Creature of the Shadows

By springtrap7777

57.4K 1.8K 2.1K

There is something called a Shadow Daemon, they are a magical creature capable of a lot of things for both go... More

An Unusual Morning
The Festival
Carnival Games
Help Meh
Suspicious Lizard Girl
My Brain Is Stupid
Hero's Attack!!!
Who are you???
5-1-19-20-5-18 1-16-18-9-12 6-15-15-12-19
A Sad Flug
Where am I? Who are you? What am I doing here?
Azazel the Daemon General
The Search Begins
An Eye for an Eye
Trade Backs
I'm Sorry
Putting a Plan to Action
The Family Reunion and the Sister
Meeting More of the Family
Just A Quick Thank You!!!
Long Live the King
Flug's Invention
The Meeting
Castiel, King of the Angels
Mephistopheles, the King of Demons
Azazel, King of Daemons
Christmas Time Boiz!
Slug and WhiteHat
Forgotten Brother
Ask the Hat Family (Not an Update)
A Brother's Comfort
I Can't Think of a Good Title Please Help Me in the Comments
The REAL Lemon chapter
The Morning After

Celeste, Queen of Humanity

481 20 17
By springtrap7777

Celeste's pov

    Humans. We probablly have the biggest population out of all of the species, too bad they don't remember our history.

    I was taking my five-year-old daughter on a walk through a small city. We are currently in the county of America. My daughter's name is Ara. She shares my black hair and bright green eyes. She was pointing around at everything. She absolutely loved t when we go for walks.

    This is our 3rd time in America, we like to go everywhere. I'm always careful to make us look like turroist.

    "Mommy! Look! A doggy!" she shouted pointing at a weirdly purple dog as it was being walked. I laughed.

     "Yep, a doggy. Wanna go ask to pet it?" I asked her. Her eyes lit up and she said yes.

     We walked over to them. My daughter spoke up first, "Can I pet your doggy?"

     The man who was walking the dog seemed a bit surprised. 

      "Uh, sure, be careful though," he said. Ara instantly started to pet the big dog. After looking at it for a momment I was able to identify it as being a mix of a German shepard and a golden retiver, but for some reason its fur is purple and a small dead flower grew on top of its head in between its ears.

     "Hey, puppy!" Ara said as she pets him. He seemed to enjoy her company. The dog licked her face and she giggled.

    "Huh, I've never seen him be this way towards a kid before..." the owner said. 

     "What do you mean?" I asked him taking my eyes off of them. This guy was wearing a black hoodie. I could barley see his brown hair and a white bandette covering his mouth.

    "His name is Sixes, he normally doesn't like kids or anyone petting him..." he said watching Ara and his dog.

    "My daughter is kind of an animal whisperer. One time she made friends with a pack of wolves and somehow became their leader. It's crazy," I said with a laugh. 

    "Interesting..." he said. He looked at me. "You seem familiar..." 

     "huh? I've never been here before though?" I questioned.

     "Is your name by any chance Celeste?" he asked. My eyes grew wide.

     "H-how do you know that?" I asked. Mabey this guy is a demon... 

     "That's what I thought... I had a feeling from the moment you came up to me that you had to be the queen of humanity," How did he know this? "Don't worry, I'm a shadow daemon, I work for one of the royal demons, I know a lot about the dimensions."

    "The royal demons?" I questioned. 

     "Yep, I work for WhiteHat, the youngest of them," he said. Of course... He works for the royal family of demons. That makes so much more sense now. 

     "What brings you here?" I asked.

      "I can be asking you the same, queen," he said. "Do you want to take a little walk and talk about it as we go?" 

    "Uh, sure," I said in reply. We started to walk. Me and him started to chat as we walked. Ara rode on Sixes back while we walked.

   We eventually came to a dog park of sorts. It was quite big and there were quite a few dogs running around. Sixes seemed to be excited as his tail started to wave back a forth.

    We walked through the gates and the guy who had told me his name was Dexter unleashed his dog. Sixes started to run off. Ara was still on his back and she was laughing like crazy as the dog ran. I couldn't help but laugh.

   Dexter soon lead me to a bench before sitting down. I sat down beside him. I've been in similar situations before so I felt the need to say something about it.

    "You know I'm married right? If you're trying to something suspicious I suggest you stop," I told him kinda sternly. I had to be like this, I couldn't tell you how many times a guy had tried to get in my pants.

   "Sorry Celeste, as beautiful as ya are, I'm not into humans, and plus I'm gay," he said with a laugh waving my sternness off. I was a bit surprised about how openly he admitted that.

   "Why are you being so open about this stuff? You flat out told me you're a shadow daemon and that you're gay?" I asked.

   He shrugged and said, "i dunno, maybe cause you're the queen and I feel like since technically I'm one of your people you won't do anything to me."

   "How do you know for a fact that I really am the queen?" I asked quietly.

   "I can smell it all over ya," he said. I felt a bit uncomfortable at this answer and he must have been able to tell, "Shadow daemons have a strong sense of smell, and we can notice the tiniest sents that creatures emit. And you spell like royalty, and when I asked if you were Celeste you got nervous, it's obvious that you are the human queen."

     I thought about his answer for a bit. I mean shadow daemons are quite unknown to humans, so I guess that makes sense...

     "On a different note, why is your dog purple and why does it have a dead flower on its head?" I asked, "And why the name Sixes?"

     "Oh, well, a couple years back he used to be a normal dog. But I'm kind of a scientist, and I couldn't help myself... So I might have experimented on him a bit... And the purple fur and the dead flower are the end results... I know it's bad, but it was only one time... And I named him Sixes cuase well, I just really liked the name. I made it up basically on the spot," he explained.

      "Why would you experiment on your dog?" I asked.

     "I was a weird kid, okay? Growing up I was forced to live with my grandparents cause my real parents didn't want to take care of two kids. My grandparents had died due to old age and I was forced to live with my real parents who were upset that my older brother ran away. I then watched my parents be murder in front of my own eyes. 

    "Only me and Sixes had survived all of that, and at the time I wanted to something else feel like a mutation like I did. I had a lot of problems and I didn't know where to put my anger so it kinda went into Sixes. I feel bad for it, but SIxes doesn't really care. He's said multiple times that he prefers this way, but it doesn't make it right..."

    Sixes had stop whatever he was doing and made his way over to us. He put his head Dexter's lap. Dexter's face showed that he was smiling and he pet Sixes a bit. Ara climbed off of the dog. I stared at Dexter and his dog. They seemed to have a great connection. And it almost looks like Sixes came over just to comfort his owner. It's actually kinda adorable. It's not often you get to see this kind of affection between an animal and a huma- shadow daemon. 

     The momment was ruined quickly though as Dexter's phone started to ring. He jumped up in surprise and pulled it out of his pocket. It kind of looked like a flip phone but far more advance. He flipped it open and answered the call.

     "Hello?" he asked into the receiver. he paused for a moment listening to whoever was on the other line. "Already? A'right, we'll be on our way." he took the phone away from his face and shut it. He then looked at me. "It was great talking to ya, but me and Sixes gotta go."

     Sixes growled a bit. He looked down at him.

     "Sorry Sixes, but we have to. Come on, I'll walk you for longer when we get back." With that, he got up, waved goodbye and left.

     "Bye-bye!" Ara yelled to him. I smiled at her. 

      "You hungry?" I asked her. She turned to me and nodded. 

    We got up and went to a dark looking alley. I made sure no one was around before opening up the third eye on my forehead and teleporting.

    As I made Ara her favorite food I couldn't help but think about Dexter. 

   'What a weird guy...'            

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