Love Triangle | Harry/Draco x...

By Lil-Pickett

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Twelve parts published! You are in your first real relationship with Harry Potter himself. But what happens w... More

Chapter 1 - "Oh look, Potter. You've got yourself a girlfriend!"
Chapter 2 - "Jealous, Potter?"
Chapter 3 - What do you want?
Chapter 4 - It's time to explain, Mr. Malfoy
Chapter 5 - Regret
Chapter 6 - "You're too good for him"
Chapter 7 - Detention
Chapter 8 - Can you trust a Malfoy?
Chapter 9 - "Pleased to meet you Mr. Malfoy"
Chapter 11 - The rescue mission: Part 2
Chapter 12 - Time to choose

Chapter 10 - The rescue mission: Part 1

239 6 4
By Lil-Pickett

After Harry finished reading the letter Draco rushed to him and ripped the letter off his hands.

"Give that to me, Potter!" Draco hissed and started to read the letter again with a horrified expression on his face.

"Like you even need to read it! This whole thing has your name written all over it! I bet you know exactly what's going on!" Harry shouted at Draco and hurried to get the letter back from him. 

"Why would I have anything to do with this?!" Draco asked raising his voice.

"You're a Malfoy, that's why! Isn't this exactly what you wanted? You and your asshole dad wanted (Y/n) dead!" Harry answered. Hermione and Ron had to grab his hands to stop him from attacking Draco. Harry was extremely mad.

"And you believe that just because Blaise told so?" Draco asked contemptuously. "Yes, my father may be involved in this, and probably is, but it doesn't mean that I am too. I'm not my father!" Draco answered firmly.

"Why should I believe anything you say?!" Harry asked yelling.         

"You believed Blaise!" Draco answered.

"Okay, STOP IT! Both of you, calm down!" they heard Hermione shouting. "This isn't helping anyone. If (Y/n) really is in trouble we should plan how to help her and not be wasting time on this nonsense!"

"Hermione is right," Ron agreed. "Harry, I know you don't like this but I really do believe that Malfoy isn't involved this time..." he reckoned.

"Maybe not, but he could have lured (Y/n) to a trap!" Harry claimed. He just couldn't believe that Draco could be innocent.

"Don't you think I would have done that already if that was what I wanted? I've had quite many chances to kidnap her or something, you know," Draco answered. Harry rolled his eyes to Draco's comment.

"I talked to (Y/n) earlier today, but I haven't seen her since that," Draco explained. "She must have been taken some time after that, maybe between the lessons."

"You talked to her?! I thought she was with her friend!" Harry exclaimed.

"Harry, that's not important right now..." Hermione tried to calm him down.

"Hate to say this, but the mudblood girl is right. And now excuse me, but I'm done waisting my time on chatting with you losers, I need to save (Y/n)!" Draco announced.

"You're not doing anything, Malfoy! The letter clearly said that they want me to go, ALONE, or else they're gonna do something to (Y/n)," Harry tried to stop Draco.

"Not happening, Potter! I'm not just going to sit here and wait while you're going to screw the whole thing up!" Draco answered to him.

"And you suppose that I'll wait here? How do I know that you're even trying to save (Y/n) and not kill her?!" Harry asked.

"We're going with you, Harry! Ron announced.

"Yes!" Hermione agreed. "This is clearly a trap, they want you to go alone so that you-know-who could kill you! They are using (Y/n) as a blackmail because they know you care about her, Harry," she explained. 

"No... No, I can't let you risk your lives because of me, not again. I have to do this alone," Harry insisted.

"It's either us or Malfoy, Harry. We're not letting you go there alone," Hermione said strictly.

"I'm not going with him!" Harry and Draco both said at the same time.  

"Do you want to save her or not?" Hermione asked them.

"Of course I want to save her! Fine... I'll go with Malfoy, but just because that way I can watch him and you and Ron will be safe," Harry agreed.

"That way you can watch me? How disgusting!" Draco complained.

"You know what I meant, jerk," Harry answered and glared at Draco.

"You need to tolerate each other if you're planning to succeed, okay? Just try, for (Y/n)..." Hermione begged. Neither one of them answered, they just both glared at each other.

"So, are we going or what?" Draco asked impatienly while glaring at Harry.

"But the letter said 'tomorrow night'," Ron pointed out.

"Like I care about that fucking letter! I'm definitely not waiting for tomorrow, I don't want (Y/n) to be in there any longer!" Draco lost his temper.   

"Would be nice to get my wand first," Harry snapped. "Let's gather the stuff we need with us and meet here in ten minutes," he instructed and went to his dormitory. Draco did the same. Ron and Hermione turned to look each other as they watched Harry and Draco leaving to prepare for their trip.

"Is this a bad idea or a very bad idea?" Ron asked worriedly.

"A very bad," Hermione answered quietly.

After ten minutes:

Draco and Harry came back to Ron and Hermione. They both had backpacks with them and wands and broomsticks in their hands. Harry and Draco had to fly to Malfoy Manor. Apparation wasn't an option as they were both still underage and didn't have the permission to apparate. The last thing they wanted was problems with Ministry of Magic. 

Luckily, everyone were at Great Hall having dinner so Draco and Harry didn't get caught with broomsticks in their hands and ready to leave. Hermione and Ron had waited for them so they could say goodbye.

"Please, be careful," Hermione said to Harry and rushed to hug him. Harry nodded.

"And don't do anything stupid! Malfoy, you too," she continued and glanced at Draco.  Draco just rolled his eyes and mumbled something.                

"Good luck", Ron wished.

After that Harry and Draco turned to leave. As they walked outside Harry started planning:

"We'll start flying right after we get out of the school grounds. We need to land somewhere near the Manor but not too close. They are not expecting me to come until tomorrow so we can do a sneak attack," Harry explained to Draco. 

"In case you forgot, I LIVE there, Potter. I don't need advice from you," Draco snapped.

"If we're ever going to pull this off we need to know what we're doing!" Harry answered raising his voice.

"Exactly, and I know what I'm doing. Do you, Potter?" Draco asked sarcastically. Harry didn't bother to answer. They were now outside the school grounds so they got on their brooms and took off.          

At the Manor:

Harry and Draco had landed near the Manor. It was already dark and they didn't see anybody so they decided to move closer. They hid behind a bush so they could observe the situation.

"Ouch!" Harry whined as he placed his broomstick on the ground. He got a splinter in his finger. 

"What's wrong Scarhead? Did the bush attack?" Draco teased.

"Shut up, Malfoy," Harry answered tiredly. Harry knew Draco was trying to irritate him on purpose.             

"So, Malfoy, because you live here you can probably tell how we can get in without anyone noticing us," Harry suggested. Draco rolled his eyes.

"There is no 'we' getting in. You wait here while I go inside and find (Y/n)," Draco told Harry.

"No way! (Y/n) is my girlfriend and if someone's going to save her, it's going to be me," Harry insisted.

"Oh, is she really? Have you even asked her if she still wants to be with you or not? Based on what I've seen and heard, she doesn't even want to see you," Draco answered and smirked which he knew would irritate Harry. Harry was going to answer something but then they heard voices. Some people came out of the Manor and were now talking at the front door. There were two men. One of them was Lucius Malfoy, whose long, blond hair was very recognizable.

"That's my father," Draco said and pointed at Lucius. "But who is that...?" he asked referring to the other man.

"Is that..." Harry started.

"Voldemort," Draco ended his sentence.   

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