Barriss Offee

By Ewokhunter77

5.1K 451 8

HIGHEST RANKINGS- #1 in #PloKoon & #1 in #BarrissOffee (6th Feb 2019) 1# in: #Barriss, #Offee, #Luminara, #Ba... More

The Trial Of Barriss Offee
The Dark Lord Of The Sith
The Great Escape
The Kyber Crystal
The Naboo Hideout
Luminara's Vision
Duel Of The Masters
Barriss's Second Escape
Palpatine's Plan
Barriss' Message

Master Luminara

644 46 1
By Ewokhunter77

Ahsoka looked back at the council and her fellow masters, before exiting the room, after being requested to rejoin the order, which she had refused. Ahsoka didn't trust herself, and decided to leave, Anakin watching her walk down the steps of the temple into the sunset.
Barriss opened her eyes. She was meditating in her cell, being heavily guarded by several guards. She was reaching out through the force, to see what was occurring after her trial. She was filled with sadness as her former best friend left because of her. She, however, felt happiness as her speech at the trial was planning out. Because of her conflict, the Jedi had lost a cunning warrior, bringing the Jedi to their senses. It all made sense to Barriss, but it probably wouldn't make sense to others.
Barriss switched mindset and began to plot her revenge on the council, when she thought of her dear master, Luminara Unduli, who had treated her like a sister through her Padawan years. She began to cry as she had betrayed her master and let her down. She realised she shouldn't show any weakness.
Barriss POV
I heard one of my guard's com links, I managed to listen in on the conversation, and it seemed as Luminara Unduli was on her way.
"My master." I thought.
I paced around my cell, waiting for the visitor, until finally, the yellow, electric door opened and my master stepped inside.
Luminara POV
I stepped inside my former Padawan's cell. Oh how hard it was to see her like this.
"This is your doing, Unduli. You have failed as a master." I thought.
"MASTER!" Barriss ran up to me, hugging me. It was fairly odd, as a possible sith had come and hugged me.
"B-Barriss. We need to talk." I said seriously, looking down at my Padawan.
"Is it about?.."
Luminara and Barriss sat down on the cold and hard bed of the cell.
"Why. Why did you do this to me?" Luminara asked.
"You do realise, you made me feel like I FAILED as a master?!"
Barriss fell silent for a few seconds.
"I did it because the Jedi were making the war worse for everyone! We lost so many great soldiers and friends!"
"Yea, but the Jedi forbid attachment!" Luminara hissed back, sending Barriss into shock. Her master had never been angry, she was always calm.
"Ahsoka has left. You killed many, Barriss. You killed two guards. I hope you're happy with yourself." Luminara stood up and walked out of the cell, the door switching back on.
Barriss sat and dwelled on her anger at her master.
"How could she betray me?" She thought.
Then, the most peculiar thing occurred.
"Barriss....." a whisper came from inside her head.
Barriss looked around, but no one was there.
"Who's there?" She asked, making the guards laugh, calling her delusional.
"I'll be coming to visit... later..." the voice replied, before disappearing.
This sent Barriss to think she was crazy. Someone was trying to get into her mind.. no Jedi was behind this, there was no light. Only.. darkness.
Then she started to recognise the voice.
"I know that voice.." She thought to herself.
The voice was no other then Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.

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