Death Note: The Raven [Reader...

By LinkThePokemon

430K 13.4K 36.7K

I do not own Death Note, the characters or you. I do not own Sword Art Online or any other anime references I... More

Death Note: The Raven
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen
A/N: Here We Go...
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
A/N: One book?
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four.
Chapter Twenty-Five: Preview...

Chapter One.

58.5K 1.2K 12.7K
By LinkThePokemon

It'd been a long day, so you jump on the sofa.

"Hm... What to watch, what to watch..?" You mumble to yourself, picking up the TV remote.

First channel- Kira.

Second channel- Kira.

Great. Every channel is still Kira.

A groan escapes your lips as you stand up and change over the TV to the movie. Smirking, you sit back down, the theme tune of Austin Powers begins to play.

"Ahh, Austin... How I love thee."

Suddenly, your front door opens, "Babe?"

"Hey," You smile, pulling the brunette male into a hug.

His brown eyes peer down into yours as you pull back, a smile on his lips, "How's your day been?"

"Long... Yours?"

"Also long... I've been away from you for too long- I missed you."

"You were only gone for three days, silly," You chuckle, kissing his cheek.

He bites his soft, pink lip, "Three days too long." And with that, he gently pulls you into a passionate kiss. Soft, pink lips make your heart skip a beat, butterflies still erupting in your stomach. In the kiss, you couldn't help but smile, which you feel him do also. His warm lips pull away as he looks at you again, "What're we watching?."

"What do you think?" You giggle.

He rolls his hazel-brown eyes, "Powers?"

Smirking, you nod, "Of course."

"Alright then, I'll get the snacks, you get the drinks."

"Alright then, Light-kun."

And with that, you both run into the kitchen, selecting the wanted goods.

So, yeah, your boyfriend is Light Yagami- the school's hottie. He's smart, popular, kind, caring... A genuinely nice guy and that's exactly why you fell in love with him. Years ago, someone broke your heart and you thought you'd never fall in love again- Light changed that.


Waking up, a pair of arms pull you into their hard chest with a groan, "Not yet..."

"We gotta get ready for school, sleepy head," Rolling your eyes, you turn to face him. His messy, brown hair makes you giggle as he looks at you with his one open eye.

"I just wanna stay here and kiss you all day..." He smiles, his lips inching closer towards your face. Gently, they press against yours in a loving embrace, his arms still snaked around your waist. Your hands wonder into his bed-headed hair, pulling him closer. Warm lips dance with yours in this perfect moment.

You pull back and stick out your tongue, jumping out of bed, "Let's go, bozo!"

He chuckles, slowly climbing out of bed, "Tease."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." A small laugh escapes your lips as you go into the bathroom to shower. After washing your hair, you step out of the steamy bathroom and allow Light to go in to shower also.

Yawning, you put on your underwear, a grey baggy tank-top, blue jean shorts and grey converse. While brushing your hair, Light walks out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Tease." You giggle, winking at the now-blushing boy.

"Sh-shut up." He stutters, trying to hide his red face.

Giggling, you walk over to him and kiss his cheek, "Never... I'll get breakfast made, hurry up, slow poke."

"Yes, ma'am," A small chuckle sounds from his lips as he begins to dry himself. You smack his butt before running out, giggling away. "Hey!" He yelps, shocked at your sudden action.

Too easy...

Putting on your best Italian accent, you shout, "Mama mia! Breakfast is served,"

The brunette chuckles and walks into the kitchen, sitting on the stool, "Thank you, chef [Y/N]-chan."

Flipping your [H/L] [H/C] to your back, you reply in your accent, "No problemo, mi amore."

"Even though your accent is TERRIBLE, you're so hot with it," He smirks, gazing up at you as he begins to cut his food.

A blush spreads on your cheeks as you stutter, "Sh-shut up."

"Never..." Light chuckles, kissing your cheek.

"That's my line!" You playfully scowl, poking his nose.


"Hey [Y/N]-chan!" Your best friend, Kiyemi, exclaims. In a single moment, she pulls you into a bone-crushing hug, causing pained gasps to escape your lips.

"K-Kiy-chan! L-let me g-o!" Struggling to breath, you choke out.

She chuckles nervously, pulling away and scratching the back of her head making her dyed-pink locks wiggle, "Uhh, sorry about that... Anyways, how was your weekend?!"

Shrugging, you reply, "The usual. Yours?"

"Same here- I was soooo bored! I met a cute guy though." And of course, you could see the excitement in her brown eyes and the inevitable earful you were about to receive about this guy.

"Ohh, jeez..."

All of a sudden, a pair of arms pick you up, spinning you around. A small squeal of shock escapes your lips, causing Kiyemi and the assailant to chuckle. Gently, you were placed down to become face-to-face with the other one of your best friends known as Kiba. He clutches his stomach, causing his auburn hair to shake as he laughs, eyes scrunched and bent over.

"Kiba-kun! You ass- you scared the hell out of me!" You pout.

He opens his green eyes and smirks, "Awwe, who's a little scardy caaaat..."

"Shut up, dipshit!"

"Guy, guys... We can all be cool here." Kiyemi giggles before turning to you, "Anyways... His name was Ryuzaki-kun. I met him when I was picking up some sweets for your birth-"

At that moment, Kiba slaps her mouth shut and laughs nervously, "For her fat-ass-self... Heh-heh... Heh..."

"O-kay..." Raising an eyebrow, you gaze at the now seemingly angry girl.


And with that, now you slap her mouth shut, "Kiy-chan, you're in class... Keep the volume down, would you?"

She huffs in defeat, mumbling some words into your hand you were sure were bloody murder. When she seemed done, you released your grip and the teacher walks in.

"Good morning, class. Today, we will be looking at... Blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah."

Zoning out, you gaze out of the window. The winters sky looked snow white, as if the fluffy substance itself could rain down at any moment. The streets outside were only moderately busy with people going on with their lives.

Just think... Anyone there could be Kira- a dangerous murderer. I mean no offence to the guy or girl but you can't solve crime with crime, that goes against exactly what you're doing... Ehh, what do I know anyways, I'm not even keeping track on the case really.

"[L/N]-san! Are you even paying attention?!" Your teacher, Arita-sensei, yells at you.

Sighing, you gaze at him and nod, "Yes, sensei."

"Then tell me the answer to the question," He smirks, knowing you were in fact not listening.

"Remind me of the question? It just slipped my mind," You casually reply.

"Exactly- you wern't even listening. That's it-"

"No sensei, I was listening... I just need reminded of the exact question," Monotonous, you interrupt with a roll of your eyes.

A small sigh escapes his lips, "What is the structure of an atom?"

"Easy. The positive particles- protons, neutral particles- neutrons and finally electrons- the negative particles. The protons and neutrons are inside of the nucleus while the electrons are inside of outer... Shells shall I say. The number of protons determine what element it is in what you call the atomic number, but the number of neutrons and protons creates the atomic mass, which changes depending on the element and of it is an isotope," Again with monotone and a smirk on your face, you reply.

Blinking, he stutters, "I-I haven't e-even taught th-that y-yet..."

You smile at him, "Well then, please, continue."

Of course, he hesitantly does and everyone in the class tries to stifle their laughter.

You're a genius, what can you say?


The bell for break goes so you walk out of class with Kiyemi and Kiba who laughs, "Oh my god, you were awesome in there!"

"Wasn't she just?! Man, I'd hate to get on your bad side, that bitch would be outsmarted faster than Joey Essex vs Einstein."

Amused, you chuckle, "Ohh, please,"

"I'm serious! I bet that's what made you catch Light-kun's interest..." Kiyemi winks.

"Well, it helped to be able to hold a decent conversation anyways..." A familiar voice says with amusement from behind the three of you. Swiftly, all three of you turn to be face-to-face with your brunette boyfriend.

Blushing like mad, you say, "Ohh, hey Light-kun,"

"Hello beautiful," He smiles, kissing your cheek.

"We were just... Um..." Kiyemi struggles, looking at Kiba for help.

"Just, um, discussing... Anime?" He shrugs since it's a common conversation between the four of you.

He raises an eyebrow, "I'm an anime character now?"

"Uh..." Kiba scratches the back of his head causing Light to laugh.

"It's fine, Kiba-san. I gotta get going so I'll see you two later. And as for you..." Light smirks, pulling you into his arms by your waist, "I'll see you very soon, gorgeous," And with that, he gives you a quick peck on the lips and walks off.

Of course, you receive a few glares from some girls but nothing you aren't used to. You don't care- you love Light.

"Ugh, gross." Kiba cringes as Kiyemi squeals a 'KYAAAAAA!'.

My best friends are freaks.


As the bell to the end of school rings, you happily sigh and gather your things. Walking out of the class, your brunette boyfriend is leaning against the wall, waiting for you. A small smile graces your features as you give him a quick peck on the lips, "Hey."

"Hey. My mom called and she needs me home... See you tomorrow?" Light smiles apologetically.

Laughing lightly, you nod, "It's fine. Tell Sachiko-san and Soichiro-san I said hey, will ya?"

"Alright. That reminds me- when do you wanna meet Sayu-chan?"

"Oh, um, whenever's convinient for you guys." Nervously, you reply.

He chuckles, pulling you into his arms, "Don't be nervous- she'll love you."

"A-alright..." You stutter.

Again, he gently pecks your lips before smiling, "I gotta go... I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you." And with that, he walks away and out of school.

Kiba and Kiyemi walk out if class, laughing before they reach you before she asks, "So I've gotta get going, my tutor will be over in an hour.."

"Alright, see you later, Kiy-chan," Pulling the pinkette into a hug, you smile. Once you pull back, Kiba and Kiyemi fist-pound before she walks off and out.

After turning to the auburn male, you smile, "What's the plan, chief?"

"Um... Anime marathon?" He suggests.

Excited, you grab his hand and run out of school, dragging him along, "OF COURSE!"


Soon, you'd finished another episode of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and sigh, wiping away a fake-tear, "It's so sad..."

Kiba smiles and pulls you into a hug, "I know... Poor Eldric brothers. I should probably get going though, it's 11pm..."

"Alright, I'll walk you half-way, bae," You chuckle, pulling on your leather jacket. He smiles and nods, putting his on too. Once you're both ready, you open the door.


It was snowing, and heavily.

"Ahh, crap," Kiba grunts. "I'm gunna fall."

You sigh, "Ahh, screw it- stay the night. I need to go to the store, be back soon."

"You need me to come?"

"No thanks, I'll be fine... Just have a bath ready for me for when I get back?"

"Sure," He nods.

"Back soon!"


Quickly, you dash out and down the road, trying to not slip and get out of the cold. Slowly, your nose turns pink and your cheeks turn rosey.

"Oof!" You walk into someone, causing them to drop their handful of sweets.

"I am so sorry!" Quickly, you bend down and begin picking them up.

The person was silent, before a familiar voice asks, "[Y/N]?"

You freeze. That voice- in the past few years, you hadn't heard it once... Ever since you left England. Tall; raven-haird; dark eyed; insomniac... Lawliet.

Standing, you hand him his sweets, smiling awkwardly up at him, "Someone got taller..."

"Someone... Looks different," He says slowly.

Silent, you take in his appearance- his eyes are still like a pandas: surrounded by black rings from insomnia. His hair is shaggy and raven-black, matching his dark eyes. Still he adopts the same old look- a white long sleeved shirt and blue jeans, but for once he's wearing shoes... Black converse.

"I should, um. I should go," Awkwardly, you say and walk past him.

"Wait," Lawliet grabs your hand. "Can we talk?"

"Lawliet, I-"


A small sigh escapes your lips as you look at him, "What is it?"

"I just want to say that I'm sorry. I made the most stupid mistake, and it meant nothing. I loved you, not her. It... Just happened. I never wanted to hurt you."

"Is that all?"

"No... I mean, yes, I mean... I want to start over. I want to be with you," Gently, he tugs on your hand, pulling you closer. "Please, give me another chance."

"L-Lawliet, I-" You stop yourself and shake your head, "It's too late. I'm already in a relationship with someone I can trust. I'm happy, Lawliet."

"Alright... Just one question."

"What now?" A small, unamused sigh falls from your lips.

Upon his pale peach lips, a smirk tugs, "If you're happy in a relationship, why are you letting me still hold your hand?"

"I-I... I forgot," Pulling it back, you reply. "I gotta go." You walk off and towards the store, not stopping to look at the place you just left the ravenette... Until you reached the corner. Curiosity took over, and you glance at him, to see him watching you and smirking. Without hesitation you stroll down the street and out of the sight of the boy.

Internally, your heart flutters and you furrow your eyebrows.

Why do I feel like this?

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