Paranoia // Third Book To The...

By DeathInspiresMe_

232K 5K 6.6K

After Archie got arrested the town of Riverdale went to shit. Pasts are dug up. Relationships tore apart. And... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Ask The Characters!
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 19

5.6K 111 321
By DeathInspiresMe_

My legs throb as we walk through the town of Toledo. Train hopping sucked ass but walking all these miles was worse. Jug has both his bag and mine cause about a mile ago I started complaining and he got tired of it. Jug sees a guy with a truck and waves him down.

"Do you know where Jones Yard is?" He asks the man. He looks over us and nods.

"Yeah," He says to him, "you kids don't look to hot. Want a ride?"

"Yes," I say making the executive decision based on my pain. "Well get in the back." The boys follow suit as we climb in the bed of the truck and the man takes off leading us to maybe our doom. Or maybe exactly where we need to go. Honestly at this point I'm down for either.

As we reach a chained in yard with a sign with mix matched letters spelling out Jones Yard we climb out.

"This is definitely the place," Jug says as Archie smacks the back of the truck signalling that the man could leave. We walk forwards to see a boy who's average height with black hair. He has to be around our age.

"You guys lost?" He asks us, "Or looking to pick up some merch?" I roll my eyes at the boy. Yeah cause we came all the way from Riverdale to the ass end of nowhere to pick up some fucking car part.

"We're looking for Gladys Jones," Jug says and shows the boys his Serpent Tattoo. "I'm family. We need a place to stay." A blonde headed little girl working on the cars sits up and looks at us. It's JellyBean. I smile at her.

"- Jughead?" She asks smiling at the three is us.

"- Jellybean?" He asks happily approaching the fence to see his sister. He hasn't seen her in years. It's a big deal for him.

"Thought I smelled something rotten," she says slightly teasing her brother, "You heard him. Open the damn gate." The Guys rushes over to open the door and Jug runs through hugging his sister.

"Hey Jellybean," I say to her as she pulls away from Jughead. I smile at her.

"Y/n is that you?" She asks me, "i thought you were off in god knows where." I hug her tightly.

"Nah I'm back in good old Riverdale," I tell her pulling back, "We'll I was. Then Archie went and found himself in bed with a gang members daughter."

"Sounds like some shitty wattpad book," she laughs I join in while the boys remain clueless.

"Can you take us to go see mom?" Jug asks her and she nods.

"Come on then," she says leading us through the yard to another spot. Once inside we see more cars and car parts. A lady bent over with wielding gear hard at work. Upon noticing us the woman stands up and pulls off her mask. I smile at his mother. Gladys Jones in

"Jughead?" She gasps not believing the boy before her eyes.

"Hi, Mom," He says particularly harshly.

"Oh, Jug," She says hugging him tightly, "Oh! You feel like a Like a bag of tire irons." She pulls back and sniffles, "Are you eating? Ugh, you're not a vegetarian now, are you?" Yikes okay.

"- You wound me, Mother," he says taking fake offense and we all laugh slightly.

"Oh," she chuckles looking to Archie, "I recognize that rooster top. Archie Andrews?" He nods and she laughs hugging him speaking again as she draws back. "Oh! Gosh, you sure grew up... Oh! So You two finally got together, huh? I always knew there was something going on between you." I laugh loudly as the boys exchange an awkward look.

"Uh, no, we're not together together," Jug says, "We're just on the road together."

"Yeah," Archie explains, "Like a bromance."

"Yeah mom," He says looking over at me, "Y/n and I are actually the ones dating." Her eyes go wide as she looks to me.

"That's little Y/n?" She asks in disbelief, "I thought you were off in god knows where! How is it going?" She hugs me tightly.

"It's going great actually," i say to her smiling as I pull away, "just following these two to the end of the line."

"So really it was you two finally got together," she smiles, "FP was betting for you two." I look to him and smile softly. He takes my hand in his.

"Yeah," I say to him, "it's been like 6/ 7 months." She nods cheerfully.

"I know you didn't come to Toledo for the weather," She says to us, "What's going on? Why didn't you call me, tell me you were coming?"

"Last time I called, you told me I couldn't come," He says with a tint of anger in his words. She pulls back.

"Well," she sighs as the room tenses, "that was a different time." I look to Jug and tighten my grip on his hand. He probably will never forgive her for that and rightfully so. "Hey, I got my GED now. Hmm? I started this whole place up. I am a legit businesswoman now."

"Hey, Gladys," the guys from before calls carrying a car part, "tailpipe just came in with these. Where do you want 'em?"

"Yeah, not right now, Lugnut," she says looking down. So it's not a legit business? Way to fucking lie to your son who already doesn't trust you. Lugnut starts to walk off but she stops him. "Oh, hey, hold up. Get the crew together, huh? Tell 'em my son's come home.
And his best pals too. Tonight, we are going to feast."

As we walk off with Jelly Bean while Gladys and the others work. I can tell Jug was having a couple issues with his mother at the moment. Completely fair but it's gonna make it difficult for us to hide out here. We all sit down by the car Jelly Bean. She smiles at Archie the little girl always had a crush on the red head. Ya know how it is with the brothers friends crap.

"You okay Juggy?" I ask him as he leans on my shoulder sighing loudly.

"Yeah yeah sure," he says looking down at the ground then to Jelly Bean. "So JB hows it going?"

"Good," She says and looks over to me, "has my brother been any trouble?" Upon the question I think back laughing slightly. Well considering it took us forever to start dating and then we broke up over him being stuck up Betty's ass. Then dated separate people who we cheated on to get back together. And let's not forget the part where we hid a fucking body! Yeah he's been a lot of fucking trouble but so have I. "Nah it's been good. He's actually a pretty good boyfriend when he tries." He smiles and sits up so he can properly kiss me earning a look of disgust from Jelly Bean.

"Gross that's my brother," She says in absolute disgust.

"Gross it's my boyfriend little sister," I say pulling away from Jug. She rolls her eyes harshly. I see Archie still quietly watching us. "So Archibald the Good you Alright?"

"Yeah," he says to me, "im just thinking ya know."

"Okay," I say to him, "but we can talk if you need too."

"Yeah yeah I know," he says to me and nods.

"Alright then," I say to him. There was no point into getting into it now. His whole 'I'm a tough man' act would be the only answer I even get out of him for know. Hell its all I've really gotten since we broke him out.

As the night moves on and we all crowd around for dinner I see the life Gladys has made for her self her. For someone who said she needed to focus on her self and JellyBean she really didn't seem like that was all she was doing. Hell she has about thirty damn teenagers collected here all in leather jackets with the words Toledo Serpents. She was so against the gang in Riverdale and made her own here?

"Hiram Lodge, huh?" Gladys asks as we finish recounting our tale that sent us here. "That good-looking short stack was always trouble.
But why go after Archie?"

"Archie was the only one that stood up to him, defied him," Jug explains as we sit down

"Not to mention, I also date— Dated his daughter," Archie adds. I laugh.

"She was quite the person," I say carefully as Archie looks over at me, "couldn't be more poetic tho. Cheerleader with He the football player and the two edgy loners got together."

"Yeah," Gladys chuckles loudly.

"'Dated?' As in, no longer dating?" JellyBean asks Archie frantically with excitement in her eyes, "- As in, single?"

"Relax, Jellybean," Jug says as the rest of us chuckle at her eagerness.

"It's JB now, Kid Kerouac," she says harshly as Jug scoffs loudly. I smile at the exchange.

"Aw you both are adorable," I smile, "gosh I miss this with my siblings." They give me a soft pity filled smile. I knew mentioning it would earn me that but I couldn't help it. The exchange reminds me so much of how Adam and I would treat each other.

"Archie," Gladys says, "Have you spoken to your dad through any of this?"

"I wish," he says to her, "I wish I could see him, tell him how I'm doing. But it's too risky. He'd drag me home by the collar." I look down. Man did I miss Fred. "Riverdale's not where I need to be."

"Pig's ready!" Someone screams out.

"All right," Gladys says, "You heard the guy. Archie, go get yourself a hot meal. Cheek's the best part." She chuckles as he moves out she looks to Jug and I. "All right, so tell me about this game thing. This thing that you and Archie are mixed up in. Gryphons and Gargoyles? How involved with this are you?" I look to see if he's gonna answer her or if I would.

"Well, it's more than just a game," he says and I laugh slightly. Yeah it's a fucking plague infesting the world apparently. "It's got larger implications for all of Riverdale. I'm just trying to crack it. Get underneath it. Figure out who's behind all this."

"Hiram, it sounds like," Gladys says, "Is he the one who gave you that nasty scar on your arm?"

"- You saw that, huh?" He asks her. I sigh looking away thinking about the chuck in his arm. It's still so awful and every time I see it I go back to seeing his limp body thinking he's dead.

"- Yeah, it's bad," she says to him.

"No, that was, uh," he starts sighing loudly, "a gift from a former Serpent under Hiram's employ. Penny Peabody."

"Penny? That wench? She always had a beef about your father and I. And then she does this? She cuts up my son?" She asks getting angry, "You know, I never wanted this for you, kid. I mean, you're Serpent King. I never wanted you in the damn gang."

"Don't act all high and mighty," He says back to her. Suddenly I realise I'm stuck in the middle of an argument. It's like all those times I was stuck between Betty and Alice. Speaking off. I wonder where the hell she is and why she isn't answering my calls. I've asked around but no one knows where the hell she is. I have half a mind to run back to Riverdale to find her ass. "I saw that kid with the stereos earlier. You claimed to have left Riverdale to get away from Serpent life, and here you are, chopping cars and lifting their parts, - God knows what else."

"Hey," She says harshly, "So what? So if we jack a couple stereos here and there and we steal some hubcaps? I am feeding and taking care of all these kids who have nowhere else to go. What am I supposed to do? Just leave 'em high and dry?"

"It's what you did to me, isn't it?" He asks softly. I lean my head on his shoulder as she sighs.

"Come on, let's get something to eat before there's something left," she says ignoring her comment. As she marches off he looks to me with watery eyes.

"Hey babe it's okay," I say to him, "she's the one missed out. You're a great person and she'd be lucky to have had you in her life." He smiles slightly.

"Thanks," He says.

"Anytime Donnie Darko," I say teasing him slightly, "I love you."

"I love you too," He says to me, "now can we please go eat?"

"Please," I say to him. We get up and walk towards the line of people getting food when JellyBean and Archie frantically run towards us.

"What's going on?" Jug demands as Gladys joins us.

"It's Penny," Archie says, "she's here."

"God dammit," I hiss under my breath.

"Let's get her," Gladys orders. Once none of us move she looks across us, "now!" We rush over to get her with a couple of the other kids. Dragging her into a room where they tie her to a chair. "You know, Penny, I'm not shocked that a bottom-feeder like you is working with Hiram Lodge," Gladys starts, "You always had unfixed allegiances." Penny scoffs.

"That's rich, coming from Gladys Jones," Penny Spits back.

"Yeah, well I am surprised that you're not ratting him out right now," Gladys says grabbing onto Penny's necklace, "He must have something real good on you, Penny-slot."

"I'm no snitch," Penny says clearly, "But I will say this, Hiram won't stop.bNot till he gets what he wants. And right now, that's Red. And there's nothing that you, or your little Lord of the Flies crew, or Jughead here can do.bHiram won't stop."

"Speaking of my Jug, I saw the work that you did on him," Gladys says handing off her jacket, "You carved him up like a Sunday roast."

"That was business between me and him," Penny says as blood drips down her forehead from Jellybeans attack. My stomach feels queasy.

"Yeah, well, I'm his mama. So it's between me and you now," she says grabbing a knife, "All right, everyone, go inside, me and Penny here, we're gonna have us a little girl talk."

"Ask her about G&G, how Hiram fits into it all.
Roger that," Jug says and pulls us off. The room spins as we leave. I really need to get over my thing with blood.

Once inside One of the kids leads us to a room with three beds. Each of us take one tossing our stuff down onto it. Blankets and pillows placed one the edge. We settle and I move over to sit on the bed Jug was at. Meeting him with a kiss, his abrasive stubble grating against my face. As I pull away a make a face.

"Sucks you didn't get to shave like Archie did," I say then look to Archie, "then again she shaved him real up close and personal."

"But you just wish I didn't have the stubble," he says knowing my thoughts on the matter.

"Only because it's not grown out enough yet to not just scratch me," I state in a matter of fact sort of tone.

"Girls don't like that?" Archie asks. I shrug.

"I don't know," I say to him, "I only know my thoughts on the matter and I don't." He shrugs.

"Ya know them giving us three beds is considerate but wasteful considering you are just gonna crawl in mine," Jug sighs and I smile.

"Well I'm sorry I enjoy spending time with you," I say to him as I grab my phone and my charger from my bag plugging it in. "Besides you are warm and I being warm when I sleep."

"Get a blanket," He says as he and Archie laugh. I roll my eyes.

"Whatever," I say to them, "you guys are the ones who caused it if you both wake up bald." The smirk nodding.

"Sure sure," Archie says, "it would make me less easier to spot."

"You want to be bald?" Jug asks him, "I thought your whole pretty boy thing ran on your hair." Archie laughs sorely.

"Whatever dude," He groans.

"Hey Hey, I don't want to be caught in the middle of your domestic argument," i say to them, "do we need to get you two into couple counselling?"

"Ha ha very funny," Jug says dryly as Archie lays back on his bed.

"I can't believe your mom thought we were dating," Archie says, "it's crazy."

"Meh," I say to them, "the whole you guys won't kiss to complete the circle thing really breaks that case."

"See!" Archie exclaims. We keep up the lighthearted conversations until Jug demands the three of us go and check on his mom and Penny. Once there we see Gladys scrubbing her hands.

"Hey," Jug says as we approach her, "- What happened with Penny?" Now that we were closer I notice her blood soaked hands.

"Just give me a second, Jug, okay?" She asks, "Let me think. I just need to think."

"- She talk about the game?" Jug asks.

"Jug, come on," Archie says.

"Yeah Juggy we can deal with it later," I say to him attempting to get him to move on. But that's not the way the headass I love is.

"We know she was tracking Archie for Hiram.
Was it a quest from her master?" Jug asks, "Is Hiram more than the Man in Black? Is he the Gargoyle King?"

"You are so caught up in this damn game, you can't see three feet in front of you," She says clearly and he looks taken back.

"Amen sister," I say softly and he looks to me with wide eyes. He knew my feelings on it from the start. The way he's entangled himself in this game makes me worry. And makes him lose his edge over everyone else. "The big prize isn't Archie's head, it is Riverdale. Jug, if you had your wits about you, you would realize that Hiram chased you out of town just to get you off of the chess board. So you were as far away from Riverdale when he made his big play."

"So it's not about ascending to the Kingdom?" Jug asks.

"It's about claiming the Kingdom," I say to him as I rub my temples, "Jesus Christ."

"And if Hiram is the Gargoyle King, then he is responsible for re-introducing G&G to Riverdale," Jug says, "and the deaths of those kids."

"Mrs. J, what do we do?" Archie asks Gladys. She sighs.

"I'm still trying to figure that out, sweetie," she says.

"Are we okay here?" Jug asks, "I mean, is Archie even safe?"

"Yeah," She says, "of course he is... you kids should clean up and get some rest."

"Yeah That sounds good," I say and she gestured for one of the kids to move toward us, "can you show us to some bathrooms?"

"That's what Jamie is here for," She says, "Jamie take them to clean up." He nods and we move collecting our things them moving inside. Two bathrooms with showers, so Archie takes one while Jug and I head to the other. Originally the boys were supposed to share one but once Jamie walked off I pulled Jug along with me. He and I climb into the share and start working at the layers of dirt and sweat on ourselves.

"What do you think she did to Penny?" Jug asks me as he starts to wash his hair. He moves allowing me to slide past him to get under the water.

"I have no idea," i say to him. Scrubbing my skin harshly. Thankfully I packed some shower items for us cause it feels real nice to actually get a shower. Jug places a hand on my waist as we move once again to allow him to get under the water. His hand doesn't move but his eyes look down at me.

"I'm worried," he admits for the first time, "I'm afraid after all this running we are going to get him caught."

"I am too," I say to him, "but we can't feed into that worry. We have to keep going until we feel he's safe. We have to keep him away from Hiram."

"To What end?" He ask me.

"To wherever it leads," I say to him. He leans down and kisses my softly. One hand lacing in my wet hair while he moves the other to my back. Pulling me closer to him to deepen the kiss. With Archie always by our side we never got to be intimate. Which is something neither of us where used to. So this chance wouldn't be wasted.

As we finished cleaning up and walk to the room we are staying in we notice the place around us. It's pretty big. Then again with Gladys housing all these kids I guess it had to be.

"Do you think I should forgive her?" Jug asks me once we get to our room. Archie still not in the room.

"Not completely," I tell him, "she needs to be held accountable but she is your mom. You could lose her anytime." He nods.

"I should talk to her tomorrow shouldn't I?" He ask me and I nod again.

"Definitely," I say as we curl into bed.

"Yeah I think clearing the air will be a good thing for us," he says as he yawns.

"It will," i say snuggling up to him. Archie finally comes back and climbs into his own bed. "Night boys!" I say yawning softly.

"Night," Archie says softly.

"Goodnight," Jug mumbles. Soon all of us finally fall asleep.

I hear soft noises hours later causing my exhausted self to become alert. As my eyes open I see Gladys staring at an entangled Jug and I. Her son softly snoring beside me. I shake him slightly and he looks around.

"It's just me," She says, "Get up." He crawls out of bed leaving me alone. But I pull the blankets over my head. As they both leave I feel my body tense. What could they be talking about?

"Archie get up," I say to him. He sits up and looks to me, "Come on red." We sneak out following the Jones family as they walk. Once they stop we hide.

"I didn't want to talk in front of Archie and the others," Gladys says, "As it turns out, Peabody had a lot to say. The bounty on your pal Archie, it's not just on him. It's on anyone who's with him or is helping him." Beside me I see Archie's eyes widen. "Which means there is a target on your back now, too, Jughead. And on Y/n's. It's the same if he goes back to Riverdale. Archie's dad, Archie's friends, everyone is at risk, which is why you got to cut him loose."

"I'm not just gonna ditch Archie, Mom," Jug says. Archie moves to stop Jug. "He's my best friend."

"Your mom's right, Jug," Archie says as we both storm in, "You got me this far. That's more than anyone else would've done. You can go home."

"Oh Shut it you idiot," I say to him, "we aren't going anywhere."

"What are you talking about? You can't go out there alone," Jug asks.

"Jug, Hiram almost killed us back at that farm," Archie says, "Penny tracked us here to your mom's. I've put her in danger. I've put Jellybean in danger. I can't keep doing that.
Wherever I go next, it's got to be alone."

"- Archie," we protest.

"Guys," He says placing a hand on each of our shoulders. I look down. I don't want to let him do this alone. He pulls Jug and I Into a tight hug. Once he gets to me I tear up. Crying slightly into Archie's shoulder.

"I can't let you go alone," I whimper, "if something happens."

"It happens to me and just me," He says.

"I'll never forgive myself," I whimper. As he pulls away he wipes my eyes.

"It's what has to be done," he says softly. Jug steps forward wrapping his arms around me.

"All right," Gladys says, "So, it's decided. Arch, we'll get you a ride to the border. I know a guy up there who can help. Jughead, Y/n, you two can stay here as long as you want." Jug and I exchange a look.

"No, I think We need to go home," He says, "Hiram Lodge needs to get taken down. It's only gonna happen from the inside."

"I second that," I say to her, "we need to be there to take that prick down."

"Til then get some sleep." She says and and follow the order. Finally relaxing.

Bright and early the next morning we pack our things ready to leave. My phone charged once again I continue to blow up Betty's phone.

"Oh come on you damn princess what's wrong with you?" I growl.

"She's probable busy," Jug says.

"All right," Gladys says walking towards us, "Now, I packed you guys some lunches for the road." Someone knocks loudly on the door. "Hey, Jug, you mind getting that? It's probably Archie's ride." He gets up and moves towards the door opening it to reveal Fred Andrews. I smile at the man as he walks towards us.

"Dad!" Archie says. Archie jumps up and rushes towards his dad hugging him. "I've missed you so much, Dad."

"Me too, son," Fred says. Once the boys separate to hug my guardian. "It's Good to see you Y/n. You seem good."

"Yeah Jug And Archie have got me taking my meds on time and sleeping," I say to him as I smile.

"Good Good," He says then looks to Archie. "We need one thing from you before we spilt up." I nod.

"Which is?" I ask him.

"I heard you had some hair dye," Fred says, "we should dye Archie's hair. If that's okay with him."

"It's a good idea," Archie says, "is that okay with you Y/n?"

"Yeah yeah," I say pulling he box from my bag, "Jug you can get out stuff right?"

"Of course," He says as he finishes packing his bag. I pull Archie to one of the bathrooms and start the hair dying process. Turning his red locks brown.

"Leave it in for thirty minutes then wash it out," i instruct them once I finish, "honestly just put this shower cap over his head and drive as far as you can in the thirty minutes then stop somewhere to wash it out.

"Got it," Archie says. He stands up and suddenly I'm hit with the sadness of once again losing my best friend because of Hiram Fucking Lodge. I hug him tightly. Once we both separate I look at him sadly.

"I'm gonna miss you Archibald the good," I say to him. He chuckles.

"Yeah Same to you N/n," he says to me. Jug rushes to us and I smile at Archie.

"Y/n we have to head out," he says to me. I nod and look to Archie.

"Bye Arch," I say to him. He smiles.

"Bye Y/n," he says. Jug and I walk outside meeting FP and Gladys.

"Dad," Jug says upon seeing his father, "I see Mom called you."

"Thought you might be missing this," He says tossing Jug his serpent Jacket. His son takes it from him then hugs him. As FP pulls back he speaks again. "I heard Penny was here causing trouble."

"No problem at all," Gladys says, "I don't think we have to worry much about Penny anymore." She sighs and walks towards them hugging Jug, "Come here, kid. I'm gonna miss you."

"Go warm up the bikes, will you, Kids?" FP says and we move to the bikes. Jug and I climbing onto his as FP rushes over to his bike. We speed towards Riverdale hoping to see anything but our home in shambles.

The die were cast and soon a wave of chaos would befall Riverdale. As Jug said "just like that, in a few frantic moments, the town we'd known all our lives was once again changed, but this time, irrevocably. It was time for us to brace for a terrible impact. And while Archie Andrews headed away from the doomed town of Riverdale, we raced towards it. For that night was the fruition of a game that had been planned for and played across the years."

As we speed towards Riverdale we notice fencing around the whole town. We stop at the entrance where cop cars are already parked.
A sign plastered on the town welcome sign.

"The hell is this?" FP asks as we climb off the bikes rushing towards the gates.

"Town's under quarantine. Governor's orders.
No one in or out. Turn around and go," One of the cops says. Each of them with guns in hands ready to go.

"No. No, we live here," Jug says as we exchange a look.

"Not anymore. Turn around, now!" The guy orders as guns raise to point at us as sirens blare.

"Dude What the hell?" I ask harshly, "can you explain what the hell is going on? Like why it's under quarantine?"

"No turn around and leave!" He orders and the three of us share a look to decide what the hell we could do in this situation.

The annual Ask the characters! These are the characters you can asks questions. So leave your questions here for them to answer! (Or me to answer in their point of view)









Sweet Pea






Naomi (ya mom for the first time ever)

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