From Nought To Sixty

By Cherrywrotestories

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The team decide to spend their well earned summer vacation together at a beach house. In the midst of the hot... More



13.6K 253 403
By Cherrywrotestories

"Everything okay?" Y/N had just entered her now shared bedroom, ready for bed. JJ was changing into her pajamas, pulling her hair into a a high pony tail.

"Yeah everything's fine," Y/N changed her own clothes and slipped under her sheets. She shouldn't be so frustrated right now, she knew this. It wasn't JJ's fault at all. And over all, the team had had a nice evening, grilling out on the deck and sharing beers and stories.

"You sure? You've been quiet all evening, not like your normal self."

Had Penelope gotten to JJ too? Was she spying on Y/N for her?

No. This was JJ. Sweet, lovely and motherly JJ.

"I'm honestly fine JJ. Seriously. Just ate too much food I think, ready to get my head down."

"Okay then. Sweet dreams Y/N."

"Night Jayge... " Y/N flicked the light off and lay there trying to will herself to sleep.  It wasn't happening though, she was warm and frustrated. Spencer had looked particularly hot tonight and they'd hardly had any alone time at all today. It was driving her crazy that she'd not been able to kiss him. After an hour and half, when she was saw JJ was fast asleep she gave up trying and slunk out of the room, across the living room and into Spencer's.

He was reading on her tablet, glancing up at her when she snuck into his room.

"Y/N! What about... JJ?"

"She's asleep. And if she wakes up I'll just lie and tell her I wasn't feeling well. I needed to see you, to have some proper alone time. It was driving me crazy today.... "

"Really?" he looked at her in disbelief as she crawled on to the bed.

"Yes really. You know the new start of a relationship when you just want to spend all your time with someone.... "

"Not really, no."

"Oh... Well, I just... I just want to be with you. A lot. And you looked super hot tonight."

"I did?"

"Yes Spencer, you did. Now, are you going to put that tablet down.... I'm actually surprised you're still reading that story by the way."

Y/N slung one of her legs over Spencer's torso, sitting over his lap. He deposited the tablet on the bedside table and pushed himself upright so that he could place a sweet kiss on her lips.

"I'm surprised too. But I did kind of want to know how it ends. There's just so much....."


He nodded and shifted underneath her. "So much. And it's ridiculously well written. The story as a whole I mean not just the...."

"Sexy times?"

He leant forward and kissed her again. "Hmmm. Does make for some very hard reading though."

"Very hard reading?" she smirked and raised an eyebrow, seeing a blush form. He hadn't intentionally made that particular innuendo.

"Well....I guess it may have affected me that way a few times. Mainly because it got me thinking about you."

"Did it now?" Y/N rested her hands on his shoulders, gently carresing his neck with her fingertips.

"Mmmm." No words from him this time, just another kiss on her lips. This time the kiss was harder, not so sweet more needy. Y/N tilted her head slightly, her lips parting as he locked her lower lip between his. Spencer moved his hands to her waist, surprising her when he slipped then underneath the hem of her camisole, warm fingers on her bare skin.

"What did.... " Y/N pulled back."What did it make you think about me?"

Reid's hands moved higher, ghosting up and down the sides of her torso. His eyes seemed darker and when he spoke his voice was low and husky.

"About how it made you feel reading it, and whether you needed to take matters into your own hands... "

Y/N adjusted herself, shifting her weight and feeling him beneath her, all of him. Fuuck.

"Not gonna lie Spencer, there were a few points where I felt the need to...."

He leant in to her, his mouth connecting with the skin on her neck and suckling softly. He kissed up to her ear, suddenly feeling bolder than ever. "You have no idea of the visuals that gives me. You, lying in your bed and touching yourself..."

Jesus Christ...

"Well hopefully now I don't have to do it to myself.. "

Spencer's hands slid higher grazing the underside of her breasts. She hoped this was going where it seemed to be going. She would spontaneously combust if it didn't. Deciding to help things along a little she leant back from him and pulled her top over her head discarding it onto the floor. Spencer gazed at her, taking her bare form in and feeling slightly light headed.

"You don't.... We have to be quiet though."

"So quiet," Y/N nodded, biting her lip and stifling a whimper as Reid's hands connected with her breast.

"So very, very quiet."


Y/N left his room three hours later,  well and truly satisfied. Well, she'd have more satisfied if she could have woken up in his arms but still. They'd been quiet, as quiet as they could be, even dragging his sheets onto the floor at one point so they didn't have to worry about creaky bed frames. Because fuck, it would have creaked. Reid was going to have to keep covered up for a the next few days to hide the bite marks on his shoulder from her trying to muffle her cries of passion. She couldn't wait to get home and not have to worry about making noise.

Y/N made a quick stop in the bathroom, finding a packet of baby wipes and running one between her thighs to clean up some. When she snuck back into the bedroom she was surprised. JJ was lying in on her side reading one of Y/N's books. She looked up at her friend, a sparkle in her eye.

"Everything okay?"

"Erm... Yes! I just... Too much food. Bad stomach."

"For three hours?"

Seriously? Had she been awake the whole time Y/N had been gone?

"Yeah... Feeling really quite nauseous still. Sorry if I woke you up... "

"You didn't wake me, I was struggling to sleep anyway. But yeah, you do look a little queasy. You're all kinda flushed and sweaty."

Great sex will do that to you, Y/N thought.

"Not sure why your top is inside out though? Or how you got that bruise on your neck?"

Y/N spun around to the vanity mirror. Her top was indeed inside out. But there was no love bite, no visible mark. The only visible thing Y/N could see was JJ's grin.

Shit. Shit shit shit.

"I'm pleased for you both Y/N. When are you planning on telling the others?"

Y/N sighed. There was no escaping this. She climbed into bed not even bothering to fix her top. "We weren't initially. At least not anytime soon. It's still so new and we just wanted to experience it for ourselves without everyone knowing."


"But Garcia's pissed at me. We think she knows somehow and because I told her nothing was going on, she's turned into a devious little pixie. The other night she dragged me away with her to spend almost the entire night with these two guys. And today she made me and Spencer follow her around for hours whilst she shopped."

"That explains the frosty atmosphere I detected between you and her earlier then. I get why you two want to keep it on the down low, and trust me I won't say anything until you guys are ready to. But maybe you should just come clean to her?"

Y/N sighed again, rolling over to her side. JJ had put her book down and settled back down under her covers.

"Maybe we should. But it's the fact that's she trying to force it out of us when we're not ready that's making me not want to tell her."

"I also understand that..... " JJ flicked the lamp off.

"So erm... I'm kinda curious. What's he like in the sack?"


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