Barriss Offee

By Ewokhunter77

5.2K 451 8

HIGHEST RANKINGS- #1 in #PloKoon & #1 in #BarrissOffee (6th Feb 2019) 1# in: #Barriss, #Offee, #Luminara, #Ba... More

Master Luminara
The Dark Lord Of The Sith
The Great Escape
The Kyber Crystal
The Naboo Hideout
Luminara's Vision
Duel Of The Masters
Barriss's Second Escape
Palpatine's Plan
Barriss' Message

The Trial Of Barriss Offee

993 48 0
By Ewokhunter77

A mere 5 minutes passes after Jedi Padawan, Barriss Offee, battled it out with Master/Knight Anakin Skywalker on the roof of the Jedi temple, in view of many younglings and Master Sinube. The long battle ended up with Barriss struggling to free herself from the grasp of Anakin's force powers, forcing her against the bark of a tree. She was lowered and detained by the guards of the temple. The doors of the courtroom opened and Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker's padawan, was being held on trial for Barriss' crimes. Chancellor Palpatine proceeded;
"Ahsoka Tano, I hereby find you guilty of the bombing of the Jedi Temple."
Ahsoka broke down in front of the whole Jedi Council, and her close friend and defence attorney, Padme Amidala.
"Hold it right there." Anakin yelled, walking angrily towards the chancellor and Ahsoka's platform, followed by four guards, with Barriss in the middle. Ahsoka turned to see her former best friend, with shock.
"I bring you Barriss Offee, Padawan." Anakin snarled, with Barriss stepping forward. She was full to the brim with anger and fear, definite effects of being dragged to the dark side of the force.
"I did it. It was only a matter of time."
She continued to explain how she believed that the Jedi shouldn't have intervened with the war, causing more deaths and violence rather than being keepers of the peace.
Chancellor Palpatine decided Barriss' fate.
"Barriss Offee, you are hereby pronounced guilty. You will be placed into custody until further notice. Take her away."
The four guards proceeded to walk Barriss out of the room. Barriss turned back and looked at Ahsoka in shame.
Padme have Ahsoka a reassuring look, but Ahsoka was furious at Barriss' outcome.
"Blast those masters. They don't understand. They don't know. I will have my revenge." Barriss muttered, on the way to the prison unit.
"Hey. Keep it down!" A guard prodded her, causing Barriss to lose her patience and kick the guard. She fought to get out of custody but her attempt failed. She was taken to her cell and left there.
"What have I done?" I thought to myself.
"It was only a matter of time."
Voices started to appear in my head, saying dreadful things.
"Barriss! You made a huge mistake! You could've killed Ahsoka if she got a death penalty! You're such an idiot! You betrayed your master! Your best friend! You ruined your life!" They said.
I couldn't take it anymore. I let out a furious scream which caused the guards to come rushing.
The voices manipulated my mind causing me to feel guilty and infuriated.
"Barriss! Calm down!" A guard came up and insisted me, grabbing my shoulder.
"Get off me!"
"Calm down!!"
"NO. I WILL NOT CALM DOWN!" I replied, my mind racing as this crisis made me unleash those feelings of hate and fear, causing the guards to stun me, making me lose my consciousness. The feeling was cold, sending shivers down my back. As I lost my balance and my sight went blurry, before I collapsed, I heard the guard saying;
"Teenagers, eh. What are they like?" This caused the other guard to laugh, and it filled me with so much anger and hate that with my last strength before passing out, I force pushed them off of the platform, down 25 storeys of cells. Then everything went blank.

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