Maybe just a little more than...

By Rhywhy

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Once apon a time a girl meet the famous Ciel Phantomehive and they became quite close friends even though the... More

Meeting each other
The Phantomehive Manor
bed time
Time to Get up
Some quick words
Little White Rabbit
Lizzy and Love
chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
Last chapter


46 0 0
By Rhywhy

I was woken up again by Ciel pushing on me roughly. I groawned not thinking, "just a little longer..." He kept on shoving me till I groaned, "... I'll do it in a little bit... sleep now... that later..." I then felt him growl, "get up now stupid girl I do not have time for this now get up already." "later," I groaned softly. "Not later now." he said loudly in my ears. His hot breath made me softly shiver and the noise made me try and bury my head in my arms. I heard him groan in deep frustration and annoyance. I felt him shake me hard. "get up, get up, Get up, Get Up, GET UP!!" he growled his voice getting louder as he continued to tell me to get up. "Sebastian, " he almost yelled. "yes younger master, " I heard Sebastian answer. "get her up already, " Ciel said frustrated. "Yes my lord, " was the reply. Then I felt myself being pushed more softly and gently. I just fell back asleep.

*1 hour later*

I groaned yawning and stretching my arms a little. I herd the door open and turned to see who it was. Ciel opened the door with a plate of food. He growled completely  annoyed, "so you finally decided to get up. " "I'm sorry did you want me up earlier, " I asked still sleepy. He growled and handed me the plate of food. "You slept through dinner. So you can eat the scraps, " he growled still annoyed. "I don't exactly want your scraps though, " I said bored. "Then don't eat it you ungrateful stupid girl, " he growled even more annoyed. "alrighty then what do you want with plate, " I asked bored. He growled annoyed, "eat the d**n food and be grateful you have it." I started to play with the food and thought 'the pirate didn't give me his scraps his demon made me a plate of food. It really is a shame I don't want it.' I opened my mouth tired and ate about half of it feeling a little past full. I groaned looking at the rest of the food. "now what's the issue?" Ciel growled looking me in the eyes. "it's too much food, " I said looking off. "I'm full..." I said quietly. "then give it here, " he said bored though annoyed. "Are you going to finish it for me, " I asked handing him the plate. "No stupid girl, " he growled annoyed once again. He started to look at the plate bored and growled, "you only ate half and you are full." "yes," I said looking off. "If you didn't sleep all day then maybe you could finish your food. "yes maybe, " I said still looking off. "Go wash your plate and silverware or give it to Sebastian if you can find him... and make me some more tea, " he said handing me the plate. "Alrighty, " I said bored as I walked out. I walked down to the kitchen and found a kettle I filled it with a decent amount of water and started it as I went to wash the plate and silverware. "May I ask what you think you are doing, " I heard from behind me. "washing my plate and silverware, " I replied bored. "and the kettle is started why, " I was once again asked. "Ciel told me to make him some tea, " I said bored. I finished with the dishes and put them up. When I came back Sebastian showed me how to make Ciel tea and then sent me back off. Ciel seemed annoyed that I just opened his door growling, "do you not know how to knock?" I just set the tea down pouring it. "go take a bath and go to bed already and stay out of my room, " he growled annoyed as he took a sip of his tea but nearly froze and said, "what did you put in this?" "Honey and sugar why does it taste bad, " I asked bored though he grabbed me and said, "who told you that you could make me tea let alone put honey in it?" "You told me to make you some tea and I just thought you might want a little honey in it since you like so much sugar in it, " I said the last part quietly. "what do you mean I like a lot of sugar in my tea, " he asked not sounding as mad. "Sebastian showed me how to make you tea, " I said bored. "why didn't you just let him make it, " he asked. "because it seemed like you wanted me to make it, " I said. "well it's not too bad but don't try and put anything stupid in my tea and I prefer you not to make me tea either." I gently sighed and almost whispered, "yes sir." His grip just got a little tighter at that and he sighed, "try putting a small bit more honey in it next time it doesn't taste all that bad." I smiled and said sweetly, "alrighty I'll try and remember to do that for you." "Good night Ciel sleep tight and have sweet dreams, " I said sweetly starting to walk off though I felt his grip and him almost pull me towards him. I looked at him softly confused. He turned soft pink and let go of me growling, "I don't have dreams that are sweet. " "You don't dream of candy or anything sweet, " I asked softly teasingly and stupidly. "No now go already stupid girl, " he growled. I smiled and said, "yes sir. " I took my bath and went to bed in some shorts and a button up shirt underneath my nightgown. I heard the door open softly as I started to sleep and someone walking towards me I sensed it was Ciel and just relaxed. He looked at me and sighed, "all this girl does is sleep and talks a little. It's better than bothering me all day I guess." He left just as I fell asleep. 

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