Virtue Of The Vicious (reader...

By Lollerflock

67.1K 630 751

Imprison for war crimes a former soldier getting another chance at serving for Rainbow Six, but some things d... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
part 9
Part 10
Part 11
part 12
part 13
Part 14
Part 15
part 16

Part 17-the end

2.6K 36 11
By Lollerflock

Y/n and Demon were traveling down a back road heading to Demon's buddy.

Y/n: So who is this guy?

Demon: A dumbass.

Y/n: And he can help with the Taylor situation?

Demon: Possibly.

Y/n: Do I...

Demon: Shut up.

They pulled up to a rundown house. Y/n looked at all the broken windows and walls.

Y/n: This is some trick where you are going to kill me and leave me here to rot, right?

Demon: Stay here.

Y/n: Oh sure, so you can grab the gun sitting inside and shoot me. I bet this gun you gave me doesn't even have bullets in it.

He jumped over the broken wall. Y/n ducked down reaching for the handgun Demon left in the dash.

"What you doing?"

He looked over at a man looking at him through the window.

Y/n: Not you.

"It is I! Weasel!"

Y/n: You're the guy he's been talking about?

Weasel: Probably.

Y/n: You're the one who is gonna help us?

Weasel: Nope.

Y/n: What?

Weasel: I'm not doing it.

Y/n: Why not?

Weasel: Because of fuck you.

Y/n: Then who is he talking about?

Weasel: I don't know. You know what I do know?

Y/n: What?

Weasel: I don't give a shit.

He skipped away laughing. Y/n looked back at Demon walking back to the vehicle.

Y/n: Well?

Demon: He wasn't there.

Y/n: Now what?

Demon: I'll think of something.

Y/n: Want to go to prison?

Demon: Sounds good.

(Rainbow base)

Taylor was looking at the video of Y/n being framed for murder until he looked at his phone vibrating.

Taylor: What?

"Sir, they are here!"

Taylor: Who?

Gunfire was the only audible noise he could hear. He heard the phone drop but was picked up.

Taylor: What happened?

Y/n: Hi Taylor.

Taylor: Y/n, how's Ash?

Y/n: You know what happened.

Taylor: Yeah, I know. So I'm guessing you are trying to release the names of every inmate? Good luck I took all that with me.

Y/n: Then I guess I'll be over soon.

Taylor: Sounds good, I'll bring some friends.

He tossed the phone away after ending the call. He looked at a Recruit standing in the office with him.

Taylor: Tell everyone to get ready.

Recruit: Yes sir.


Y/n dropped the phone down looking at Demon killing the last Inmate.

Demon: Well, where's this computer?

Y/n: All of the information is with Taylor at Rainbow.

Demon: There should be another place where every name is stored.

Y/n: The guard station has a computer but I cut the cords when they were getting me out.

Demon: Why did you do that?

Y/n: Would you take a guy that's been charged with killing his own teammates back with you?

Demon: I wouldn't break you out even if they paid me to.

Y/n: I hate you. Do you know that?

Demon: Like I give a fuck.

They walked out of the room stepping over dead White Masks and Inmates. They walked into the guard station where Y/n killed the power.

Y/n: I cut those wires right there.

Demon reached over trying to fix it as Y/n sat in the chair.

Demon: Try it now.

Y/n began hitting the power button.

Y/n: No.

Demon: Now?

Y/n: No.

Demon: This fucking piece of shit. Now!

Y/n: No.

Demon: Are you just being a cunt and lying to me?

Y/n: Would I do that?

He got up seeing Y/n smirking as the computer began to start.

Demon: I will kill you.

Y/n: Whatever. I found the file for the names now gives me the thing to put it on.

Demon: I told you to grab it.

Y/n: I told you I didn't know what it looked like.

Demon: We just came all this way and you didn't bring the one fucking thing we need.

Y/n: I'll call Emma.

Demon: Unfucking believable!

Y/n: Shut up! Hey, Emma....yeah....yeah...I know...I'll send it to you now....thank you bye. Hey, fuck stick she was already on her way here so fuck you.

Demon: Shut the fuck up and get in the car we are leaving.

(Rainbow base)

Thatcher was sitting in his chair reading a book when he noticed a red dot move around his room. He picked up his knife of the table as he got up to the door.

Thatcher: I swear I'm going to fucking kill, you Bandit.

He walked out and was greeted by the last person he expected a White Mask. He stabbed him through the mask as he fired into the wall. Thatcher fell down as another White Mask walked from behind him shooting him. He turned around firing his pistol killing the shooter. He looked back as a door opened.

Mira: Who the hell is shooting at my God damn... Thatcher?

Thatcher: Get a gun we are under attack.

Taylor(intercom): Now Thatcher, you aren't treating our guests very nicely.

Mira ran over pulling the alarm.

Taylor: You hear that? It's not working. Don't bother trying to call, they don't work either. Have fun Rainbow, I have a grave for all of you.

Thatcher: Fucking hell, where is everyone else?

Mira: All around the base.

Thatcher: We need to find them.

(Y/n's position)

They arrived outside of the Rainbow base looking at it with a rifle scope.

Y/n: Looks like White Masks are attacking.

Demon: Well let's get fucking going.

Y/n: We have about one hour before the military arrives here.

Demon: Well you told me to be convincing.

Y/n: Threatening them like that seemed over kill.

They ran towards the entrance where White Masks were moving in. Y/n fired his rifle as Demon ran up killing some with a knife and using their own pistols. They moved inside the courtyard firing at White Masks who turned around to shoot back. 

Y/n: I'll head to Taylor, you clear the base.

Demon: Yeah, yeah. I'll be there to save your ass later.

They ran inside in different directions. Y/n moved through the dorms where IQ and Blitz were under fire.

Y/N: Hold on guys.

He moved behind cover firing back killing the shooters.

IQ: Y/n?

Y/N: Where's Taylor?

Blitz: Who?

Y/N: Kowalski or whatever he's called.

Blitz: In Six's office. So i/m guessing you aren't really a White Mask?

Y/n: Yeah I'm just being framed because he wants to kill me. Where's Valkyrie's room?

IQ: You're next to it.

He ran inside momentary putting a black eye in his bag. Okay cover me

He ran out as Blitz and IQ covered him. He ran outside again but was knocked down.

Lion: Oh shit! I'm sorry buddy.

He picked them up but more Masks ran in front of another door. Y/n and Lion ran towards them killing them as they ran out.

Y/n: I need to get to Six's office but these guys are using the back entrance.

Lion: Only recruits guard that.

Y/n: They are either dead or on Taylor's payroll.

Lion: I'll hold them off. 

Y/n: There's no cover in there.

Lion: Well, everyone just thinks I'm just an asshole who tried to convince his ex to kill a baby, I got nothing to lose.

He walked in firing his gun, Y/n grabbed another White Mask gun then continued his search. He moved into the last area where White Masks set up defenses. He moved towards them as they prepared Taylor's escape. He stopped by Caveria and Mute taking cover inside the briefing room.

Caveria: What are you doing here?

Y/N: I'm here to kill Taylor.

Caveria: The guy sitting on Six's desk?

Y/n: Yeah. I need you guys to help me clear this room.

Mute held out C4 and Caveria loaded her shotgun. He opened the door tossing the c4 killing three men. Caveria ran out shooting down three other but one tried to crawl away.

Caveria: Oh I'm going to make him squeal.

Y/N: Mute cover me and try to get this camera to broadcast everywhere.

Mute took cover as more Masks ran towards them. Y/n kicked the door open running in with a pistol tossing the camera in a hidden spot. He looked around but Taylor walked behind him stabbing his shoulder with a pair of scissors then kicking him down. 

Taylor: Hello Y/n. 

Y/n turned around shooting his gun but Taylor grabbed his hand moving it away from him. Taylor took the gun shooting Y/n in the leg then tossing the gun away. Y/n grabbed his wrist pulling him closer then slamming his head on the desk. he reached for the gun but Taylor fired the taser under the desk.

Taylor: I thought you were better than this.

He pulled the scissor out from Y/n then sat on him.

Taylor: Remember what we use to do to you in prison after I was fed up with you not listening? Except this time we don't have a doctor.

He grabbed his hand sticking a finger between the scissors. Y/n tried to pull it away but Taylor punched his face. He placed the finger back and began cutting his finger but it only broke the skin on the first try.

Taylor: Hold still, these aren't very sharp!

Y/n turned around breaking the scissors in half. They circled each other with a broken scissor in hand. Taylor slashed at him but Y/n countered by stabbing his arm all the way up to his shoulder until Taylor stabbed his leg. Y/n stabbed his stomach slashing it open. Taylor backed up holding his stomach falling over the desk.

Y/n dropped the scissor picking up the gun instead seeing a loaded round in the chamber. He walked around the desk but Taylor was waiting with a sawed-off shotgun blasting him down.

Taylor: Nice try Y/n.

He slowly got up reloading the gun.

Taylor: But after this all of Rainbow will be dead then I'm moving to the U.N.

Y/n: No you're not.

He pointed at the camera.

Taylor: It's not broadcasting.

Y/n: Are you sure?

Taylor picked up his phone looking to see the video of him standing in the office and the list of all of the people working for him appearing.

Taylor: Doesn't matter you are still going to rot in jail and I'll make sure that's the last place you will ever be at.

He threw the phone aiming the shotgun but Y/n fired the pistol into his chest. He fell down and Y/n crawled up to him with the scissor.

Y/n: I win.

He stabbed Taylor in the head. Bother of them fell down.

"That's the best you could have came up with to say?"

He looked at Demon leaning in the doorway.

Y/n: Fuck you.

Demon: Looks like you won.

Y/n: Yeah, except now I'll probably go to jail.

Demon: Who knows. I'll see you later.

Y/n: I hope not, you're an ass.

Demon: Like you're any better.

Y/n got up throwing the gun away. He walked out Mute was sitting on the floor as Caveria was holding his wound closed.

Caveria: Well done.

Y/n: Thanks.

He continued his way out passing a few operators. He looked at Doc trying to save Lion who had multiple bullet holes in his body.

Y/n: How is he Doc?

Doc: He killed them but he's barely holding on. I'm glad to see you weren't one of these guys. Is Emma really gone?

Y/n: No she's alive and well. Just take care of her for me.

Doc: Why's that?

Y/n: He still found a way to make sure I go back.

Doc: You can count on me.

He walked to the entrance of the base sitting down as the military flew in. Soldiers ran towards him as he got down on his knees with his hands up.

(One week later)

Y/n was sitting inside another cell staring at the wall.

"Everyone out from there cell and report to the yard!"

He got up walking out to follow his fellow inmates outside. He looked at the guards watching T.V as the news talked about shutting Rainbow down again. He sat down on the ground in the shade looking at the others until the time ran out.

He walked back to his cell looking at the wall again.

"Hey fucker it's lunch time."

He looked at the guard but found a familiar man in mask.

Y/n: What are you doing here?

Demon: Well, someone wanted you out. And I owe her a favor.

He opened the cell door for Y/n and lead him away.

Y/n: So what's stopping them from looking for me after I get out?

Demon: Well you were just killed by Taylor's last living follower.

Y/n: Who?

Demon walked into the next cell killing the inmate inside then tossing his body in Y/n's.

Y/n: Glad to see you haven't changed.

Demon: Get moving before I change my mind.

They walked out were a car was waiting for them.

Demon: Alright if I ever see you again I'll kill you.

He got in a different car then drove away. Y/n looked at the car as the window rolled down.

Twitch: What are you waiting for?

Y/n ran around to the other side getting in.

Y/n: Where we going?

Twitch: I don't know we can figure that out later.

A/n: Thanks for reading everyone. For now I'll probably just work on my other story, but if you guys have  a request for a story let me know and I'll do my best. It can be another Rainbow story or something else just let me know with a comment here or a PM.
Have a good one.

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