Need // Ohgeesy pt.2

By Ohcheesy

75.7K 1.6K 742

Responsibilities Secrets HIS unknown baby Hennessy needs to stay strong for a good job and for her baby but... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44

Part 4

2.3K 41 2
By Ohcheesy


Although I was very tired I had to get up to go to school. I wasn't home schooled anymore so it kind of sucked.

My mom dropped clothes off apparently so I was kinda glad. I was now wearing some joggers and my big comfy Raiders jacket. When I turn I see Handro waking up.

"Where yo cute ass going" he then yawns.



"Yeah in a month I get out and then I go to UCLA if my grades stay good" I smile grabbing my stuff to go.

"I'm so proud of you c'mere" he says with wide arms.

"Bye be a good lil boy" I pat his head and he rolls his eyes.

"How long" he ask kissing my hand and belly.

"Until 1:01pm"

"Ughh ima be texting you" he whines and I smile walking away.

The car ride was just me and my music but also a couple tears. I didn't know how I felt about Handro. Did I want him or was I right for leaving him?

Then Desean baby, life seems to go a bit down hill each day. The only thing I'm living for right now is my own baby.

Once I got to class we began reading for English. Today no one stared seems like everyone in my class is a bit used to it by now.

"What does the star represent" the teacher ask snapping me out of my day dream.

"It's the Star of David and it let everyone know who weren't Jews to know who were Jews" I answer and he nods. Ha you thought you caught me slipping!!

English got boringer and more boring. After each chapter my teacher would summarize the chapter so I would zone of while they read and just listened when he would explain the chapter after.

2nd period

I had history and although it can be boring at times it was also interesting when the right person explained it. On my way to class I saw Desean wave at me but I rolled my eyes and just walked in my class pissed off.

I ended up having a sub who eyes got wide when he saw my belly. I'm not gonna lie it was embarrassing when people did that because well I mean it's awkward over all.

We just did worksheets since my teacher wasn't here to teach her lesson. I then felt my phone vibrate.

Handro 🤓💝: I get out next month wtfffff

Me: that should teach ya a lesson tonto (dumbass)

Handro 🤓💝: ik ik

Handro 🤓💝: do your work now!!

Me: no

I then here the sub clear his throat and I sigh putting the phone down and he walks away but keeps an eye on me. I feel my phone vibrate a lot after that but the teacher wouldn't even give me seconds to check.

Fast forward to 5th period

I was now in Health careers which was my last class since I no longer had pe . Yipeeeeeee no exercise. I rush to my class before Desean can get there.

"Mr. Adams may I have a new partner" I quickly say and he gives me a dumbfounded face.

"I don't care why or what happened in life you'll work with people you don't like so what will you do" He ask crossing his arms.

"Ignore it and move on" I sigh while he nods.

I was now annoyed I'd have to talk to him eventually but I knew Mr. Adams was right. I then began blasting my music so I don't have to hear a word from Desean.

Mr. Adams did not go easy on me he actually went harder he said we had partner work today, asshole.

"Why yo Fine ass ignoring me" Desean groans pulling me by my waist.

"Don't touch me unless you want problems" I harshly say and he raises a brow laughing.

"If it's because Ohgeesy whatever go get your heart hurt again" he rolls his eyes.

"You don't know a thing that happened between us. what about you with Allure I wouldn't even doubt if y'all just tried to separate us.... now talk shit again" I yell pushing him against the wall while his eyes grew wide.

"How do yo-"

"Don't worry just know to stay away fucker" I spat backing up and sitting back in my seat boiling up.

I was now writing everything down while he sat quietly copying all the stuff I wrote. Who in the hell did Desean think he was to be honest.

Class was over and although Desean tried to talk to me I stayed quiet and got in my car while he watched me drive off. Handro always told me to believe him and be careful with the lies I heard, I failed him horribly.

I was back at the hospital and before I can get in the room with Handro I see him and Allure kissing. It broke me but I did say no to being with him after all.

I sigh and go sit in the waiting seats outside of his room. Allure then walks out with a little boy who walked adorably. He had no resemblance of Handro but had Desean dark skin.

"Hennessy" Allure says


"Mommy who's that" the baby ask and Allure smiles rubbing his head.

"That's daddy friend babes" Allure explains picking him up.

"So you know my daddy Alejandro" he says in a way that it's hard for me to understand.

"Yeah I do" I force a smile and Allure walks away with a smirk. I sigh rubbing my head and the baby kicks. Damn this baby for sure is gonna keep me sane with all these bitches.

"Henny" I then look up to see Handro trying his best walking.

"Um hey Gees just came by"

He then sits down next to me.

"Hey baby" he cooes rubbing my belly. All I wanted to do at the moment was sock him but I just breathe in and out.

"How was school mamas" Handro messes my hair up a bit and I shrug.

"Why so quiet" he ask and I shrug.

"Hope you have a good time with Allure see you around" I sigh getting up to leave.

"Don't go I need you" he yells and I stop and try not to give in but I do.

"Allure or me ? who is your girl or who will be your girl ? and who do you still love?" I ask straight forward with everything.

"Allure has the baby believing in the dad is still me and I won't let Davion go on without a dad like me" he mumbles.

"Your not his dad though"

"You tell him that he'll be hurt he's still human yknow" he argues and I nod understanding.

"So that's why you kissed her" I ask

"You saw that" he ask shocked.

"I asked a question"

"I kiss her to prove Davion were together in a way. I don't want him to go on with life without a dad because guess what... the guy you think is amazing yeah well Desean left Allure for you, why? He doesn't want kids" Handro yells getting madder.

He then clutches his stomach, getting him mad was doing no good to him. "

"Handro be careful. Let's get you to bed"

I then walk him to his bed and we stay quiet. They inject him to help his stomach aches and it makes him knock out right away. While he's asleep I begin working on my homework.

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