Always Yours | GOT7 PARK JINY...


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"I hope one day we'll be succesful and happy and we'll still be like this.", he said. "Like what?", Jisoo ask... Еще

Chapter 1 : Remisnicing
Chapter 2 : Hopeful
Chapter 3 : See You Again
Chapter 5 : Hell
Chapter 6 : Mr Park
Chapter 7 : You're My Secretary
Chapter 8 : Will The Universe Ever Fight For Us Again?
Chapter 9 : Back To You
Chapter 10 : Homesick
Chapter 11 : Romeo And Juliet
Chapter 12 : Slowly But Surely
Chapter 13 : Needy
Chapter 14 : Never Happened
Chapter 15 : The One For You
Chapter 16 : All Over Again
Chapter 17 : Questions
Chapter 18 : We Have Each Other Again
Chapter 19 : Chances
Chapter 20 : Fight For Us
Chapter 21 : I'll Fix Us
Chapter 22 : You Make Me Love You
Chapter 23 : Yellow
Chapter 24 : I'm Glad You Did
Chapter 25 : Be My Mess
Chapter 26 : Sick
Chapter 27 : Park Jinyoung's Universe
Chapter 28 : You Taste Like Forever
Chapter 29 : We'll Be Okay
Chapter 30 : I Won't Let You Go
Chapter 31 : Sacrifices
Chapter 32 : Change
Chapter 33 : Take Me To You
Chapter 34 : Happy Birthday
Chapter 35 : I Want To Hate You
Chapter 36 : Hope
Chapter 37 ( Last Chapter ) : Always Yours
Special Chapter : Endless Happily Ever After
A's announcement!
maybe, just maybe. SNEAK PEEK.
maybe, just maybe. SNEAK PEEK 2
maybe, just maybe

Chapter 4 : Unexpected

1.6K 83 9

Songs to listen to for this chapter :

1) I miss you by Soyou

Jisoo walked out of the interview happily, it went well indeed. But some of the questions surprised her as it wasn't related to the position she had applied for. But regardless, Jisoo was still happy that it went well.

Jisoo dialed in Jackson's number, to tell him the good news.

"Hey!!", Jisoo said excitedly over the phone.

"Hey!! How was it?", Jackson asked.

"Jackson it went great!!", Jisoo exclaimed, "I'm so happy.", Jisoo smiled, "And before you say anything, don't worry, it's a different department from Jinyoung.", Jisoo smiled.

"Okay, good.", Jackson said, that still doesn't change the fact that you're working under the same company as him. Jackson thought, he hated that he was overthinking this more than Jisoo herself, but then again he just wants to avoid Jisoo from getting hurt.

"Also, I sort of bumped into Jinyoung...", Jisoo said slowly over the phone.

"You did? Are you alright? What did he say?", Jackson attacked.

"No no, my back was facing him, he didn't realise it was me, but hearing that voice I knew it was him.", Jisoo explained.

"Oh..but you're okay though right?", Jackson asked, concerned.

"Yeah I am, just..I don't know but I'm fine.", Jisoo said, "By the way, I gotta go, talk later.", Jisoo said quickly hanging up. Jisoo figured that she should treat herself for the good job she had done today, Jisoo had decided to go shopping and eat some good food.
Jisoo wandered around the mall until it was night time.

Jisoo let out a heavy sigh as she drove home, suddenly, instead of taking the left turn home, she took a straight, letting her heart lead the way.

Jisoo ended up at the rooftop, their rooftop. She cautiously made her way up, checking to see if anyone or most likely Jinyoung was there, but there was no one.

She smiled a bit, she hasn't been here in so long, this was where Jinyoung and her spent most of their time together. She sat at the spot they used to sit, and she realised that nothing's changed, it was exactly like how Jinyoung and Jisoo left it the last time they were there.

Jisoo ended up looking up at the stars and she exhaled calmly.

"They're so beautiful tonight.", Jisoo said in awe, still examining the stars, "I guess knowing we're under the same sky with the same stars is enough Jinyoung.", she said softly.

Jinyoung on the other hand had been drinking, after a few rounds of drinks he had let himself drive around aimlessly, and he ended up at the rooftop as well, he was carelessly making his way up the steps, until he saw a girl up there as well, and what broke his heart was when he realised that it was her, it was Jisoo. Jisoo was oblivious towards his presence, she was too mesmerized by the stars to notice how he was by the stairs looking at her, Jinyoung blinked a few times, not believing his eyes but even when he opened his eyes, Jisoo was still there, he quickly went down the steps, considering he was feeling tipsy, he rationalised that it was just his imagination.

"You idiot, you have been thinking about her way too much.", Jinyoung chuckled at his drunken self when he was already in his car. And with that he drove straight home considering how he can't open his eyes anymore.


Jennie was at home and she was feeling glad that her so called boyfriend is being called out of town for work, she was relieved, a week is enough for her to rest. Junghoon was busy preparing his things.

"Bye babe.", Junghoon said as he leaned in to hug Jennie but she flinched, "Why do you seem so afraid of me?", he asked and him being this sweet only scared her even more, it's like he was mentally unstable, "Be good, don't try to pull what you pulled last time.", he reminded her, Jennie had tried to escape once but Junghoon caught her and only God knows what he did to her at that time.

"I-i won't.", she said slowly.

"Good.", he said as he tried to touch her again and she backed away, and he scoffed at that and just left the apartment.

Jennie despised him. She did, there was no sense of love whatsoever, not anymore. Although it seemed like she was afraid of him, she wasn't, she hated him, Jennie has always been strong, but sometimes this was too much too handle, this past 10 months have been hell for her, and it was traumatising, Jennie wanted to leave but she just can't.

Suddenly her phone rang, she read the caller ID and it was Jinyoung. She took a deep breath before answering the call.

"Hey, let me guess, lunch?", Jennie said, turning into her normal self for the sake of her bestfriend.

"You're wrong this time.", Jinyoung chuckled, "Let's go to the gym.", Jinyoung suggested.

"You're kidding..", Jennie said in disbelief and Jinyoung laughed.

"I'm joking, let's go out to eat, my treat.", Jinyoung said.

"Okay, text me the details, I'll see you there.", Jennie said over the phone.


They ended up having sushi, and Jinyoung realised that many people were staring at them, probably because he was with Korea's Top Model but he shrugged it off.

"How do you live everyday knowing people stare at you even when you walk into a restaurant?", Jinyoung said while they were having lunch.

"Oh please, they're staring at you Jinyoung, everyone knows I'm bestfriends with a top company's heir.", Jennie said nonchalantly and Jinyoung let out a small sad laugh and Jennie noticed the hint of sadness in his laugh.

"You alright?", Jennie asked, concerned.

"I think I saw her last night.", Jinyoung said suddenly, looking up at Jennie.

"Her?", Jennie asked, lost.

"Jisoo. I think I saw Jisoo.", Jinyoung said.

"J-jisoo?", Jennie's eyes widened, "Where did you see her?", Jennie asked.

"I went to the rooftop, and she was there, looking up at the stars.", Jinyoung said, "And she looked beautiful.", he smiled and Jennie gave him a sad smile.

"Did she see you?", Jennie asked.

"No, she was so focused on the stars, she doesn't see anyone when she's so engrossed in a certain thing, that's so Jisoo.", he said.

"You still miss her, don't you?", Jennie said as she put her chopsticks down, all her attention on Jinyoung.

"I don't know, but then again, maybe it's just my imagination, I was kinda tipsy last night.", Jinyoung shrugged.

"Maybe, but if it wasn't just your imagination, it means she still goes to that place as much as you do, you never know.", Jennie shrugged.

"You're probably right.", Jinyoung said.


"I'm gonna scout models soon for my new line, I'm so nervous I hope it'll be good.", Jackson said nervously, he was at a shoot, they were on break and Jisoo had stopped by to see him for lunch.

"You'll be fine, don't worry Jackson, this new line of yours is great.", Jisoo reassured him, "I'll help you cast the models for your new clothing line.", Jisoo said and Jackson was about to respond until he was called, signalling that it was finally his scene coming on.

"It's okay! Go! I have to head home anyway.", Jisoo convinced him and he apologised to Jisoo saying he'll text her later.

Jisoo headed home after that but she decided to stop by at a cafe for some coffee, she checked her email and she had received one from Park Holdings.
The email had stated that she had gotten the job, Jisoo squealed in happiness and immediately texted Jackson about the happy news.

Jackson was on the way home when he read the text from Jisoo, he smiled at the text and he was proud and also worried for his bestfriend.


It was a Monday morning, and Jisoo was getting ready for work, she woke up early and put on a black off-the shoulders top with a black pencil skirt, and she bobby pinned each side of her hair neatly and also put on some decent makeup, Jisoo had breakfast outside instead of at home, considering she didn't wanna be late for work.

Not long after, Jisoo was at the reception counter, once again.

"Hi! I'm Kim Jisoo, I came for an interview last week.", Jisoo smiled at the receptionist.

"Oh right, Miss Kim, congratulations on getting the job!", the receptionist smiled and Jisoo thanked her, "Come, I'll lead the way.", the receptionist said and Jisoo just nodded.

They got into the elevator, and Jisoo was excited to start her job.

"Mr Park can be a bit cold sometimes, but that's just how he is, he is a nice boss though.", the receptionist said. Jisoo was confused at why she was saying all this, "But then again don't worry, I know you'll manage just fine as his secretary.", the receptionist said and Jisoo's eyes widened.

"Sorry, b-but did you say Mr Park's secretary? As in Park Jinyoung?", Jisoo asked, for double confirmation.

"Yes! It's what you applied for right?", the receptionist said, confused.

"Ah, y-yes! Of course, it just hit me you know.", Jisoo said as she laughed nervously, this wasn't what she had applied for, she was a 100% sure that she applied for the communications manager vacancy.

"It's normal to feel like that!", the receptionist smiled and Jisoo faked a small smile back, once they were out of the elevator, Jisoo wanted the earth to swallow her whole, this is definitely a huge mistake. She thought.

Jisoo didn't know how she was going to face Jinyoung. All she could hear right now was Jackson's voice saying I told you so Jisoo. But she shrugged it off quickly.

Jisoo saw a desk right outside of Jinyoung's office and she figured that that is where she'll be spending most of her time soon.

Jinyoung was busy going through some paperwork until someone knocked on his door, he nonchalantly asked them to come in.

"Mr Park, goodmorning.", Hana, the receptionist greeted and Jinyoung looked up and smiled at her, "Meet your new secretary, Miss Kim.", Hana introduced Jisoo.


Here's a surprise update since yall are too cute i cant handle it!!! HAHAH 💖🙊 Enjoy~

Love, A

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