High School Story: University...

By proteus912

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 10

82 3 0
By proteus912

Chapter 10

March 29th

That night, Riley came to pick up Nicole just as he said he would. When Nicole finished at the clinic, it was five on the dot, and Riley said he had been waiting for half an hour. Nicole wondered why he wanted to sit in his car and wait for such a long time just to pick her up but she didn't say anything.

She was just excited.

Nicole was excited for Riley to come over to her place and she had almost forgotten to even let dad know. She did let him know and he said it was fine, which was good. Nicole was glad that he didn't outright say no.

Nicole waved goodbye to Lilly as she took her place in the front passenger seat of Riley's car after he gave her a kiss. When she was settled, Nicole pulled out her phone and called Isabella. She wanted to see how Destiny was seeing as she hadn't visited her for a while.

Nicole talked with Isabella for a while, glancing over to Riley now and then to see if he was interested.

He looked like he was.

Isabella assured Nicole that Destiny was fine.

She and the foal were doing well.

Nicole was glad to hear that.

And when her conversation was over, she hung up from her friend.

"So," said Riley, "do you have any tips on dealing with your dad?"

Nicole had to think. She came up with a few ideas, "agree with everything he says. Don't try to assure him that you will look after me because he won't listen. And most of all, let him think that he knows best because he normally does."

"That's all?"

"One more thing; be nice to him. He likes it when people are polite."

"I think I can do that."

"And, lastly, don't tell him of your past," said Nicole.

Riley said he didn't need to be told twice about that.

"Are you ashamed about your past?" asked Nicole.

"Sort of," replied Riley, "but I did what I did and back then, I liked the way I was."

"What about now?" asked Nicole.

"Now I want to settle down."

Nicole smiled.

She hoped that Riley wanted to settle down with her.


When Nicole and Riley got home, Nicole wasn't sure if her father was really okay with Riley being here. He crossed his arms over his chest, like he usually did when Riley was here, and he did nod a greeting. But now he must have had second thoughts because he was actually seeing Riley with his precious daughter. He was an overprotective father and he took his duty very seriously.

"Is everything alright, dad?" said Nicole.

"Everything's fine, honey," replied Mr Walker.

He was probably just trying to scare Riley off.

"Dinner's not too far away," said Mr Walker, "I will let you know when it is ready."

Nicole nodded her head before she looked at Riley, "come on," she said, "I want you to meet the horses."

Riley knew that this would happen and he just followed his girlfriend outside. Riley had said he wasn't the biggest animal lover, but he wasn't scared of horses or animals or anything. He was willing to meet the horses he had been told so much about, but he said he wouldn't become horse lover or anything.

Nicole led Riley out the back. Ruby, Lightning and Blue lifted their heads when they heard people. They were happy to see Nicole, but they were wondering who the other strange person was.

"Three horses?" Riley asked, "I didn't think you were serious when you told me you had three."

"Yeah," replied Nicole, "do you want to pat them?"

Riley nodded his head and Nicole led him into the paddock. In Nicole's opinion, Riley didn't look the least bit scared. He stood tall and smiled when Blue came up to inspect the new comer. Riley held out his hand and allowed Blue to sniff it. And instead of sniffing Riley's hand, Blue licked it. Riley did grimace slightly as his hand was being licked, but Blue didn't bite his fingers and Riley's hand was fine when he was done with it.

Riley looked at Nicole, "he's nice."

Nicole laughed, "now you know he likes to lick."

"He likes to kiss, but he is not as good as me."

Nicole smiled. Finally there was a guy in her life who wasn't not scared of horses. Now that Riley was here, Nicole had two men in her life who were not scared of horses; her father and Riley. Now Riley just needed to stop being scared of Mr Walker or Nicole needed to stop being scared of her father's feelings.

Riley took Nicole's hand in his own, "I know we haven't been dating for a long time, Nic," he said, "but there is something I have to tell you."

Now Nicole was scared.

This sounded bad and she didn't want it to be bad.

"I really like you, like really like you," Riley continued, "in fact, Nic, I think I am in love with you."

Nicole was speechless.

At least Riley wasn't planning on breaking up with her.

But Nicole was not expecting this.

Did Riley know how to love given his past?

Nicole hoped so.

"Riley," Nicole started. That was all she could think of saying.

Riley butt in before Nicole was able to say anything more, "I know I have a reputation and I am not proud of that. And I didn't think that I would be able to love a girl until I met you. And now I have changed, Nicole, because of you."

Nicole was liking this.

Btu she still didn't know what to say.

"I understand if you are not ready to say it back to me," said Riley.

Nicole would have loved to say it, but she had never been in a relationship before and she didn't know what it was like to fall in love, "thanks," she replied.

Riley then kissed Nicole, just to reinforce the fact that he loved her. Nicole liked Riley and she could really see a future with him in it. She didn't know how to say that she loved him yet and she needed time to work that out. At least she knew that Riley wasn't planning on going anywhere and he was willing to wait for her.

And while she was still kissing Riley, Nicole looked through the corner of her eye to the kitchen window.

Her dad was looking.

Nicole pulled away from Riley.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Dad's looking," replied Nicole.

"That's okay," said Riley, "we can always hide behind one of the horses."

Nicole laughed, "maybe, but seriously, we should get back inside. I don't want dad to yell at us and then send you home."

"Yeah, that's alright."

Nicole and Riley then walked back inside hand in hand. Nicole was really liking where this relationship was taking her and she was still so excited to explore it further.


Adam had decided that at eleven thirty was time to call it a night. Although the few drinks he had had obviously gone to his head, Adam still remembered that he needed to ring Tasha. He also knew that he wasn't going to be able to drive home now so he would just leave his car where he parked it.

Adam did have a good time at the party and it was definitely a good choice to go. He hadn't been a party for a while and it was fun to just go to one. And as he was walking home, he called Tasha to let her know he was fine. And he hoped that she didn't mind being called this late.

"You were at the party for a long time," said Tasha after she greeted her boyfriend, "I was starting to get worried. But since you called me, I can see that you are not drunk."

"Hmm," replied Adam.

"I am right, aren't I? You are not drunk?"

"I don't know. I had a few drinks."

"How do you not know?"

"I seriously don't know. Maybe the drinks went to my head or something. But I don't know."

"Alright, then," said Tasha, "call me in the morning. If you have a headache, then we will know if you were drunk."

"Okay, I will call you in the morning," replied Adam.

"If you remember."

"Yeah, if I remember."

Adam then put his phone back in his pocket after he hung up from Tasha and he continued walking to his house.

He would call Tasha in the morning.

He hoped he wouldn't have a headache.

Adam just thought it was good how he was able to go to this party because he could.

He told Tasha.

He told his parents.

He was a good boy.

This was good.

Finally he was allowed to have fun.


The house was quiet when Adam entered. It was dark and it seemed as though everyone was in bed. And as Adam was walking up the stairs, he remembered the time in year eleven when he came home drunk about this time. Now that Adam thought about it, it was funny that he was apparently crashing and banging when he got home.

At least he certainly wasn't crashing and banging this time.

He would be able to make it to his room without breaking anything.

And Adam was just glad to finally be in bed.


March 30th

The next morning Tasha rang her boyfriend like she asked.

"Well?" she said.

"Good morning to you too," replied Adam.

"Sorry, good morning. How are you?"

"Good. No headache. I am complete hangover free."



"Great. This is so exciting."

"Yeah, it is."

"So, what are you doing today?" asked Tasha.

"Packing for Egypt," replied Adam.

"You are leaving so soon."

"I know."

"I'm going to miss you so much."

"Me too, but this is going to be great."

And he was right.

Adam was really looking forward to this trip.


April 1st

On the morning of when he was to leave, Adam was nervous. He was worried that he had forgotten something. But he was sure that he had packed everything he needed and he hadn't forgotten anything at all. He was up early to get to the airport. He had said goodbye to his friends, telling Tasha that a month wasn't going to be long at all. Tasha was coming to the airport as well, taking the morning off of classes just to see Adam off. Adam said she didn't have to, but she said she really wanted to.

"I'm excited to see you off," she said the night before, "but I am not excited about you being gone for a month."

Adam still said that a month wasn't that long.

When Adam was dressed, he walked down the stairs to get himself some breakfast. There were still no lights on and no one was up yet. He turned on the lights and proceeded to make his breakfast. And after his breakfast, Adam decided that he would force everyone to get up because he didn't want to miss the plane. The worst part about going on this trip was the stress of actually getting there.

It wasn't long before Adam had finished his breakfast and he woke his family up. They all got up as soon as he woke them and, before long, they were all in the car heading to Tasha's house. Adam thought that it was good how they were taking his mother's car, which could hold seven passengers. If they took Mr Little's car, Tasha wouldn't have been able to come to the airport because there wouldn't have been enough room. Adam wanted to have Tasha there to see him off so it was really important that she come.

Adam also wanted Tasha to be at the airport with him because he wanted to introduce her to his friends. Ethan had introduced Adam to a couple of his other friends; Nathan Coleman and Zac Simmons. Adam was glad that he got along with Ethan's friends and they were just two more people to talk about ancient Egypt with.


It wasn't long before Adam's family had arrived at Tasha's house and she was waiting out the front for them. She smiled when she saw the car and she joined Adam in the back. Adam knew that she wasn't as happy as she made herself out to be, though, because she still didn't want Adam to go for a month. Adam would have loved for Tasha to come with him, but she would have been bored out of her mind. She wasn't all that interested in ancient Egypt. Adam would just have to have a good time without her.


When everyone arrived at the airport, they found out which gate Adam's plane would be leaving from. They walked there and Adam went to get his name marked off the roll when they arrived. Then Adam grabbed Tasha's hand and went to look for Ethan, Zac and Nathan.

"Wait," said Tasha, tugging on Adam's hand to make him stop.

Adam stopped and looked at Tasha.

"What if they don't like me?" Tasha asked, "or what do I do if they all hate me?"

Adam placed his hands on Tasha's cheeks and looked her in the eye, "Tash, they will be idiots if they hate you. But I have told them so much about you and they are all excited to meet you."

"Are you sure?"

"Completely sure."


Adam then continued looking for his friends and it wasn't long before he found then at the window, watching the planes and the people working. Apparently, they found looking at the action on the tarmac one of the most fascinating things in the world.

"Guys," said Adam, getting their attention.

The three guys turned around and smiled at their friend.

Adam then tugged on Tasha's hand, making her stand next to him. Tasha had been standing behind him, hoping that she wasn't making it obvious that she was a little scared. Adam wondered why Tasha was so nervous because she was normally good at meeting new people.

"This is my girlfriend, Tasha," said Adam.

The three guys smiled at Tasha and they each offered their hands for Tasha to shake. Tasha shook their hands and Adam could see that she was now feeling less nervous. Adam was glad of that because he really did want her to like his new friends and get along well with them.

"Don't worry, Tasha," said Ethan, "we will keep him out of trouble on this trip."

Tasha laughed, not feeling nervous any more, "I am sure you will," she replied, "or will it be the other way around?"

This was good.

Adam was liking this.

Everyone was getting along.

Adam laughed, "don't worry, Tash," he said, "we can facetime each other every day if it will make you feel better."

Tasha nodded her head eagerly, "it will."

Everyone then continued talking for a while longer and soon it was time for Adam and his class to board the plane. It was time to say goodbye to his family and Adam was glad that Stan even said he would miss him. Adam smiled and ruffled the hair on his head, gave Tasha one last kiss, more passionate then he normally did in public, and headed to the plane. Now that he was actually going to get on the plane, he was even more excited for this trip.

Now he really couldn't wait to get there.

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