Chance Encounter

By mhern44

408 0 0

Y/N is a 20 year old college sophomore. She never does anything fun in her life. All she does is school and w... More

Concert Night
Only for Tonight
Wrong Phone
Time together
On My Own for the First Time
Meet the Parents
Alone together
The morning after
Why Me?
All Together Now
Where Do We Go From Here?
Hard to Say Goodbye
The New Reality
Here in this Moment
Fun in the City
Her Story
Romantic Night
All Over the Internet
The Hardest Thing to Do
Goodbye to Life
The Truth Untold
Facing the Truth
Engagement Party
Happiness at Last
Our Little Family

This Kiss

17 0 0
By mhern44

Next day
I had finished putting on my boots when I hear a knock at the door. 

Y/N: Come in. 

I start making my bed, when I hear the door open and turn to see who it is. I look and see that it's Yoongi with Holly in his arms.

Yoongi: Hi.

I smile to him.

Y/N: Hi.

I make the bed as I hear him speak. 

Yoongi: So are you almost ready?

Y/N: Yeah, I just have to finish making the bed. So will you tell me where we are going?

Yoongi: That is for me to know and for you to find out.

I pouted a little as he laughed. 

Yoongi: Come on you know it won't be a surprise if you know. 

Y/N: Fine. 

I finish making the bed as I get my coat. Yoongi puts down Holly as he helps me put it on. I put on my hat and scarf as well. Holly is jumping as he sees that me and Yoongi are leaving. I crouch down and pet him. 

Y/N: Don't worry Holly. Me and Yoongi will be back in time to play with you ok.

He barked as if he knew what I was saying. 

I heard Yoongi laugh as I stand up. We both leave his house as we walk down the street. I look around and inhale the air. Its a different place I didn't know. But I look to my side as I see Yoongi smiling and looking out. I feel at ease cause I'm here with someone I know.

We make to a coffee shop. Yoongi opens door as I enter. I unwrap my scarf and take off my hat. Yoongi looks at me and messes my hair. I laugh as he looks at me. 

Yoongi: Now we're even from last time. 

I can feel my cheeks blush as I tell him I'll find us a place to sit. 

Yoongi's POV
I look at Y/N find us place to sit. I see her sit and take off her coat. She moves her hair away from her face. She doesn't know how pretty she is.

My attention is interrupted when it's my turn to place our order. I get us two hot chocolates and wait at the counter. I peek at Y/N again to see her. I see her attention at a young couple with a baby. She's smiling and making the baby laugh.

I just smile and see her acting cute. Our hot chocolates are ready as I get them and make my way to her. I feel my heart flutter as I walk to her. Can it be that I'm in love with her?

I see Yoongi come my way with two drinks. He places one of them in front of me and says its hot chocolate. 

He sits down in front of me as I take a sip of my warm drink. Its so warm and cozy. He laughs and looks at me. 

Y/N: What is it?

Yoongi: You got a little something on here.

He pointed to where I got chocolate on my face. I wiped it as looked him.

Y/N: Is that better?

He just shakes his head and giggles. I see his hand move to my face. I begin to feel my heart beat fast. I hope he doesn't hear it. His fingers go to my bottom and he gently wipes off the chocolate. He smiles at me as he wipes off slowly. 

He quickly pulls his hands away and drinks some of his hot chocolate. We spend some time talking mostly about him and his time in BTS. He talks about where they have been and where they plan on going. I just sit there and listen. 

After some time, we leave the cafe and go out for Yoongi to show me around Daegu. He shows me the school he went to. Where he would rap when he was barely starting out. He showed me all of the places that meant a lot to him when he was young.

After some time walking around we were in the park. It was night time and the trees were lit up with lights wrapped around the base. It was pretty to look at. It was a little cold but it was durable. 

As we were walking, Yoongi suddenly stopped. I turned to look at him as he was looking at me. 

Y/N: What is it?

Before he could say anything, I saw it snowing. I giggled as I began to hold my hand up to catch the snowflakes. I turn my attention back to Yoongi. He just stands there looking at me with a sweet smile. 

He starts coming towards me. I look at him as he stands in front of me. My hands shaking from the cold as he takes them in his hands and hold them. They feel soft and warm as I begin to feel my heart beat.

He starts to lean in towards my face. I slowly close my eyes and feel his breath on my lips. Then I feel his soft lips pressed against mine. The snowflakes landing on our face as we kiss. We both begin to move our lips together. 

For a moment it didn't matter who he is? Or what he does for a living? Or that he is a celebrity with millions of fans who love him? All that matters is this kiss. This kiss between me and him is all that matter to me. 

We pull away as I look him. He holds my hands again.

Yoongi: I guess that was way of say that I like you. Like, I like like you.

I smiled as I looked down trying to hide my cheeks that are bright red. 

Y/N: And I like like you too Min Yoongi. 

He smiles his gummy smile at me as I pull him to kiss his lips again. We stay there as we embrace each other in the cold and as snow falls. 

Its a romantic moment. I wish I could stay in this moment forever. As I kiss Yoongi in the night. I feel happy.

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