Always Yours | GOT7 PARK JINY...

By lovesickyuno

68.9K 2.8K 529

"I hope one day we'll be succesful and happy and we'll still be like this.", he said. "Like what?", Jisoo ask... More

Chapter 1 : Remisnicing
Chapter 2 : Hopeful
Chapter 3 : See You Again
Chapter 4 : Unexpected
Chapter 5 : Hell
Chapter 6 : Mr Park
Chapter 7 : You're My Secretary
Chapter 8 : Will The Universe Ever Fight For Us Again?
Chapter 10 : Homesick
Chapter 11 : Romeo And Juliet
Chapter 12 : Slowly But Surely
Chapter 13 : Needy
Chapter 14 : Never Happened
Chapter 15 : The One For You
Chapter 16 : All Over Again
Chapter 17 : Questions
Chapter 18 : We Have Each Other Again
Chapter 19 : Chances
Chapter 20 : Fight For Us
Chapter 21 : I'll Fix Us
Chapter 22 : You Make Me Love You
Chapter 23 : Yellow
Chapter 24 : I'm Glad You Did
Chapter 25 : Be My Mess
Chapter 26 : Sick
Chapter 27 : Park Jinyoung's Universe
Chapter 28 : You Taste Like Forever
Chapter 29 : We'll Be Okay
Chapter 30 : I Won't Let You Go
Chapter 31 : Sacrifices
Chapter 32 : Change
Chapter 33 : Take Me To You
Chapter 34 : Happy Birthday
Chapter 35 : I Want To Hate You
Chapter 36 : Hope
Chapter 37 ( Last Chapter ) : Always Yours
Special Chapter : Endless Happily Ever After
A's announcement!
maybe, just maybe. SNEAK PEEK.
maybe, just maybe. SNEAK PEEK 2
maybe, just maybe

Chapter 9 : Back To You

1.6K 77 8
By lovesickyuno

Songs you can listen to for this chapter :

Fine by Taeyeon
Wanna by Wanna One

Jisoo was at the office, working as usual, suddenly she was called into Jinyoung's office.

"Yes Mr Park?", she said, it's been almost a month now since she started working for Jinyoung, Jinyoung still treated her very coldly, but there were times where he'd praise her.

"I have a meeting later and I need you to come with me.", he said.

"Okay, is there anything else?", Jisoo said.

"No, you can leave now.", he said.

why are you so cold? Jisoo thought as she walked out of his officeroom.

An hour passed and they were about to head to the meeting, Jisoo was already prepared, waiting for Jinyoung.

They got onto the elevator together, and once they reached their floor, Jisoo was about to head to her car until Jinyoung stopped her.

"Where do you think you're going?", Jinyoung asked and Jisoo stopped in her tracks and turned to him.

"I was going to go get my car..", Jisoo said as she dangled her car keys, " did ask me to come to the meeting with you right..?", Jisoo said and Jinyoung chuckled a little, that was the first time he had chuckled like that eversince she started working for him and it fluttered Jisoo's heart.

"Yes, I did. But you're coming with me, in my car.", Jinyoung said.


"No buts, you do as I say.", Jinyoung said as he walked away, Jisoo sighed, she had no choice anyway.

Once they were already at Jinyoung's car, Jisoo stood by the passenger door, feeling awkward, Jinyoung saw how she just stood there and scoffed.

"What are you waiting for Miss Kim Jisoo? Someone to open the door for you?", Jinyoung said and Jisoo shot daggers at him and opened the car door, and got in immediately.

They kept quiet during the ride, and Jisoo just zoned out as per usual. Jinyoung noticed that she was zoning out and he wanted to say something, he wanted to talk to her.

Jinyoung wanted to know how she's been, he wanted to talk to her about the books she's been reading, he wanted to ask about their rooftop, he wanted to talk about every single thing there is with her, he just wanted to talk to her, but no matter how hard he tried, the hurt and anger inside overtakes him.

"Jisoo.", Jinyoung blurt out suddenly. Jisoo was caught off guard, the way Jinyoung called her reminded her of the times when the universe was on their side.

"Y-yes?", Jisoo didn't realise how hopeful she sounded, Jinyoung glanced at her and was about to say something.

"Nevermind.", Jinyoung said, turning cold again and turning all his attention back to the road, and Jisoo felt disappointed.

10 minutes later, they arrived at the respective location. They walked in together and Jisoo walked by Jinyoung's side. Suddenly, Jisoo's heart dropped when she saw her father from afar.

"Jinyoung, I have to go to the ladies room, I'll be quick.", Jisoo said quickly, leaving Jinyoung behind immediately, not letting him respond.

Jinyoung was confused, and then he saw Jisoo's father walking towards his way. And he figured it all out, he shook his head and just made his way to the meeting, 15 minutes later Jisoo popped up and Jinyoung glared at her for disappearing just like that, and she avoided eye contact and just focused on the meeting.

An hour later, the meeting was finally done, and everyone was dismissing themselves, Jisoo and Jinyoung had waited for everyone to leave first, considering that Jinyoung needed some clarification from Jisoo about a few things.

"That's all Mr Park.", Jisoo said, getting up to leave, Jinyoung got up too and they made their way out of the meeting room but before Jisoo could open the door, Jinyoung pulled her wrist, turning her around and her back ended up meeting the door, and she was facing Jinyoung. Jinyoung was still holding onto her wrist.

"What the hell?", Jisoo spat, a little freaked out as she yanked her wrist away and Jinyoung scoffed.

"Your dad doesn't know you work with me does he Jisoo?", Jinyoung asked and Jisoo kept quiet, not wanting to answer him, "I'm asking you again, your-"

"Yes, he doesn't Jinyoung.", Jisoo snapped, "but that is none of your business.", Jisoo shot, as she pushed Jinyoung away, making her way out of the meeting room.

The car ride back to Jinyoung's office was quiet, Jisoo was getting anxious now that Jinyoung knows that she had worked here without telling her dad the truth.

"You really love bringing yourself problems don't you Jisoo? Why do you do that to yourself? You know you'll get into trouble working here, but you still did it anyway, why is that?", Jinyoung said, breaking the silence, the way he said it sounded as if Jisoo wasn't needed.

You idiot, because I missed you. Jisoo thought, but she remained quiet, she hated the fact that Jinyoung didn't seem to need her when she needed him so much, I need you to need me Jinyoung because I fucking need you. Jisoo thought. Jinyoung scoffed when Jisoo didn't answer him.

"Wow, very typical of Jisoo, not wanting to answer someone when she's upset.", Jinyoung said with a humorless chuckle, Jinyoung knew Jisoo had this habit of not wanting to answer someone when she was feeling wrong inside, she has always had this habit even before they met, and he knew that.

"Good, at least there is something you remember about me.", Jisoo said coldly, not even looking at him. Jinyoung didn't know what to respond and so they went quiet again.


Junghoon was walking until he got dragged to some alley by two men.

"What the fuck do you want?", Junghoon spat at them but they just ignored him and started beating him up.

He tried to fight back only to fail, one of them punched him at the side of his face once more and one of them pulled him by the collar and threatened him to not report what happened if he didn't want to cause himself trouble and with that they left.

Junghoon slowly and got up, he scoffed, knowing that this was all Jinyoung's doing. He scoffed at everything that just happened, and he was raged inside but he knew if he ever did anything, his company would hit rockbottom.

At the same time, Jinyoung had received a text from Jaebum, telling him that everything was already taken care of.


After work ended, Jisoo found herself back at the rooftop, relaxing herself, she sighed as she lied down. Jisoo loved how this place made her worries go away.

Jisoo sat up straight again and scanned the whole place, she hated the fact that their memories linger, sometimes Jisoo wondered what they could've been if nothing went down between their families.

Jisoo knew that if nothing terrible had happened between their families, Jinyoung would be the one her parents choose for her, he would be the one in Joonki's place, and she would be okay with that, because hell she was madly in love with that boy.

"I'm so tired of the what ifs and the what we could've beens.", Jisoo sighed to no one in particular. Jisoo then decided to leave the rooftop, since she was feeling exhausted, she didn't have the energy to cry it out.

Jisoo made her way down the rooftop and decided to go to a convenience store nearby, she wanted to get some ice cream.

Jisoo got herself a vanilla ice cream and some other snacks to munch on, she was making her way out the convenience store until she saw Jinyoung, making his way up the rooftop and she was shocked.

"You still go there too?", Jisoo muttered to herself, and then she broke out into a small smile, something about that relieved Jisoo, it made her have hope.

Maybe the universe is fighting for us again and maybe you still need me like I need you. She thought and she made her way out of the convenience store and headed home.

Jinyoung on the other hand was on the rooftop, he needed to relax himself, he sat down and let out a sigh.

Suddenly something shiny caught his eye, he saw it on the ground, he slowly picked it up and it was a bracelet, it was Jisoo's bracelet.

She was here. Jinyoung thought, he had seen Jisoo wearing that bracelet to work a few times before, he even noticed it today when he grabbed her wrist earlier this morning.

Jinyoung examined the bracelet for a bit and figured that he'd hold on to it.


Jennie was at home, or more like Jinyoung's house, she was watching tv since Jinyoung was at work, Jennie sighed, wondering how long until she gets back on her two feet.

Jennie has been doing better lately, although sometimes she burst into tears and gets nightmares but she was actually getting better, with therapy helping, she was getting in a good place, she wanted to get back on her two feet, and find herself again.

But she was worried, it's not like money was a problem but it's the fact that she was afraid she wasn't strong enough.

But you can't rely on Jinyoung forever. Jennie thought to herself, she took a deep breath and took her laptop that was on the coffee table, she started looking for condos to rent or buy, she was busy looking through her laptop until she heard the front door open, she remembered how the sound of the front door opening used to make her blood run cold but quickly shrugged the thought off.

"Oh, you're home.", Jennie said without looking up from her laptop screen.

"Hey.", Jinyoung said plopping down on the couch next to her, "What are you up to?", Jinyoung said as he looked at Jennie's laptop screen and he frowned, "Jen, you're moving out?", he said.

"I'm planning to.", Jennie said nonchalantly.

"Why? You can just stay here with me.", Jinyoung said and Jennie let out a small laugh and looked at him.

"No, Youngie, I've relied too much on you, and I'm so grateful for you, and I thank you so much for everything, you really saved me, but you can't take care of me forever, and plus I just want to find myself again.", Jennie smiled, and Jinyoung smiled at that.

"Then I guess, there's no stopping you.", he said with a smile and Jennie let out a small laugh. Suddenly, Jennie's phone rang, she picked it up immediately.

"Hello? Yes, this is Jennie Kim speaking. Oh my god!! Really? Alright, I'll be there!! thank you so much!!", Jennie said excitedly over the phone.

After she hung up, Jinyoung looked at her and she broke out into a huge smile.

"I got the Jackson Wang job!!!! I'm leading his new line!!", Jennie said happily.

"Jen!! That's good!! I'm so happy for you!!", Jinyoung exclaimed.

"Thank you, oh God I'm so excited and nervous.", Jennie rambled, she's back. Jinyoung thought, Jinyoung finally saw the light in her eyes again, and he was happy for her.

Suddenly, Jinyoung got reminded of something.

"Oh wait.", Jinyoung said, getting up and quickly making his way into his study. Jennie just nodded with a smile, getting back on her laptop to check her emails.

Suddenly, Jinyoung came back right after.

"Jen!", Jinyoung said excitedly, and Jennie looked up at him and he was holding up some keys. Jennie stood up, confused and Jinyoung took one of her hands and placed the keys in it.

"What's this?", Jennie asked, lost.

"These are keys, to your now new condo.", Jinyoung smiled, still holding Jennie's hand.

"What?", Jennie said in disbelief, "You mean you're giving me your old condo? The really nice one that has a huge walk-in closet???", Jennie said, eyes widening.

"Yes, you idiot, it's yours now, don't even bother looking for places to buy or rent.", Jinyoung said and Jennie frowned.

"Youngie, thank you but this is too much, I can buy my own place.", Jennie said, still frowning.

"Jennie, I know you can afford your own place, but I just want to give it to you.", Jinyoung said with , "Just consider this as a congratulations gift and also as an apology gift.", Jinyoung said, but there was a hint of sadness in his voice when he blurt out the last few words.

"What do you mean apology gift? You did nothing wrong Jinyoung.", Jennie said.

"No, I'm just sorry that I didn't notice anything, and I'm sorry for yelling at you last week, so please accept this as both a congratulations and an apology present.", Jinyoung said with a smile and Jennie smiled, she was grateful that she had such a keeper for a bestfriend.

"Thank you, really thank you so much, I don't know what I'd do without you.", Jennie said with a sad smile.

"What bestfriends are for.", Jinyoung smiled.


Jisoo was at work, looking for something anxiously, she was looking for her bracelet, the bracelet that Jackson had gotten her last year for her birthday, it was a bracelet from Van Cleef & Arpels, it had a small and elegant lotus charm on it.

"Where could I have lost it? Jackson's going to be upset if he finds out I lost it.", Jisoo huffed to herself. She had just arrived at work, and the first thing she did was look for her bracelet. Jisoo leaned on her chair and let out a sigh, suddenly she heard footsteps signalling that it was Jinyoung.

Jinyoung walked pass her desk and he could tell that she was anxious about something, and Jinyoung knew that it must be about the bracelet.

Jinyoung went into his officeroom and he took out the bracelet he found yesterday, he wondered if he should just give it back, or hold on to it for awhile. He sighed and called Jisoo in.

Jisoo walked into his officeroom and closed the door behind her, Jisoo saw Jinyoung leaning on his table with his hands in his pockets, it looked like he had been waiting for her.

"Yes?", Jisoo said.

"Come here.", he said, signalling Jisoo to come over towards him, Jinyoung sounded stern but gentle, and Jisoo obeyed with no buts. She was a little nervous somehow, she walked over towards Jinyoung and Jinyoung took her left wrist gently and he took out the bracelet, putting it back on her.

"Jinyoung how did yo-"

"In my car.", Jinyoung lied, cutting her off as he let go of her wrist, and she was disappointed at that.

"Oh.", Jisoo said.

"You can leave now.", Jinyoung said and Jisoo nodded, she left the room and closed the door behind her.

"What a tease..Why couldn't he just give it to me normally?", Jisoo said to herself.

Jinyoung on the other hand realised that he might be confusing Jisoo with how he was acting but he couldn't help it. A small part of him wants to forget her but most of him just wanted her with him at all times.

I go back to you everytime. Jinyoung thought.


HELLO GUYS!!! Sorry for not updating yesterday love u guys sm 

QOTC : What would you get your bestfriend as an apology gift if you were filthy rich?

Love A and Q 💖🌻

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