Time Again

By pknelson1

2.5K 79 18

Adelle Montgomery has been completely ordinary her whole life. She lives in a small collage town and can't sa... More

Chapter 1: My Love
Chapter 2: Not that I was thinking of him shirtless
Chapter 3: An almost kiss
Chapter 4: His dark chariot
Chapter 5: Seeing through your eyes
Chapter 7: True to my heart
Chapter 8 : Hospital rooms, Star Wars, and Soulmates oh my!
Chapter 9: Revelation
Chapter 10: Missing Pieces
Chapter 11: It Wasn't my Heart Breaking, but my Soul
Chapter 12: This Love can Heal
Chapter 13: Midnight Confessions and 2 AM Fears
Chapter 14: Two types of Wicked
Chapter 15: A Need To Know Basis
Chapter 16: Goodbyes Were Never Meant To Be Happy
Chapter 17: The Levels of Pain
Chapter 18: Blood Bond
Chapter 19: All Hail the King
Chapter 20: My Heart and My Soul
Chapter 21: Doubt
Chapter 22: Take My Soul and Set Me Free
Chapter 23: Shatter
Chapter 24: Shot in the Light
Chapter 25: The Beginning

Chapter 6: Take a deep breath

129 5 1
By pknelson1


Teachers are cruel. 

They base your grade on standing up on front of the class and talking. What about the shy people? How do they get a good grade? Why base your semester grade on talking in front of a bunch of teenagers who even don't care what you say?

But there I was with clammy hands and shaking knees. Wondering; where was Wes? He told me he was going to be here. My grade depended on him being here. And as much as I wanted to deny it, I kinda needed him for moral support. I hated talking in front of the class.

Right as the final bell rang Wes breezed through the door, flashing me his signature half smile.

"Cutting it a little close aren't we Mr. Payne?" Mr. Stoker's nasally voice carried over the classroom.

"It's only cutting it close if you don't make the bell. I made the bell." Wes smarted, matter-of-fact. Leaving a spluttering Mr. Stoker at the front of the class.

Wes took his seat next to me and I instantly felt better. My knees didn't shake and I didn't feel like I was going to vomit. I exhaled with relief.

"Nervous I wasn't going to be here?" Wes said, reclining back in his seat.

"Actually yes I was nervous you weren't going to show. Then I would have to do the project by myself." And even though Wes was right beside me my hands started to shake and I became nervous all over again. I bounced my knee up and down, unable to sit still.

"Adelle are you nervous or do you have it pee?"

"I'm nervous, you nimrod. I hate presenting in front of the class." I cast him a side glance.

"Wow the unshakeable Adelle freaks out over talking in front of the class. I would have never thought." Wes chuckled under his breath.

"Shut up Wes, your not making this any better." I let my head drop into my hands, hiding my face from view.

"It's okay Adelle, I'll help you. I'll do most of the talking 'cause we both know I'm good at that." Wes winked at me and I felt my face flush. I quickly looked away.

"Adelle and Wes you are up next." Mr. Stoker called out gleefully, enjoying every second of our pain.

I stood on wobbly legs, trying to take deep breaths.

Wes put his hand on my lower back and whispered, "It's okay Adelle, you can do this. I'm here." His scent washed over me and his close proximity calmed me down and gave me confidence as I walked to the front of the room. Wes a step behind me.

"Our project is on the spies in the Civil War."

My voice didn't even shake. I read off the paragraphs of the spies I researched, then Wes read his. It was all over in a matter of minutes.

"Good you get a B plus."

I laughed softly as we sat back down.

"Well a B plus is better than nothing. Thank you." I meant more than just a 'thank you' for the project. I meant a 'thank you' for him calming me down and giving courage to present.

"No problem love."

I gasped at his endearment.

"It's cute when you do that."

"It is not and don't call me that." I glare at him.

"What? Cute or Love?"


Wes just laughs.

I start gathering my things and put them in my bag. When the bell rings I was just leaving the classroom when Wes stops me.

"I'm giving you a ride home." Wes slings his arm over my shoulders.

"Oh really, you are?" I step out from under his arm and continue walking towards my sixth hour.

"Yes, I don't want you walking a home by yourself." Wes kept up easily with my brisk pace.

How did he know when I didn't have the car?

"Aw you're concerned for my safety, how sweet." Sarcasm oozed off every word.

"I am actually. A beautiful girl like you walking home by herself, it's not safe." Wes was actually serious.

"We'll you don't need to be. The project is over and we can go back to our normal lives where we don't talk." As much as it hurt to tell him that, it had to be done. I hoped that the less time I spent with him the less my heart would hurt and the less I would feel attached to him. But it made me sick to do this.

"Oh Adelle you can't get rid of me that easily."

I felt myself blush red.

"I like that I make you blush." Wes laughed huskily as my blush reddened.

I put my head down and pick up my already brisk pace and practically ran to my classroom. Wes laughing behind me the whole time.


I skipped my sixth hour class again and waited out the hour in my car. 'Go back to our normal lives'? Since when was my life normal? I was a freaking Time Traveler for Heavens sake.

How could Adelle want nothing to do with me? I know we have some sort of connection. I felt it every time she walked into the room. I felt it every time she leaves. A deep ache took hold of my heart and I felt something missing that I have never felt before.

Every Time Traveler has a Soulmate. My parents found each other 115 years ago. And I remembered growing up listening to the story of how they met. I was always intrigued by the fact of finding your other half.

My mother grew up in London and my father grew up in Ireland. They met when they were sixteen. My father worked on a ship that traded goods with London. He said that when he first laid eyes on my mother, standing on the dock he knew that she was his Soulmate. He felt a piece of himself click into place and he was made whole. The next year, they said, was a hell on Earth for them. They were a sea apart and could only communicate by letter. But as soon as my father earned enough money he brought my mother over to Ireland and completed the ancient ritual of bonding their two souls.

I couldn't help but wonder if what I was feeling towards Adelle was evidence that she might be my Soulmate. I felt so lost and confused about how I was supposed to go about this. I wished my parents were there so I could ask them about these strong emotions I had toward Adelle.

But I couldn't. They were dead and I was alone in what could be the most important event in my life. I don't even know if Adelle felt anything towards me. Sometimes she wold look at me and I would see an almost longing look in her eyes. Then I would say something and she blushed and looked so beautiful it took my breath away. But then she'll drop things like, 'We can go back to our normal lives' and I felt as though she thinks nothing of me. Those things she says hurt the most, especially when I see that certain longing in her deep blue eyes. I was so confused and I just wanted to hug her but that would probably earn me a slap.

So I decided that today I will ask Adelle out. I'll talk to her and get to know her better outside of school. But it all depended on if she agrees.

The bell rings and I got out of my car to lean against the hood. I see her fiery red hair from across the parking lot. I held my breath and hope against hope that she walks in my direction.

And Adelle does.

I let the air whoosh out of my lungs and hurriedly regain my composure, not fighting the smile that came to my lips.

"I knew you would come," I said as Adelle nears the car.

"I just didn't feel like walking home."

"Sure. You don't have to lie to me Adelle. We both know you can't get enough of me." I smiled my signature smile.

"Are you always this full of yourself?"

"Only when I'm around you Love." Adelle's blush darkened and I just wanted to pull her close.

"Are you going to drive me home or not?"

"Of course I am." I opened her door for her, thanking the stars that my mother brought me up right.

"You know you don't have to do that right?" Adelle got in and indicated to my opening her door.

"But I'm a gentleman and anyone who doesn't open your door isn't worth your time." I shut her door and went to my side and started the car. We rode in silence for a few minutes before I turned on the radio. The song Daylight by Ron Pope came on. I couldn't help but think how accurate this song was.

I've seen sad dark timed

And I have waited for the sun to rise.

I've seen sad dark times

And waited for rain.

All I know is whenever I am far from home

There are nights when words seem out of place.

I have walked alone and the stars have tried to guide me


Almost halfway to Adelle's house I decided it was now or never.

"Would you go to dinner with me on Saturday night?" I held my breath and waited for her response, expecting the worst.


I almost stopped the car. "What? You will?" I managed to choke out.

"Yeah. Why does that surprise you?"

"Because I was pretty sure you hated me. Either that or I smell."

And she surprised me by laughing!

"What did I say?" I was totally confused.

"I don't hate you! And you don't smell bad either. I just find it funny your so nervous about asking me out. It's not like I'm drop dead gorgeous or anything."

"Adelle!" How could she say that? "You are gorgeous and don't you dare say you aren't, because that is the biggest lie of the universe!"

Adelle looked a little stunned by my reaction to her casual words.

"Thank you." And her adorable blush returned.

We were at her house now so I ran around and to her side, opening the door. Adelle got out and we stood facing each other.

"Thanks for giving me a ride." Her voice sounded a bit breathy.

"Anytime." And in that moment I wanted to kiss her so bad it took every ounce of willpower I had to pick up her hand and press a lingering kiss to the back instead of her lips. I kept my eyes locked with Adelle's and watched as her breath hitched when my lips touched her skin.

I felt so utterly complete, it took everything I had to make my legs walk me to the drivers side and get in. Tears pricked my eyes as I drove away. And I knew then and there that Adelle was mine. It was just a matter of convincing her now.

Authors note

Sorry I take so long to update!! I though I was going to have a lot of time this summer to write, but it seems I don't. I start school next week so it will be a little while until I can update again so I apologize in advance haha. I am so so so excited to be writing from Wes's point of view!! It's been really fun developing his back story. And get ready for some major drama between Adelle and Wes! They go on their first date soon!!  Yay! Also at the end of every chapter I will include one or two songs that remind me of that chapter. For this chapter it is Daylight by Ron Pope and The Words by Christina Perri. I think it really describes the confusion Wes feels towards Adelle. Along with him missing Ireland. Thank you all soooo much for reading Time Again and please comment/vote!! Any feed back is welcome! I want to know what you guys think of my story and how I can make it better! Thank you!!

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