[Hiatus] A Hundred Nights in...

By BakaMattsun

11.5K 534 136

Ren Koutsuki was tasked with a very important mission. That is to find someone willing to be his husband and... More

A Princess is a Commodity
Decisions and Confrontations
Glorious Sindria
Lady Killer of the Seven Seas
Maharajan Festival
Conflict of Interest
Rooms and Words
The Black Sun
Second Thoughts
Used and Useful
Confessions of a Concubine
Truth Be Told
Tears and Blood
Treacherous Fidelity
The Summit of Truth
The Gibborim
The Mistress of Chaos

Woman of Devotion

234 10 4
By BakaMattsun

[To recap: Koutsuki had fallen into depravity and another existence within her had surfaced, Michal. This chapter will still be Koutsuki's POV as she get glimpses of Michal's memories.]

It's cold...and dark...

Where am I?

I try to open my mouth to speak but my voice won't come out. My eyes only see darkness with no bounds.

I stretch out my arms to my side,

This feeling? Flowers?

Underneath me are beds of flowers with no scent and as black as the darkness my eyes can perceive.

"My King, I arrived as you summoned."

A voice...?

Amidst the darkness, a ripple of light emerged. Colors followed and a mixture of light and black rukh formed a mirror-like portal.

I see silhouettes of two people. It's blurry but eventually comes to a focus and I get a clear picture.

A man of elegant robes, holding a formidable staff, was standing on a balcony overseeing a magnificent view of an ancient city.

"Ah, Michal. It is good of you to have come just as the sun is setting." the man said.

The woman glanced over the balcony towards the horizon. She sees as what the man sees. A sun setting, disappearing into the horizon, spilling orange hues in the sky and moons appearing just on time.

"Fufufu~ My King, I didn't know you liked such scenery." Michal mused.

The man gave a shallow smile, "I do not."

Light footsteps were nearing the balcony as the sky turned darker and the sun has fully disappeared.

"Ishbaal and Eleazar have also arrived, fufufu~" Michal announced.

The three mightiest of Elder David's mightiest knelt down before him.

"I have summoned you all tonight as part of the destiny which I have seen." David looked into his two fingers which he formed into an O shape.

Elder David smirked as though he had seen something amusing, "Feast with joy, for I shall impart wisdom and the visions of the destined future with the three of you."

"It is an honor to be basked in your wisdom, my king." Ishbaal praised.

"Truly is your might overall." Eleazar praised.

"I am not worthy, fufufu~, but only say the word and my soul shall be." Michal claimed.

The King turned towards his loyal subjects, "I have seen great things woven by destiny. There is a great masterplan that awaits and the three of you, I have chosen, shall help me accomplish the tasks at hand."

Elder David gestured for Michal to stand up, "For your loyalty, I gift you a seed that shall be a vessel of my being."

Michal's eyes were filled with glee as David raised her chin and kissed her. At that moment, she could feel power surging all around and inside her.

As their lips parted, she had grown weak and could not stand on her own. Ishbaal immediately moved to catch her and feel her pulse.

"It...it can't be." Ishbaal exclaimed. "It's faint but Michal bears a seed."

"My King, you have never once given interest in having a child. What does this have to do with the destiny you refer to?" Eleazar asked shocked of the news.

"A son is needed to be born of my rukh. This child shall be born by a woman who can withstand the labors to come. Michal is the only woman who has the amount of rukh to feed the seed I have implanted." David explained.

"Feed?" Ishbaal asked.

"Does this mean that child will eat away Michal's rukh from within?" Eleazar exclaimed.

"It is necessary for the child to be born in three months. Both of you will safeguard Michal and the seed as she cultivates it." David said.

"Three months?! My King that's--" Eleazar was cut off by the sudden shift in the surrounding rukhs.

"Ugh...ughhh..." Michal shifted as she regained consciousness.

"My lord, it will be my...honor...to deliver this child. I...will give you my word." Michal promised amidst the pain she was feeling.

"It shall be. For it is written in destiny." David proclaimed.

The light bursted into thousands of rukh black and white.

Michal? David?

Suddenly, I felt pain in my chest and flashes of memories of David appeared before me.

It hurt. My chest was in pain and my head felt like it was going to burst from everything I was seeing

Memories which are mine and those which are foreign yet felt familiar.

It hurts...

It hurts...

"Aargh!!! It hurts!!!"

A woman's scream filled my head and shocked the pain away, suddenly, the mirror-like portal was back.

"What's happening?!" The blonde man named Eleazar exclamed.

"She's gone into labor." Ishbaal explained calmly. "Restrain her to the bed."

The servants hurriedly did as ordered and tied a pale and thin woman to the bed poles.

"Aaaargh!!!, hurry!!!" The woman screamed in agony.

"Her rukh is in turmoil!! She's losing them!" Eleazar yelled.

"Calm down. She'll be fine." Ishbaal said with uncertainty.

Footsteps were suddenly heard approaching the room.

"My king!" Eleazar and Ishbaal exclaimed kneeling before David.

"It's time." David approached the bed where the woman lay.

He touched the woman's forehead and the woman stopped squirming as though the pain she felt had disappeared, "Leave the rest to me, Michal."

Michal? This woman...?!

The black rukh from within Michal and the golden ones surrounding her fused within her womb, continuously feeding the child she was delivering. After a few moments, the cries of the baby filled the room.

To David's delight his son was born loved by the rukh. The black rukh from Michal was transformed into the golden rukh which surrounded the child.

"You have done well, Michal. As reward, I shall impart the destiny which we must accomplish."

David placed a hand upon Michal's eyes. Her eyes suddenly opened wide and visions which David has spoken rushed into her mind explaining what destiny had weaved in exchange for her sacrifices.

As fast as the sudden surge of visions she was seeing was her weakening state. As the visions come to a close and she felt her remaining rukh abadoning her body, she reaches out her hands towards her King.

David met her hand with his.

"Until, then....my king." Michal whispered with her last breath.

"Until then..." David replied.

At the stillness of his comrade, Ishbaal offered a quiet prayer.

Eleazar looked at the baby who had hushed from his initial cries, "What shall you name the child, my King?"

David gazed upon the baby, "It shall be named Solomon, as it was destined." He replied.


It's been a while.
I've popped by to try and finally finish this story. (☆~☆)

I hope I will be able to do it this Christmas break.

I am truly thankful to all who read and commented on this story from start and hopefully to finish.

Hoping for your support until the end!!!
Thank you very much!

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