Always Yours | GOT7 PARK JINY...

By lovesickyuno

68.9K 2.8K 529

"I hope one day we'll be succesful and happy and we'll still be like this.", he said. "Like what?", Jisoo ask... More

Chapter 1 : Remisnicing
Chapter 2 : Hopeful
Chapter 3 : See You Again
Chapter 4 : Unexpected
Chapter 5 : Hell
Chapter 6 : Mr Park
Chapter 8 : Will The Universe Ever Fight For Us Again?
Chapter 9 : Back To You
Chapter 10 : Homesick
Chapter 11 : Romeo And Juliet
Chapter 12 : Slowly But Surely
Chapter 13 : Needy
Chapter 14 : Never Happened
Chapter 15 : The One For You
Chapter 16 : All Over Again
Chapter 17 : Questions
Chapter 18 : We Have Each Other Again
Chapter 19 : Chances
Chapter 20 : Fight For Us
Chapter 21 : I'll Fix Us
Chapter 22 : You Make Me Love You
Chapter 23 : Yellow
Chapter 24 : I'm Glad You Did
Chapter 25 : Be My Mess
Chapter 26 : Sick
Chapter 27 : Park Jinyoung's Universe
Chapter 28 : You Taste Like Forever
Chapter 29 : We'll Be Okay
Chapter 30 : I Won't Let You Go
Chapter 31 : Sacrifices
Chapter 32 : Change
Chapter 33 : Take Me To You
Chapter 34 : Happy Birthday
Chapter 35 : I Want To Hate You
Chapter 36 : Hope
Chapter 37 ( Last Chapter ) : Always Yours
Special Chapter : Endless Happily Ever After
A's announcement!
maybe, just maybe. SNEAK PEEK.
maybe, just maybe. SNEAK PEEK 2
maybe, just maybe

Chapter 7 : You're My Secretary

1.7K 66 14
By lovesickyuno

For this chapter, you can listen the following song :

1) Eye Contact by Kim Ez

Jisoo checked her watch and saw that it was 5:07pm, work was already supposed to finish, but she had to stayback and for once she was happy that she'll have to be stuck with Jinyoung.

She went into Jinyoung's office like how he had asked and put her bag and notebook down by the coffee table that was there.

"What can I do?", Jisoo asked, looking at Jinyoung, Jinyoung glanced up at her, and he nodded his head towards a few files by his desk.

"I need you to go through these with me, and we need to check everything, like the dates and stuff.", Jinyoung said, and Jisoo nodded, still standing, "I hope that's enough to hold you back until 9pm.", Jinyoung said.

"It is.", Jisoo said quietly.

Jisoo took the seat opposite him, and she did her work like he had asked her to, Jisoo was doing her work calmly, and perfectly while Jinyoung was a bit distracted, he couldn't stop staring at Jisoo, but Jisoo was oblivious towards this.

God I missed you. He thought as he stared at her, he quickly shrugged of the thought and looked away trying to continue his work.

Jinyoung looked up at the clock in his officeroom and saw that it was almost 7 he didn't realise that they got through almost 2 hours doing their work together without saying much to each other and his eyes landed on Jisoo, for what seem like the 100th time tonight.

"Jisoo.", he blurt out suddenly and Jisoo looked up at him.

"Yes?", she asked.

"Good job today, you completed all your tasks.", Jinyoung said quietly looking up at her, trying to look serious.

His compliment caught Jisoo off guard. She was shocked, that was the first nice thing Jinyoung had said to her.

"T-thank you.", Jisoo said stuttered and then she smiled, eyes sparkling, it was the same smile Jisoo had given him the first time they met and Jinyoung swallowed at that, immediately looking away.

And it hit Jinyoung that that was the smile that used to make his day.


Jisoo was helping Jackson out one weekend, he was scouting models for his new line. Jisoo looked out of Jackson's office and gasped.

"Jackson theres at least 14 of them out there, how are you going to pick just one?", Jisoo said in awe.

"That's why we have casting silly.", Jackson laughed, looking through their resumes and one of the models caught his eye.

"Jichu, isn't this Kim Jennie? She went to our school right?", Jackson asked as he showed Jisoo Jennie's resume.

"Who's the silly one now, Jackson she's a top model now, she's Jinyoung's bestfriend.", Jisoo pointed out.

"Oh right, no wonder.", Jackson said, "She's even much more prettier now.", Jackson said in awe.

"She really is.", Jisoo said, "I've met her a few times and she's beyond gorgeous.", Jisoo said.

"And you never told me? Is she seeing anyone?", Jackson attacked and Jisoo narrowed her eyes at him.

"Very funny.", Jisoo said with sarcasm, "She's Jung Junghoon's girlfriend.", Jisoo said.

"Do you think I know who the fuck is Jung Junghoon...", Jackson said, confused, "You weirdo, how do you know all these people Jisoo.", Jackson said.

"It's the business world Jackson, please, her boyfriend is the CEO of Jung Holdings.", Jisoo said.

"Oh, no wonder I don't know who that is.", Jackson said.

"Thanks Youngie, I hope I do well too.", Jennie said to Jinyoung over the phone, she was at an audition, she was nervous since it was for the famous actor, Jackson Wang's line, "I'll call you when it's done.", Jennie smiled as she hung up.

It hurt Jennie inside how Jinyoung was more there for her than her own boyfriend was when Jinyoung is just as busy as Junghoon, but then again Jennie could care less, she hated Junghoon.

I was in love, and you changed that, now I don't believe in love whatsoever, thanks to you. Jennie thought but shrugged it off.

Suddenly, her name was called and she immediately stood up, nervous.

She walked in and saw Jisoo and Jisoo smiled at her with a thumbs up and she smiled back despite being a bit shocked.

Jennie was a bit shocked to see Jisoo with Jackson, Oh, they're seeing each other. Jennie thought, but immediately shrugged it off, focusing on herself.

Jackson was starstruck to see such a beauty standing right in front of him, not at the fact that she was pretty, but something about Jennie made Jackson want to protect her.

Not long after all the casting has ended, Jisoo and Jennie finally had time to catch up.

"Jennie, you were great!!", Jisoo smiled.

"Thank you!!", Jennie smiled, "You and your boyfriend were so encouraging.", Jennie said without thinking.

"Boyfriend?", Jisoo said, confused. Jennie then mentally punched herself for blurting that out.

"Isn't Jackson...", Jennie said cautiously and Jisoo let out a small laugh.

"", Jisoo smiled, "He's my bestfriend.", Jisoo said with a small laugh.

"Oh, sorry Jisoo, I didn't realise.", Jennie said, embarassed.

"It's okay Jennie! We get that a lot.", Jisoo comforted with a smile, suddenly someone called Jisoo, saying that Jackson needs her, "Oh, it was nice catching up with you Jennie, good job today!! I'll see you around?", Jisoo said and Jennie nodded with a smile.

It was finally time to decide who should be the model for Jackson's new line.

"So?", Jisoo asked, as she spinned her chair to turn to Jackson.

"I have someone in mind.", Jackson said.

"Jennie?", Jisoo smiled.

"Yeah, I don't know Chu but she stood out.", Jackson said.

"You like her.", Jisoo teased.

"No, it's not that, she really stood out.", Jackson said, trying to hide the fact that Jisoo was right, "I think she'll do great at leading my new line, she's perfect for this.", Jackson said.

"Right, I agree too, she really stood out, so her?", Jisoo asked.

"Yeah.", Jackson smiled.

"Okay.", Jisoo smiled, "I know you like her but remember that she has a boyfriend okay, I know you're not that kind of guy but as your bestfriend I'm just reminding you.", Jisoo said.

"I know, I'll be good.", Jackson chuckled.


Jisoo was about to leave for work one morning, it has already been a week since she first started working for Jinyoung.

Jisoo went down for breakfast one morning, and saw her dad having breakfast as well, and Jisoo's heart dropped when she saw Joonki there as well. Jisoo had been trying to avoid him all week, but now there was nowhere she could run.

"Jisoo, come have breakfast.", her dad said.

"Oh no, nevermind dad, I have to go to work, I'm already late.", Jisoo lied.

"Jisoo, please, I have not seen you all week, I want to ask you about your new job.", her dad insisted and Joonki just smirked at her. Jisoo exhaled and sat down with her parents and Joonki at the dining table.

"Hi Jisoo.", Joonki smiled, and Jisoo just gave a tight smile back.

"How's your new job? Is your boss nice to you?", her dad asked.

"Yeah dad, he's great, besides it's a small company and a new one too so everyone's really working their way up.", Jisoo lied, she wanted to make this quick.

"That's good to know.", her dad smiled.

"Yeah.", Jisoo smiled, and she glanced down at her watch, "Uh, I think I'll head to work now dad, love you, I'll be home by 6pm.", Jisoo said as she stood up.

"Oh, maybe Joonki can send you.", her mum suggested.

"No, nevermind mum.", Jisoo said.

"I can send you Jisoo.", Joonki insisted.

"No it's okay, I'll get going first, bye.", Jisoo said, quickly leaving her house.

"Sorry about that, she must be late.", Jisoo's mum said apologetically to Joonki.

"No, it's okay aunt Yoojung, I understand, she just started her new job so..", Joonki trailed.

Jisoo drove to work feeling annoyed as ever, she hated Joonki so much and the thought of her parents arranging their marriage together made Jisoo anxious, Joonki's parents and her parents had been talking about it.

Jisoo decided to stop at the cafe to pick up her and Jinyoung's coffee. After ordering, Jisoo sat down and immediately called Jackson.

"Morning.", Jackson said over the phone and he sounded quite energetic.

"You sound energised and the fact that it's still bright and early.", Jisoo pointed out.

"Very funny.", Jackson said sarcastically and Jisoo laughed.

"By the way, I need you to marry me.", Jisoo said out of the blue.

"What?", Jackson said confused, "Chu are you alright?", Jackson asked concerned.

"No, I'm sorry, but no I'm not okay Jackson.", Jisoo whined.

"Why? What's wrong?", Jackson said attentively.

"Joonki was at my house for breakfast.", Jisoo huffed, "And now I'm anxious.", Jisoo said.

"Anxious of what? Relax he was just at your house for breakfast.", Jackson comforted her.

"No it's not that, I'm scared my parents will set us up...for marriage.", Jisoo said, anxious, "They have been discussing it, and I hate it so much.", Jisoo sighed.

"Whoa, okay that's a big word.", Jackson said, shocked.

"So if they do, step in as my future husband, please.", Jisoo pleaded.

"And marry you?", Jackson asked, confused, "Chu, I love you so much as my bestfriend but I don't want you to end up marrying me when you can actually be with someone you love.", Jackson said.

"Jackson please, relax, I'm just joking.", Jisoo sighed over the phone, "Sorry, I'm just scared, I don't wanna end up with him, but then again it'd be better if I end up with you..", Jisoo trailed.

"Or with someone you actually love.", Jackson said, "Who do you see waiting for you down the aisle when hear the word marriage?", Jackson asked.

Jinyoung. Jisoo thought.

"No one.", Jisoo lied, "Whatever, I just don't want my parents setting me up, I hate it, I hate Joonki.", Jisoo said with a huff.

"And they won't, but if they do, you know I'll help you get out of it, I'll always have your back Jisoo.", Jackson said, and Jisoo smiled, suddenly her order was called out.

"Thank you but I have to go now, see you later.", Jisoo said as she hung up.

Jisoo went into the office and discovered that Jinyoung wasn't there, Jisoo did her daily routine and put Jinyoung's coffee at his desk in his officeroom. She went out and finished what was supposed to be finished, Jisoo started zoning out after until a voice startled her, snapping her back to reality.

"If you're going to zone out like that, don't come to work next time.", Jinyoung said, as he walked pass Jisoo's desk and into his office.

It seemed like he was in a rush, his hair was a mess, and his shirt wasn't buttoned properly, and he wasn't wearing a tie either.

Jinyoung had overslept that morning, so he had rushed all the way to his office, he was busy adjusting himself in his office, he took his tie and was about to put it on until he realised something.

"Fuck.", Jinyoung said under his breath, he didn't know how to put on a tie. He had a meeting in an hour and he knew he couldn't go without a tie, it would look informal.

Suddenly, his mind found it's way to Jisoo, right Jisoo. He thought, relieved.

Suddenly, Jisoo was called into Jinyoung's office, she sighed but still did as she was told.

She knocked on the door and went in, she saw that Jinyoung wasn't wearing a tie.

"Yes?", Jisoo said, and Jinyoung walked towards her, handing her the tie and Jisoo slowly took it, "What?", Jisoo said, confused as she held the tie.

"Don't you get what I'm trying to ask you to do?", Jinyoung said, rather coldly.

"You want me to put it on for you?", Jisoo said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes Jisoo, what else are you supposed to do with a tie?", he said in annoyance.

"Jinyoung, I'm pretty sure you know how to tie your own tie.", Jisoo said shoving back the tie to him and making her way out and Jinyoung stopped her by grabbing her wrist.

"Please, I'm asking as your boss, and you're my secretary.", Jinyoung said and Jisoo rolled her eyes and yanked her wrist away.

She didn't know why he was asking her to do such things but still, of course she did what she was told.

She took the tie and put it on for Jinyoung, Jisoo was busy tying his tie meanwhile Jinyoung was looking down at her, sometimes, all I need is to see your face. Jinyoung thought. A moment after, Jisoo was done.

"There you go.", she said and she looked up at Jinyoung and their eyes met and a feeling of tenderness swept through her, suddenly Jisoo looked away and immediately excused herself, leaving Jinyoung struck.


A few days had passed since Jennie went to the casting and now she was walking back to her condo, back from seeing Jinyoung, she has never felt so free, she knew this freedom was temporary, but it felt great to just not have Junghoon around, she was taking her own sweet time walking back to her condo, 2 minutes after she was already infront of her door.

Jennie hummed as she got inside but her heart dropped when she saw Junghoon's shoes, she swallowed, knowing that he was already home, he was back a day early, Jennie walked inside and saw Junghoon standing in the living room, hands in his pockets, it looked like Junghoon had been waiting for her.

"Y-you're home.", Jennie stuttered.

"Yes I am.", Junghoon said slowly walking towards Jennie, "How have you been?", Junghoon asked as he tried to lean in and kiss Jennie but she immediately backed away.

"I need to use the bathroom.", Jennie said and was about to leave until Junghoon grabbed her arm.

"Did you really just back away from me?", Junghoon scoffed.

"No Junghoon, I-", Jennie was then dragged to the bedroom. She didn't even bother fighting it anymore, she knew she'd still get hurt either way.

An hour after Jennie went into the bathroom bawling her eyes out, she looked in the mirror and her hair was a mess and her mascara was smudged. He did it again, and everytime he did what he did, she breaks even more.

Jennie sobbed, thinking what she had done in her past to suffer this much, suddenly her phone rang in the middle of her crying, she picked it up immediately without thinking.

"Hello.", she said, sniffling.

"Hey..", Jinyoung said slowly after hearing her sniffling, "Jen, it's Jinyoung, are you alright?", Jinyoung asked, concerned.

"Oh, Jinyoung.", Jennie said, regaining herself, "Yeah I'm fine, its just that time of a month and I just watched this sad movie.", Jennie explained.

"Oh, I was thinking of dropping by but feel better Jen, I'll just drop by tomorrow instead.", Jinyoung said and Jennie could tell that he said that with his warm smile.

"Yeah okay.", Jennie said, "Thanks Youngie.", Jennie said as she hung up quickly.

She wanted to scream out to Jinyoung, she wanted to be saved, she wanted Jinyoung to get her out of there, but everytime she wants to blurt the words out, it's like her voice is suddenly gone.

Jinyoung on the other hand could sense that something wasn't right, he was worried about Jennie, he figured he'd buy Jennie some of her favourite snacks the next day and drop them off.


Jennie was in the kitchen, preparing lunch for Junghoon the next day, she ended up crying the whole night last night, but still she got up the next morning like nothing happened.

"Are you going to explain these?", Junghoon said suddenly holding up his phone, Jennie looked up at him and saw what he was talking about, it was photos of Jinyoung and her hanging out from a few days ago, and she knew she was done for.


Hi our angels, here's a new update 💖

Love A and Q 🌻💖

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