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Cairo is a very closed off person. She has a lot of layers to her and most of those layers she won't let anyo... More



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Cairo's POV

We flew out to Cleveland after the game and have been training for the next game against China. Today is June 10th and after our morning training and lunch we had the rest of the day off.

The day was going pretty good until I saw the official USWNT instagram posted something about today being my birthday.


I don't really celebrate my birthday and I don't really like people knowing it's my birthday.

Knowing some of the girls, I know they'll probably do something for my birthday, so to avoid that I'm going to head to the training pitch.

I walk to Jill's room to let her know where I'll be. "Hey Jill" I say once she answers the door.

"Hey Cairo. Happy birthday."

" is it okay if I go to the training pitch for a little bit?"

"Of course. Go to the kit room to get the stuff you need...oh and don't overwork yourself" I nod and go to the kit room and get everything then walk to the training pitch. Once at the pitch I messed around a bit with a ball then just randomly started shooting trying to kill as much time as I can.

After I had spent a couple hours messing around I figured it was time to head back and face the music. I headed back to the hotel and once on my floor I heard loud talking coming from my room. I open the door to be greeted by the whole team. I try to leave, but I'm immediately pulled back in.

"How come you didn't tell us it was your birthday?" Pinoe says.

"It never came up."

"Wait where were you?" Becky asks.

"Training pitch."


"Trying to avoid you guys finding out it was my birthday."

"Why?" Moe asks.

"I knew you guys would want to do something for it and I haven't celebrated since I was five so yeah." The girls all look at me with wide eyes.

"Well it's a good thing we have the day off tomorrow because we are going to a club tonight. Everyone go get ready and meet back here when you're done." Pinoe says and everyone except Christen leaves the room and gets ready.

Slowly everyone files back into the room. I just sat on my bed and watched everyone come in. Once everyone was here I started talking.

"Okay what do I need to wear?" I ask the room of ladies.

"What would you normally wear?" Ali asks.

"I don't know. I've never been to a club."

"WHAT?" Kelley semi-yells

"Never had someone to go with."

"Well what do you have to wear?"

"Um well there's always comfortable clothes, but I did bring a dress." I say

"You're wearing the dress."

"Alright. I shouldn't be long." I say then head to the bathroom and take a ten minute shower then get out and dry myself off and blow dry my jet black hair and put on the dress I had chosen then walk out.

"Alright I'm done." I say as I walk into the room.

"Holy shit." Kelley says as the team turn around.

"What?" I say.

"Well for one that didn't take you long to get ready and two you look hot as hell."

"Thanks. And I never wear make-up so it doesn't take me long."

"You mean you're that attractive with out makeup." Alex says causing everyone to look at her. I think thats a complement.

"What? I can appreciate true beauty even though I'm straight." She says and everyone looks back at me.

"Nice dress." Kling says.

"Only one I own."

"Okay well I know what my present to you will be." Ali says.

"Can I know what it is?" I ask.

"I'm taking you on a shopping spree and we are getting you some dresses and other things."

"Good luck." Ash says and Ali smacks her arm.

"As long as you don't make me get makeup then that's fine." I say and she nods.

"Alright well it's almost time so let's go." Kelley says and everybody files out of the room and toward the bus which was surprisingly taking us to the club. Once on the bus Carli got up and addressed the team.

"Alright so first off happy birthday Cairo." She say and the rest of the team say it as well. "Now for some ground rules. 1 Stay together. Nobody goes anywhere without someone. 2. No bringing somebody back to the hotel to have sex. And 3 for the love of all that's holy don't get too drunk." The team nod then go back to their conversation until we pull up to some club.

Once at the club we surprisingly get to walk straight in and I guess the team wasn't taking no for an answer because we have our own little area in the club. Once everyone is aware of where our area is people disperse leaving like ten of us sitting at the table.

We'd been sitting at the table for a while when we decided to get drinks for the table so Ash and I go to the bar and order the drinks for everyone at the table. After like five minutes the drinks are ready so we take them back to the table and give every one their drink.

"Hey can you check this for alcohol?" I ask Ash giving her my soda.

"Yeah." She says then takes a drink of my drink. "Your fine. Theres no alcohol in there."

"You don't drink either." Christen says.

"Nope. Bad experience with it so I've never drank again. How long have you been sober?"

"7 months."

"Thats awesome." I say and hug her.

The people on the team would periodically come sit down and rest then go back out to the dance floor or to where ever they wanted to in the club. Looking out to the dance floor I notice that Ash and Ali were basically fucking on the dance floor. I mean my goodness I'm so glad I'm not near their room tonight. Lindsey was looking out at the dance floor and she seemed to want to go out to dance.

"Hey Lindsey" I say to get her attention. "Would you like to go dance?" Lindsey nods and we go and dance. We weren't dancing too sexual except for maybe two songs where Lindsey grinded on me and it took everything in me to control myself and not act a fool although I did move with her as she danced on me. I really enjoyed dancing with Lindsey.

Apparently Lindsey and I danced for an hour. Time flies when you're with a beautiful women. After taking a little bit of a break Lindsey went off with her friends and I stayed back to relax and watch over the girls and hopefully keep everyone out of trouble. While I'm looking around the club I see Abby cornered by some guy and she looks real uncomfortable

"Hey I'll be right back." I say to Christen. She nods and I walk over to Abby. Once I get to Abby I put my arm around her waist.

"Hey babe who's this?" I say to her and kiss her cheek then whisper go with it to her.

"Wait you're a lesbian?" The dude asked.

"And if I am?" Abby says

"Maybe you need some good dick to see what you're missing."

"Hey asshole... I can please her 30 times better than your limp dick could. And that's just with my fingers. Add in what I can do with my tongue and you aren't even in the same universe as me. So fuck off before I beat your bitch ass." I say and glare at him.

"Alright you dumb dyke." He says and I go to punch him, but Abby stops me.

"Cairo it isn't worth it." I nod and we walk back to the group. Once we get their Kling offers me a shot and I pass on it and Christen hands me a water which I gladly take because I need to cool off and not go off on that prick.

"Thank you Cairo." Abby says and kisses my cheek.

"Of course. You looked uncomfortable." She nods.

"What did he say to you?" Ali asks and the whole team listen in.

"He basically said Abby needed his dick and she would automatically turn straight."

"Yeah, but Cairo's response was amazing." Abby says while laughing.

"What did you say?" Lindsey asked

"Basically that his small dick has nothing on the way my tongue and fingers could please a women." I say and the team laugh. "He then called me a dyke and I really wanted to punch him, but Abby stopped me." The team looks pissed. "Guys it's okay. He's not coming back. Oh and by the way Kling thank you for offering me that shot, but I don't drink." Kling nods. The rest of the night the team stayed in our area and talked and danced with each other.

Around 1 am the captains decided it was time to leave so we all headed to the bus and it took us back to the hotel.

"I'm so glad you're my roommate." I say to Christen once we get to the room.

"Same. I really don't feel like taking care of a drunk teammate." I nod and then we both do our nightly routine before heading to bed.

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