METAMORPH ... k.mikaelson

By liIiths

726K 20.2K 8.7K

Being the last witch of her kind, Lena Ricci has been protected by Rebekah Mikaelson her whole life. And the... More



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By liIiths

" you look so cool when you're reading me "

LENA'S fingers drummed against the dining table as she sat on the chair at the left side of the head of the table. Klaus was leaning against that chair, eyes narrowed at his girlfriend as she used one hand to flip through the book she was reading. They were waiting for Elijah and their guest of honour - who Lena assumed was Freya - to arrive. Lena was also really bored because the wolves had all gone to hang out in the bayou, including Hayley and Jackson.

"There you are, finally!" Klaus exclaimed, letting out a sigh of relief. Lena's head shot up and she tucked dark hair behind her ears as she grinned at Elijah, glad that he had finally arrived. She wanted this meeting to be over and done with so that she could go and hang out with Rebekah.

"I was delayed," Elijah told them, swinging off his jacket as one of the many people who worked for the Mikaelson's, i.e were compelled by them to do whatever they asked, laid down a plate of beignets in front of Lena. She was quick to grab one.

"Our guest of honour will be here momentarily," said Klaus, grinning at his older brother.

"Strange," Elijah hummed, coming to stand beside Lena. He squeezed her shoulder gently in greeting. "The house is conspicuously absent of our lupine guests, I do hope it wasn't on my account."

"Don't become as narcissistic as your siblings, 'Lijah," joked Lena. Elijah grinned at the sparkle in her eye when she smirked at Klaus, noticing the way he rolled his eyes at her antics.

"I sent Hayley and her husband off to spend the day with their werewolf brethren to test the limits of their new abilities," explained the hybrid, making his way over to the door to see if their guest had arrived. "Leaving me to deal with family business as I see fit."

"Niklaus, Rebekah's situation has taken a turn," Elijah finally admitted. Lena suddenly straightened in her seat, her second beignet falling out of her hand as Klaus spun around. Both of them looked worried. "We may need Freya's assistance, so whatever you're planning here, don't."

"All I'm planning is a simple chat with a long-lost relative, you said yourself to hear her out."

"And you said yourself that would be idiocy," argued back Elijah, not caring for his brother's coyness.

"Did I?" Klaus asked rhetorically, glancing up as though really thinking about it. "Well, that does sound like me," he smirked at Lena, but she was too busy thinking about Rebekah and the situation she could be in to even notice his words.

"What's wrong with Bex?" Lena suddenly asked Elijah, glancing up at him with eyebrows furrowed.

"I will explain later," he promised her, his hand leaning over to brush the hair out of her much paler face at the prospect of Rebekah being in danger. "Now about our other sister--" but Klaus cut him off.

"On the off-chance that Freya has some information that could protect my daughter I prefer she share it on my terms," he said, straightening. "Ah, I think I hear her now--" then he spun around to face the blonde who had just appeared in the doorway, "--sister."

Lena gulped. This girl was beautiful, her blonde hair fanned around her face, a smirk on her lips. A smirk so totally like Klaus' that it was obvious that they were related. She walked like a Mikaelson, like she ran the world.

"Well come in, come in, make yourself comfortable." Lena shared a confused look with Elijah as Klaus rushed over to his long-lost sister. She was pretty sure that her boyfriend did not trust the old witch at all, yet there he was acting as if she actually was a Mikaelson.

Klaus allowed Freya to look around. He glanced back at his girlfriend, who had her eyes narrowed at him, questioning his motives. He merely winked at her, before turning back to Freya, who had a witch hoop in her hands.

"This witch hoop," she said, her voice ancient, "it's Danish." Beside Lena, who was still sat at the table, Karina - one of the Mikaelson's compelled helpers - laid lit tables out. They were going to have a proper meal and she had just eaten about four beignets. "Is it from when you all lived in Copenhagen?"

"Quite the eye," mused Klaus at the same time as Lena blurted out "you guys lived in Copenhagen?" Klaus sent his girlfriend a look as Elijah let out a harsh sigh, his hand tightening around the back of Lena's chair. Karina took the empty plate of beignets off the table.

"Are we here to discuss family heirlooms or do we have more pressing concerns?" asked the vampire, sounding more suspicious of Freya than Klaus did. Lena wondered what on Earth her boyfriend had hidden up his sleeve.

"Please excuse my brother's lack of decorum, he's been in a foul mood as of late, but he is right," Klaus told Freya, moving to stand at his usual chair. He crossed his arms over the back of it, smiling at the witch. Freya had her eyes set on Lena. Neither woman seemed exactly open to the other. "I did ask you here in the hopes that you would share some of Dahlia's secrets, so without further ado, let's get to it."

Freya and Klaus sat down. Elijah stayed standing, hand curled around the back of Lena's chair. He did not trust his 'sister' enough to even sit down at a table with her. Lena could feel the tension in him and she wondered if it had anything to do with Rebekah. Was she okay? Was she hurt? Were the witches being horrible to her because of the body she inhabited?

"This is a family matter, she is not a member of our family."

"Lena is more of a Mikaelson than you are," hissed Elijah, "do not forget your place." Lena smirked at the witch sitting across from her, a devilish glint to her eyes. Klaus let out a sigh, holding his chin up with his fingers.

"Rebekah raised Lena for twenty two years, for the past six months, we have been in a relationship," Klaus explained to Freya, sending his brother a pointed look. Freya looked Lena up and down as much as she could from her seated position. "Now get on with it."

"The first thing you should know is that Dahlia is the most powerful witch I have ever seen and she craves more power still. Right now, she is like me, limited to one year of life in a century, she wants to be free of that restriction to gain true immortality. That is why she will come here, drawn by your daughter to take the child's power for herself and she will kill anyone who would defy her," the witch told them.

"And yet, you would defy her," pointed out Elijah. He sounded suspicious. He was. Yet, he sat down beside Lena.

"I don't have a choice," argued back Freya, "she will never let me be free, my one chance is to align with you and kill her."

"Well," sang Klaus, smirking as he usually did. Lena rolled her eyes at him, knowing what that glint in his eyes meant. It was the look that told her if he couldn't bend heaven, he would raise hell. "Now that we're all suitably motivated, let's talk specifics."

"For you to understand I need to start from the beginning." Lena let a sigh escape her lips. She wasn't in the mood for story time, but she supposed it was too late to up and leave now, so she just let Klaus' hand link with hers, as they listened to the ancient witch. "After taking me from my family Dahlia used me to forge a new brand of connective magic, one that augmented my power even as it allowed her to draw from me. Once we were bonded Dahlia became unstoppable. She wasted no time proving her might. The chief of a nearby village threatened to run us off accusing Dahlia of witchcraft, she decided to make an example out of the entire encampment. Men, women, children. She killed them all with a wave of her hand. That was my first inkling of the power that Dahlia had. Over the course of a thousand years, she's only grown stronger and she will bring all her power to bear against you when she comes for your child."

Before any of them could respond to Freya's threats of Dahlia's unwavering power, Elijah's phone began to ring. Lena glanced at him and noticed that it was Rebekah who was phoning him. He excused himself from the table to answer his sister.

"My sister will be here soon," Elijah whispered to Lena as he sat back down next to her. She grinned, brightly, at him. Maybe Rebekah was safe after all, maybe the witches weren't trying to kill her for the crimes that Eva Sinclair had committed.

"Your stories are fascinating," Klaus complimented Freya, causing her to smile gently at him. "And Dahlia does indeed sound dreadful but Elijah and I have killed our fair share of evil witches."

"Not like her," shot back Freya.

"What are her weaknesses?" asked Elijah, sipping his tea from the china cup. Lena had her own tea cradled in her hands, although it was more sugary and milky than Elijah's. Klaus, of course, had a glass of bourbon sitting in front of him.

"She's paranoid, obsessed with power, she hungers constantly for what's been denied her, be it love or revenge."

"Wow, I know someone just like that," Lena exclaimed with fake glee, grinning wickedly at her boyfriend. He simply smiled sarcastically back at her. Beside her, she heard Elijah chuckle, but she didn't care. Klaus was giving her that look, the one where his eyes darkened a little and she knew she was in for one hell of a time that night. It always made her smile.

"When I was a child, she would tell me tales of her own youth of being victimized by those stronger than her. Dahlia vowed never to be weak again." Lena glanced over at her boyfriend once more. Dahlia and Klaus sounded more alike than what seemed imaginable. "She bargained for the firstborn of Esther's bloodline, intending to raise us in her own image forming a coven of her own from which she could draw endless power. That plan was foiled the day she learned that Esther had ended her bloodline by turning her children into vampires."

Freya had started to tear up. Lena felt her mouth go dry. She couldn't help but feel sympathetic for the girl who had been put through so much by her Aunt, who was only trying to get rid of the one burden in her life.

"And so the burden fell to me. Dahlia demanded I bear the firstborn that would add to her power, but I would not allow a child of mine to live as I did, as a slave. So, I vowed never to love, never to have a child of my own." The tears fell from Freya's eyes and she had to gulp to regain her breath. Her voice was shaky as she continued. "Of course, the more I resisted the harder Dahlia fought to control me. Until the day when she took the last of what little freedom I had left, and so we slept, our magic accruing over time, until we woke filled with immense power and allowed to live a single year of life. That has been the existence I've suffered for the last ten centuries."

It was then that Klaus began to laugh. He only stopped when Lena kicked his shin, shaking her head quickly at him. Freya's life sounded like a tragedy and she could not believe that he had found something to laugh about in all of that.Lena suddenly felt very bad for being so cold towards the witch previously.

"It's quite the ordeal, isn't it?" questioned Klaus once his laughter had sobered up. "But it does beg the question why not end it yourself? A high enough bridge, a tight enough noose, you must have considered it."

Freya let out a shaky sigh and Lena kicked Klaus again. He sent his girlfriend a glare, but it was replaced by the middle finger being shot up the minute she flicked his forehead. Luckily, Freya's eyes had closed so that she could regain her composure and so she was not subjected to Klaus and Lena's playfulness at important times.

"Long ago, I did consider it but Dahlia would never give me even that freedom. I would later learn the spell made me like her, immortal and impervious to harm." Freya took another shaky breath, using the time to wipe away more tears that threatened to escape her eyes.

"So you see I am like you . A creature of great power, cursed for all time."

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

HOURS had passed and Rebekah still hadn't shown. Lena was growing more and more impatient and worried. That was very obvious to Klaus who was now sitting on the couch in the study, trying to calm his pacing girlfriend down. But she wouldn't. As she grew more anxious, her hair turned darker shades of black than she had started out with that morning.

"Love, please--" but Klaus was cut off by a door slamming and the sounds of an angry Rebekah and a soothing Elijah. Lena froze when her best friend came charging into the room, every shade of storm hidden underneath her features.

"Bex," Lena let out a relieved sigh before she almost flew across the couch to jump into the arms of Rebekah. Rebekah relaxed into the hug, holding Lena tightly against her. They stayed like that for a few moments. Rebekah allowing herself to be loved and cared for through all the pain, while Lena just needed comforting from the one person she had always relied on.

After they pulled away, Rebekah went on to explain what had happened to her. All the headaches and the pain and then the nightmares and passing out and waking up in strange locations. Lena had heard whisperings of Eva Sinclair being up to her no-good tricks again, but she thought they were just whisperings. Maybe not anymore.

"It was this witch, Eva," snarled Rebekah from where she stood in front of the fireplace with Lena. "The nasty little cow is inside me, trying to bust her way out."

"Freya is waiting downstairs, perhaps--"

"Have you lost your mind?" Klaus snapped at his brother. "Tell me we're not considering opening our sister's head to someone we barely know!"

"Nik, for God's sake, she is our sister!" shouted back Rebekah. "I've known it since she saved me from the Fauline Cottage!"

"An act no doubt meant to secure your trust, perhaps for this very moment to strike when we are vulnerable! No, we've no way to prove that anything she's said today is true, and you--" he jabbed his finger at Lena, who straightened at the miffed expression on his face "--need to stop feeling sympathy for anyone who sheds a tear in front of your face! You're too soft!"

"And you're too bloody paranoid," Lena argued back, eyes flashing a deep shade of red hardly noticeable to anyone that didn't have enhanced sight. She was angry that Klaus would target her. Angry that he would tell her she was too emotional, too trusting. She had spent years not being able to trust anyone, sorry for actually being able to open her heart.

"Niklaus, I understand your concern," Elijah quickly cut in, stopping a fight from breaking out between the couple before things started being thrown or magic started being used. "Both of us are powerless to help our sister. Now, either we leave Rebekah to suffer or we place our faith in the hands of someone I believe to be our blood. Right now, I'm inclined to give the benefit of the doubt to family."

Klaus rolled his eyes but nodded anyone, silently agreeing to the plan. Elijah sent his younger sister a comforting smile before going to retrieve his older one from where she still sat in the dining room. Lena felt bad for leaving her, but when she walked through the door with Elijah, a bright grin on her lips, it was safe to say that Freya enjoyed solitude sometimes.

"Rebekah," gushed the blonde, "it's good to see you again!" she said, rushing over to take Rebekah by the hands in a loving gesture. Lena met Klaus' eyes from where she sat on the couch. He was sitting at the bar. He looked guilty for snapping at her, but he was still angry.

"And you," replied Rebekah, "though I'd prefer better circumstances."

"You needn't worry, Elijah explained the problem and I can help," Freya told her sister, sitting down on the couch beside Lena.

"Rather confident, aren't we?" snapped the hybrid at the bar, swirling his drink around in his hand. Freya spun around to look at him, but he didn't even spare her a glance. Lena felt anger surge in her. Sometimes Klaus really knew how to piss someone off.

"Klaus, take a walk!" she barked at him. Klaus turned his head to set an icy glare on his girlfriend. The coldness swept through her, settling in the pit of her stomach. It was the first argument they had had in months. Actually, they hadn't really argued since they had gotten together.

They continued to glare at one another until Freya decided to break the unsettling silence that had taken over the room. "The spirit of the host body is powerful, but I can cast a spell, put you in a deep sleep and then suppress this other essence. You'll be just fine."

"Lovely," Rebekah sighed out. "When do we start?"

"Oh, you've gotta be kidding me," Klaus complained from the bar. Lena's eyes fluttered shut and she grit her teeth together to stop herself from lashing out and hurting Klaus. Even though he was pissin gher off she didn't want to hurt him. "She spouts off some magical diagnosis and we're all supposed to applaud?"

"Nik, she's trying to help," Rebekah tried to argue, but it didn't work.

"Yes, but for the sake of keeping our options open why not write down your spells and incantations? That way we can have them double-checked by an impartial third party, say Davina, she'd love to prove me wrong."

"I swear to--" Lena started to mumble, but Freya cut her off.

"I doubt she would understand my magic let alone have the power to execute it."

"Oh, so you're our only hope then? Seems rather convenient, doesn't it?"

Both Lena and Rebekah let out sighs and sent Elijah a look. He was merely trying not to rush over and snap his brother's neck in order to shut him up for at least an hour. Honestly, both women would be happy to pay him to do it.

"I knew it would be difficult to win your trust, Niklaus, your reputation precedes you." Klaus smiled, arrogantly, even though Lena knew that sometimes Klaus wished he didn't have such a reputation. He wanted to rule, but he knew he didn't need to be feared by everyone. He couldn't help it though, he wanted power, and he had no other way in which to gain it.

Freya continued as she got to her feet. "But if we are to face Dahlia together, you will have to trust me. Given the peril that Rebekah now faces are you truly incapable of giving me even a chance to prove myself?" Klaus merely turned away from his sister. His turned back did not allow him to see the roots of Lena's hair turn red.

"I know I appear as an outsider but I have dreamt of you all for a thousand years. Lena, I cannot say the same for you, but now that I have met you and seen the way you care deeply for my younger siblings, I hold the deepest respect and gratitude for you." Lena couldn't help but smile at the blonde witch. Rebekah even grinned at that. "Elijah, when you were in Esther's womb, she would ask me to sing to you. I would feel her belly as I did, how you would kick. She would say it was as if Thor himself had raised his hammer--"

"--and summoned thunder and lightning," finished Elijah, having heard the same sort of stories from his mother. "Mother rarely mentioned you. When she did, she would say how enchanted you were by the prospect of my birth."

"How I wanted more brothers, and a sister, more than anything. But between Esther and Dahlia, that wish was taken from me, I was ruined by those who raised me. If nothing else, at least we have that in common." Freya looked back at Klaus, but if it was possible he turned his back on her even more. Lena wished he would just turn around. Nobody was asking him to embrace Freya as if she was one of his favourite siblings, they were just asking him to trust her enough to let her help. "There is nothing that can replace what was taken from us but I hope we can make something better in its place. All you have to do is trust me."

Suddenly, Klaus had appeared behind Freya and had snapped her neck, holding her in his arms.

"NIK!" exclaimed Rebekah, as she and Lena both jumped to their feet at the sound of Freya's neck snapping in his hands.

"Well, that's enough of that, don't you think?"

He let her drop to the floor. Lena let out a very angry sigh, twisting her arms over her chest and glowering at her boyfriend grinning cheekily at her. "You're a bloody, paranoid bastard," she snarled, not even bothering to keep her temper in check as her hair and eyes both flared red.

"Oh come off it, love, we know you can't stay mad at me."

"Watch me!"

"Fine, off you pop then, go be angry with little 'Sabrina the Teenage Witch' or little Joshua, while we have a proper family meeting and you don't contribute to any of the plans we must make."

"No. I'm staying. To make sure you don't snap everybody's bloody neck while you're in this mood."

"Oh you can talk about being in a mood!"

"What the hell is wrong with you, Klaus? You were perfectly fine this morning and then Freya walks in and you start acting like this!"

"What happened to not trusting her? She sheds one tear and suddenly you're best friends!"

"I WAS BEING SYMPATHETIC!" roared Lena. Klaus hadn't noticed the tips of her fingers turning red too.

"Oh please!" sighed the hybrid, throwing his hands in the air as he walked away from his temperamental girlfriend. "She was insufferable!"

"That was ridiculous, even for you," Elijah joined in the argument. His words allowed Rebekah the time to take the hand of her best friend in order to calm her down, which worked. Her fingers had returned to their natural colour and her hair was slowly turning it's deep shade of ebony again.

"You've only just met her! Let's not get sentimental, besides if she was telling the truth about being immortal, she'll awaken shortly, if she was lying, good riddance," Klaus tried to explain to them how he saw it. He always did wear his own rose-coloured glasses, seeing everything he did in a more twisted way.

"Yes, of course, if she wakes, she'll be willing to help us with unbridled enthusiasm," shot back Elijah. Lena was trying to regulate her unsteady breathing. For some reason she couldn't help but feel such a sudden surge of rage when Klaus had snapped Freya's neck, as if everything had been building up inside of her waiting for that specific moment.

"She played you all for fools, can you not see that?" asked Klaus, his hands being thrown in the air yet again. He did talk with his hands a lot. How had Lena not realised that before. "She spins a sad yarn about a small child taken by an evil witch and you all fall over yourselves to mend what's broken."

"Yeah, we all have a track record of doing that," Lena couldn't help but add in bitterly, eyes narrowing as she obviously aimed her statement at Klaus. His face fell slightly at her pointed words, understanding that it was intended to be spiteful. Lena wasn't spiteful.

"How can you be so certain that she did so?" Rebekah cut in, quickly.

Klaus shook himself back to action. "Simple," he replied, "It's exactly what I'd do."

"Not everyone is you," mumbled Lena, dropping to her knees beside the possibly-dead witch. She moved the hair out of her face gently. Lena's own hair had returned to black, and her eyes were a very dark shade of brown.

"My only question now is what's in it for her?" Klaus asked, ignoring his girlfriend.

"Well, whatever the truth may be, she's in no position to help us, now," Elijah pointed out, still leaning against the arm of the couch.

"Well, then we should probably try Marcel, perhaps he's had luck on his end, surely he's put in a better effort," with that Rebekah sauntered out of the room, the chunky heels of her boots clicking against the hardwood floor loudly. Lena went to leave with her, grabbing one of the coats she had hung up in study for situations like that.

"Lena--" Klaus tried to call on her, but she simply spun around to cut him off. She threw her coat over her shoulders, buttoning it up as she continued to glare at him. He was too afraid to speak. He hadn't seen her look so angry in a very long time.

"Don't talk to me right now."

Lena found Rebekah waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs. Together they waited for Elijah and when he had joined them, the three of them had left the Abattoir, walking in sync. Outside, the air was chilly and the wind whipped at Lena's face, but she did not care as they walked in silence for ten minutes before deciding to hail a cab across the Mississippi to Algiers where Marcel and his vampires could be found.

Klaus had tried phoning Lena to apologise as soon as she had left the compound with his siblings, but when he heard he phone ringing from their shared bedroom, he realised that it was too little, too late and now a new fear crossed his mind.

What if he had stepped too far? What if he had lost her to his malicious fears, deepest fears and insane trust issues? What if that was the end of probably his favourite love story in the history of his entire life?

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

WHEN the three of them stepped out of the cab, darkness had fallen across New Orleans, the only source of light coming from the street lamps since the moon had been hidden by the gathering clouds. Together, they climbed the stairs to the top of Marcel's loft. Lena remembered the last and only other time she had been there. It had been dead silent. Blood bags had littered the floor. The stench of decay had filled her nose.

"I filled the guy in, but he's still freaked out about this," Marcel told them once he met them at the door. They looked over at the man downing a full glass of bourbon. Lena had to remind herself that he was not Finn Mikaelson, he was Vincent Griffith, a Treme witch.

"Good," replied Rebekah, "that makes us the perfect pair." He spun around when the three of them began to walk towards them. Lena and Elijah stopped as Rebekah made her way to the front of the group. Vincent's whole body shook at the sight of Rebekah in Eva SInclair's body. It was obvious he knew who she was.

"Well, I can tell from your face that you knew the previous occupant of this body," Rebekah pointed out what was on everyone's mind. "Rest assured, you're now speaking to Rebekah Mikaelson. So, who are you? I mean, now that you're not my brother Finn."

There was something about the way that Vincent was looking at Rebekah that told Lena that he more than just knew Eva Sinclair. There was a certain sense of loss and heartbreak drowning in his chocolate eyes, a tremble to his lips that showed her there was more to this meeting than two witches from the same coven.

"Vincent Griffith," he told her. "I would say at your service, but that implies I had a choice in the matter."

"Oh he's witty," sang Rebekah, grinning brightly at him, "wonderful. Now I hear you have some information for me."

"Just give me a second," demanded Vincent before he moved closer to Rebekah. Both Lena and Elijah narrowed their eyes at him, but the despair that he had held in his eyes was swirling with a very strong sense of love. Vincent really had known Eva more than just as witches. "When they put Eva in the Fauline Cottage, I never thought I'd see her again."

"How did you know Eva?" asked Lena, crossing her arms over her chest. She had a feeling that she knew, but she wanted Vincent to say it.

"She was my wife," Vincent told them. Lena let out a little gasp. She had been expecting girlfriend, not wife. Being married was something completely different and now Vincent had to deal with the fact that his wife's body had been taken over by an Original Vampire.

Rebekah scoffed. "Well, that is bloody fantastic, isn't it?"

Somehow, they managed to all get sitting down and Vincent told them what he knew about Eva Sinclair. She was a madwoman, hungry for power, and would do anything to get the power she craved so much.

Lena really did not like the sound of Eva Sinclair. She really wished Rebekah had been put in the body of somebody else... anybody else. Damn, she would've given up her own body for the switch if she could. But it was too late now, the only person who knew the spell was dead.

Everyone was dead or dying.

New Orleans had a killer touch.

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

LENA quickly rushed into her bedroom. She was still angry at Klaus and had decided on the way back from Algiers with Rebekah and Marcel that she would stay in Rebekah's room that night, not only in order to keep her distance from her boyfriend but also to make sure her best friend was okay.

"How was it?" asked a voice as soon as he bedroom door slid shut behind her. She let out a sigh when she flicked on the light and saw Klaus sitting there in the armchair, glass of bourbon cradled in his hand. His head turned from the window to her and his eyebrows raised.

She didn't answer him as she crossed the room to the bed and grabbed her nightie from under her pillow.

"Lena, please, just talk to me."

"What you did to Freya wasn't right," she snapped, hugging her champagne coloured nightie close to her chest as she turned around to face him. "I know trust is hard. But you need to be more open. She is your sister, for Christ's sake!"

"Yes, well, she is awake, so why don't we let bygones be bygones," he shrugged off, setting down his glass and rising to his feet. Lena let out another sigh.

"Klaus, I can't just keep turning a blind eye whenever you do something wrong. I'm not Elijah." Klaus let out a sigh too as he crossed the room to join her, although he stood on the opposite of the bed from her, next to his own side. On the nightstand closest to him was a framed picture of the two of them cuddling on the couch that Hayley had taken not that long ago. They had been so peaceful.

"I have to protect my daughter, I will go to any lengths to do so."

"You don't think I'm the same?" she questioned, raising her eyebrows at him from across the bed. "You don't think I want that baby girl to have the best life she can? The only way we can do that is by trusting Freya."

Lena dropped her head again, squeezing her eyes shut to keep her thoughts and emotions in check. Klaus had really pissed her off today and she wasn't going to forgive him that easily, no matter how many times he used the puppy dog eyes on her. (And damn were those puppy dog eyes hard to resist.)

"You also need to loosen up on the wolves. You are not their Alpha. Yes you can give advice, you can help, you can ask for help, but you cannot control them Klaus. Jackson is their Alpha and Hayley is his wife. If they need leading, those two will do it. Back off."

"Do not tell me what to do in my own home!" Klaus growled. Lena let out another sigh, gritting her teeth together to stop herself from screaming at him.

"I'm going to sleep in Rebekah's room. Goodnight," with that, she flounced out of the room, clamming the door behind her with a loud bang. Klaus immediately dropped down onto the bed when he heard her bursting into his sister's room. He couldn't help but listen in on their conversation. He had to know if Lena hated him.

"Ugh, your brother is such an arse sometimes!"

"I believe I've mentioned this many times to you, my dear." 

"Don't patronise me right now, Bex. Honestly, sometimes talking to Klaus is like talking to a brick wall. He doesn't listen to a single bit of advice, like Freya isn't going to hurt us, he's just got so much trust issues. And I know that's not his fault, I'm not saying it is, the only people we can really blame are Esther and Mikael, but like Freya is your sister. I feel like it didn't take him long to trust me and I wasn't even blood related to him. I was just a witch raised by his sister and yet within days he was acting like we were best buddies!"

"That's because Nik knew from the moment that he met you that he loved you, he just would never admit that to you or to himself, probably."

"I don't know why I got so angry. Should I go and--"

"No! He can apologise to you for losing his temper."

"But I lost my temper too."

"Yes, but he'll expect you to apologise. Nik doesn't apologise for anything he does unless he hurts you in anyway, now come on, go to sleep, you're exhausting me!"

Klaus rolled onto his back, squeezing his eyes shut as he tried to think of the best way to apologise to his girlfriend. Roses? Chocolates? Art supplies? She wouldn't want her apology to be bought, she would want it to mean something. He would take her on a date but there was never enough time to sit down and actually go on a date.

But he knew exactly what Lena needed, and as he drifted off to catch up on the sleep he assumed was very well deserved, he couldn't help but smile at the brilliant idea he had just come up with. 

ouch Klena arguing makes me want to cry

but what do you think Klaus has planned for this big ass apology?

hollywoodpetrova made the most beautiful banners for me and I am so grateful and thankful because they are the most gorgeous

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