fall (Part 2)
Volume 3: Fall (Part 3)
Volume 3: Destiny
Volume 3: PvP
Volume 3: Battle of Beacon
Volume 3: Heroes and Monsters
Volume 3: End of the Beginning
Plans for Vol. 4, 5 and Upcoming Seasons, Crossovers & Franchise
Special Episode: Lupinranger vs Patranger & Evol's surprise Deal
Special Episode: Gladiator Tyrant's leader (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: Shadow's Request (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: The History behind the Relic (New Gen. Beta Spark)
Special Episode: Three down, One to go
Volumes 4 and 5 Trailers
Volume 4: Character Short
Volume 4 Opening
Volume 4: The Next Step
Volume 4: Remembrance
Volume 4: Runaways and Stoaways
Volume 4: Family
Volume 4: Menagerie
Volume 4: Tipping Point
Volume 4: Punished
Volume 4: Returning what's from the Past (Special SHORT Episode)
Volume 4: A much Needed Talk
Volume 4: Two Steps Foward, Two Steps Back
Volume 4: Kuroyuri
Volume 4: Taking Control
Volume 4: No Safe Haven
Volume 4: Momma's Boy
Special Episode: The Letter (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: Orochi's Identity and Meet up with Qrow
Special Episode: Orochi Tenma's latest creation (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: The Visitation of the Six Ancient
Special Episode: Drazen's Super Weapon (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: The Secret & The Novice He/She Seeks
Volume 5: Tenka Kaito Character Short
Volume 5: Rachel Claws Character Short
Volume 5: Mitchell Striker Character Short
Volume 5 Opening
Volume 5: Welcome to Haven
Volume 5: Dread in the Air
Volume 5: Unforeseen Complications
Volume 5: Lighting the Fire
Volume 5: Necessary Sacrifice
Volume 5: Known by its Song
Volume 5: Rest and Resolutions
Volume 5: Alone Together
Volume 5: A Perfect Storm
OC sneak peaks PART 1
Volume 5: True Colours
OC Sneak peaks PART 2
OC Sneak peaks PART 3
Volume 5: The More The Merrier
Volume 5: A Silver-Eye Comfrontation
Volume 5: The Vault of the Spring Maiden
Volume 5: Wizard of Oz, Fire & Ice vs Brute Force
Volume 5: Downfall
Volume 5: The Battle rages on
Volume 5: Haven's Fate
Volume 5: A much Needed Talk, again...
Volume 5: The Chosen wielding the Power of Fire and Ice
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 1)
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 2)
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 3)
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 4)
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 6 - Epilogue)
Volume 5: A Huntress or Grimm???
Volume 5: The Infinity War Begins (AVENGERS: INFINITY WARS SPECIAL) (PART 1)
Volume 5: The Infinity War Begins (AVENGERS: INFINITY WARS SPECIAL) (PART 2.1)
Volume 5: The Infinity War Begins (AVENGERS: INFINITY WARS SPECIAL) (PART 2.2)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 1)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 2)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 3)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 4)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 5)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 6)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 7 - Epilogue)
Special Episode: 'Hiro -vs- Adam' & 'A Gift Beyond Death'
Special Episode: The MUTEKI Gauntlet
Special Episode: A short Trip with Hebikura to claim the Titan Gauntlet
Special Episode: A short Trip with Hebikura to claim the Titan Gauntlet (PART 2)
SPECIAL Episode: Genm's Ultimate Weapon to surpass Salem (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: Special Training
Special Episode: The SECRET Behind STRM Combination
Special Episode: The Secret's Out
Special Episode: The Swan Song
Special Episode: The God of Remnant's UNKNOWN Golden Semblance
Special Episode: Four down, ALL are Gathered
Special Episode: The Remnant Beyond Duo & The "Mercury"-ium Servant
Epilogue: Saving Remnant... is my Desire Grand Prix

Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 5)

119 10 18
By HyperKabuto264

Hey everyone! WELCOME to the FINAL, and yet the eighteenth episode of the FIFTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose, PART 5! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

As if right on queue, a Battleship with a Golden Mace-like Ship on it slowly descends towards the crowd, to their surprise but, to Mega Grigio Empress's amusement as he knew he would see this coming as he formerly greeting the ship.

(A/N: Battle orion Ship.)

Mega Grigio Empress (Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Metal & Grigio): (Chuckling) Well, if it isn't my oldest enemy from the Kyutama Galaxy, Orion Battler. I see you made some modifications of your own.

Battle Orion Ship (Orion's Voice): I'm STANDING RIGHT BEFORE YOU, DON ARMAGE!!!!!!!


When I looked at the ship as I asked the ship which is like the weirdest thing I have ever done.

Me: Wait, you know him???

Battle Orion Ship (Orion's Voice): Yes. He is the ruler of the Space Shogunate Jark Matter. He is an enigmatic being who seeks to destroy the universe and recreate it more to his liking. 

Battle Orion Ship (???'s Voice): Yeah! We were lucky last time when we defeated him. Now we're lucky again to beat him again!

Me/Ruby: And you are???

Battle Orion Ship (???'s Voice): I am Lucky! The luckiest man in the Universe! My team and I have been called upon by Trinity Prime for an important mission. And looks like we are lucky to help you guys out. Talk about lucky!

Me: Okay. 

Ruby: Good to know.














(A/N: Battle Orion Ship's Hangar consisting all of the Voyagers inside.)


Battle Orion Ship (??? 2's Voice): Leeeeeeet's TAKE OFF!!


We all watched as every single voyager mechs came out from Orion's Hangar as Orion's hangar opened up for all the voyagers to be deployed out of the ship after the Kyutamas aka, the cockpits are placed into each individual specific Voyagers.

Lucky: Let's Combine!

Voyager Pilots: Yeah!!!!


Then, we all witness as the so called, Shishi Voyager and Houou Voyager combined together with the Station and Base as the other kyutamas dettached from their specific voyagers as they merged with the combined Voyagers, while forming up into a huge mech to my amazement.


(A/N: Kyutamajin.)


And to our shock as well, we saw the battleship transform into a robot that is as high as Kyutamajin as the golden ship turned into his right arm and mace-like gatling gun.

(A/N: Orion Battler.)


Me: So, that's Orion's true form?

Lucky: Yup!

Me: Cool.

Good Cool Kaiser VSX: So, you're Kyutamajin and Orion Battler? Nice.

Orion Battler (Lucky): Yep. Commander Shou! Let's do this!

Kyutamajin (Shou Ronpo): Yes! Kyurangers, Let's go!

Kyutamajin (All pilots): Yes, Commander!

Good Cool Kaiser VSX (All pilots): Shadow, let's go!!

Me: Alright!! Let's do this!!!

And with that, Kyutamajin, Orion Battler and Good Cool Kaiser VSX advanced towards Mega Grigio Empress as their battle began. Just as I was about to join in the fight, Trinity Prime grabbed my left combiner shoulder as I looked back, puzzled.

Me: Trinity? What's wrong?

Trinity: You.... too, have the Enigma of Combination????

Me: ... well, if you are talking about my semblance, .... yes.

Trinity: Kieron Prime has said a lot of things about you. About how you enhanced his Enigma of Combination, and how you enhanced yours as well.

Me: Oh, he told you that, didn't he?

Trinity: Yes. And since you enhanced your semblance as well, you have just unlocked another enhancement to your semblance.

When I heard this, my eyes widened to his response as I asked further.

Me: Really? What is it?

Trinity: You will be able to Combine with other combiners to form a new combiner made of many other components.

Me: And I call that awesome. So, how do we do this?

Trinity: Well, you know the drill.

He said as I watched him leave me to follow Kieron to charge towards the battlefield. As I watched them join in the fight, I looked at myself as my Team began to ask, including Zero.

Rachel (Left Arm): So, since you enhanced his Enigma of Combination and you enhanced your semblance at the same time, you get to combine any Team Combiner at will?

Mitchell (Right Arm): Like Team JEWL's Combiner?

Me: Well, yes.

Zero Dragfall (Right Arm - Strike Mode): No wonder I am now combined to you. Your other semblance is now enhanced to a whole new level.

Tenka (Legs): Which is why I have an idea. Get Tailor and JEWL here. And combine with them.

Me: Tenka, I like the way you think. Time to do some Heavy-lifting!

I implied to my team and Zero as I ran towards JEWL Combination and Tailor to tell them something which is out of this world.


JEWL Combination: Oh?

Tailor: What assistance would you need?

Me: My semblance has unlocked something.

When they heard the news, their eyes widened as they are curious what powers I have unlocked at this time of the battle.

Tailor: Well, better late than never.

JEWL Combination: So, what power is it???

Me: I can combine any combiner in my free will to accelerate mycombiner and yours. 

JEWL Combination: Wait? REALLY???

Tailor: Cool...

Me: However, it requires everyone's semblance to be activated. And it is not just that, it's got to be a lot of it to be activated.

JEWL Combination: Then count us in!!!

Tailor: Me too!!!

Me: Okay... that was quick of a decision. Now, let's do this.

I said as we all activated our semblances causing them to shine brightly to commence the combination made of two combiners and two allies we met back at the city. While the bright light blinded us, we soon sensed that we began to change while combining into a huge combiner.


Kieron's POV:

(A/N: Music starts here.)

Kyutamajin, Orion Battler, Good Cool Kaiser VSX, Trinity Prime and I dodged all of Mega Grigio Empress's Rapid Fire Cannons as we prepped our weapons, ready for combat. Kyutamajin ran towards the Elemental Grigio first as he dodged the last remains of Grigio's Rapid Fire Cannons while giving its right shoulder cannon a good swat with its right Rocket Booster-like arm and blasted the monster away by Rocket Boosting him with its left Rocket Booster-like arm. 

Orion tagged in next as he swung and swayed his Golden Weapon around, hitting the monster in the chest and in the face a few times. He soon smashed it by its horn, and just he is about to do so again, Grigio grabbed his weapon while grabbing his shoulder soon after while speaking to him.

Mega Grigio Empress (Grigio): I know I was formerly Don Armage! But now thanks to Gold-Warrior and his Fusion Technology and TACKYON ENERGY--*

Mega Grigio Empress (Fire): *--you--*

Mega Grigio Empress (Eath): *--will--*

Mega Grigio Empress (Water): *--Call usssss--*

Mega Grigio Empress (Wind): *--by oouur--*

Mega Grigio Empress (Metal): *--NEW NAME!!! WE . ARE .--*

Mega Grigio Empress (Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Metal, Grigio): *--MEGA GRIGIO EMPRESS!!!!!!!

Orion Battler: Hmph!!! A multitude fusion made out of monsters and alien lifeforms?! A fitting name for a beast like you!!

Orion Battler (Lucky): And holding our weapon like that, is a bad move!

Mega Grigio Empress: ??? WHAT!?!?!

Orion Battler: Allow me!!! (Shift my mace to its stomach so that its five barrels at the tip of my weapon are pointing at its stomach) TO DEMONSTRATE!!!

He yells as he blasts rapid fire projectiles from the tip of his weapon, causing Grigio to take many steps back and to screech in pain due to that sneak attack Orion Battler just did. As Orion Battler took a few steps back to recuperate, Grigio stood back up once more, enraged by his sneak attack as he charged towards him but, his attack was soon intervened by Good Cool Kaiser VSX as he blocked his path by ramming into it as it tried his best to not let it go near Orion Battler and Kyutamajin.

As Good CoolKaiser VSX struggled to hold it off, it used its Blue and Yellow Dial Fighter arms to Rapid fire and saw the monster's head and eyes, making Grigio's vision to blur. While their fight was going well, Trinity and I looked at each other as we returned smiles and smirks on our faces, knowing that we both have the same.

Me: You wanna go for a spin?

Trinity: Let's do this!!!

Me & Trinity: Let's GO PRIMUS - TRINITY KIERON!!!!!

They shouted as Trinity and I began to shine with our specific Semblance and aura colours. Trinity Prime separated into pieces as they transformed into arms and legs. The whole body that was used to be the Dragon will become the Left Arm, Right Leg will be a Jet, Right Arm will be a Lion, Left Leg will be a Bike/Car, the Wings will be a Phoenix and the body will be a truck. As soon as the Configuration is set, Trinity Prime's parts connect to me as I felt my best friend's  and my semblance accelerating to a whole new level as we reveal our combined form.

(A/N: This is what they look like in Combined form. The whole body that was used to be Nexus in Dragon form will become the Left Arm, Right Leg will be a Jet (Saberwing), Right Arm will be a Lion (NemesisBreaker), Left Leg will be a Bike/Car (SonicCharge (A Triple Changer)), the Wings will be a Phoenix (Fenix) and the body will be a truck (Kieron Prime). His head willbe a combination of Kieron Prime and Trinity Prime's head and masks.)

I looked at my combined form by via optics as I was amazed on how Trinity and I look like in our current combined form. 

Trinity: Whoa! Welcome to the BIG SHOW!

Me: You likey, old friend?

Trinity: Me likey!


We yelled as our combiner is now equipped with the Turbo Star in-hand while swaying my combiner arms in a swaggish gangster-like way at the scene of the battle.

Trinity Kieron (Me & Trinity): Well, BRING IT ON, BUTTERCUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We yelled as I controlled the combiner to run towards the scene with Orion Battler and Kyutamajin taking notice of this as I signal to them.


As ordered, they laid their arms together onto the ground, awaiting for my arrival. As I reached them after running towards them, I stepped onto their mechanical hands as they threw me towards Mega Grigio Empress that is still curently engaged by Good Cool Kaiser VSX. I aimed the Turbo Star at Grigio as I fired a projectile at it, causing it to create a hole on the ground, to the pilots of Good Cool Kaiser VSX's shock as they looked at me when I landed on my feet in front of them and their mech.

The monster soon dug his way back up further from us as it began to charge at us, while I launched another projectile from our Turbo Star causing it to be strucked backto the end of the walls of the destroyed caverns. So, I shot several shots at it, giving it major damages and injuries at the creature. After shooting it a couple of times, I stopped firing knowing that the monster has had enough.

Kyutamajin (Kotaro): Did we get him?

Orion Battler (Lucky): Don't worry, kid. We got him! Talk about lucky!!

Trinity Kieron (Me): I guess.... we overdid it with the Turbo Star....

Trinity Kieron (Trinity): Yep.... at least not too much.

Kyutamajin (Tsurugi): Aye....

Good Cool Kaiser VSX: At least he is down for good this time.

As if right on queue, Mega Grigio Empress got back up on its feet as it combined all of the five elements as it formed a Fireball surrounded by the Earth, Water, Wind and Metal elements. He raised his fireball at us as he yelled;


Trinity Kieron: HERE WE GO!!!!!

Orion Battler (Lucky): ORION DYNAMIC STRIKE!!!!!

Kyutamajin (All pilots): ULTIMATE KYUTAMA BREAK!!!!

Good Cool Kaiser VSX (All pilots): VEHICLE RUSH STRIKE!!!!!

And with that, Mega Grigio launched his Ultimate fireball while combining it with his Erga-Trio Cannon Beam to combine its targeting effect on us while Orion Battler gathers Kyu Energy into a replica of the Orion Kyutama, then batting it towards the combined projectile, followed by Kyutamajin delivers a powerful blast attack in the shape of the main twelve Kyutamas combining together with Orion's attack, Good Cool Kaiser VSX separating the VS Vehicles thatcomprises GCKVSX, leaving behind their colored silhouettes on the body, and ready themselves for the final attack (excluding GoodStriker, and only the cabs of X Trains separate) as they immediately manually launched the 10 Vehicles towards Mega Grigio Empress in different colored dashes together with Orion Battler and Kyutamajin's attack, and I launched my overcharged Turbo Star beam, causing all of our attacks to combine into one huge beam as Grigio and our beams collided while exploding at the center in between us, knocking everyone of us back, to our shock.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

3rd Person's POV:

After that whole explosion that just happened, Mega Grigio Empress, Good Cool Kaiser VSX, Orion Battler, Kyutamajin and Trinity Kieron slowly got us as the impactinflicted to them by their own beams are still effecting them greatly, Trinity Kieron took mostof the damage due to the fact that they overcharged the Turbo Star. (A/N: Hehehehehehehe.... Oops....XD XD XD XD)

Mega Grigio Empress (Wind): I have to hand it to yooouu....

Mega Grigio Empress (Metal): You're not so bad... 

Mega Grigio Empress: All of you...

Trinity Kieron: Not bad yourself. But on behalf of my allies, thanks.

Mega Grigio Empress: Heh!!! It will still do you not! You know why???

Orion Battler (Lucky): Why?!

Grigio fished out six balls to our confusion.

Mega Grigio Empress: This is why.

Trinity Kieron: Uuuuh??? Are those for eating?

Kyutamajin (Balance): Woooo!!! CANDY! GIMME!!

Mega Grigio Empress: FOOLS!!! PREPARE TO PERISH!!!!! (Throws six balls at us) STAND--*

Mega Grigio Empress (Earth): *--SUBTERRA SCRAPER,--*

Mega Grigio Empress (Metal): *--HAOS SPINDLE, DARKUS FOXBAT,--*

Mega Grigio Empress (Water): *-- AQUAS LEEFRAM,--*

Mega Grigio Empress (Wind): *--VENTUS KLAWGOR AND--*

Mega Grigio Empress (Fire): *--PYRUS FENCER!!!!!!

As it summoned his so called balls, they began to glow and to their shock, those balls he threw turned into Mechanical-like beings of creaturesof their own attributed elements that their attributed powers and their tech are way out of their leagues for Trinity Kieron, Kyutamajin, Orion Battler and Good Cool Kaiser VSX.

(A/N: Subterra Scraper.)

(A/N: Haos Spindle.)

(A/N: Darkus Foxbat.)

(A/N: Aquas Leefram.)

(A/N: Ventus Klawgor.)

(A/N: Pyrus Fencer.)

Trinity Kieron (Kieron): ... Well, shit!

Trinity Kieron: Ummmm... where did you get those mechanical creatures?!

Mega Grigio Empress: Hah!! You can thank gold-warrior boy for this one!! Thanks to him, I got the abilities of the Elementors, Grigio's evolution forms and those Mechanical Bakugan to what Gold-boy said they are!!

Trinity Kieron: Kamen Rider Odin.....

Mega Grigio Empress (Metal): So that's what we've been hearing from your allies. The Gold-Boy, is known as, Kamen Rider Odin? Well, I should thank him for giving us this power.... but too bad I've destroyed him already.

Orion Battler: Destroyed him? What for?!

Mega Grigio Empress (Metal): For kidnapping the five of us, and trying to destroy our master!!!

Trinity Kieron: Well,.... I guess justice is... served?? Heheh

Mega Grigio Empress (Metal): Well, although justice has been served, what people would use to say, it is to take it up a notch!!! MECHANICAL BAKUGAN!!! ACTIVATE NEMESIS MAXUS PROTOCOL!!!!

The six Mechanical creatures' eyes began to blink on and off repeatedly to their confusion. When we heard him saying 'Nemesis Maxus Protocol', they took a step back knowing that something extremely bad is going to happen real shortly. Then, they soon notice the six mechanical creatures began to move on their own as they began to transform.

First, Mega Grigio Empress's four elemental arms are ripped of as they began to levitate above and below it from left to right. For the Fire Arm levitating at the top right corner, Water Arm levitating at the top right corner, Earth Arm levitating at the bottom left corner and the Wind Arm levitating at the bottom right corner. Grigio soon merged its arms so that it will be back to having two arms wih Grigio Empress's claws while stretching them out in a cross-formation. Then, two Mechanical creatures known as Subterra Scraper and Ventus Klawgor boost themselves towards Mega Grigio Empress as they combined themselves into its arms.

This was followed by two other mechanical creatures known as Haos Spindle and Aquas Leefram boosting while slithering their way towards grigio's legs. As they got close, they their blade-like arms, tails and their heads deactivated by inserting them inside their bodies while they combined themselves into Grigio's legs.

Then, the hole body of Grigio Empress leaned forward to give it a dragon look, its Tri-Barreled Cannons on its shoulders and chest now facing forward as always and its neck suddenly gave a bright glow as it slowly extended out. After the glow died down, Grigio's neck is now longer with a lot more spikes on it.

Then, Darkus Foxbat swooped down from flying up from the sky as its head and legs were slowly inserted inside the body of the creature as it became the wings and body. As it connected itself onto Mega Grigio Empress back, Foxbat's wingspan soon became bigger and longer than its original wingspan while having spikes all over its back.

Finally, Pyrus Fencer crawled its way towards the back and tail of Mega Grigio Empress as it closed its head and legs, forming the tail. It soon connect itself on Grigio, covering its two splitted tails, its entire tail and its lower torso, allowing Fencer's legs to mechanically connect themselves to its mechanical counterparts that merged with Grigio's legs. Spikes soon emerged from its tail and lower torso.

The six mechanical creatures merged to Mega Grigio Empress soon eject their limbs as they connect and embed their claws into each other, acquiring Grigio's Ultimate form. To finalise the transformation, Grigio's eyes began to emit streaks of different number of colours changing simultaneously while the beast reared its back up, stomping its forelegs onto the ground hard, creating tonnes of cracks to form on the grounds of the destroyed caverns, to Trinity Kieron and the pilots of their megazords's greatest shock.

Mega Grigio Empress: Like our Ultimate Nemesis Protocol Form?! Behold, Maxus Mega Grigio Empress!!!!

Orion Battler (Lucky): Whoa..... this is gonna be an issue.

Trinity Kieron: To correct you, Lucky, Orion, this is a major issue....

When he said that, the mechs looked at the combiner, confused on what he said.

Kyutamajin (All pilots): What do you mean?

Trinity Kieron: Because I've sensed something familiar on this Monster.... Optimus told me about the stories behind it.... it is nothing from here.... it is from my world. However..... this kind of energy belongs to Primus's greatest enemy...

When he realized what he was talking about, his eyes widened as he revealed it tocthe others.

Trinity Kieron (Trinity & Kieron): Dark Energon!/Unicron!!

Mega Grigio Empress: (laughing) I'm glad you know your history! Yes, your Odin fellow went to Cybertron, and grabbed most of the Dark Energon from the remnants of the abandoned planet, Cybertron. Now, allow me to demonstrate its power with its combined attributed energies, together with our elemental abilities, shall we, Elementors?!?!

Mega Grigio Empress (Metal): Yes!!! For the GLORY OF MAKINO!!!

Mega Grigio Empress (Earth): Let's bury them, alive!!!

Mega Grigio Empress (Wind): Let's make them gasp for air!!

Mega Grigio Empress (Water): Let's make them drown into the abyss with our abilities!!!

Mega Grigio Empress (Fire): No matter what abilities we have! All it matters that we are extremely powerful than them. These Mechanical beings gave us the abilities to master more abilities in our specific elements. And futhermore, we have dark matter embedded into us now to accelerate our powers! SO, I'd say we we use every amount of power we've got, and DESSTROOOOOYYYY THEEEEEEEMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!



Me: Is there something wrong in the configuration?

Time RAGNORAK: I'm not sure.

JEWL Combination: You are in your super form so... nothing seem wrong about that...???

Tailor: True....

As we are about to combine, we are now currently facing a slight problem. We can'tcombine, even though our semblances are shining brightly like the sun. As we thought of what's missing, we saw that Mega Grigio Empress has evolved yet again but this time, it was an artificial evolution.

Time RAGNORAK: My god...

Me: If I can't combine with you guys.... and if there is something missing....

JEWL Combination: Wait! Shadow. Your ultimate form. Is there a link to this???

Rachel (Left Arm): Yeah.... We haven't really tried that.

Me: ... I... can't risk overloading you all.... even you are people, like myself...

Tenka (Legs): Shadow.... don't worry. If we all go down, we go down together.

Me: But.... it's wrong....

Ruby: Shadow. I know you're in doubt on doing this, but do this for everyone.... do it for me....

I looked at Ruby as she began to shed a tear. I went onto one knee as I wiped the tear off her cheek with my finger of my right arm of my combiner.

Me: You just made my day by a cute lil' persuasion, Rubes.

Ruby: Oh you.... (Blushes)

Me: Okay guys, let's do this.

All: ALRIGHT!!!!!!

I said as I wield Key-Slasher, doing the same process I did to acquire Ultimate Form. I soon raised my weapon up while pulling the trigger to activate my Ultimate form in my Nexus Muteki form.

Me: BEYOND GODS!!!!! (Pulls trigger)

After pulling the trigger, we then felt a full surge of energy coursing into us, the energy beyond what we have felt before as the three of us got separated from our combiner forms, to our confusion.




Before Jon Striker could finish, a bright light soon engulf us in unknowingly on what is going to happen to us shortly.


3rd Person's POV:


Mega Grigio Empress arched its back up backwards as he raised its front legs in the air, giving the ground a good smash, causing an earthquake to occur as the mountain began to rip itself into two halves while tonnes of rocks and boulders began fly upwards to hit us from below, to their shock.

Good Cool Kaiser VSX was about to fall but fortunately, Orion Battler, Kyutamajin and Trinity Kieron helped him out from its downfall as they faced the maxus beast once again.

Kyutamajin (Tsurugi): He's a monster....

Mega Grigio Empress (Wind): FOOL!!!! You're wrong! We are the Ultimate being in this world!!!!! VENTUS AIRSAW!!!!! PERISH, HUMAN AND ROBOT SLUGS!!!!!

As it finished its line, it reared its back up backwards again as its wings began to glow green. Once its wings are fully charged, Grigio then flapped its wings, causing an Airsaw to appear spinning right for them. The three mechs and the combiner were getting ready forthe worse to happen but just as the Airsaw was about to hit them, four balls of light came out of nowhere as they destroyed the airsaw with a single attack, to everyone's shock.

Kyutamajin, Orion Battler, Good Cool Kaiser VSX & Trinity Kieron Prime: WHAT?!?!

Mega Grigio Empress (Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Metal & Grigio): WHAT?!?! WHO DARES INTERFERE?!?!? SHOW YOURSELVES!!!!!

(A/N: Music starts here.)

As if right on queue, the lights dissipated, revealing four titans, one spoke up to say its catchphrase.

(A/N: Ultraman Orb - Emerium Slugger.)

(A/N: Ultraman Geed - Magnificent.)

(A/N: Ultimate Zero.)

(A/N: Ultraman Ruebe.)

???: Becoming the light with both wisdom and courage!

Mega Grigio Empress: ULTRAMAN ORB?! ZERO?! GEED?! RUEBE...?!?!

Ultraman Orb (Emerium Slugger): Grigio?! 

Ultraman Ruebe: Grigio, or should I say, Reugosite. You've changed.

Mega Grigio Empress: Heheheh. Of course. To take you all down!!!!

Ultraman Zero (Ultimate Zero): OVER OUR DEAD BODIES!!!!

Mega Grigio Empress (Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Metal & Grigio): TRIPLE FUSION ATTACK!! PARARIDLE FIRE!!!!!!

Grigio Empress launched a beam of combined energy consisting of Pyrus, Fire, Haos, Aquas and Water as it launched its beam at them, in which Ultimate Zero and Orb begs to differ as they went in front of them as they charged their attacks.

Ultraman Orb (Emerium Slugger): Emerium Slugger Specium!!

Ultraman Zero (Ultimate Zero): FINAL ULTIMATE ZERO!!!!

Ultraman Orb charged his attack as he readied his attack. Ultraman Zero dettached his Aegis Armour and turning it into bow form. He soon held it, archor style as he charged it up. Once their attacks are fully charged, they immediately fired their attacks at Grigio's attack, causing them to collide and send a shockwave as our attacks ceased, to their shock.

Trinity Kieron: Whoa!!! Those two kick tonnes of fire power...

Ultraman Ruebe (Katsumi): They have more in store. Believe me.

Trinity Kieron: Whoa....

Ultraman Geed (Magnificent): Try us on for size!!!

Ultraman Ruebe: Yeah!!

Ultraman Geed (Magnificent): BIG BUSTAWAY!!!!

Ultraman Ruebe: RUEBE VORTEX BUSTER!!!!

They yelled as Geed launched his beam attack first, followed by Ruebe launching his beam attack soon after by using his Ruebe Light Ring and the Kiwami Crystal equipped on it as the two beams merged together, causing the beam to strike Grigio Empress, dragging it to the other end of the wrecked and split-in-half cavern and mountain. While Grigio is currently on the ground about to get up, the caverns above them came down on it, crushing it below the rubble while Trinity Kieron fired his Turbo Star at it, melting the rocks on it to hold it down for a long time.

Trinity Kieron: Nice. At least in this form, I can change the Turbo Star's mode of attack.

Ultraman Zero (Ultimate Zero): Nice weapon you got there, Trinity, Kieron.

Trinity Kieron: Thanks.

Mega Grigio Empress (Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Metal, Grigio): INSIGNIFICANT FOOLS!!!!!! DARKUS BEAGILITA!!!!!

Grigio Empress shrieked as he launched his Rapid Fire Cannons from its shoulder and chest cannons and Darkus Beagilita ability from its wings, shooting himself out from the rubble and at them at the same time, only for the four ultras to form a barrier to block its attack from reaching them.

While they are blocking Grigio Empress's rapid fire projectiles, Ruebe used a special ability to block, defend and counter by using New Generation Barrier on it as Ultramen Ginga, Victory, X, Orb and Geed levitate above Ruebe as he commanded them to launch their specific beams to it, causing its abilities to be nullified by that counter attack.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

Ultraman Ruebe: Heh. 

Mega Grigio Empress (Fire): I see you have tricks up your sleeves. But lesson learnt for this, iS NEVER BE COCKY!!!!!! PYRUS SPEAR!!!!!

Just as Grigio Empress is about to shoot a beam from its tail, a bright light blinds eveyone including Grigio Empress, nullifying its fire elemental and pyrus ability. 


(A/N: Music starts here.)

(A/N: This is what Team STRM, JEWL and RNHK's Super or Ultimate combined form look like, but different... 100% different. The Upper Torso will be replaced as NEXUS Muteki (Shadow Wrath), the Lower Torso will be replaced as Kamen Rider Cross-ZBuild Genius (Hiro Kiken Iglesias), the Left Arm will be replaced as a spear-like dragon arm to spawn Rachel's spears or her combined saber made out of her dual spears (Rachel Claws), the Right Arm will be replaced as a five katana-bladed arm to spawn Emily's katanas or use her katanas as claws for her fingers, with the last katana being connected on the combiner arm's elbow (Emily Hayes), the Left Leg will be replaced as Giri Giri Chambara's enitre armour in Level X form, the the mask being its knee (Tenka Kaito), the Right Leg will be replaced as an inpenetratable with the tip of the spear being the knee (Lazarus Caig), the back and the wings of the combiner will be replaced as the Left Wing being made out of silver with Silver feathers, ice shards fused together with it, its wingspan is larger and longer (Jon Striker) and the Right Wing being made out of silver with Silver feathers, its wingspan is larger and longer like the Left wing (Mitchell Striker), its Left and Right Shoulders are replaced and equipped as and with Zi-O Time Ride-HeiSabers with slots, letting the combiner to choose and wield any Heisei Riders, wielding their armours in their final forms and their powers (Neon Shadow and Katie Juptier), Shadow's Upper Torso will be fused together with the Upper Torso of Time RAGNORAK to give NEXUS Muteki Upper Torso a Ghost Mugen-like look in terms of its armour sticking out and with NEXUS Muteki's mechanized eyes glowing in a multitude of colours (Roland Arcadia) and the Combiner's back will be replaced as a small armoured jet-pack with three blades connected at the bottom left and right corner of the jetpack as a form of stablizers, it also connects the wings formed by Jon and Mitchell and movable Turrets will be equipped (A/N: The jetpack will be as similar as Maxus Dragonoid from Bakugan: New Vestroia but, it will be different as stated.) (Wendolyn Perera). This Combiner Form includes Shadow's Ultimate form.)

While they are being blinded by the light, I soon acquired NEXUS Muteki combined with my Ultimate God form as there are a lot of changes on me. My legs transformed back into its Maximum deactivated form while the upper torso of Time RAGNORAK fused with me as the head pieces opened up for it to merge with it, giving my upper torso a fusion look of Mugen, Shin Spectre and NEXUS Muteki. I held out my hands as Emily and Rachel's semblances turn bright as it engulves them into a ball of light, merging with me to form the arms of a new combiner, Hiro turned into Cross-ZBuild Genius form as he turned into a ball of light, fusing with me to become the lower torso, followed by Lazarus and Tenka did the same to form the legs.

Wendolyn, Jon and Mitchell merged with each other in terms of aura and semblance as they formed a robotic phoenix. It then swooped behind me as it merged with me, with its talons/blades belonging to Wendolyn's turn into stablizers, forming three fins at each fin. Each wing at my back expanded their wingspan as each have their specific abilities in terms of Jon and Mitchell's abilities (A/N: Stated above.). Neon and Katie transformed into Kamen Riders Zi-O: Decade Armour as they become Ride HeiSabers, fused with armour specified of each of them specifically as they fused onto my shoulders.

After the transformation, I felt that the same crystals are being embedded to the arm, legs and head of the combiner as a same tail appeared at my rear behind with my six pairs of my usual wings appeared with alongside my mechanical ones as the combination is accomplished. To concluded this combination process, I roared while stomping my two combiner feet onto the ground hard, causing some stones, rocks and boulders, including the zords and Prime Combiner to jump.

3rd Person's POV:

As everyone tried to balance themselves from that dramatic aftershock, they looked in shock as the light died down, to reveal Shadow's Super God Combiner Form as he soon wield Prism Bicker with a Gauntlet connected on it, placing it behind my back, to everyone's shock, and to the Grigio Empress's shock.

Maxus Mega Grigio Empress roared as it swung its neck, knocking everyone in front of it back, but to no avail as the Ultramen grabbed them and lifted them up to safety behind Shadow in his Super Combiner form, as the Battle Against Gods in a Merge of Combiners are about to be played out.

Mega Grigio Empress: I see you are in your fullest potential!! At least this makes things interesting--*

Mega Grigio Empress (Metal): *--very--*

Mega Grigio Empress (Water): *--vvvveeeerrry--*

Mega Grigio Empress (Wind): *--VVVVERY--*

Mega Grigio Empress (Earth): *--Interesting!!

Shadow: Heh! Just making it hell for you, if you know what I mean when it comes with.... "Hellfire"? Heheheh!!

Mega Grigio Empress (Fire): (Feeling offended to his remarks) DEEEEESSSSSTRROOOOOOYYYY HHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMM!!!!!!!


Mega Grigio Empress yelled as it roared extremely loud, activating its elemental powers and six attributed abilities as it glowed angelic whitish yellow and launch a beam of light from its chest cannon to represent its Haos Ability.

It then raised itself up as it arched it back, stomping the ground a lot of times causing ground to crumble with tonnes of stones, rocks and boulders to erupt out of the ground to represent its Subterra Ability.

It also flapped its wings a lot of times to launch tonnes of airsaws from its wings to represent its Ventus Ability.

Its shoulder cannons launched a flurry of rapid fire cannons combined with Aquas attributed Abilities and the Water Elementor's abilities, to represent its Aquas Ability.

Its wings will launch a flurry of rapid fire projectiles from the joint areas of its wings to represent its Darkus Ability combined with all Elementors' abilities.

Its tail arched forward to face me as it launched a beam to represent its Pyrus Ability.

And to top it all of, Mega Grigio Empress launched a rainbow-like beam, striking the ground, then slowly made its way up towards me to represent its Six Attribute Abilities and all Elementors' Abilities, followed by its levitating arms launching each element of Fire, Earth, Water and Wind (Air).

I smirked as I took the hit and to my shock, all of Grigio's attacks have no effect on me. I gave a nod as I gave a Two Ability Command.

Me: Wing Phoenix Charge (A/N: Mitcell Striker, Jon Striker and Wendolyn Perera's combined semblance.) PLUS Cross-Z Charge (A/N: Rachel Claws.).

Shadow soon glowed blue while his combiner wings and jet along with his right arm glowed goldish yellow as he boost his way towards Maxus Mega Grigio Empress while its projectiles are still shot right at him, with them being reflected and some being absorbed by his immense strength, power, aura and semblance.

Grigio increased its projectile power as it tried to land a hit into Shadow but to no avail. Just as Shadow reached the Maxus Beast, he rammed into Grigio with maximum effect, making it fly over to the other end of the destroyed and split caverns and mountain, to Team RWBY, Good Cool Kaiser VSX, Kyutamajin and Orion Battler's dismay.

Ruby: Whoa.....

Yang: ... I could've did that when he was in Kamen Rider Odin form...

Blake: Well, now you don't.... because that thing killed him.

Weiss: Hey!! Do you dunce think positively? We got Ruby back and now Shadow is doing us a favor.

Yang: And I should as well....

RWB: Huh?

Then, with immediate desperate measures, Yang ran towards the Super Combiner to her Teammates' worry but as usual, Yang didn't care as the creature too, was also the one who kidnapped her little sister and decided that she should take desperate measures with some help.

Then, her semblance began to glow as she merged together with Shadow's Super Combiner as she became a pair of Ember Celicas for his arms.


I look at my Ember Celicas as I spoke to Yang, telepathically.

Me (In my mind): Yang? What are you doing?!

Yang (In Shadow's mind): Giving you a hand.... as after....

Me (In my mind): Hmm???

Yang (In Shadow's mind): You did keep our little secret when Ruby was kidnapped by some mad love-guy. Well,... the girls including her... and myself....

Me (In my mind): (sighs) Okay, fine. Consider us, even. Now, for the next pair of evens, I will help you do you while you help me do me a favor by taking this guy down.

Yang (In Shadow's mind): Done~.

Me (In my mind): Done.

I snapped out of my trance after that last minute fusion that Yang just made as I went to my stance, getting ready for another beating by Maxus Mega Grigio Empress.

As I don my stance, Grigio Empress appeared rushing towards me with its aura glowing in a multitude of colours, to my shock.

Me: He has aura as well?! Dude!!!

Yang (In Shadow's mind): He has aura?! Will that be a problem???

Me: Heh!! Way to make things Infinitely interesting!!!!

Yang (In Shadow's mind): Then let's take it down!!!

I nod as I rushed towards it as well. As the both of us are extremely close with each other, Grigio arched its back as it is about to crush me with its forelegs and I activated Dragon Ember Celicas as I did a double upper-cut to double-cut its face.

When our attacks and aura came in contact, it caused a huge Megaton shockwave to occur with electric-like projectiles striking everywhere including the ground as the remaining members of RWBY, the three megazords and the Prime Combiner quickly dodged its streaks avoiding themselves from being electrocuted.

During our clash, I grabbed its legs as I swung Maxus Mega Grigio Empress around and around in circles, making it strike its own floating arms as I slammed him to the ground while launching myself backwards while launching several flare-like projectiles at it, giving some damage.

Mega Grigio Empress (Earth): It seems that Shadow has become stronger, day after day, minute after minute!!

Mega Grigio Empress (Wind): Iiiiinndeed. We must make sure, that WEEEE, ourselves must be stonger as well!!

Mega Grigio Empress: Then let us make sure that we must be powerful than him, my brothers! Agreed?!

Mega Grigio Empress (Fire, Earth, Water, Wind & Metal): Agreed!!

Mega Grigio Empress: Then, AIR AND WATER!!!!!! LET'S TURN THIS UP WITH A DEEP FREEEEEZZE!!!!!!!!!

As I launched my projectiles at Grigio Empress, I noticed its Fire and Earth levitating arms, both turned into Water and Wind like the other two as its four arms began to spun around it in a faster pace, launching its powerful elements at me while launching its Ventus and Aquas Attributed Abilities at me, causing me to freeze inside a large chunk of ice, like a statue.

I struggled to break free from the ice, although some cracks are formed around the ice, but it was to no avail until, I had an idea.

Me: Hmmmm.... Yang, you still there???

Yang (In Shadow's mind): Yeah? Whassup?

Me: Due to this enhancement I have, I can let either the one of my components and even you, to control the body. But! My appearance at the upper torso will change, including the appearance as well. Can you break us free from this thick chunk of ice and do me a small favour~?

Yang (In Shadow's mind): Hmmmm~ Okay then, let's do this.

Me: This is seriously like the time you merged with Pallad!!

I implied as I, the Upper Torso and some parts of the combiner began to change its appearance, breaking through the ice while blinding the other combiner and my allies who were behind me.

While changing forms, the ice encasing me brokeas the pieces of ice struck Grigio Empress to its shock. After the bright light died down, it showed that my Upper Torso is soon replaced as a cybertronian-like being of Yang with tonnes of modifications on her (Yang Xiao Long) with her Mechanical-like Jacket around her.

The Cybertronian-like being of Yang has a lot of parts belonging to Hyper Muteki as there are hair-like extensions coming out from her flame-like blonde hair with her eyes having streaks of the same multitude of colours like me (Shadow Wrath).

Yang's POV:

I looked at my hands in amazement that I am now some kind of combiner fused with Shadow, but only this time, I'm taking over the controls as the Upper Torso of his Combiner.

Me: Whoa! Is this.... me???

Shadow (In Yang's mind): Yep. That's you fused with some parts of my Muteki and NEXUS Muteki Form.

Me: Whoa.... I'm so going to show dad, Apollonir, Ozpin and Uncle Qrow this when we get back.

Shadow (In Yang's mind): Ok... say, ask you. Extra burn, extra sexy, or both aka, thicc?

Me: Extra Thicc.

Shadow (In Yang's mind): Okay. It's official. You're hot in a combat way but,... please keep this between us.

Me: No.

I hear Shadow sigh as he said.

Shadow (In Yang's mind): Oooohhh fine, fuck it. Let's save my Hidden Dragon City....

I soon smiled at what he said as I activated my Ember Celicas as I blasted a flurry of shotgun and flare rounds at Grigio Empress. Maxus Grigio Empress roared as it shot a flurry of rapid fire cannons at me.

Most of our projectiles collided with each other and some landed a hit on us while we all made our way towards each other. When I got too close to Grigio Empress, I punched downwards above its head, causing the monster to fall to the ground while being punched while I gave it a kick in the head after that downward punch I inflicted on it, causing it to be kicked to aside.

I soon cracked my knuckles as I readied myself to give it a good bashing, to Shadow having a sweat demeanor above his head, which I can tell he has it due to the fact he commented me on my moves.

Shadow (In Yang's mind): Uuuuhhh.... Yang??? Do you think you went a little overboard with the punch and the kick, and the rapid shots?

Me: Relax, Shadow. You asked for that favor, so I'm doing it. Then right after that, it's your turn.

Shadow (In Yang's mind): Okay then...

I ran towards Grigio Empress as I went on it, while giving it a flurry of punches in the face for taking my sister away from me.

Me: THIS!!!! (Punches Grigio Empress's face) IS FOR!!!! (Punches again) KIDNAPPING!!!! (Punches again) MY!!!!! (Punches again) LITTLE!!!!! (Punches again) SISTER!!!!! 

For this last punch, my punch went past its face, causing it to be in a daze for a certain period of time. Then, I shook back to its senses as it looked at me.

Mega Grigio Empress (Earth): Your little sister?!?!

Mega Grigio Empress: That just makes things EVEN BETTER!!!!!!!

It said as it roared while it kicked me away by using its forelegs, but I was quick enough to puck myself back up after I hit the ground as I wield Prism Bicker on my left arm and Dragon Claw on my right arm.



We both then charged our attacks, with Maxus Mega Grigio Empress raising its four levitating arms in the air to call upon the elements, for the huge fireball to be surrounded by Rocks, Water, Wind and airsaws and for me to Blast Prism Bicker by using the Dragon's head of Dragon claw as I raised the shield up
in the air, charging it up by using lightning to create an electrical fire on Prism Bicker in its shield mode.

Once our attacks are fully charged, we both launched them at the same time, determined that one of us will get knocked down. Once our attacks collided with each other, our attack caused an electrical elemental attack to hit each and everyone of us inside the destroyed caverns and striking every area of the destroyed areas of the caverns and mountain.

After the effects dissipated, I was way further down, away from Mega Grigio Empress, protecting Good Cool Kaiser VSX, Kyutamajin, Orion Battler, Kieron and Trinity's fusion and my team by using Prism Bicker in its shield mode. When my sister looked up at me, she was in shock that I'm actually a combiner like her lil' cute boyfriend.

Ruby: Sis?

Me: (nods)

Ruby: Whoa....

I looked at the monster as it quickly went back on its feet.

Me: Shadow, wanna finish it off?

Shadow (In Yang's mind): Sure.


A bright light shined once more as I immediately took over as I returned myself to my original combiner-self as I looked at Orion Battler while deactivating Dragon Claw and Prism Bicker.

Me: Orion!! Transform into Vehicle form, ASAP!!!!

Orion Battler: (nods)

The Battler nodded as he flew in the air in front of me, transforming back into its Battleship mode while hovering downwards for me to catch it, aiming it at Maxus Mega Grigio Empress. I looked back at the others with a smirk on my face.

(A/N: Orion Bazooka Mode.)

Me: Guys, hop on!!!

Ruby: Are you sure???

Me: Trust me!!!

The members of Team RWBY were looking at each other as they shrugged while making their way up on each of the three platforms on Battle Orion Ship.

Then, Ultraman Zero in his Beyond form landed behind of Ruby who is on the middle platform, Ultraman Geed, now in his Ultimate FINAL form landed behind Blake who is on the right platform, Ultraman Ruebe landed behind Weiss who is on the left platform, and Ultraman Orb in Trinity form went by my left side. Kyutamajin went by my left beside Ultraman Orb, Good Cool Kaiser VSX went by my right side and Trinity Kieron Prime went to my right side beside Good Cool Kaiser VSX. 

(A/N: Ultraman Zero Beyond.)

(A/N: Ultraman Geed - Ultimate FINAL.)

(A/N: Ultraman Orb - Trinity.)

Then I summoned Prism Bicker as it inserted itself in front of Battle Orion Ship (Tailor Crux) and a huge Dragreder Coiled around Battle Orion Ship to give the ship and itself, and us its ultimate attack effect.

Mega Grigio Empress (Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Metal & Grigio): YOU THINK THIS IS OVER?!?!?! TRUST ME WHEN I say this.....

Mega Grigio Empress (Fire): This.....

Mega Grigio Empress (Water): Isss FAAAARRRRR....!!!!!

Mega Grigio Empress (Earth): From....

Mega Grigio Empress (Wind): OOOOVVERRRR!!!!!!

Mega Grigio Empress (Metal): HUMAN SLUGS!!!!!

Me: Let's see about that, GRIGIO EMPRESS!!!

Ultraman Zero (Beyond): Let's do this!!

Ultraman Zero Beyond implied as we all charged up our attacks, and so did Maxus Mega Grigio Empress.


Ultraman Ruebe, Geed (Royal Mega Master), Zero (Beyond) & Orb (Trinity): Ultimate Ultra Vortex....

Good Cool Kaiser VSX, Kyutamajin & Orion Battler (Lucky): Super Lupin Pat Galaxy....

Trinity Kieron: Trinitium Cyber....






(A/N: Stop the song at 4:49 and start another song here below.)

(A/N: Music continues here.)

Mega Grigio Empress (Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Metal & Grigio): ELEMENTAL ERGA ULTIMATE STRIKER!!!!!!!!!

And with that, we all launched an extremely powerful beam at Grigio Empress while it launched its own powerful beam at us. However, what we didn't known was that when our ultimate attacks collide, it would come with a terrible cost. Once our ultimate beams collided with each other, they caused a huge megaton explosion along with a shockwave to occur, causing us to be blinded by the explosion caused by our beams.

While the explosion and shockwave were still active, my pieces of armour suddenly tore off as I let go of Battle Orion Ship, part by part, piece by piece, bit by bit, slowly, this affected Maxus Mega Grigio Empress as well as it faced the same ripping process as I am.

After the explosion and shockwave died down, the remaining members of STRM, Teams RWBY, JEWL, RNHK, Trinity Prime, Kieron, the zords and the ultras fell to the ground, weakened, unfunctional for a period of time, colour timers counting down from 3 minutes onwards and their semblances being rendered extremely badly. Whereas for Mega Grigio Empress and I, we were still lying on the ground, weakened. Then, I slowly stood back up, followed by Mega Grigio Empress.

As everyone got up, they noticed me still standing, as well as Mega Grigio Empress (A/N: It's the other form before it went Maxus Mode.), as they slowly stood up due to the powers they inflicted on each other.

Mega Grigio Empress: Is that... the best you got?! Shadow?!?!

Me: Oh no.... I'VE, got many more in store!!

Mega Grigio Empress: Hehehehehe.... Kamen Rider Odin may be our enemy but he is still right about one thing.... you're something.... you're strong!!! And who cares if we have armour. ARMOUR OR NOT!!!! We will destroy you ALL!!!!

Me: Fine! This is just you and me... and at the end of this battle.... (looking back slightly at Kieron as I winked at the last part.) One shall Stand, one shall Fall.

Kieron: Wait.... Shadow... what are you doing.... y-you can't do this alone!!

Blake: Shadow, don'-

Mega Grigio Empress (Earth): Then consider it DONE and ACCEPTED!!!!

And with that, Mega Grigio Empress and I immediately advanced towards each other at the same time. As we got close, Grigio Empress was going to bit me shoulder but to no avail as I grabbed its mouth with my bare hands. Just as I was about to clam shut his mouth, inside its mouth I watched as something is charging up.

My eyes widened knowing that it is about to fire its Mega Fire Emission. So, I immediately clammed shut its mouth and pinned it down to the ground. Just as I was about to elbow drop it, it grabbed me in the air by its two splitted tails as it slammed me to the ground as Grigio Empress got back up on its feet.

It stomped on me by using its feet, in the attempts on breaking my armour many times. I soon grabbed its feet as it was about to stomp me once again, flipping it over causing it to fall on its back, to everyone's shock.

Tenka: Shadow has to stop this...

Yang: Huh? Why?

Roland: Due to the powers that has damaged all of us here, although the effects are temporary... each attack he inflicts on Grigio, including Grigio itself, they are going to blow themselves up.

When everyone heard this, Ruby's eyes widened as she yelled at me.


Me: (Looks at Ruby) Blow up?! 

I exclaimed as I was struck from behind by Grigio's claws. I soon turned back to strike it, causing myself to do the last resort by ripping its shoulder cannons off of the beast, to the monster's great pain as it launched Erga Cannon at me, causing my semblance to render. I threw its cannons aside as I gave Grigio Empress as many hits as possible. 

As I kept punching it, Mega Grigio Empress grabbed me and rammed me into the ground and used its elemental powers to imprison me in its prrison made out of fire, earth, water, air and metal.

Mega Grigio Empress (Water): Now we have settled with you, for now.... It is now time, to deal with your friends!!

It said as it made its way towards my friends, to my greatest worry.

Me: N-NO!!!

Mega Grigio Empress stopped right in front of everyone as it charged its elemental attacks and its one Erga Cannon attack. But, before it can launch its attack, it spoke to them to finalize its final words to them.

Mega Grigio Empress (Metal): Now, it has been fun... but now, it is time for all of you, TO DIE!!!! Any last words?!?!

Ruby: NO! But, as long as we are still here, we will always beat you!!

Kieron: Yeah!!!

They both said as everyone readied their weapons as they aimed it at Grigio Empress, as it began to laugh at them while charging its Erga Cannon and its fire emmission at them. Meanwhile, I am still in that elemental prison as I tried to break free from it. Whle doing so, my mother spoke to me telepathically.

Isolde (In Shadow's mind): Shadow.... there is a way to destroy this monstrosity.

Me: Oh yeah? Does that mean I have to blow up to make this work???

Isolde (In Shadow's mind): Yes.... I'm afraid......

Me: Okay.... But, in theory question... that thing feeds on energy, correct???

Isolde (In Shadow's mind): If its whole body or arms are in a certain element, yes?

Me: And what ever happens if he feeds on the energy that will cause me to explode??

Isolde (In Shadow's mind): Okay, son. Gotta admit, that's a bad idea but, we can test that out....

Me: Ya with me all the way??

Isolde (In Shadow's mind): Let's do it.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

(A/N: Music starts and resumes here.)

I used most of my NEXUS Energy as I blasted the prison to bits and pixels while jumping back onto my feet, dashing towards Mega Grigio Empress, charging up all my NEXUS Energy, including the NEXUS Energy reserves I have in the Gashats.

Mega Grigio Empress (Water, Wind & Grigio): Goodbye, Ruby, Katsumi, Isami, Asahi and comapany.... SLUGS!!!!


Grigio Empress swiftly turned to looked at me as I grabbed it by its waist soon after it turned.

Me: Why don't we hug this out, shall we???

I exclaimed as I activated Gekitotsu Robots, Jet Combat and Dragon Knight Hunter Z Semblances, taking flight up in the air as I banged the button on my Ultimate Gashat twice, to obtain the ultimate finisher, to be inflicted on Grigio Empress.

Weiss: Where is he going?!

Roland: Shadow, you naive fool!!

RWBY: Huh???

Roland: He's going to overload himself to overload Grigio Empress, so that it can be destroyed first, then him.... but first, he must be in a correct distance to blow it up.

When everyone heard Roland's possible outcome, everyone was shocked to hear what I was going to do, with Ruby beginning to cry as she looked up where I took off as she yelled my name.

Ruby: SHADOW!!!!!

In Space,


I gave Mega Grigio Empress a flurry of punches and kicks and as if things are going according to plan, it used its plasma energy by using Fire and Metal elements to absorb my overloaded energy. So, to make this plan to work, I kept punching and kicking Mega Grigio Empress nonstop and just as I was about to give it a final strike, It grabbed me and threw me away in space as it began to fly in space.

I steadied myself as I went back on course. As I flew towards Mega Grigio EMpress, I felt myself blowing up inside, but I was able to control it for a little longer as I summoned Remnant Calibur while my ultimate enemy charged up its elemental powers and Erga Cannon, launching its attack on me once it's fully charged.


I raised my hand forward as I recieved the Remnant Calibur in my bare hands. Then, I spun the wheel real hard, selecting a kingdom of choice of attack. When it stopped spinning, the slots glowed to show all the emblem of all four kingdoms.


I soon raised the Calibur up in the air as I pressed the trigger on Remnant Calibur as I spun around in a circle like as if I unsheathed my weapon, spinning the wheel on my Calibur once again, revealing each slot starting from Atlas's Emblem, followed by Mistral's Emblem, Beacon's Emblem, Vacuo's Emblem and finally all of the four kingdoms' emblems to indicate my weapon is fully charged.


Me: Since you want me dead, then we can all go down, TOGETHER!!!!

Mega Grigio Empress (Fire, Earth, Water, WInd, Metal  & Grigio): NEEEEEEVVVEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mega Grigio Empress (Fire, Earth, Water, WInd, Metal & Grigio): ULTIMATE ELEMENTAL BARRAGE!!!!

We yelled our ultimate attack move as we launched it at each other while our attacks collided with each other. As we launched our attacks, I decided to overload myself with my calibur to counterattack its attack beam. While overloading myself, my beam began to expand, suppressing Grigio Empress's beam and for it, to overload by itself due tothe massive power output I let it absorb from me.


Me: Actually, GRIGIO!!!! All this time, I'm just giving you what you wanted!!!!!! OH! And Grigio Empress!! I have a few last words for you before we go boom!

Mega Grigio Empress (Fire, Earth, Water, WInd, Metal & Grigio): HUH?!?!?

Me/Primus: Primus sends his regards!!!! / My regards personally to the one and only.

Mega Grigio Empress (Fire, Earth, Water, WInd, Metal & Grigio)/Unicron: No.... NOOO!!!!! NOT YOOOOOOAAAAAAAAA--

Just as Grigio Empress was about to finish, my overloaded beam broke through its beam and elemental powers as it struck him, causing him to implode, then explode to millions of stars, elements and data as I got knocked back from the extreme power of the explosion.

Me/Primus: Shadow.... This battle, isn't over yet.

As the unknown spoe to me, my ultimate form is suddenly engulfed into a ball of light while also being engulfed by the explosion.

(A/N: Music ends here. Sort of.)

3rd Person's POV:

As everyone on Remnant on the destroyed mountain and caverns watched the sky, they notice a huge explosion had just happened in space. Ruby went on her knees, knowing that the sort of outcome has been foretold by Roland and he was right about what is going to happen to Shadow and Mega Grigio Empress.

Roland: Shadow is..... gone....

Kieron: Shadow..... no....

Rachel: Nooo...

Mitchell: Shadow....

Ruby: (crying)

Yang: Shadow.... why.... why....????

Ruby: SHADOW!!!!!!!! NOOOOO!!!!!!

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The FINAL, and yet the eighteenth episode of the Fifth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose, PART 5. Wow... epic battle, and yet a dark ending. But there is an old saying, when our Darkest Hour is here, there will always be light to extinguish our darkest hour when the Epilogue of this six parter episode comes around. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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