Always Yours | GOT7 PARK JINY...

By lovesickyuno

69K 2.8K 529

"I hope one day we'll be succesful and happy and we'll still be like this.", he said. "Like what?", Jisoo ask... More

Chapter 1 : Remisnicing
Chapter 2 : Hopeful
Chapter 3 : See You Again
Chapter 4 : Unexpected
Chapter 5 : Hell
Chapter 6 : Mr Park
Chapter 7 : You're My Secretary
Chapter 8 : Will The Universe Ever Fight For Us Again?
Chapter 9 : Back To You
Chapter 10 : Homesick
Chapter 11 : Romeo And Juliet
Chapter 12 : Slowly But Surely
Chapter 13 : Needy
Chapter 14 : Never Happened
Chapter 16 : All Over Again
Chapter 17 : Questions
Chapter 18 : We Have Each Other Again
Chapter 19 : Chances
Chapter 20 : Fight For Us
Chapter 21 : I'll Fix Us
Chapter 22 : You Make Me Love You
Chapter 23 : Yellow
Chapter 24 : I'm Glad You Did
Chapter 25 : Be My Mess
Chapter 26 : Sick
Chapter 27 : Park Jinyoung's Universe
Chapter 28 : You Taste Like Forever
Chapter 29 : We'll Be Okay
Chapter 30 : I Won't Let You Go
Chapter 31 : Sacrifices
Chapter 32 : Change
Chapter 33 : Take Me To You
Chapter 34 : Happy Birthday
Chapter 35 : I Want To Hate You
Chapter 36 : Hope
Chapter 37 ( Last Chapter ) : Always Yours
Special Chapter : Endless Happily Ever After
A's announcement!
maybe, just maybe. SNEAK PEEK.
maybe, just maybe. SNEAK PEEK 2
maybe, just maybe

Chapter 15 : The One For You

1.7K 67 9
By lovesickyuno

Songs you can listen to for this chapter :

1) We Loved by bol4
2) Beautiful by Bazzi
3) Would Be Better by Heize

"Jennie, I'd like you to meet Jackson Wang, you'll be doing the shoot with him.", director Kang smiled. Jennie smiled at the director, she had worked with this director quite a handful of times before, so she was close to him.

"Actually we've met before.", Jackson said with a tight smile, and Jennie nodded at that.

"Oh! Right, I forgot, she was the model for your new line.", director Kang said, "So since you both have worked together before, then I guess shooting this commercial together wouldn't be so hard.", director Kang laughed, and Jennie and Jackson laughed along with him.

Jennie was aware that she was working with some actor but she didn't realise that it'd be Jackson Wang, Jennie thought it would be Park Seojun or Choi Taejoon, any famous actors at the moment except Jackson.

"Shall we get you both ready?", director Kang asked rhetorically and with that they got ready. The shoot went on fine although Jennie forgot her part a few times due to being nervous around Jackson.

"Cut!", the director said and Jennie pursed her lips together knowing it was because of her again, "Jennie, are you feeling alright?", the director asked, and Jennie nodded.

"Yeah..I just..", Jennie trailed, "Need a drink.", she said as she took a deep breath. They took a two minute break, and Jennie looked up at Jackson with a tight smile.

"Jennie just relax, you're doing great.", Jackson said gently, and that eased her, and the shoot went on fine after that, Jennie got more comfortable and less nervous.

Not long after, the shoot finally came to an end.

"Okay everyone great job!", the assistant director said, and Jennie couldn't wait to go home and relax, "See you soon!!", she said.

Jennie thanked everyone on set and was about to make her way out, until Jackson called her name, she turned around to face him.

"Do you want to grab dinner?", Jackson asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Jackson..", Jennie trailed, giving him a sad smile.

"No, as friends, not a date. I promise.", Jackson smiled, and Jennie started having second thoughts at hearing that, and she glanced up at him, chewing on her bottom lip.

Maybe. Jennie thought.

"Well?", Jackson asked, hopeful.


Jennie and Jackson ended up at a simple restaurant, having dinner together.

"Thanks for saying yes.", Jackson said after they had ordered and Jennie smiled.

"Well, friends can go grab dinner together right.", Jennie smiled, and Jackson chuckled.

"You know..since we'll be working with each other for at least a week, maybe we should get to know each other.", Jackson said with a shrug.

"Right.", Jennie smiled. It was a bit awkward at first but as they started talking more, Jennie started to get more comfortable.

"Let's play 20 questions.", Jackson suggested and Jennie laughed a little.

"You sound like a highschool kid, but sure.", Jennie said in between small laughs, and Jackson was starstruck for a bit but quickly snapped himself out of it.

"Right, so me first.", Jackson said, thinking of a question to ask Jennie, "What's your full name?", he asked, and Jennie smiled.

"Kim Jennie, but my other full name is Jennie Ruby Jane.", Jennie smiled as she sipped on her drink, "Okay, my turn.", Jennie said, "Hmm, well, I can just google your name honestly, so I'll ask you something else..What is the most annoying habit other people have?", Jennie said.

"Wow, okay, well you know how we're both sort of in the same industry, well the most annoying habit other people have is criticizing others like they know them personally, for example, hate comments.", Jackson said.

"I relate, but then again, we can't change people right?", Jennie said and Jackson nodded.

"Okay my turn.", Jackson smiled, "Favourite food?", Jackson asked, and Jennie laughed.

"Oh Jackson, you're really going easy on me.", Jennie smirked, "But anyway seaweed and rice.", Jennie answered.

"Really? I expected you to like like highclass meals or something.", Jackson said.

"I get that alot, but yeah, I'm actually such a simple girl when I want to be despite having this kind of lifestyle.", Jennie said, suddenly their food arrived, "Looks like we'll have to put our little game on hold.", Jennie smiled, and they ate, talking about random things, and Jennie felt nice inside, she didn't feel pressured at all. Maybe this isn't so bad after all. She thought.

After their dinner, Jackson silently walked Jennie back to her car, until Jennie got reminded of something.

"Oh right, I owe you one question.", Jennie said, glancing up at him, "What is one thing you wish you knew more about?", Jennie asked, they were already at Jennie's car by now, and Jackson looked at her.

"You.", Jackson said and Jennie's heart skipped when he said that, but she laughed it off.

"Very cheeky.", Jennie smiled a little, and Jackson chuckled.

"Well, I think you should get going, it's almost 11.", Jackson smiled and Jennie opened her car door. Luckily it was late at night so they didn't run into any fans that saw them together, that would've just caused rumours about them.

"Thanks Jackson, that was a very nice friends dinner.", Jennie smiled.

"Your welcome, I'm glad you enjoyed it.", he smiled and Jennie was about to go into her car until Jackson stopped her.

"Yes?", she smiled, eyes shining bright under the moonlight.

"We still owe each other like eighteen I was wondering if we could do this again soon?", Jackson smiled and for the first time ever, Jennie didn't feel so hesitant.

"I don't see why not.", she smiled and Jackson gave her his signature smile, "I'll get going now, goodnight my friend, Jackson Wang.", Jennie said, as she went into her car, driving off.

Goodnight Jennie Kim. Jackson thought to himself as he walked to his car feeling happy.


After the incident in Busan, Jisoo had been giving Jinyoung the cold shoulders, not that she meant to but it just happened, it's like Jinyoung's the one trying now. Jisoo hasn't really been like herself since she had spent too much time worrying about what had happened. She wasn't even eating properly.

Jisoo was in her room until her mum suddenly knocked on her door, she sat up straight after that asking her to come in.

"Jisoo are you alright?", her mother asked, concerned.

"Huh? Yeah mum I'm fine, I'm just tired.", Jisoo smiled.

"Eversince you got back from Busan, you have seemed a little off.", her mother pointed out.

"No, I'm fine.", Jisoo laughed, then she glanced up at the clock, "I think I'll go get ready mum, I'm going out later.", Jisoo smiled and her mother nodded, leaving her room. 

Jisoo got ready, she put on a pair of shorts and a white blouse, letting her hair down and only putting on very light makeup. She wanted to head to the rooftop, to get her mind off of things.

Jisoo arrived at rooftop not long after that, she smiled as she took a deep breath, sitting at the spot she always sits. Jisoo ended up lying down to see the stars shining brightly in the night sky.

Jinyoung on the other hand was making his way to the rootfop too, and he saw her there, lying down. If it was two months ago, Jinyoung would have left the place seeing Jisoo there, but now, he chose to stay.

"Hey..", Jinyoung said nervously, and Jisoo got startled a bit, she looked back and saw Jinyoung, she swallowed at the sight, this was the first time they had bumped into each other at the rooftop.

Jisoo got up, grabbing her bag and was about to leave, but Jinyoung held her wrist, stopping her.

"Wait, stay.", he said, and Jisoo looked at him doubtfully, "Just stay here with me tonight.", he said and Jisoo chewed on her bottom lip. The last time she stayed, Jinyoung and her messed up badly, and that was definitely not what Jisoo wanted again, but eventually she gave in. Jisoo plopped back down at the spot she was sitting, and Jinyoung sat beside her.

"Looks like I was right.", Jinyoung blurt out.

"About what?", Jisoo asked, not even looking at Jinyoung, she was staring off into the distance.

"About you still coming here.", Jinyoung said, glancing at her.

"Then that makes me right too, I guess.", Jisoo said, looking up at him and he was already looking at her, Jisoo looked away immediately, not wanting to make another mistake, because she knew if she looked at him longer, she wouldn't be able to hold herself back.

Suddenly it hit Jinyoung that it will always be her, it will always be Jisoo. Jinyoung's mind then found it's way back to a memory of him and Jisoo on the rooftop.

"Babe, you're so stubborn.", Jinyoung said.

"No I'm not!!", Jisoo retorted as she lied down.

"You are.", Jinyoung said and Jisoo let out a small laugh.

"Well, I'm the one for you so you'll need to face this forever.", Jisoo said nonchalantly with a smile.

"I wouldn't mind that.", he chuckled, glancing down at the pretty girl who was lying down beside him.

Jinyoung was then snapped back to reality after hearing Jisoo gasp lightly.

"Look at the stars!", Jisoo said in awe, she had always loved stars.

Jinyoung saw the light in her eyes, it was the same spark of excitement that made him fall in love with Jisoo the first time he took Jisoo stargazing, and Jinyoung didn't realise how much he missed that until now.

Jisoo ended up focusing on the stars the whole night, amazed at how beautiful they were, but Jinyoung's focus was only on her, she was the only star he could see, and she shone the brightest in his eyes.

You're truly an angel. Jinyoung thought, looking at Jisoo who was oblivious, and he smiled a little before quickly looking away. That night, Jinyoung felt himself falling in love all over again.

That night after spending some time at the rooftop, Jisoo and Jinyoung were finally heading home. They barely spoke to each other on the rooftop, but Jinyoung was okay with that, he didn't care, as long as Jisoo was there with him.

Jisoo was walking towards her car and she realised that Jinyoung was walking by her side. She stopped in her tracks and looked up at Jinyoung, Jinyoung stopped in his tracks too and he noticed the way Jisoo was looking at him.

"W-what?", he said blankly as he held the back of his neck nervously.

"Why are you following me? Your car is literally parked all the way over there.", Jisoo said rather coldly, as she nodded towards the opposite direction.

"O-oh, I's night time shouldn't be walking on your own.", Jinyoung said, and Jisoo was weirded out as to why he suddenly wanted to give a shit about her safety.

"Thank you Jinyoung but I'm fine, I think you should go.", Jisoo said awkwardly, Jinyoung knew that this time it was Jisoo's turn in giving the cold shoulders.

"Can you please just let me accompany you?", Jinyoung said, a bit annoyed since she was being stubborn.

"No, Jinyoung I'm fine.", Jisoo said, walking away, and Jinyoung huffed, still following after her, and Jisoo sighed after figuring out that he was still accompanying her.

Two minutes later, they arrived at Jisoo's car, Jisoo opened her car door and Jinyoung watched her, she was about to get into the car but then she stopped, looking up at Jinyoung.

"Thank you.", she said quietly as she chewed on her bottom lip, and she looked beautiful under the moonlight, Jinyoung almost couldn't hold himself back, if it was up to him, he would have kissed her right there and then but instead he just mumbled a your welcome and made his way to his car.


Jisoo was at work one afternoon, and it was lunchtime but she didn't feel like going to lunch, she wasn't hungry. Suddenly, Jackson called her and she picked it up.

"Jisoo, you wanna go out for lunch?", Jackson asked over the phone.

"No.", Jisoo said, as she combed her hair back.

"Chu come on, you haven't been eating properly at all. I'm worried.", Jackson said, concerned.

"Jackson, I can't eat, I'm scared shitless about what happened.", Jisoo sighed.

"Okay, maybe you should take the test, its a 100 or 0 that you're-"

"No!!! Don't say it please!!!", Jisoo said, scared, "And I can't take the test yet, it's only been two weeks, I think if I miss my period soon, only then I'll take the test.", Jisoo sighed.

"But Chu you can't stay anxious for another 2 weeks at least.", Jackson pointed out.

"I can.", Jisoo said, "Sorry Jackson, I'll see you soon okay.", Jisoo said, hanging up, Jisoo sounded like she was a mess.

"She really just hung up on me.", Jackson mumbled, shaking his head a bit, he was worried about Jisoo, but he knew he can't help Jisoo's stubborn self.

"Who?", a voice said curiously, and Jackson looked up and it was Jennie. Jennie and Jackson were on set, they have been working with each other for a few days now, shooting the commercial and doing photoshoots as well.

"Oh, hi Jennie, I'm talking about Jisoo.", Jackson said with a frown.

"Oh..what's wrong?", Jennie asked.

"It's just, she hasn't been eating properly, she's anxious abo-Oh wait I think I'm saying too much.", Jackson said as he realised that he might be spilling the beans, but Jennie knew what he was talking about.

"Are you talking about Busan?", Jennie said cautiously.

"Wait, you know...?", Jackson asked, "I mean of course you know but..Jinyoung told you what happened..?", Jackson asked and Jennie nodded with a tight smile.

"Sucks for them, I guess they really missed each other that they couldn't help it.", Jennie sighed, feeling a bit sad for Jisoo and Jinyoung.

"You're right, I remember when Jisoo cried almost everyday because she couldn't reach Jinyoung, and she shut out every guy that tried to love her because they weren't Jinyoung.", Jackson said sadly, his mind going back to the days where he would hold Jisoo who was crying her eyes out over how much she missed Jinyoung.

"Really?", Jennie asked sadly and Jackson nodded, "Jinyoung too, I thought I was going to lose my bestfriend at some point.", Jennie shuddered, remembering how much what happened tore Jinyoung apart.

"It's like they keep missing the bus.", Jennie said staring off into space.

"True.", Jackson said, then he glanced up at Jennie, "Hey, you know if you don't have lunch plans..and since Jisoo cancelled on me...", Jackson trailed and Jennie was listening to him attentively.

"And...?", Jennie said.

"You wanna go for lunch? As friends of course.", Jackson said sheepishly as he light nudged Jennie's elbow and Jennie laughed, "Besides we haven't really had the time to finish our 18 questions.", Jackson pointed out.

"I don't see why not.", Jennie smiled, after their dinner a few days ago, Jennie has decided to just let him in, besides Jackson just wanted to be friends and she saw no harm in that.

"Oh Jackson come on, let's just ask each other at least 2 more questions.". Jennie said, they were having lunch at some cute fancy restaurant, and they have already asked each other six questions. Like questions about birthdays and such.

"I don't have any more questions to ask you, I'll ask when I finally come up with something.", Jackson chuckled and Jennie frowned a little.

"Alright then.", Jennie shrugged, sipping her drink, "But remember we still owe each other 12 more questions!", Jennie reminded, she didn't realise how into it she was.

The truth was Jackson had so many questions to ask her, he wanted to get to know her, but Jackson knew if he kept asking away, they wouldn't have any reason to go out with each other anymore.

"I'll keep that in mind.", Jackson smiled, "Oh excuse me, I gotta go to the restroom.", Jackson said, getting up and Jennie nodded.

Jennie liked being around Jackson, despite only being around him for less than a week. Something about Jackson gave Jennie comfort, a feeling she has not felt in so long.


Hello!!! Sorry for not updating for a few days~ Here's an update love u guys sm 💖

Love A and Q 🌙🌻

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