Destiny's Gamble

By styles2016

605K 65.3K 4K

Sequel to Destiny's Dice. Manik and Nandini have now begun a new chapter of their lives, being a married coup... More

A New Chapter
Downhill Morning
Breakfast Fiascos
Mrs. Devil Malhotra
A Plot...Or Not?
No Victory Without Struggle
This Is Me
Dare To Defy
It's A Start
Mission Accomplished
A Pot Of Mess
Web Of Thoughts
Don't Know How
You and I
Nandini's Sun
One Step At A Time
Turned Tables
Green Devil
Oh, You Devil
Devil, Not So Devilish
The Night's Young
Caged Bird No More
Tonight Is Ours
Dance Partner
An Ugly End
The Journey Begins
The Journey Continues
A Bagful Of Firsts
Machine Of Pain...Or Relief?
The Garden Of Eden
An Argument Much Needed
Superman Or Madman?
The Start Of Something New
Mother Nature And Us
Return Of The Witch
Taste Testing
To Love Is To Breathe
Crackling Tension
Tracks Once More
Wasted Efforts
Mr. Hulk
Challenge Accepted
Double Celebration
All's Well That Ends Well
Trouble In Paradise
Operation Nandini
Plan A
Plan B...Failed
Thank You!
Lucked Out
Here, Always And Forever
Back To Square One
Out In The Open
Fragile! Handle With Care
Happy Reunion Day
Destined To Be
Good Luck, Manik
Devil In Disguise
Hungry Lioness
The Morning After
Mending Burnt Bridges
Surprise Getaway
Confessions Of The Heart
Tonight We Are One
A Hollow Victory
Unfortunate Times
Tough Times
Newfound Motivation
Renewed Freedom
Coffee Date
A Flood Of Memories
Enemy Territory
Something More
Hide And Seek
Destructive Lies
Two Vessels, One Soul
Unfinished Tales
Key to Success...Or Potion To Fail?
Game Changer
History Repeats Itself
Unpleasant Dawn
Falling Into Place
Old Flames
Coming Home
Happily Ever After
A New Adventure!

Destiny's Gamble

3.6K 539 32
By styles2016

A/N: Double update!!! Because, I mean, why not? Happy reading xx

Manik's POV

Bunching up the top of the garbage bag that now acts as a bag for my belongings, I follow the guard towards the exit gate. Truth be told, heading into the outside world almost feels as if I'm invading it, like an alien. Sure, to some six months may not seem like such a long period of time. But I felt every second that passed by and I won't be exaggerating at all when I term this period as hell on earth. That being said, I am also aware of the fact that my hatred towards the hellhole I am leaving today is not entirely due to the place itself. I mainly resent it because of who wasn't present in there and the distance it caused between her and I. 

"Don't do anything to come back." The guard says, stopping in front of the metal gate. 

"I make no promises," I sigh. Unlocking the smaller gate, he pushes it open, rays of sunlight streaming in. I squint my eyes as I step out into a world I know all too well, unlike the one I'm exiting from. A horn beeps to my left. I turn my head in the direction of the sound to find Cabir seated in the front seat of a black Hilux. 

"Hey buddy!" Eva yells, popping her upper half out through the sun roof. "Welcome back." She gestures for me to come over, excitement radiating from her ear splitting grin. Unable to control myself upon seeing my friends, a smile tugs at the corners of my lips. 

"Didn't you just get married?" I call out, making my way towards the car. "No honeymoon?" She stares at me as if I'm the dumbest asshole on this planet.

"How could we leave when you were getting out?" She asks, tossing her arms in the air. It's a relief to know that my friends haven't forgotten about me. But everything's not normal, and it won't be until I don't have Angel at my side.


"Manik, I think we should handle the current situation with great thought and care. The four of us need to come up with a plan which will make Nandini remember you, without Sushant meddling in between." Cabir says, leaning towards me from across the table, as if we are discussing a top secret government mission. "She trusts him more than anyone nowadays and so I think that if he tells her to stay away from you, then she will gladly oblige." As Cabir's talking, my attention wanders towards a man and a woman, who have just walked into the restaurant, guided by a waiter.

"Fuck," Cabir gasps, his eyes following my line of sight. It's Angel, with Sushant at her side. Her arm is brushing against his as she laughs at something he's said. Angel leans towards him, her fist playfully making contact with his bicep. Lord, she's become even more beautiful if that's possible. Her hair's shorter, as it ends just beyond her shoulders. She's wearing a bold shade of red lipstick, coupled with a blood red halter top. The material ends at her stomach, and after a little gap of bare skin, the hem of her black pant begins.

"For starters, I think we'll have a bottle of Chardonnay." Angel says, lowering herself onto a chair. Their table is right beside ours, as if fate is taunting me. Considering the ease with which the alcohol's name rolled off her tongue, I can gather that she now drinks quite often.

"M-Manik, I think we should leave." Eva says, sounding nervous, as if she's unsure of what my next actions will be. Too late. I am already out of my seat and stepping over towards Angel's table. Her head turns towards me, a lingering smile lining her lips. Her look, however, knocks the very breath out of my lungs. She is looking at me and yet she's looking right past me, as if I am a glass window - a stranger.

"Yes?" Angel says questioningly. 

"Uh..." I find myself at a loss for words. Sure, I was aware of her memory loss, but nothing could've prepared me for this glassy look in her familiar orbs. "I'm sorry," I say, getting my mind back on track. "I thought you were someone I know." Now Angel looks as if the wind has been knocked out of her chest.

"Do...Do I know you?" She asks, standing up with a jerk. "Have we met before?" There's an urgency in her tone. 

"I don't think so." I reply with a secretive smile. If only you knew, Angel...

"Your voice...Are you sure?" She probes, unsettled. Does she remember me? My heart skips a beat. Was I right to think that her mind may have forgotten about me, but her heart carries me in it? 

"Positive. I don't forget beautiful faces like yours." Angel opens her mouth, her expressions telling me she's gearing up for an argument. Oh, she's not satisfied at all. 

"Babe, if the man is saying he doesn't know you, then I'm sure he's right." Sushant interferes hastily. Angel shuts her mouth, her expression telling me she's not ready to shut the chapter on her inquiries just yet.

"You," I say, turning my attention to Sushant. "I may not know your lovely date, but I sure as hell know you." He furrows his brows at me, unsure of the game I'm playing. "Remember boarding school? We'd collect those cards and sell them for ten rupees or less in the back alley." Sushant narrows his eyes at me. I place my hand on his shoulder, squeezing down hard. "Remember, friend?" 

"Of course," Sushant says, squirming in my death grip. 

"Why don't you accompany me to the bathroom and let's catch up." I turn my head towards Angel. "I do hope you don't mind me stealing your date for a few minutes." 

"By all means, go ahead." She says, watching me like I'm a jigsaw she's itching to solve. I gesture for Sushant to lead the way towards the bathroom. He obliges. Smart guy. 

"Start squawking," I order, as soon as we enter the bathroom. "I wish to know everything from the day of the accident and how you crawled your way to the level of babe." 


"Manik, forget about Nandini. She has long back forgotten about you, so let things be." Sushant says, once he's done narrating the ongoings of the past six months. 

"Oh, for sure," I scoff in disbelief. "Because that would make matters so fucking easy for you." 

"Look, the doctors are the ones who told me to ensure Nandini doesn't put great pressure on her mind trying to recall the past." Sushant says, as if that justifies him deceiving my wife. "They said to wait a year before we begin sessions to make her remember past events. Although, along with that they said if she starts from scratch and can begin a new life - turning her back on the old one - then that'll be even better. I'm just trying to help her, Manik." 

"Oh for fuck's sake!" I yell, banging my fist against the wall. "You can fool Angel with that crap, but not me." 

"If you love her - even a little - then you're going to let things go on as they are. I thought love wasn't supposed to be selfish, and yet you're willing to risk her mental health for your pleasure." Balling my fists at my side, I take a step closer to Sushant. If Angel didn't know he was in here with me, then tonight I would've surely ruined his face once and for all.

"Don't experiment with your sick mind games on me. I can see right through all the shit that's in you, Sushant." My finger jabs into his chest. "My love is not selfish. Heck, any sane person can see that Angel will be happier with me than with any other asshole on this planet. You know why? Because she has opened the gates of her heart for me. I haven't crept into it by force or through deceit." 

"Destiny was on your side back in those days, Manik. Nandini became your partner by pure good luck, nothing else. No offence, but you both aren't meant to be. Why else would fate now be playing on my side? I own her heart now." 

"That's the difference between you and I, Sushant. I never owned Angel's heart. She gave it to me, and I was blessed to have it. She's not my possession," I say. "I am honoured to have her in my life, and not a day passes by when I don't realise this." Sushant shakes his head, casting his gaze away from me. "You know what? I am going right now to tell Angel the entire truth." Enough of this bullshit! She needs to be aware of who I am and the past we share. After that, at least the control will be in her hands.

"If you're so damn confident about your love, then you won't tell her anything!" Sushant calls out from behind me, making me halt in place. "Let her re-fall for you. Her memories have surely been erased, but she's still the same Nandini." 

"Is this supposed to be some last minute effort to prevent me from untangling the web of lies you have spun?" I ask, turning around to face him.

"Regardless of what you think, Manik, I do care about Nandini. If you try to flood her brain with memories, then it'll have long term harmful effects. Keep your hate for me aside for just a second and think solely about her." All day I have sat behind the computer screen and researched about patients with memory loss, which is why I know Sushant isn't wrong. My impulsive nature could prove harmful for Angel. "I won't even poison her mind against you and neither will you speak against me. This'll surely even out the playing field, right?" 

"Okay, fine," I agree. "But I want you to remember one thing, Sushant. Destiny's still on my side. After all, the feelings Angel once harboured for me aren't wiped clean from her heart. I just need to remind her of their presence." 

I have full faith in the fact that Angel and I are meant to be. Therefore, I have no doubts, whatsoever, that we can fall in love not just once, but twice, thrice and as many times as we wish to. She and I can live through more than seven lives - each time appearing in a new body, with a new appearance and a different personality, surrounded by a completely different situation - and yet I know we will find our way to each other every single time. 

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