Staring at an unfamiliar ceil...

By Mysticalundergrowth

322 5 3

Delilah can't wait to turn 18 and move out. The only people in her life who she cares for are her little sist... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 2

55 0 0
By Mysticalundergrowth

Zayn's Point of View

I was signing what seemed like the millionth book and greeting the millionth screaming girl. We all flashed her a smile before the next girl and occasional boy had less than 10 seconds with us. I looked to my right and the other four lads all looked back at me with the same expression; boredom. Don’t get me wrong, I love all our fans, and we are all so grateful for them but we have been up since 5 this morning at a recording studio all day, and our manager promised there would only be a few fans to meet here, and now it’s like quarter to 5. We are just exhausted, and I need my sleep. Every one of these girls is screaming so loud, I now have a head ache. It would be nice to meet someone who doesn’t over dress to see us, or scream our names. Just treat us as normal people, as that’s what we truly are, well maybe less normal than most people… okay totally weird. 

I was about to pick my pen back up, trying to hide a yawn when not the thud itself caught my attention, but the gasps after it did. I couldn’t see where it came from, but a sudden circle in the crowd made it clear. I frowned and stood up; a few girls were looking down at the floor while the rest had their eyes laid on me. My gaze moved downwards and I saw a limp body mingled with tonnes of feet, I was waiting for people to help her, for those around her to help so she could get out the crowd, but when the girls that had a hint of concern in their faces looked back up to us, that’s when I reacted.

“Lads” I shouted back to them, they all looked startled at me and my sudden outburst, but when they followed my gaze, they all stood up. I could hear the front rows scream as we did, but I ignored them. I quickly made my way around the desk and shot into the crowd. I knew the boys were following me.

This was unbelievable; these girls were actually scary, tugging at me, my arms, my legs. I didn’t even know where the rest of the lads had gone. I feared for their lives. When one stray hand pulled my hair however, that was enough.

“STOP” I shouted. It suddenly went quite, I felt a bit guilty but I knew I had to carry on,

“Someone has collapsed over there, and not one of you has helped her. I’m upset that you would rather try to get a glimpse at us than help someone in need.”

I heard a distant clapping and Harry emerged from a corner,

“Well said Zayney!” he mused, with a huge grin on his face. I gave him a wink.

“Aww” chorused a few girls

I remembered the whole point of this though, and quickly rushed over to the body. A few girls were knelt over her now, what a coincidence. I could still hear the screams all around me but luckily no one was actually touching me this time. I knelt down beside her and she looked like she was coming round, but she had blood trickling down her face. My face scrunched up at the pain she must be in, I looked back and saw security all on their phones and marching over, obviously not happy at what we had done. I did what first came to mind. I carefully put my arm under her back and threaded the other arm across her knees and picked her up bride style. There were lots of gasps behind me as I made my way to the back exit and I swear I even heard one girl say

“Lucky bitch, maybe I should collapse next time”

I rolled my eyes but kept looking down at this girl in my arms, she was so beautiful.

A familiar voice cut me out of my trance

“Zayn stop perving on the girl, we need to get her to hospital” Louis moaned at me.

Seeing as though I didn’t have any hands free I just shoved him with my shoulder,

“shut up you loser” I teased and nodded, as he was right, we do need to get her to hospital. I got to Sam, one of our securities but before I could say anything to him, he did first

“The ambulance was called a few minutes ago, please though, give her to me and get round the back into the van. The paparazzi are already getting their shots”

I shook my head,

“no, I’m not leaving her…”

I couldn’t continue because 4 boys were stood either side of me and Harry stole my thoughts;

“We’re going to the hospital with her, it was kinda our fault” he said looking ashamed. I nodded in synch with the others.

Sam let out an annoyed sigh but gave into us as usual,

“Right, well take her to the back, I want you to call Paul as soon as you get to the hospital so he knows what’s going on” We all nodded at him enthusiastically,

“okay, come on lads” Liam said, we all followed quickly behind him, I tried to keep the girl in my arms steady, as she seemed to be completely out of it, I hope she’s okay. Her long dark hair that had a slight wave to it at the ends was falling across my arms as I kept her head still. The dried blood on her cheek was quickly being replaced by fresh blood as it began to bleed some more. I looked across to Harry who was walking beside me, he gave me a worried look,

“I think she must have hit her head on one of the shelves as she fell” I informed him, he nodded.

“I’m not surprised she collapsed, it was so hot in there” he exclaimed.

“I’m sure she’ll be alright” he quickly added.

It was my turn to nod now, he was right. I turned the corner to see two male paramedics jumping out of the front doors of the ambulance. They ran over to me and with a flash the girl was on a stretcher being put into the ambulance. One of the paramedics looked at me as I stood there awkwardly

“are you coming, because if so, you need to get in now” he said sternly

“umm yes…”  I stuttered

“we’re coming too” Niall said to the man in the green uniform

“all five of you?” he replied looking shocked and impatient

“Yes” Liam told him

The man rolled his eyes but told us to get in. We all quickly clambered in and only the bang of the back door could be heard, locking us in.

I looked at her pale, bloody face. She looked so peaceful. The woman in the back was rapidly working on her, wiring her up, cleaning up the blood. I knew I wasn’t the only one watching her however. There were 5 pairs of eyes watching this poor girl.

Delilah’s Point of View


I quickly became aware of sounds all around me, and a harsh white light beaming through my closed eyelids. I rolled onto my side to try to get comfier, I felt absolutely exhausted. My whole body ached. My knee hit a cold hard bar and I quickly recoiled it in pain. The pillow that my head rested upon felt too clean and didn’t smell like my normal pillow at home, I didn’t like the feel of the sheets that wrapped my body either, they didn’t have that soft feel I was used to. I knew I needed to open my eyes to these unfamiliar surroundings but I didn’t even have the energy for that. I let out a long breath but it was cut short…

“She’s still asleep, leave her alone!” a deep male voice said

“No, she’s stirring, she’s probably confused, go check on her” an Irish voice spoke up

“why me?!” A different voice said


“Just go!” 2 other voices shouted in a whisper at the same time

I saw my eyelids go a shade darker suggesting someone was stood over me.  I slowly but surely opened my eyes. I found a face looking down at me, eyes full of concern and worry. My mouth was about to moisten itself to ask who he was when the surroundings hit me.

Women in blue uniforms rushed around on the gleaming white floor all holding clipboards or medical equipment. A man in a white lab coat was stood in another room talking to a man looking uncomfortable in his bed. The sounds of constant whirring and bleeping of machines made my ears ache. Then the smell, the smell of cleanness. Overpowering alcohol rub greeted my nostrils as litres of it were used for thousands of hands every day.

And the moans of pain. The thin curtain separating the “rooms” had no sound proofing at all, they were merely so others couldn’t gape at your pain.

I quickly looked back to the boy stood over me; I needed to ask questions,

“whh, wh”


I grabbed my throat with my hand in shock that I couldn’t speak. It was then I realized how dry my mouth was.

The boy noticed however,

“water?” he asked hesitantly

I weakly nodded my head as I knew talking was pointless. He took a step to the end of the bed, where 4 other people were sitting.

I propped my body up on to my elbows and sleepily blinked twice. I hadn’t even noticed there were other people in this room; they’re not only people however, but another 4 boys. I quickly scanned their faces but none of them seemed to trigger any recognition, I was racking my brain trying to remember if I somehow knew these guys, but I quickly gave up.

The first tanned boy leant over the bar and took a white plastic cup from the more mature looking boy on the end seat. He was back to me in less than a second

He didn’t say anything, just handed it to me.

I retained myself from snatching it off him, I was so thirsty.

In a normal situation I would feel more than awkward having 5 strangers watch me intently while I drank, but I couldn’t care less right now.


I gulped down at least half the cup before bringing it back down, he held out his hand and I placed the cup back into it. It was silent for a few seconds, as they all looked awkward. One of them, with dark curly hair looked at the one wearing a striped shirt and they exchanged a worried look.

I looked back up to the boy who was still stood over me and frowned

“why am I in hospital?”

He shifted his weight onto the other foot and looked back to the other boys, the blonde one stood up and leant against the metal bars surrounding me,

“you collapsed love” his strong Irish accent spoke up


I looked down and concentrated on the white sheet covering me, rapidly trying to remember what happened. Suddenly, it all came rushing to me.

Amber and me having a day out in town then finishing in the bookstore. All those girls… but I don’t remember getting out the shop or going home.


Oh no, I thought. I quickly looked up to the now 5 boys surrounding my bed.

“What day is it?” I hurriedly asked


“Umm it’s Thursday today” the curly haired boy said, looking again at the one in the striped shirt as if he needed permission to speak

I let my body fall back into the pillows and let out a large sigh

“oh god”

“Is everything okay?” the boy in the stripes asked me

I quickly looked up to see his eyes trying to meet mine. I decided not to tell these strangers about my family. Amber doesn’t even know. I decided to just worry about that later, seeing as though I was already around 15 hours late home; I doubt another hour will make much difference.  I knew I needed to know what on earth was going on, and who these people were, and the real reason I was in hospital, but I just simply didn’t have the energy at the moment, and could only manage small sentences.

I looked back up to him and gave him a weak smile

“yeah thanks”

He frowned, obviously noticing the lie on my face but thankfully decided to drop it.

The blonde haired leant forward, looking intently at me with a grin on his face,

“are you hungry?” he asked cheerfully, lifting one eyebrow up at the same time

The mention of hunger seemed to trigger my stomach as I suddenly became aware of the low ache in the pit of my stomach, I can’t even remember the last time I had food

“absolutely starving!”  I replied, maybe a bit too enthusiastically

All five boys cracked a smile and a few silent chuckles could be heard, I let out a small laugh.

The boys were making their way over to the curtain while the curly haired one was grabbing his jacket off the blue chair. I managed to sit up and swing my legs over the side of the bed but standing up wasn’t so easy.

I was caught up in the moment that I entirely forgot my weakness so when my legs tried to hold my body weight, they couldn’t cope… at all.

My head also became very dizzy and I grabbed it in the hope that the touch would settle the stars before my eyes.

I fell back down to the bed but realized my hand clamped to my forehead was creating more pain than anything.

“Ouch!” I cried

the curly haired who was closest was quickly by my side clutching my other arm

“are you okay?”  He pressed

my vision cleared and I saw the other four boys back at the side of my bead,

“Yeah, just stood up too quickly thanks, but why does my head hurt so much?”  I exclaimed with a frown


“Do you not remember?” the darkest haired boy asked with surprise


I looked up to them all stood in front of me, they all had a curious look on their faces and the four pairs of eyes laid into mine to suggest me to carry on. The curly haired was still at my side but sat next to me. I could feel the cotton of his jumper against my bare arm.

“Well I remember going to the bookstore, but…”

I didn’t manage to carry on because the one in stripes spoke up, cutting me off;

“I know,  sorry it got out of hand like that, we didn’t expect so many of you to be there, when you collapsed you hit your head on one of the shelves. Luckily Zayn here saved the day.”


He winked at the boy with dark hair and eyes; I followed my gaze to him and met his deep eyes. I felt quite uncomfortable so I just gave him an upside down thank-you smile and replied,

“Thank-you Zayn”


His lips turned upwards and gave me a small nod.


“Paul says he will give you some T-shirts and mugs as a sorry” the one in stripes continued

he stopped obviously aware of my confused look

“Oh, I kind of remember now, those screaming girls. But what are you on about?! Who is Paul? Should I know him? Oh god, do I know him, and have I forgotten him?”

They all mimicked my facial expression now; pure confusion. The boy who was speaking looked to his left where the blonde was stood; they exchanged a puzzled look with each other. The boy sat next to me was laughing however; I just gave him a blank expression. 

“Why were you in the book store, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“I was just looking for a book for college” I shrugged.

He gave a small surprised look but then just nodded,

“Do you know who we are?” the mature looking one asked with a deep voice

“No, I was wondering that, who actually are you, and why did you come to the hospital with me?” I babbled

Just then a loud tune came blaring out from beside me which made me jump. The curly haired boy sat next to me seemed to be totally oblivious that his phone was ringing; it was only until one of the boys shouted,

“Harry, that’s you!” Did he react.

He pulled his smart looking phone out of his pocket and looked at the caller ID.

“It’s Paul” he said with an uncertainty which made me want to laugh. The four boys looked at each other until Zayn started talking to me,

“we better go take this, he might want to speak to all of us”

I nodded my head and they all bustled out the door in a flash. I was alone now; it was just me and the sounds of many bleeping machines.

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