Always Yours | GOT7 PARK JINY...

By lovesickyuno

69K 2.8K 529

"I hope one day we'll be succesful and happy and we'll still be like this.", he said. "Like what?", Jisoo ask... More

Chapter 1 : Remisnicing
Chapter 2 : Hopeful
Chapter 3 : See You Again
Chapter 4 : Unexpected
Chapter 5 : Hell
Chapter 6 : Mr Park
Chapter 7 : You're My Secretary
Chapter 8 : Will The Universe Ever Fight For Us Again?
Chapter 9 : Back To You
Chapter 11 : Romeo And Juliet
Chapter 12 : Slowly But Surely
Chapter 13 : Needy
Chapter 14 : Never Happened
Chapter 15 : The One For You
Chapter 16 : All Over Again
Chapter 17 : Questions
Chapter 18 : We Have Each Other Again
Chapter 19 : Chances
Chapter 20 : Fight For Us
Chapter 21 : I'll Fix Us
Chapter 22 : You Make Me Love You
Chapter 23 : Yellow
Chapter 24 : I'm Glad You Did
Chapter 25 : Be My Mess
Chapter 26 : Sick
Chapter 27 : Park Jinyoung's Universe
Chapter 28 : You Taste Like Forever
Chapter 29 : We'll Be Okay
Chapter 30 : I Won't Let You Go
Chapter 31 : Sacrifices
Chapter 32 : Change
Chapter 33 : Take Me To You
Chapter 34 : Happy Birthday
Chapter 35 : I Want To Hate You
Chapter 36 : Hope
Chapter 37 ( Last Chapter ) : Always Yours
Special Chapter : Endless Happily Ever After
A's announcement!
maybe, just maybe. SNEAK PEEK.
maybe, just maybe. SNEAK PEEK 2
maybe, just maybe

Chapter 10 : Homesick

1.6K 81 18
By lovesickyuno

Songs you can listen to for this chapter :

1) Sick by Got7
2) Fine by Taeyeon

Jisoo was at work one day, organising Jinyoung's schedule, she was busy organising it until she stopped halfway, she glanced down at her bracelet on her wrist and her mind found it's way back to when Jinyoung took her wrist to put it back on, and how gently he took it.

She held her wrist and let out a small sigh, snapping out of her thoughts and getting back to work, suddenly
Jinyoung walked out of his officeroom and went over to Jisoo's desk.

"Yes?", Jisoo said.

"I have a meeting right in an hour?", Jinyoung said.

"Yes.", Jisoo said, looking up at him.

"I need you to come with me.", Jinyoung said and Jisoo was surprised.

He needs me. Jisoo thought.

"O-okay.", Jisoo said, at this point she didn't care, all she cared was the fact that he needed her.


"Are you sure this is where they agreed to meet up?", Jinyoung asked, they were at some fancy restaurant for the lunch meeting, the people they were supposed to meet up with was over 30 minutes later.

"Yes, I'm sure.", Jisoo said, she sighed as they waited again, suddenly Jisoo's phone rang and she picked it up immediately.

"Hello, yes, this is her. Oh, I see, it's alright, thank you.", Jisoo said as she hung up and she looked at Jinyoung, "That was Mr Kim's secretary, he's not able to make it.", Jisoo said.

"You've got to be kidding me.", Jinyoung scoffed, he glanced down at his watch and it was already lunchtime.

"Well, since the meeting is cancelled and it's already lunchtime, I'll probably go.", Jisoo said awkwardly as she got up.

"Sit down.", Jinyoung said without even looking at her.

"Huh?", Jisoo asked, lost.

"Sit down and just have lunch with me, since we're already here.", Jinyoung said looking up at her. Jisoo was a bit taken aback, but she still sat back down.

They had lunch quietly and Jisoo wasn't really eating, she was mostly picking on her food. Jinyoung glanced up at her and was about to say something until his phone rang.

"Hey Jen.", he said over then phone with a smile, "Yeah, I'm actually having lunch right now. Oh, okay, at our usual place. Okay Jen, see you in 5.", Jinyoung said as he hung up.

Jinyoung looked up and Jisoo was still zoning out, Jinyoung snapped his fingers in front of Jisoo, bringing her back to reality.

"Oh, yes?", Jisoo said, blinking a few times, "Sorry, I was-"

"Zoning out. Yeah, I know, stop doing that.", Jinyoung said cutting her off, "By the way, if Mr Kim ever wants another meeting, tell his secretary to arrange it instead of you, this is the second time he has stood us up and I don't want to deal with this again.", Jinyoung said, and he sounded fed up.

"Noted.", Jisoo said, jotting it down in her notebook, Jisoo hated the fact she could only talk to Jinyoung about work, she hated it. They used to talk about everything and anything, as long as they had each other.

"Hello!!", a voice said suddenly, it was Jennie's and Jennie's eyes landed on Jisoo who was sitting opposite Jinyoung.

"Oh hey.", Jinyoung smiled, and Jisoo's heart ached seeing him smile like that, she missed that smile, that goddamn smile.

"Jisoo!!", Jennie smiled, and Jisoo smiled back. "Jinyoung didn't tell me he had company.", Jennie smirked as she took the seat beside Jinyoung.

"Huh?", Jinyoung said, lost until it clicked, "Oh.., just a coincidence, a client stood up on us so yeah.", Jinyoung said as he glanced at Jisoo who seemed flustered.

"Oh, I see.", Jennie said, "Anyway, I went to see Jackson's manager just now.", Jennie smiled and then she turned to Jisoo, "Say thanks to Jackson for this great opportunity, I really appreciate it.", Jennie said gratefully and she sounded genuine and sincere when she said those words.

Jackson? The Jackson Jennie said Jisoo is always with? Is Jisoo with him? Jinyoung thought, a feeling of jealousy rushed over him, but he quickly shrugged it off after telling himself that he doesn't really care.

"Oh Jennie, don't mention it, you were great, you're really something and Jackson loved you, you deserve this job so much.", Jisoo smiled, and Jennie thanked her again.

Jisoo ended up having lunch with both Jennie and Jinyoung, she felt like a thirdwheeler, but Jisoo sensed how much Jennie tried to talk to her and she was grateful for that.

Jennie talked to her more than Jinyoung did, and Jennie could sense the tension between Jinyoung and Jisoo. She made sure Jisoo was included in most of their conversations because she didn't want Jisoo to feel left out, and she didn't realise how much Jisoo appreciated her effort.

An hour later, they were already at Jinyoung's office, and they were already in front of the elevator.

"You guys can talk first, I need to get going I have some work to do.", Jisoo smiled before going into the elevator.

"It was so nice catching up with you Jisoo, lets do it again soon.", Jennie said with a small smile.

"Sure.", Jisoo said with a small laugh getting into the elevator, Jinyoung and Jennie waited for the elevator door to close.

After it had closed completely, Jennie turned to Jinyoung and lightly slapped his shoulder.

"What did I do?!!!", Jinyoung said, shocked.

"Why are you so cold towards her?!!", Jennie exclaimed and Jinyoung scoffed.

"Relax Jen, why do you care so much? She's not even our friend.", Jinyoung shrugged as he pressed the elevator button.

"Jinyoung...", Jennie said with a sigh.

"Oh boy, here we go again with Miss Jennie's nagging..", Jinyoung said sarcastically and Jennie rolled her eyes at him, "Okay Jen, I'll buy her flowers soon and take her out to fancy dinner dates, and get her presents on a daily basis okay?", Jinyoung said sarcastically.

"Jinyoung..", Jennie said in annoyance.

"Bye, I'll talk to you later.", Jinyoung said, cutting her off and immediately getting into the elevator, and Jennie shook her head at how he was acting as she made her way home.

Jinyoung was driving home after work later that evening, he sighed, he suddenly felt heavy inside, and everytime he felt that way, he knew that it was about Jisoo, with Jinyoung it was always about Jisoo, no one else.

He remembered what Jisoo had said a month ago, during her first day of work.

"You really have forgotten everything, haven't you Jinyoung?", Jisoo had said.

How could you say that to me Jisoo? I still remember everything, I still remember everything about you. The things you like and the things you dislike, songs that make you cry, your favourite books, everything, every little thing. Jinyoung thought.

Jinyoung's mind found it's way back to a memory of Jisoo and him back when he was 19 and she was 18.

It was almost one in the morning and Jisoo was busy reading, until her phone started ringing, she broke out into a smile when she saw that it was Jinyoung.

"Hello?", Jisoo laughed over the phone, "It's one in the morning Jinyoung, what do you want?", Jisoo said.

"I figured you were still up.", Jinyoung said from the other line, "Nothing, just wanted to ask you out on a date. You wanna go to the rooftop?", Jinyoung said.

"Date? Now?", Jisoo said, confused.

"Mhm.", Jinyoung said, "It's oka-"

"Sure, I'll wait for you to come pick me up.", Jisoo responded with a smile.

Jinyoung took them to the rooftop, and there was a mat with pillows and blankets on it.

"Shall we?", he asked, as he reached his hand out to Jisoo. Jisoo gladly took his hand, with no hesitations.

They both lied down on the mat, the sky was full of stars that night, it was kind of chilly that night, the breeze was perfect, everything was perfect.

"Isn't it beautiful?", Jisoo asked in awe.

"Like you.", Jinyoung said, glancing at her and Jisoo blushed at that as she sat up straight, enjoying the whole view.

"You know Jinyoung, you feel like home and I love that.", Jisoo said suddenly, breaking the silence, and Jinyoung smiled at that.

Jisoo showed up infront of Jackson's doorstep later that night at 9pm, crying. Jackson opened the door and was shocked to see Jisoo in such a state. Jackson could tell that she had been drinking, but she wasn't all that drunk, she only seemed tipsy.

"Chu..what happened?", Jackson asked, concerned.

"Jackson, can I stay here tonight? Please.", Jisoo cried, Jackson pulled her inside his house and closed the door behind him.

"You know you're always welcomed, just stay here.", Jackson comforted. Jisoo went plopped onto his couch and continued crying, Jackson let her be and went over to his room to get some fresh pj's Jisoo could borrow. He went over to the living room and Jisoo was still sobbing, Jisoo rarely cries, but Jackson knows that when she cries it must have been something that she had kept bottled up inside.

"I want to go home.", Jisoo sobbed, and Jackson was confused.

"You want me to send you home Chu?", Jackson asked.

"No Jackson.", Jisoo shook her head in tears, "I want to go home, I want him to let me in again, I just want to go home, back to him, back in his arms, please.", Jisoo sobbed, and in that moment Jackson realised who Jisoo was talking about, she was talking about Jinyoung.

Jisoo had always talked about how much Jinyoung felt like home, and she loved it, she made a home out of him without realising and now she's homesick.

Jackson didn't know how to respond, it hit him how tragic and beautiful it is the way Jinyoung and Jisoo fell in love. Jinyoung made Jisoo the happiest and the saddest, there was no in between.

Jisoo ended up leaning on Jackson's shoulder, crying her heart out. She was really letting it all out tonight.

"I miss him so much Jackson, I miss everything we do and I miss going to sleep at night knowing that he loves me, I miss him so much Jackson.", Jisoo cried, "I see him everyday but I just end up missing him even more, I don't want to feel like this but I can't stop, and it hurts.", she sobbed, her heart was breaking, "Please, I just want him back, I miss him so much.", Jisoo said in between cries. Jackson ended up holding her that night, letting Jisoo cry into his chest, until his shirt was soaking wet. Jisoo ended up crying for about two more hours, until she fell asleep.

Jackson slowly layed Jisoo's sleeping self on the couch, putting a blanket over her, he sighed at the sight. You'll be home soon enough Chu, I know you will. Jackson thought.


Surprise!!!! Here's another update since I want to make up for not updating yesterday. LOVE U GUYS SM - A

QOTC : Jinji or Jenson?

Love A and Q 🍓🌻

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