Chemically stringed (Dysfunct...

By Zoesimple

475 103 13

Dysfunctional hearts series circles around four unlikely childhood best friends that made a pact to always s... More

Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
Chapter twenty One
Chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six

Chapter twelve

14 3 0
By Zoesimple

Ever since I started dating Owen McCall I've gotten to know him so well like the back of my palm. He's neither as mysterious as I thought he would be, nor as complicated as Kai. In fact, his aspirations and life plan is quite very simple.

For him, swimming isn't just an hobby as it is to Audrey, so he intends to take his skills to the next level by going to the Olympics after highschool to make a name in the swimming world like Michael Phelps or others. Just like me, he has been given an early admission with a school scholarship based on his swimming but i'm not sure he wants to go being that apart from swimming, he has no other thing to study because school work and studying is hard work.

His daily routine are also quite simple. Keep looking good, keep leaving for today, and keep partying. I have no issue with the amount of gel he rubs on his sleepy hair, but I find his lack of insight on the tomorrow quite shallow because i'm the type who loves to think of and plan my next day and further than that. What's worse are the parties. I've gone to more parties within the few days we've been dating more than I've ever gone in my life which isn't my thing because I like being indoors and studying, and doing other house stuffs which he says is boring. I don't complain about the parties though, because he is Owen who has always been my dream boyfriend and secret admirer. I also don't complain because being with him makes me feel worthy and less like a shadow with my recent over popularity.

Apart from his daily routine and stuff, i also know his likes and dislikes beginning from what he loves to eat to his favourite colour but I fear that he doesn't know mine yet.

"How do you feel?" I ask Audrey who looks too relaxed for some one who's about to face a crowd for the first time in the green room of the theater hall. Jade has made her an old school but really nice and flowing indigo gown that is so long that its rubbing the floor as costume while Amber crown braided her hair and it around her head making her look younger than her age. She even has a make up on which changes her face completely, in a good way. Its like the other two used the opportunity to do what she never let's them do on a normal day.


"Don't you have a stage fright or something? since you haven't done this before"

"Not really" She shrugs. "I just need to get this over with and take off this gown"

Sure, Audrey likes simplicity that's why she sees make up, dresses, and hair styling as heavy load but her simplicity is a bit edgy as She's more comfortable in boots and jeans and jackets in dark colours. I used to think that simplicity is what we have in common but i'm not so sure anymore because I like to wear clothes in varieties and different colours and not just jeans and black. That's the difference between us. Now i'm sure that what we have in common is cool headedness and a voice..... but while I speak reason, she speaks wisdom

"Okay then break a leg" I tell her because the play is about to start and I start heading down to my seat. On the way I see Ashley who's also acting but has been given a little role and a less remarkable dress for a costume. I give her a good luck nod but she returns it
with a cold and hateful glare but I don't mind because i'm getting used to it. I also see Kai who's already sitting amongst the audience and consider waving but I don't because I just remember that if it were him, he wouldn't wave.

I finally find my seat next to Owen just as the play is about to start with Amber who isn't acting as well as Jade, arriving on the stage to introduce the play before the play fully starts with Martin in a high ranking soldier costume which suits him perfectly, holding a sword, and lamenting about killing some people that has gone against him. The play goes on well enough that even Audrey does her best to be less stiff in her acting.

Towards the end, Audrey and Martin shares the anticipated kiss which gets cheers from the crowd except me who busily wonders how Audrey must be feeling or if she even feels anything because she doesn't like Martin. Jade wants to get them closer with the play and the kiss but I doubt that she has made progress because Audrey is a rock.

After the play ends tragically with endless clapping and cheering, and everything else, I find my way to my friends that are already assembled back in the green room.

"Congrats guys you did well" I hail. "What did Mrs Jenkins grade you guys anyway? "

"B" Amber informs with excitement "This is my first B since I started high school. C has always been the highest for me"

"Hallelujah this is a miracle" Jade exclaims sarcastically

"But i don't need it anymore though" Amber continues mindlessly "I was hoping to add it in my application to NYU before yesterday when I saw that I've been admitted to Columbia which I didn't send an application to"

"How did that happen? "I ask even though I know the answer as well as the others

"My dad sent the application on my behalf sometime ago. He wants me to join Lucas and study law"

"Congrats" I say along with the others but i feel its undeserved because Columbia is an Ivy league school so i'm sure that her father must have pulled strings for her to get in. The importance of being stinkingly affluent.

"I also got into Columbia. Saw the admission yesterday" Audrey informs quietly. she'd also applied for Columbia but with little hopes that she would get in. She doesn't seem enthusiastic about it though

"Really? Wow! " my eyes widen as well as the others then "That's great" I'm really happy for her because she worked hard to get in but deep down, I also wish that I applied for Columbia too

Amber carries on with an increased excitement "Then we're roomies then and you'll also be seeing my cousin too so romantic. This is fate"

"I'm not sure I want to go because its expensive and I wouldn't like to stress my dad" She explains

"Oh come on that's a great opportunity you wouldn't want to miss out on. Leave the expenses to the parents and be happy" Jade urges

"I'm not as inconsiderate as you are Jade. My dad has a lot of bills to pay as it is and I don't want to add to it" She says sharply

Jade rolls her eyes but doesn't say anything else

"What about NYU?" I ask. "You also applied for it right? "

"Waiting list"

"How about you Jade? "

"Same but I've thought about it and i'm not sure I want to go there anymore" she says thoughtfully "Dominic made me think about my choice of college critically so I've chosen Fashion institute of technology in other to focus on my dreams better because NYU has nothing to offer me"

"Me too. I also got an admission in that school yesterday"Amber pipes in

"Gee! how come you keep getting accepted into places you never applied for?" Jade mumbles com plainly "And the irony is that you're the least most intelligent among us. No offence Amber"

I'm also thinking the same thing. Ambers grades can barely help into almost any college yet she's been given admission into and Ivy league school and a fashion institute

"Non taken because its true"Amber agrees not in the least offended then her face falls in distress "It was my mom who sent the application because she wants me to be a fashion designer"

"Where will you go then? " I ask

"I'm not sure. I don't want to break either of their hearts so i'm confused" She admits weakly

"I vote for fashion school so we can be roomies instead "Jade suggests eagerly

"No voting jade but if i'm to vote, I vote for Columbia because its an ivy league school and Law is more respectable than fashion. Besides, her cousin is over there i argue

Jade gasps as if I just stepped on her image then she fires at me "How dare you say that? Fashion is more respectable than law because it speaks. If you think that clothes aren't important then lawyers should go naked to court" turning to Amber she says " the best part is that it doesn't require much reading. The knowledge and talent is up here so it doesn't require books"

"I stand by my opinion" I retort firmly "Ambers vocabulary is much better these days haven't you noticed?" I have " That English teacher must be doing wonders" I muse and Amber smiles "Anyway Jade I didn't say that fashion isn't important. It is but law is more respectable and who knows? Ambers brain may be able to carry it more than imagined. You don't have to underestimate her abilities so she'll take the easy route"

"Important, respectable, they mean same thing to me you wuss. Fashion requires a lot of brain cells because people have to create ideas to make stuffs so i'm not underestimating her abilities but you are with your narrow mindedness"

How dare she call me narrow minded?

My face goes red in furry but i don't get the chance to speak as Amber speaks up softly looking from me to Jade in distress "Guys don't fight over this. They're both respectable and important"

"You can't do both so I vote Fashion school" Jade insists

"I vote Columbia and law" I also insist

"I vote that you two should shut up let and let her make a choice on her own" Audrey who has been quiet all along snaps at us " she's already bothered enough as it is so don't add to it"

"Fine" We agree in unison because she's right

Silence soon falls in our midst as we all delve into our own thoughts then I break it "So this is how we all go to different schools?" No one answers. No one wants to talk about it yet.

We all delve into another train of thoughts in silence until Amber cheerfully speaks up again with all the distress gone. She's just so good at letting go of things and switching emotions "I say we celebrate our success in a sleep over at my place"

"I agree"Jade doesn't waste time "Its been a while the four of us had a sleep over"

"Isn't that a little too childish? " Audrey asks frowning

"Oh come on moody don't be such a kill joy because this may be the last time we may have the chance to do this before we grow up so no backing out is permitted today" Jade makes clear

"And its not childish, its fun for all of us" Amber adds

"I'll think about it then" Audrey remains indecisive but I know she'll come around with the persistence of the other two

"What about you Isabelle? "Amber asks with pleading eyes while Jade looks at me crossly as if daring me to say no

"I'm fine with it" I easily comply

Amber starts to claps her hands and hop cheerfully "Its going to be so much fun. Oh and by the way Audrey, how was your kiss with Martin? romantic huh? I'm sure it was romantic"

Without answering, Audrey turns and walks away while Amber starts to giggle unbearably

For the rest of the day and the entire week, i don't stop thinking about what Jade called me 'narrow minded' I hate it. I hate that she thinks that all I know how to do is read books, I hate that she thinks that i cant be creative and form ideas of my own except from books, I hate it as much as I used hate being a shadow. Most of all, i hate that she's right. While my friends are talented on one thing or the other, i'm stuck with only the gift of knowledge gotten from books. I intend to change that though, I intend to prove to her that I can think outside the box, and everything else even though I don't know how

"Whats on your mind? "Owen interrupts my thoughts. I've been so busy thinking that I forgot to be delighted that Owen is taking me home for the first time.

I don't know why but he made the decision on Friday after school so I had to skip my practice with Kai because Owen couldn't wait For him one day wouldn't hurt but to me.... Since i'm improving in my violin skills I don't really mind the one day skip but I miss it still because I like Being in Kai's company even if he gets on my nerves sometimes. Somehow i feel so comfortable around him because he's simply real with me. So far, I haven't achieved the same comfort with Owen not because he's not real though, its just that his reality is like my fairytale. My relationship with Owen still feels like a dream.

"The play" I lie easily because I can't tell him that i'm still thinking of what Jade said to me on Monday. Its not like I told him about it before anyway

"Martin and Audrey makes a good couple right? "

I nod but I don't think so. They don't seem fit not because Martin lacks the quality that guys who going after Audrey ought to have such as persistence and patience, but because I don't think he understands her enough to win her heart. I'm not so sure if I even understand her that much despite being one of her best friend because she's simple but complicated, hardly ever giving away her emotions which makes hard to read. I could say that we also have that in common but these days my mask seems to be falling off in front of Kai. In actual fact, I don't even know her perfect fit but I know that Martin just isn't it

"We're also good together you know that right?" Owen looks at me smilingly

His eyes are so magnetic so I return his smile "Sure" For me, i think that Owen is prince charming and i'm plain Jane. As he returns to driving, I turn to the window of the car thinking of what to say. That has always been one of my problem with him. Never knowing what to say because i'm afraid to say the wrong thing "When are you having your presentation anyway?" I finally ask

"Not doing it"

"Why? "I face him again in confusion but he doesn't return my gaze

"Not interested"

"So Mrs Jenkins agreed to it easily?" I vividly remember her saying that everyone must participate

"Nope. I just had to lie that I have an Orientation in my new school that day"

I would have wished to have thought of such an excuse so I wouldn't have had the stress of learning a violin if i'm not already happy to have learnt a new skill and looking forward to making my own presentation. "Why don't you want to present? "I still want to know

"Because I don't like poetry. If I had picked some other performance I would have considered it"

I did a double take on that because I can't believe my ears "But you know poetry because you practically write it to me everyday, you're good at it so why don't you like it? "

"What I write to you is quite different from all that about the past that's why"

"I can assist you if you want" I suggest even though I know little or nothing about poetry

"Never mind that okay?" He assures me with a quick glance. He's not a careless driver like Jade

"Okay but if you need anything just ask"

"I will"

I don't day anything else until Owen pulls over in the garage at the corner of Owens house. I used to think that some one such as Owen would be living in a big spectacular house like martin or something so i'm surprised to see that his house is no different from mine. Small and ordinary. Oh well, one can't have it all right?

I follow him to the front porch where he takes out his keys from his pocket and he opens the door into a dark living room the size of my living room back at home with simple furniture. Its. He turns on the light and I find my way to sit on the couch.

"Need anything? " He asks

"Nope" I cant feel hungry when i'm busy feeling curious of the reason why i'm here. At first I thought that he has taken me to introduce me to his parents but it doesn't seem that way anymore because there's no sign of any other human being in the house. For the sake of full confirmation I still ask anyway "Aren't your parents home? "

"Nope. Its just us" He joins me on the couch

"So why am I here?"

"To spend some time alone with you that's why "

"Good thinking" I feel warmth spread all over me from my face down to my inside because truth, we both haven't had much time alone since we started dating. I also start to feel relax that maybe all the discomfort will finally come to an end and he'll get to know me better as I've known him. Everything will be perfect. "Can we watch a movie? "

"Maybe some other time. I have something else in mind so come on" He stands up and offers me a hand

I take it also standing up then i'm led out of the living room all the way to a room that no doubt is his bedroom. The first thing I notice are the posters of different blond haired girls in bikinis glued to the wall like wall papers, followed by picture of himself that are glued on the door of his wardrobe, then his study table filled with different types of hair gels, then everything else that presented a bedroom.

He slumps on his bed with a sigh and beckons me to join him which I comply to still staring at the blond bikini girls. I start to wonder that if he loves blondes so much then why date a brunette like me?

"Come closer Isabelle"He urges

"Oh! "I realise that i'm sitting on the edge when he already took full posture on the bed so I move closer to him and rest my head on his pillow in a lying position next to him "So I was thinking that we should get to know each other better"I bring up trying to get myself to relax

"Sure. What you want to know?

"I know that your favourite colour is maroon and mine is blue and violet" As i'm saying it, I recall that I hadn't written my favourite colour in my diary so how did Kai get to know it? He'd only used the diary as a cover and I fell for it

"I'll keep that in mind "Owen says yet he's absent minded. In fact, he raises as head up but he doesn't stare at me. In fact his eyes are trailing towards the direction of my boobs

I feel distracted but I keep going "I also know you like that you like Salsa but I don't have any favourite food so you don't have to worry... " I'm interrupted

"Look, all this getting to know each other better talk is kinda boring so let's do something else instead"

"About what? "

"Well, for starters I don't like what people are saying about you"

"What? i'm instantly alert. I want to sit up but he softly shoves me back down "What are they saying? "

"Relax its nothing bad. Its just that they say we don't march because of how you are"

To me, its everything bad, really bad. "How am I? "I ask even though I know the answer to this

"It doesn't matter how they think you are but how I think you are. You're cute and attractive but I think you can make yourself look better by having a make over" He says carefully and suggestively

"A make over? " My mouth drops open

"Yeah just to make people shut up and won't have anything bad to say about my girlfriend anymore"

"Okay..... What should I do? " I don't even know why i'm asking

"I have no idea but i can give you a hint. Be more like your friends. A little wild so you can fit him"

I swallow it all hard. I've always felt like I don't fit in with my friends but hearing that people are saying the same thing just makes me feel worse. I'm quite sure that my relationship with Owen has fuelled the fire even more because just like my popular friends, i don't seem good enough for him

Just to know his opinion on things I ask "What if I don't want a make over? "

"you said if I need anything from you I should ask remember? but its your choice and your choice is mine. I only want what's best for you"

I look up at the bikini girls once again, weighing the irony of his words. He's okay with the way I am, and he thinks i'm cute, yet he not only reminded me of my promise, he's also asking me for a make over. Well, i can't blame him if he's in a dilemma. He has a reputation for dating girls like Ashley so me being in the picture just changes the scheme of things. He likes me as I am but he wants me to look better.... What could be wrong with that?

I decide there and then that its time for change. I need to improve myself and to look better. After all, i did promise to prove Jade wrong. "Okay I'll try" I say

"Cool" He gives me a pleased smile.

"Now can we go back to getting to know each other? or go watch a movie downstairs instead" I suggest eagerly

"Nope" He shakes his head

"What do we do then? "

Without a reply, he takes away my glasses placing it on his bed stand. Before I can protest, he began kissing me and I kiss him back. At first its soft and light then as it starts getting intense as his hand drops on my lap and starts moving under my uniform skirt to my panties... . In a surprising alarm, I push him off me and jerk up to a sitting position

"I'm sorry but i'm not ready for this yet. I'm a virgin you see, so I kind of want things to go slowly" I say to him hurriedly but I don't look in his eyes fearing that he might be angry

"Its fine" He says roughly ruffling his hair "

"Are you mad at me?" I ask nervously still not meeting his eyes

"No I understand that you don't want to rush things so its fine" He picks up my glasses and hands it over to me before standing up "let's get you home"

Seriously, I still want to spend time with him but I don't argue "Okay" I put on my glasses and we head back to his jeep.

The ride back home was a silent one but as he pulls over in front of my house, I speak up "Can you come in for a bit? "


"I want to introduce you to my parents" My sister especially "I've told them about you and they would like to meet you" I haven't had the chance to do this because Owen only comes over at night and he always waits in the car so I want to clear the air off my parents confusion of me and Kai once and for all

He doesn't seem delighted and he's desperate to get out of it "Can't we postpone this meeting to another day? I kind of have somewhere to go"

"Its just for a short while" I insist on a pleading note

"Fine. Lets get this over with" He says as if he's being forced but he still tags along anyway.

The moment we enter into the house, Isadora comes out of nowhere and yell "Dad, Isabelle has returned with her real boyfriend" She has a knack for announcing peoples arrival

"Is it Kai? " My dad asks as he rushes out. He looks disappointed when he first sees Owen then it was replaced with a welcoming smile. "He looks even better"

I'm not surprised to hear this so I smile on behalf of Owen "This is Owen dad and he's my boyfriend, and Owen, this is my dad"

"Nice to meet you" My dad extends his hand pleasantly

"You too sir" Owen hesitates before extending his hands but my dad surprisingly pulls him to a hug and ruffles his hair like he's his long lost things

From the look of things, Owen isn't too glee about it so I intervene "That's okay dad"

My dad releases him and pats his back which again, Owen doesn't like

"That's my younger sister Isadora" I say

Owen smiles at her but she doesn't return it, she just glares at him as if trying to figure him out

"Where's mom? "I ask noting her absence as I offer Owen to the couch

"Extra work in the office. She'll be back later"


"Need anything Owen? Cookies? Brownies? "My dad asks

"Not really i'm not staying long"

"Do have something At least before you go"My dad insists and without giving Owen the chance to protest, he says "Cookies will do then. Isabelle?

I reluctantly get to my feet looking at Kai who's face doesn't hide his displeasure, before dragging my feet to the kitchen to get the cookies and juice. I'm glad to see that my dad has left the living room when I return but now, Isadora has moved from the dinning table to sit next to Owen. I'm instantly alarmed because I know that Isadora can be naughty Often spilling embarrassing comments about me to Kai. I'm used to her behavior with Kai so it doesn't bother me anymore but Owen? No way. I hasten my steps towards them in other to ask her to get lost because I can't bear Owen hearing any embarrassing comment about me just yet or never if possible. Its so painful that Isadora hardly brings male friends home for me to give her a taste of her own medicine except her best friend Cole who has known her since childhood.

"What's wrong with your nose?" She's asking him coolly upon my arrival

"What's wrong with it? "He asks touching his nose

She's about to say something but then I throw her a hard dirty look which she registers and shakes her head "Nothing"

"Okay then" He gets to his feet "I'm leaving"

"But I just... "I nod at the tray i'm holding

"I told you I wouldn't stay long didn't I? "He reminds me firmly

"Its okay give it here. I'm hungry anyway" Isadora takes the tray from me and delves into the cookie

I throw her another dirty look before escorting Owen outside to his car. "Thanks for coming in" I say to him gratefully from the window as he enters but he doesn't reply. He starts the engine of the car and zooms off.

I find what he just did rude but I don't blame him feeling that he has the right to be mad because of what happened between us earlier on at his house, then my dads infinite affection, plus my sisters question about his nose. Really, I've always felt that my family makes me go crazy with too much but my friends and Kai finds them delightful which I detest that's why i'm glad to see that Owen agrees with my plight because he clearly wasn't so fund of my dads affections. At least we have that in common.

"Why did you do that? "Isadora asks as I return to the house. She's still busy with the cookies

"Do what? "I ask innocently

"Why did you give me that glare like I was about to say something mean? "

"That's because you were. You always say embarrassing things about me to Kai and I didn't want you spilling that juice to Owen. I want to remain as flawless in his eyes forever" I say point blank

She frowns in disdain" Don't you feel like you sound stupid? "

"How so?"

"Why don't you want him to see your flaws? "

"Because he's perfect. He's my prince charming " I say dreamily

"No one is perfect and you should let people see your flaws. Only if you let them will you get to know who likes you for you"

I fight the urge not to roll my eyes "don't need advice from you silly, you're just fourteen so what do you know?"

"You don't know everything and I know enough to see his flaws anyway" She shrugs

"He doesn't have flaws. He's perfect" I argue

"You're blinded by your feelings that's why. He has a big nose and that's what I was going to tell him before you jumped on me with your glare"

"He doesn't have a big nose" I protest hotly

"He does have a big nose and his hair is over gelled that's why dad went to wash his hands because they became sticky after touching" She insists

"I agree with the gel part which you exaggerated by the way, because dad didn't go wash his hands because his hands are sticky. As for the nose, i agree to disagree because Owens nose is perfect" I continue arguing

"As you wish then i'm done arguing with you. Your prince charming has nice eyes Kai looks way better to me"

"Not true. I get that Kai is pretty but Owen is the most handsome boy in our school" I stress out the fact and even add "Dad said he looks better"

"That's dads opinion"

"Jade likes him. She doesn't even like Kai" I inform hoping that she would succumb because she's a supporter of Jade

She remains unmoved "I didn't say i dislike him I just said that Kai looks better "

"So you like him more than Kai? " I ask hopefully

She looks at me like I just asked gibberish"I just met him sis and I don't know if I'll like him yet so no, I like Kai better"

"Argh" I snort "You're just being biased because you like Kai better and I don't know what kai has done to you but Owen is my boyfriend so you'll have to like him eventually"

Not putting ears to my last statement, she picks up the TV remote and increases the volume of what is being shown "lets talk later my show just began"

"I'm done talking to a fourteen year old dweeb anyway" I snap and march to my room feeling annoyed that she insulted Owens perfection. That aside, I shove off my silly argument with my sister and start to worry if Owen will ever call me again after he angrily zoomed off.

I'm about to call him in other to set things right when my phone starts ringing and its surprisingly Owen. With all the joy in my heart, I pick up

"Hey babe forgot to inform you. Party tonight. Dress hot"

"Another party tonight?" I didn't plan for this

"I just told you so"

I brace myself before saying this "sorry I can't make it because I plan to have a sleep over with my friends tonight" I haven't been hanging out with my friends much these days so the sleep over is like a redemption

"Babe you know I can't go alone so you have to be there. Besides, Jade will be there. She wouldn't miss a party for a petty sleep over" He stressfully protests as expected

"She will I tell you"Jade is the glue of our friendship so she never misses any of our gathering for anything at all. She's that devoted " For Jade, our gathering is more important than that party" I try to explain to him

He scoffs "What's so important about a sleep over? Come on Isabelle I need you with me tonight"

"We don't have to go.... We can go watch a movie tomorrow, or the park to ride on roller coasters" I start to list the places I want to go hopefully "Or better still, we can just hang out in a restaurant and I know just the place... Audrey is a waitress at a fancy restaurant and they have great steaks, and ribs, and lasagna" I list all the kind of food he likes coaxingly "It also has a cinema so We can even kill two birds with one stone like eating good food and watching a movie in the same place"

"Isabelle are you even listening?" He snaps at me impatiently "I don't like anything on that list so you have to come with me to that party. I'll pick you up at ten"

"But Owen... " I try to protest but he doesn't let me

"Its not by force" He says stiffly then his voice turns soft "you can as well go to the sleep over but be rest assured that I'll be so lonely without you"

Oh no!

I sigh weakly and make my decision "Fine I'll come"

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