Silently Falling | √

By LoneRanger3

479K 16.3K 3.8K

[COMPLETED] Alexis was your typical everyday good girl with excellent grades, a single best friend, an annoyi... More

Silently Falling
Character Aesthetic
•Chapter 1•
•Chapter 2•
•Chapter 3•
•Chapter 4•
•Chapter 5•
•Chapter 6•
•Chapter 7•
•Chapter 8•
•Chapter 9•
•Chapter 10•
•Chapter 11•
•Chapter 12•
•Chapter 13•
•Chapter 14•
•Chapter 15•
•Chapter 16•
•Chapter 17•
•Chapter 18•
•Chapter 19•
•Chapter 20•
•Chapter 21•
•Chapter 22•
•Chapter 23•
•Chapter 24•
•Chapter 25•
•Chapter 26•
•Chapter 27•
•Chapter 28•
•Chapter 29•
•Chapter 30•
•Chapter 31•
•Chapter 32•
•Chapter 33•
•Chapter 34•
•Chapter 35•
•Chapter 36•
•Chapter 37•
•Chapter 38•
•Chapter 39•
•Chapter 40•
•Chapter 41•
•Chapter 42•
Other Books
Bonus Chapter: The Accident


10.1K 297 173
By LoneRanger3


SIX WHOlE MONTHS, that was long how it had been since Alexis passed and each day hurt more than the last. I felt utterly lost without her.

"Nick hurry up, Kai and Jake are already here and you don't want to be late for your own graduation," mom shouted from the kitchen.

I sighed as I took one last look at myself in the bathroom mirror before I made my way to the kitchen.

"You look so handsome and grown up," mom cooed as I entered the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes and joined everyone at the kitchen table and sat down next to Leah. I poured myself some orange juice and placed a few chocolate chip pancakes on my plate.

"I'm wearing the same outfit I always wear each day except for this stupid cap and gown."

"Which I'm totally rocking by the way," Kai beamed as he stuffed mom's chocolate chip pancakes into his mouth and moaned. "I love your cooking Hailee, maybe I should think of moving in with you guys."

Jake and I rolled our eyes while Leah turned googly eyed at him.

"I totally agree with you," she said batting her eyelashes in the most creepiest of ways.

"Thank you Leah, glad to know that someone thinks I'm attractive," Kai said smiling at her and then turned to glare at me and Jake.

"Don't get your hopes up, she's only sixteen and extremely hormonal," I said and took a bite of my pancakes. "These are really good mom."

"Thanks honey," mom smiled.

"I'm almost seventeen," Leah whined.

"And by almost do you mean you just turned sixteen? Because that's what I recall," mom answered.

Jake and I snickered as Leah rolled her bottom lip into her mouth and huffed in frustration.

"Yes I'll be seventeen next year so what? Nick had a girlfriend by the time he was my age," she whined.

"Because I was responsible and you're not," I scoffed.

"I'm old enough to get a boyfriend if I want," she protested.

"If you live in your house and pay your own bills then you are free to have yourself one. But as long as you live under my roof, you will not have a boyfriend," mom stated matter-of-factly.

"We need to get going if we want to make it before the opening remarks from Principal Kingsley," Jake said as he checked his phone. "Asher is already waiting for us."

Everyone stood up and I sighed because not once did I sit down to write that damned graduation speech that principal Kinsely had been bugging me for for the last six months. And each time I always came up with an excuse or dodged her.

We all piled into Jake and Kai's cars and drove to the school. When we pulled up in the student parking lot, everyone was rushing to get into the auditorium on time.

"Are you coming or are you just going to stand there?" Leah asked with her hand on her hip.

"Yeah sorry I'm coming," I replied and jogged up to them.

We all walked through the main school doors for the last time. I looked around the hallways, the lockers and all the memories of everything I experienced all came rushing back to me.

I remember the first day I saw Alexis standing at her locker as everyone else was already in class. I never got to tell her this but I thought she was cute and that bothered me a lot because I wasn't supposed to find anyone cute-it was as if I was betraying Hayley and I hated her for that.

Kai, Jake, mom and Leah sat with everyone else while I walked back stage for the dreaded speech.

"Good you're here," principal Kinsley said, "the ceremony is about to commence shortly and when I call upon you, you will need to make an appearance and give your speech."

"Good luck and I know you'll kill it," she flashed me a smile and patted my back before she walked onto the stage.

I heard everyone quiet down as she appeared on the stage.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and students," principal Kinsley cleared her throat. "I officially welcome you to this year's graduation where we will see the class of 2018 graduate and become full fledged members of the society." she said and the crowd applauded.

"Each one of you has been an exceptional student and I know that Ridgeway has prepared you to become better people who will contribute to the society," there were cheers and whistles from the student body. "I think that's all I had to say because I wouldn't want to bore anyone with a long irrelevant speech. As I call your name please come over to the stage and receive your diploma."

I pulled the curtain back a little and watched everyone as they waited for their names to be called. "Jane Anderson," she called.

"Brooklyn Andrews, Alexander Brown," she kept calling out the names and each time the crowd applauded.

"Asher Daniels," Asher made his way to the stage and received his diploma before walking back to where he sat with his mom, Alexis' parents and James.

"Kai Easton," Kai walked to the stage with a bright smile as he received his diploma and winked at some of the girls who giggled and swooned.

I rolled my eyes at him but I was still proud of him regardless.

She went on calling names until she finally got to Jake. "Jake Miller," she called and he made his way to stage, "this is the talented artist who painted the new school mural," she said and he flushed as everyone erupted into a round applause and cheers. "Thank you."

I couldn't be happier for my friends, Asher and his team won a third of all the games they played, Kai had joined the Science club and Jake painted the school mural and won the art competition with a portrait he painted of Alexis.

"It is with a heavy heart that I give this diploma to the family of one of our students who recently passed, she was an exceptional student and had so much to give. She was our salutatorian, so will you please help me welcome Alexis Vance's brother as he collects the diploma on her behalf," she said and my breath caught in my throat.

Everyone stood up and applauded as James walked onto the stage and was handed Alexis' diploma. I saw him mouth a 'thank you' before he walked off the stage.

"And now it is with great honour that I call upon the class of 2018's valedictorian, Nicholas Henderson."

I took a deep breath and walked to the stage to receive my diploma and give the dreaded speech.

"Thank you principal Kinsley," I began and everyone kept quiet. "I'm not really good with speeches or anything of that sort actually so I'm not sure how this will go," I said and the crowd laughed. "I tried coming up with the right words to say, but each time I always came up blank."

By now I had gained the whole crowd's attention.

"For the most part of our highschool experience, we all didn't know what we wanted and heck some of us still don't. But we've all grown as individuals and made lifelong friendships that will be with us," I said as my eyes swept over Asher, Kai and Jake. "We obsessed over who had what, who wore the best clothes and who looked more attractive than the rest, but that's just it-we're teenagers and messed up in one way or another. None of us is perfect and it doesn't matter because each and every one of us has a unique talent, something that makes us us." I said and looked over everyone.

"We are all going to take different paths after today, others will head to college while others will choose a more different direction but that's okay, it's all the small insignificant things that make us who we are," I spoke. "We've come a long way and I know there's still more we need to learn before we can fully be responsible. We are the class of 2018, messed up but still unique in our own weird way," I finished and exhaled.

Kai stood up clapping and one by one, everyone followed suit until the whole auditorium was on their feet clapping. I smiled as I raised my diploma and walked off the stage.

"That brings us to the end of our graduation ceremony. I wish you all the best in your endeavors," principal Kinsely said.

Everyone was busy taking photos with their families and smiling as I made my way to my family and friends.

"Who knew you had it in you to give such a killer speech," Asher teased.

"Not me," I deadpaned.

James rolled his eyes, "it was a great speech by the way," he smiled. "Very raw and emotional."

I laughed, "nothing about what I said was raw or emotional. It's just facts."

"Way to ruin a moment bro," he said. "But honestly congratulations to all of you, you've worked hard to be here and I know Alexis is proud of you wherever she is."

"Thanks James," we all said.

"I heard Greg is throwing a party and I think we should totally go," Kai beamed, "I've not been to one in like forever and I need to loosen up and unwind before college."

"I'm in but I'm not drinking," Jake agreed.

"I don't really care what you do," Kai shrugged, "I just want to have fun and hook up with a random girl."

"I could use a distraction from all the Steph drama, so let's do this thing," Asher agreed fit bumping Kai. "Are you coming James or are you going to be busy hanging out with Lisa?" he asked with a smirk.

"A highschool party? No thank you. I've had my fair share of them and now I'm grown up from such idiocracy and childish behaviours ," he deadpanned.

"I'll come," Leah chimed.

We all turned to look at her with baffled expressions, "Not a chance in hell young lady," mom said and went back to talking to Kate and Riley.

Leah sighed and rolled her eyes, "you're all unfair," she said and stomped off.

Everyone laughed as we watched her leave. I'm sure Alexis would have liked to see how we were all getting along.

"Are you in or not?" Jake nudged me out of my reverie.

I thought about it and if it was worth it. Weighing the pros and cons in my head. What would Alexis think of me?

"It's been over six months and I know Alexis would want you to be happy," James said sympathetically. "So you're going and I don't want to hear it."

"Okay I'll go," I sighed. Maybe it was exactly what I needed-a distraction.


This marks the last chapter of Silently Falling and honestly I cannot thank you guys enough.

I started writing this book about a year ago but I wasn't happy with how it turned out so I decided to re-write everything. It's so much more different from the first draft and I'm glad because I fell in love with the entire plot and all the characters-even Chloe lol. It's been such an amazing and long journey and I cannot believe that it's finally over. Although I will most certainly miss staying up late at night writing it and figuring out how to keep going when I just didn't feel it.

There will not be a sequel in case you were wondering, their story ends here. BUT if you have any questions about the book, the characters or even me or just want to be friends, then please feel free to ask me on any of my social media or in the comments and I'll be sure to answer them as best as I can.

Bear in mind that this is a draft and I tried to edit it as best as I could whilst writing it out. So if you see any mistakes, then just point them out and I'll gladly fix them.

Any suggestions, feedback and critisim are greatly welcomed but please try to keep in mind that negative critisim doesn't help anyone, not even you.

Again, I cannot thank you guys enough and I do not know how to put it into words but I'm truly thankful and I want you all to know that.

Until next time,

Peace out,


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