
By infintywarmakesmesad

26.2K 612 141

Book one of five. *Takes place in Thor, Avengers, and contains Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D references!If you haven'... More

Chapter 1 (prelude+character intro)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Book Two

Chapter 22

549 14 0
By infintywarmakesmesad

Steve Rogers

Food nowadays is so much better. We had pizza in the 1940's, but I never tried it. It wasn't as popular as it is now. Today, it's hard to find someone that doesn't like pizza. S.H.I.E.L.D gave me enough frozen pizza to last two months. I guess they just wanted to be safe.
Now that two people are in the house, I won't have to eat leftovers from the night before. I like my food fresh from the oven, but living through the Great Depression put me in the habit of saving all of my scraps.

Erika and I didn't have such a great start. I'm really hoping we can both forget about our awkward interaction and just move on as friendly roommates. Making dinner for someone growing up was always a kind gesture, I hope it's the same nowadays. I don't want to be that weird old guy that is stuck in the 40's.
"Do you like pizza?"
I asked hoping for a yes. Again, everyone loves pizza nowadays.
"Who doesn't?" Erika chuckled
Just as she finished her sentence, the timer beeped. I grabbed an oven mit an pulled out the tray.

Damn that looks good

"If the pizza was in the oven when I came out of my room, what were you doing with the pots and pans that made so much noise?"
I looked down at the cabinet that held most of the pans. In all honesty, I don't know why I was going through them in the first place.
"Never mind that, give the pizza five minutes to cool. Have you ever watched Forrest Gump? It's on my list of things I need to catch up on, and I was planning on watching it while I ate."

Erika froze for a few seconds, unsure of how to reply.
"I mean, I forget everything I've possibly seen so I cannot give an honest answer."
I forget what I read about her. I just skimmed through it. Pretty sure she lost her memory, though.
"Well, I'll be watching it in here if you want to join." I smiled. I took out a knife and began to cut the pizza into triangles, like on the box.
"No thank you. But thank you for making dinner, darling."

With that Erika went back into her room. It wasn't long before groans of disgust were heard. What can possibly be so disgusting that makes someone cringe that loud. I'm curious to know what it is, but I think I've annoyed her enough.

I take a paper plate and throw a slice of pizza on it. S.H.I.E.L.D was kind enough to set up something called a HULU. I can watch any TV show and movie I want on it, which is a pretty good deal considering my situation.
It takes me a few minutes to find the "f" on the screen. The remote is so stupid, it doesn't click what I want it to click. Eventually I play the movie and it doesn't take long for me to become engrossed in the film.



I decided to put of the rest of the "Health and Wellness" folder off for another time. I'm hungry, and I don't want to puke as soon as I take a bit of the pizza.
Thank Valhalla Phil introduced me to such delectable goods.

I walk into the kitchen. The pizza has already been half eaten, and I've only been in my room for fifteen minutes. I mean, Steve is a big guy, but I didn't know mortal stomachs could hold that much food.
I take a slice and hold it in my hands. I was about to go back into my room, but I hear a voice of a man say
"Next to momma, no one ever talked to me or asked me questions."
I turned my head and looked at where the voice cane from. It was the 'television' i think it's called.
I became interested so I went to go watch it with Steve. On the screen were two paintings of a young boy and a young girl in some vehicle.

The two of us watched in silence, occasionally I would get up to get more pizza, or to grab some plastic water holders. Watching these moving pictures with sounds made me sad. It's relatable for both me and Loki.


With both the sadness of the paintings and the loss of my brother, my eyes began to tear up.

Throughout the entirety of the telling of Forest Gump's life my eyes were watery. It wasn't until his lover's death that they fell from my eyes on down my cheeks.

"You died on a Saturday morning.
I had you placed here, under our tree! And I had that—house of your father's...bulldozed to the ground. Mama always said—that...dying is a part of life.
I sure wish it wasn't.
Little Forest...he's doing just fine.
He's starting school again soon.
I make his breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday! I make sure he combs his hair, and brushes his teeth.
I'm teaching him how to play ping pong. He's really good! We fish a lot.
And every night we read a book—he's just so smart, Jenny!"

I didn't know mortals could feel the same emotions I did. I started to whimper of sadness. I looked over at Steve, he was tearing up as well. I wiped my tears on my sleeve and got up. I didn't want to be sad anymore so I went back into my room to study.
"Erika, it's not a real story." Steve said before I could close my door.
"It's real to me." I whispered as I closed it.

I wish I could show Loki this movie. He never really wanted to have kids, but I always knew that as soon as he found the right girl he would love to have mini him running around. I doubt he'd even care the gender. I guess I'd never know for sure considering I dropped him.
I need a bath.

I haven't checked out my bathroom yet. The door is the same as Steve's room, but then again, our rooms are identical.
I open the door to reveal a midgardian styled bathroom. There is a big mirror that has a table with a sink in front of it. A toilet. And a bath.

How do I get the water, though?
I don't see any buckets. Even if there was buckets, I don't have any water to put them in.
I stare at the bathtub. There is some type of handle on the wall.

Curiosity killed the cat. (Thanks Phil)

When I turn the handle, freezing cold water pours down on me. My initial instinct is to scream.
You all know how loud I scream.
I try to turn the handle, but it makes the water hot, then cold.
Freezing cold.

I hear my bedroom door open. Steve knocks on the door to the bathroom and asks what's wrong.
"Bloody Hell! Turn make it stop!"
I yell. Steve then opens the door and as soon as he sees me he begins to laugh.
"Don't just stand there and laugh! Help!" I order. Steve then pushes the handle down and the water stops.
I take the moment to catch my breath. Steve is laughing his heart out.
"Tis is not funny."
Steve clears his throat and stops laughing.
Steve begins to laugh again.
"Why didn't you just get out of the shower?" he asks in between laughs.

I thought for a second.
Why didn't I?
"You can leave now." I say.

Steve, chuckling, nods his head and walks out.

Once he closes the bathroom door I strip my wet clothes off and hop back into the bathtub.


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