Book Of Requests

By theputus-ba

81K 6.5K 2.5K

Collection of one shots. More

Find me
All day long
All day long 2
Marry You
Best Part
Inside the clinic
Flashbulb Memory
Baby Doll
A Wish
7 deadly sins
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
What if
The Correct Distance
Heart attack
Midnight Secret
Fill in the blanks
Password 2
You make me feel
Love or Punishment
Prince Charming
New Year Resolution
The Whistle
A Handshake
Things i'll never say
The cycle
The Untouched Contact
Status war
Your smile
His love
The shy smile
Under my Umbrella
Pink milk
Worth it
My Darling
Hey Stranger
Psycho Saiyaan

Fuwa Fuwa Time

1.2K 109 30
By theputus-ba

The title means fluffy time.

Inspired by a song of the same name from the anime series- K-On.

Anyone familiar with it?

Here's the song for anyone who's interested.


Arthit sleepily made his way to the class. Mornings were never his time, especially, if you had been practicing till late night.

Annual festival was approaching and there was no helping it.

He yawned and entered the class, only to bump onto someone's chest.

He looked up and blinked his eyes.

It was Kongpob's chest.

"Good morning Arthit", Kongpob flashed his charming smile.

Colour started blooming on his cheeks and his sleep went far away. He ducked his head and murmured,

"Good morning"

"Oh, you have bed hair"

And Arthit was not ready for the next thing to happen.

Kongpob touching his hair and arranging it.

His breath stuck in his throat, and butterflies appeared in his stomach, and the color on his cheeks became more prominent.

"There, it's done", with one last pat, he left.

Finally, Arthit started breathing again and looked up. Only to see his group of friends smirking at him.

"Oho.... someone is having a fantastic morning", Bright teased.

His other friends joined him. Arthit ran towards him to shut him up.

He doesn't know if Kongpob knew about his feelings or not. But he was not subtle in his reactions either.

But thankfully, only his friends knew about his humongous crush on Kongpob.

But he had planned to change that soon.


Arthit was getting bored sitting in the classroom alone. His friends had went to buy some snacks before starting their practice. But it had been 45 minutes with no sign of them.

His eyelids started becoming heavy and he dozed off.

Sometime later, he woke up by Bright's voice. They were walking towards the class, but Arthit could still hear them.

He slowly opened his eyes and noticed a blazer covering him.

He sat up quickly and his eyes widened in surprise. The blazer was screaming Kongpob with his smell.

Arthit hugged it tightly and inhaled it deeply. He felt happy and fluffy, and the butterflies were back again.

But then quickly put it inside his bag too. He didn't wanted to be teased by his friends again.

Smiling, he went to practice.


Currently, Arthit was pouting and massaging his aching arms. And sitting alone in the music room. It was lunch time and he had forbade his friends from approaching him.

Last night, their practice had extended till late. And miraculously, except Arthit, everyone had managed to reach school on time, even Bright.

And the P.E teacher had made him do planks for 10 minutes, because he was 10 minutes late.

And he blamed his friends for not waking him up. Hence, the sulking.

Sighing, he went to the toilet.

And when he came back, a pink milk was waiting for him.

He picked it up and read the note attached.

'cheer up' , it said.

Immediately, a warm feeling crept inside him and he smiled.

He knows this handwriting.

It's Kongpob's.

He took a sip, and immediately cheered up.


Finally, it was their turn. It was the annual function day.

Nervously, he went to the stage and searched for a face.

Upon spotting, colored a bit and spoke,

"I want to dedicate this song to a special person. It's called fuwa fuwa time"

And they started singing.

It was a hit.

When the noise lessened, Arthit spoke up again,

"Every time I meet that person, I feel fluffy and happy and butterflies in my stomach. But it's only fleeting. I want it to be permanent and forever.....................................I like you Kongpob. Will you be my boyfriend"

Which was followed by another deafening cheer.

And if Arthit was looking for any answers, he got it from the dashning smile which Kongpob gave.


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