(RWBYxFor Honor Crossover) T...

By Bravenwolf1324

47K 683 228

During Apollyon's Reign, there was a single Warden who was able to unite the Three great factions who were kn... More

Strike One: An Introduction
Strike Two: What do you know?
Strike Three: A Grimm Experience
Strike Four: The Awakening
Strike Five: The Warden's Past
Strike Six: First Contact pt. 1
Strike Seven: First Contact pt. 2
Strike Eight: First Contact pt. 3
Strike Nine: First Contact Pt. 4
Strike Ten: Stairway to Haven
Strike Eleven: Second Contact
Strike Twelve: Raider's Anger
Strike 13: Drastic Changes
Strike 14: Harmonian Mission
Strike 15: S&D
Strike 16: The Breach Pt. 1
Strike 17: The Breach Pt. 2
Strike 18: The Breach pt. 3
Strike 19: Answers
Strike 20: Stories, Answers, and...Jaune?
Strike 21: Revelations
Strike 22: Coronation.
Strike 23: Harmonic Defeat
Strike 24: The Warden's Present
Strike 25: The Vytal Festival
Strike 26: Round One
Strike 27: Family Brawl
Strike 28: Falling Out Pt. 1
Strike 29: Reminiscing
Strike 30: Falling Out Pt. 2
Strike 31: The Fall
Strike 32: Battle of Beacon
Strike 33: The Tragedies
Block Two: The Third Brother
Strike 34: The Final Bout
Execution: The Warden's Future.

Block 1: Dust-mas

967 13 4
By Bravenwolf1324

Block 1: Dust-mas

(A/N: Play music uptop)
(Text Key)
*Action Noise*
Name: Speech
Name: "Thinking" / "Quotes"
/ Narration /
- Country: State  -
- Location -
—— = Scene Change
(A/N: Art Not Mine as with pictures. )


- Ashfeld -
- Blackstone Hills -

/ Many Years ago, when the Warden was still a Warden, fighting for Apollyon, when the Vikings and Samurais were still his enemy, Winter fell upon these lands.
At these hills, The Warden who is known as Jaune, The Lawbringer known as Holden Cross, Mercy as the Peacekeeper, and Stone the Conqueror all sit around a fire, making small talk and the like, all the while waiting for their leader Apollyon to give more orders, just in case.

At a distance, the Blackstone Legion Army was waiting as well, the plan was to camp set camp in these Hills, and they were to head into Viking territory, Apollyon had plans for them, and she was vague about it Jaune thought. /

Stone: So Jaune, I never really know much about you, tell me, where did you train?

Jaune: I trained in Beaufort Stronghold, the only reason was when a Warden was messing with me, so I punched him, then he sent me to a school. He saw promise in me and the rest is history.

Stone: You punched a Warden? Did you even have armor?

Jaune: Nope, all I had were just simple clothes.

Stone: Wow, you must have been pretty strong.

Jaune: I wasn't, when I punched him it hurt like hell. But I made it look like it didn't hurt.

Stone: *Chuckles* Only you, only you.
So where did you go after that?

Jaune: After that, I travelled throughout Ashfeld, trying to find a purpose.

Stone: And? Did you find it?

Jaune: Nope.

Stone: Ah you'll find it eventually.

Jaune: Yeah...eventually.
/ Jaune says as he looks to the Full Moon. /
Well, I'm going to go patrol.

Holden Cross: In the middle of Blackstone Hills?

Jaune: Better safe then sorry really.
/ Jaune says getting up. /
Save me some soup when you start to cook it Mercy.

Mercy: Sure thing, but it'll cost you.

Jaune: Always with favors with you isn't it? Fine, cash it in at a later date. I'm leaving.
/ Jaune then walks off. /

Holden Cross: Hmph...Year after year he does this, every year, during each and every same month. He disappears and comes back the next day like nothing happened.

Mercy: You thinking traitorous activity?

Holden Cross: Of course not, he's our most devoted soldier the Blackstone Legion has had in awhile.
It's only natural to assume considering he disappears almost every year at the same time since I've known him.

???: If you must assume, then you should have evidence for it.

Holden Cross: ?!
Stone: ?!
Mercy: ?!

/ From behind the three soldiers a simple War Lord only known as Apollyon walked towards the three.
Surprising them in the process, the three stand at attention. /

Apollyon: So, where has the Warden gone to?

Holden: He left not to long ago.

Apollyon: Where?

Mercy: He said he was patrolling, it looked as if he was heading east of here.

Apollyon: Interesting, any reason why?

Stone: No reason, but Holden Cross assumes traitorous behavior.

Apollyon: Jaune? A traitor?
...A little absurd but not too out of the sense of reason. No matter, I'll find him and see for myself.
If he is a traitor as you would assume, then I suggest finding a new Warden to take his place.
If not...then I'll have you cursed to taking care of our recruits for a long time Holden.

Holden Cross: Great...

/ Apollyon then started to walk off to find Jaune, and truly see what secrets he hides. /

Holden Cross:...You don't think she was serious of me taking care of recruits do you?

Stone: Maybe, maybe not. Only time will tell, so in case you do, good luck.

Holden Cross: Hmph...

Mercy: Let's just hope Jaune comes back alive. We've lost too many good men already.

Stone: Amen to that.


/ As Apollyon walked through her Legions camp, she found the Warden was nowhere to be seen. That was until she asked a random Blackstone soldier.
The Warden was seen, but he was walking out of the camp, no one questioned what he was doing so Apollyon followed.
From the direction, the Warden was seen going, she saw footprints in the snow.
The War Lord was going in the right direction.
Five minutes of walking brought her to a cliff. This cliff had the Warden at the edge looking at the Moon.
Where at the bottom lays a lava pit that looks to have recently emerged.
Apollyon then walks towards the Warden. /

Apollyon: You know if you weren't my best warrior, I would've thrown you into that lava pit without a second thought.

Warden: And what would the real reason be behind that attack?

Apollyon: Late night disappearance, once a night, every season, every year. Nothing but a patrol but it's not.
Would Give people the wrong impression no?
/ Apollyon says standing beside the Warden Jaune. /

Warden: No, no it's not that it's...something else.

Apollyon: What would this something else be?

Warden: Well...back home we had a type of celebration, once a year, every year.
It was a celebration of people coming together and spreading peace.

Apollyon: I'd imagine it didn't last long if that's what you're home is celebrating.

Warden: You'd be right in that regard, I was left out in these celebrations once or twice, and if I stayed...I'd miss even more.
*Whisper* Some Dust-mas without friends or family.

Apollyon:...Dust-mas, is this the Holiday you celebrate?

Warden: Oh! you heard me?

Apollyon: I always do. Remember that.

Warden: Heh...sure.

/ A soft silence between the two warriors. /

Apollyon: This Dust-mas...do you have anybody to celebrate it with?

Warden: I don't...not in a long time.

Apollyon: Hm...bold of you to assume that.

Warden: Pardon?

Apollyon: This holiday you celebrate. It requires friends, family correct?

Warden: ...Yes? Where are you getting at?

Apollyon: Fool, you do have family, friends, your fellow Blackstone warriors, brothers in arms. Family in all but blood.
Friends, willing to fight with you and maybe for you.
I guess in a way...I have someone to help me celebrate this Dust-mas.

Warden: And who would that be?

Apollyon: You...a warrior willing to fight for me, a brother in arms, we are celebrating our own peace right now as a matter of fact.
Tomorrow we set off to Valkenheim.
But tonight...I guess we can enjoy each others company, talking, enjoying the moment.

Warden: "....Strangers are just friends you haven't met huh?"
Is that so?

Apollyon: I know we fight for a reason...but it is peaceful tonight, isn't that enough?

Warden: I guess it is.

Apollyon: So what are you standing here for?

Warden: Huh?

Apollyon: Your friends are awake at the campfire, Stone, Mercy, Holden Cross. They're still awake, so why not celebrate Dust-mas, just for tonight.

Warden:...I guess your right. Maybe I will.
/ The Warden then begins to walk away, but before he leaves he sees Apollyon, standing at the edge of the Cliff, looking at the Moon just like he was not too long ago. /
Apollyon...will you join us?
/ For but a simple second, it seemed as if Apollyon considered the offer.
She kindly refuses. /

Apollyon: No, I think I'll stay here. It's a lovely night don't you think?

Warden:...If you say so. I hope you have a good rest of your night.
/ The Warden then walks off, leaving Apollyon to her thoughts. /

Apollyon: As with you Jaune...and have a Merry Dust-mas. *sigh*
It's been too long since I've heard of that holiday...a day of Peace.
If it is for a day I do not mind.
But I was given a mission from my teacher...The War Lord before me.
To make and keep the events of War.
My mission from Ozpin does not matter anymore, this side of the planet will be in constant War. The Grimm will come, and we will be ready.
Forgive me for the path I took, but it was all necessary, the lies and the deceit shall end with him dead, to deal with Salem and the Grimm alone.
Forgive me.
/ Apollyon said looking towards her hands. /
You all died in the crossfire of Ozpin's War.

*clenched fists*

Apollyon: And there will be revenge.
/ Apollyon was then looking towards the Moon. /
I promise for as long as I live, this world will not help you, we will not become pawns, we will continue fighting each other for another millennium if we have to.
Because you will fall by your own hands, and with you alone. It shall happen.
That I swear, Ozpin.
That I swear.

/ Apollyon then turned around, heading back to camp, preparing for the siege of Valkenheim, where they will do battle.
Apollyon would know Jaune was from Remnant, but never act or ask on it.
She believed Jaune was just like her, and that was fine.
Fast forward a couple years into the future and the events of the regular timeline will continue, Jaune realizes Apollyon's true plan, defecting with a small few, uniting the three factions, and winning the Final War. soon after becoming one of the Faction Leaders.
In the end, he never knew what Apollyon's true intentions were, and to Jaune, the answer died with her, atop the castle of Mt. Ignis,
He will only ever know where she was from, and Ozpin could only give him that. /

Apollyon: We wish you a Merry Dust-mas.
We wish you a Merry Dust-mas.
We wish you a Merry Dust-mas.
And a hap-py new War. /

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