The Dying Moon Child I VxBts

By goldendolleyes

114K 3.5K 862

{VxBTS}Taehyung has heart failure that only leaves him one year to live only his family knows and he would li... More

Character Profiles
Late Start
Starting Hell
Anti Social Club
Weekend thoughts
Student Council
The Aftermath
Friday night football
Morning after
Piano Lessons
The Underground
Pac man
Boba Tea
Fluffy Socks
break up with your girlfriend
The sleepover
I swear I'll never leave again
Saying I love you part 3
Stars and Slushis
Love in October
Sex and Cheap Beer pt1
Sex and Cheap beer pt2
Pills and Gummy worms
I am sorry i love you?
update w

The End of The Rest of My Life

8.1K 227 93
By goldendolleyes

A/n I am not a doctor so don't quote me on any of this
I did research on heart failure but I don't know that much about it so some of the stuff I say may be wrong

"C'mon Taehyung we have to go shop for clothes" my mother yells from down stairs.

I am coming I responded

I hated going shopping especially back to school shopping. School started in about a week. I just hated people in general and people hated me.

"Taehyung hurry up we don't have all day" she yelles

I ran down stairs not wanting to make my mom mad. My mom hated how I dressed so she always wanted to take me out shopping any chance she go so this was big for her. She always wanted a daughter. She loved any chance to take me out shopping.

"Let go" my mom said with a smile on her face. I was a only child so they kinda spoiled me and baby me.

We reached the mall. I hated malls it was just a lot of people in one place ew.

My mom was practically jumping up and down in excitement she just couldn't wait to buy me a new wardrobe. All I wore was old 90s vintage clothes and If not that a hoodie and sweat pants she wanted to dress me in more modern clothes and dress shirts I just hated that style. Not for me.

We got in the mall and we headed in the first department store we saw I just wanted to get this over with so I just agreed with all my mom showed me without even trying them on. I wanted to leave I was so bored. I was already not felling well and now my mom draged me to the mall.

I was getting the worst headache and like I was getting out of breath just following my mom around the department store.

Mom can we leave now I asked

"No I am not finished" she said.

I was not felling well the lights were to bright and everybody was to loud like why do they have to yell....

M-m-mom i-i d-don't

Tae? tae?

"TAEHYUNG" my mom cried

That's the last thing I heard.

After that it all went dark I didn't feel anything my mind wondered....

Hello hello....wait why can't I feel anything wait hello... I can't move I can't talk my throt is dry i feel like shit wait if I can't talk or move that means I am in a coma fuck what happend to me fuck how can I wake up omg fuck ok concentrate tae you can do this. Wake up wake up ok ......

I opened my eyes fuck the light is so bright ugh I blinked so I could get used to the light ok I was in a hospital bed.

ok m-mo-mom I said.

M-mom i said again

"Oh my god tae you are awake" my mother said.

W-what happened to me and why am in a hospital bed I questioned.

"I should go get the doctor" she respond.

She left the room to go get the doctor.

Ok what happend i tried think back to the last thing i rememberd ok me and my mom were in the parking lot of the mall that's the last thing I remember.

I was trying to think farther then that. Then my mom and the doctor came in the room.

"Hello Tae how are you feeling" the doctor said.

"Like shit" I said

"Very funny" he said

What happend doctor

"Well Taehyung you passed out and hit your head witch left you in a 6 day coma".

Ok when I we leave I asked

"Taehyung I am afraid we have a bigger issues you passed out because you are in the early stages of advanced heart failure. When you had headache and were out of breath that was your body was telling you you aren't ok. So thats why you fell your head hit the ground really hard witch caused you to fall in a coma I am sorry taehyung"

Am I going to be ok what's going t-to happen to me I said

"Taehyung if we don't find you a sutable heart donor I am afraid you have a year to live. I am sorry we will talk more about this later" the doctor and walked out with pity on his face.

I hated that felling someone pitying me.

"Taehyung I am sorry I am sorry" my mom said with tears in her eyes.

Mom its not your falut my heart sucks I said trying to ease the mood.

She laught at my horrible joke.

"I am going to be ok" I said. In a positive tone.
I am going to be fine one year if I really have one year I will make the most of it I will do everything I haven't done I will be more socialble and do fun stuff. I didn't want to believe that I was diying I would find a heart doner.

"Tae you should get some rest". My mom said I could here sadness in her voice its like she feels responsible for this.

One year one year to live my life.....

I drifted to sleep trying to keep this whole situation out of my mind.

"Tae Taehyung sweetie" my mom tried to wake me up.

Your dad is here she said as I opened my eyes.

Hi dad I said in a half sleepy voice.

"You are going home in a couple of days and we were thinking if you want to do online school is fine with us anything you want you can have it" my dad said.

No I want to go to real school and experience everything before I die so just treat me like I am not diying please. I said to my parents

"Are you sure son" they asked.

Yes please. I said

"Ok" they said

"Hello Taehyung" the doctor said entering the room

Hi I said back

So how are you felling

Good I responded

Well since you are doing good you will go home in about two days but....

You will have to carry around a nasal cannula filled with oxygen and will have to were dust masks so your kidneys don't get infected and you will have to take 5 pills 3 times a day so you don't get sick also you don't always have to have your nasal cannula on you can just keep it in your backpack but if you ever feel out of breath just put it on ok the doctor said.

O-ok I said

This is going to be hard

Also always tell someone if you are feeling any type of pain ok he added


I will live up to my full potential and not waist any minute there is still so much I want to see and do before I die I will make a bucket list. I will put all the things i want to do so if I do die I will feel complete


A/N I am in love with this story line in have never been so excited for a story that I am writing so yeah 💜💜💜
Btw this is a
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Btw this is a nasal cannula

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