
By -Skittish

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Since the dawn of time, demons and angels have been at each other's throats, the rivalry between the two runn... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 1

203 51 22
By -Skittish

To most people, Hell is nothing but a place of endless pain and suffering. It's a realm that has always been frowned upon by many, the very name of it able to punch fear into the strongest of creatures.

It's the place where many of the living end up after they die, more than humanity will ever want to acknowledge. Their vile human souls are sent to the infamous Pits and are left to rot, burning alive over an over again only to never die, stuck in a cycle of torture that won't stop.

But to some of us who have the upper hand, Hell is so much more than what most only get to see. It's a place of beauty and wealth and power where we can live our days free of eternal damnation which is why I can stand here trying to pick something to wear without having to face anything nasty.

"Hurry up," Dem snaps. I can feel his impatience through the door. I know if I don't hurry he's probably going to bust his ass in here and drag me out half naked.

I flick through endless amounts of cloths, smooth fabrics running through my hands. He bangs on the door again. Hastily, I find something and slap it on, fighting a wave of tiredness as I adjust the straps of my top.

A screech echos from behind me, piercing my ear drums. Across the room, the whole wall is solid glass, windows dwarfing me in size. They overlook the streets far below, turning sky scrapers into twigs at this distance.

And above it all, the three moons hang proudly. Their light setting the sky in a red blaze.

The creature with the ear splitting wail flaps through the air, heated wind currents carrying it high. Bat wings fan behind its scaly body. It's face also like a bats with its large ears and pointed yet flat nose like someone had hit it in the face with a wooden plank. Despite its ugly appearance, the demon glides gracefully through the air like a hideous ballerina. It lets out another cry as it flys dangerously close to my windows. It's talons scrape the glass.

I scowl at the jagged scratch it leaves behind like a scar running through smooth skin.

One look at the drop all the way to the ground, and I can already tell that some poor servant is going to have a rough day replacing that panel of glass.

As the creature soars off a pang of envy hits my chest. I would kill for a pair of wings.

"Hurry up, we don't have forever."

I walk towards my door, rolling my eyes. His impatience knows no bounds.

With a flick of my wrist, the hellfire burning the candles on my nightstand and along the walls, vanishes leaving nothing but thin trails of smoke that drift lazily into the air.

Shutting the door to my room, I walk into my chamber, talons running over the beautifully crafted carvings etched into the walls.

Leaning against the couch, an arrogant smirk pulling his mouth, is no other than Demtorious. Extreme pain in the ass and unfailing, best friend. I could never ask for someone better in my life and will probably never receive anyone as loyal.

He's more like a brother to me than my actual siblings. I can't think of my life without him nor do I want to.

"Well it's about time." His skeletal tail flicks along the ground in impatience. "Have a nice sleep?" he smiles.

"Fantastic until you woke me," I snort.

He takes too much pleasure in dragging my corpse out of bed. His green eyes sparkle at my annoyance. Green eyes that glow like the sun shining through a canopy of leaves.

I roll my own as he grins showing rows of wickedly sharp teeth, designed to tear and rip through flesh.

Not that he needs to smile to show his villainous teeth. The big holes in the side of his cheeks already do that for him, giving everyone a nice view of those sharp whites.

"Are we right to go?" he asks bouncing on the balls of his feet, an oversized toddler, a grin barely suppressed."You spent nearly an hour getting ready."

I don't think I took that long but I can't be bothered to argue.

"Whatever. Let's get out of here," I say containing a yawn. We make our way across my chamber and almost out into the hallway when an howl stops us.

Dem sighs in irritation.

Mini crouches in the middle of the floor, her limbs twisted around at odd angles as if their dislocated. The child-like demon cocks her head to the side, staring at me with begging, lidless eyes. I keep the little demon here to guard my room, especially for when I go out. You never know what thief is going to come in here and steal things. It has happened several times before. I go to find something only to discover objects have vanished and jewellery has gone missing.

"I'll bring back something, ok?" Every time we venture into the Land of the Living she always expects a present and more often than not, I do find something for her.

Mini's head snaps up like a rocket with a victorious smile. She scurries away on all fours like a lizard. She disappears into the thick shadows coating my room, vanishing from sight.

I stroll out of my chambers and into the massive hallway. The huge, domed roof looms above me. It's covered in complex patterns and swirls that create an alluring effect that only a true artist could achieve.

At the centre of each dome, encircled by the patterning, lie the marvellous chandeliers, gracefully dangling from the roof.

They never cease to amaze me with their beauty.

My feet take me down the hallway. I wipe the cobwebs from my eyes, trying to wake myself up.

Mornings are evil and no one can tell me otherwise. If I had it my way I would sleep into the afternoons not wake up at this ungodly hour just to arrive at some place early.

I feel myself click into a dazed autopilot but before I can get even take two steps, masculine arms encase my waist. They lift me clear of my feet.

"Dem!" but my pleas are lost in the fit of giggles that come pouring out my mouth. He spins me around, the world bluring together.

"You asshole!" I screech. I try to sound angry but fail miserably.

Dem lowers me back down onto the marbled floor and I double over with laughter. The sound fills the corridors. All traces of sleep vanish like the wind.

"What was that for?"

Slight creases form at his eyes as he grins like a lunatic. He nudges my shoulder.

"Do you have any idea how hard you are to wake up? I swear you spend over half your existence sleeping," he crosses his arms and begins to walk backwards.

He's probably going to trip but I don't say that to him. Call me a bad friend but I want to see him fall flat on his ass.

Once my laughter calms down I reply, "Hey! It's called beauty rest. Looking this good takes hard work."

He snorts, earning him a slap.

I follow him and his backwards walking, asking, "So, do you have any plans this time?"

He tilts his head, "I did hear about a new orphanage opening up. We could give those kids a run for their money if I could remember what the town was called."

"You're a nasty creature," I say.

We walk through the countless corridors chatting about nothing important. Hell's Palace is like a city itself. Huge and towering, overthrowing every structure in size alone.

Eventually, after navigating the turns and wishing Hell had elevators, our path opens up into stairs that descend into the biggest foyer I have ever come across in my life.

We travel down the staircase, feet sinking deep into the red rug that drapes the steps like blood.

To the marbled floor imbedded with golden swirls, to the arched roof covered in mosaics, a crystalline chandelier hanging beautifully in the middle, it held the kind of magnificence that can make a king weep with envy.

Even after centuries of living here, the beauty of the palace still manages to take my breath away though many people never see Hell for its beauty. Many never get the chance, confined only to their eternal punishment. It's unfortunate. I would have to say, it's the most spectacular place one can ever lay eyes on. A match even for Heaven.

The foyer is busy like usual. Servants scatter the place with trays of food and cleaning supplies, attending to the higher ups needs.

Nobles and the high class sit around giggling to one another, filling each other in on the latest gossip.

Other creatures wait in the darker parts of the area. Listening to snippets of conversations and watching others walk by with their threatening eyes.

Walking through the foyer, we head for the double doors. They are so large they make us look no bigger than ants, small and insignificant.

The cheerful noise of the fountain in the centre reaches my ears, water spouting out in elegant bends. I smile at the serene atmosphere it gives only to be ruined by cackling laughter that explodes behind me.

I stop dead in my tracks as my smile pulls down at the corners. Turning around, my lips pull back from razored teeth to let out a hiss.

"Hello Scarlet. I haven't seen you in ages."

A hateful leer twists her mouth, revealing teeth closely resembling a sharks. Her foul eyes land on Dem.

Hester flutters her lashes at him, dragging her tongue over her teeth. I hope she doesn't think that looks attractive because it makes me want to gouge my eyes out with a spoon.

"I know. It's been nice not having to see that ugly fucking thing you call a face," I grind out. It's a dodgy insult. Hester is pretty and she sure as Hell knows it.

She flicks her head and a strand of short, black hair falls over her face. Hester tucks it behind one of her small horns and grins.

I roll my eyes, "What do you want?"

My already short patience begins to thin and my tail begins to flick from side to side ready to drive the pointy end of it through her gut.

Dem must sense this because he moves closer and puts a clawed hand on my back, entwining his skeletal tail with mine. I try swishing it but the bones hold as firm as iron.

"Oh, nothing from you, Scarlet," she waves a hand dismissing me.
A muscle in my jaw twitches.

"Actually... snapping off your horns and shoving them up your ass doesn't sound like a bad idea. But from Demtorious," she flicks her hips suggestively, biting her lip. "Perhaps you would like to come spend some time with me instead."

I feel Dem stiffen. His body harder than rock.

I can feel my rage hitting its explosion point. I grab one of Dem's curling ram horns that reach out of his black hair and haul him away.

His jaw is locked down so tight, I'm afraid his teeth might shatter.

Hester laughs as her red skin softly lets off a gleam underneath the moonlight that shines through the windows. Windows that are placed high above the doors, her skin reminding me of the rubies embedded into the walls. They shine alongside the diamonds and other precious gems.

Hester is pretty but she's not beautiful. Not like my older sister, Odessa.

While she laughs, the urge to release my hold on Dem's horn and let him at her almost overpowers me.

She has that certain talent for pissing people off. Wether it's the way she speaks or that stupid leer in her eyes, I don't know.

The only thing having stopped her from being killed is her father, a high noble- not to mention- very respected demon.

If it was up to me she'd be long dead, her head head hanging from the palace gates. I'm sure it would be a lovely decoration.

I still remember the day we dubbed each other enemies. The day Hester pushed me down the stairs when we were nothing but small children. I had fallen all the way to the bottom, the corners of the stairs like blunt knives in my sides. She had stood over me and laughed. I had had gotten so mad and felt so hurt that I had pushed the tip of my black horn through the flesh of her upper neck.

Hester still has the scar. A faint, pink mark on the bottom of her jaw. If I had driven my horn in a little further, it would have stabbed through into her mouth.

Over the years however, our feuds have become worse. That childish dislike turning into cold, murderous hate.

She even once had the nerve, the absolute nerve, to hit me across the face with a fucking chair. Consequently, I had grabbed the back of her head and slammed her nose into the corner of the table.

I try to ignore the curious glances we receive from the nobles around us as I drag Dem towards the doors. Their unpleasant eyes drilling down on us, waiting for a fight. I can almost taste their want for violence. Their craving need for it. An addiction that can never be stated.

Hester turns and walks away cackling, swishing her thick hips.

"Happy Friday the Thirteenth," she calls and vanishes into the crowd.



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