D.Va X Spartan Reader: Her Cu...

By Forbidden098

118K 1.5K 1.6K

After being rescue by D.Va herself, (Y/N) later gets transfer to Overwatch and has a thing for D.Va, but does... More

[ (A/N) Before We Start ]
Spartan (Y/N) Information/Equipment
The Rescue
Where am I?
Settling In + Streaming
First Overwatch Spartan
What About My Mjolnir Armor?
Reconnaissance Mission
A Day With D.Va
Back to Work
성남시 Seongnam
We Have a Spartan Casualties [Flashback]
From Mark V to Mark VI
Welcome to M.E.K.A.
War Game Simulation
5 MEKA vs 1 Spartan
[ (A/N) Lore information ]
One Last Stop
Doctor Visit
Key To My Heart
🎃Happy Halloween🎃
Relationship Scenarios
Battle Scenarios
Long Time No See
So This is PAX
A Fearsome Unit
Let's Have Some Fun [🍋Lemon🍋]
🎁Christmas with the Song's🎄
Always There For Her [Flashback]
They're Just Missing In Action
Being Hunted

A Panel with Heroic Icons

2K 27 19
By Forbidden098

(Y/N)'s POV

A PAX staff came in rushing through the door. Covered in light sweat followed by light breathing.

PAX Staff: "There you guys are. We're running behind schedule. Come on we gotta go!"

We listen to her and immediately dropped whatever we were doing and followed the staff who went rushing out through the door. We followed her jogging lightly and when we turned around a corner, we came face to face with a long ass queue line to get into the panel. The line was full of eager fans. They all wore shirts with the words MEKA or Spartans with their represented logo beneath the text, D.Va or My Spartan number with our logos beneath the text or both names together in a holo out pink heart shape, Jamie's and Daniel's Spartan Number with thier logos beneath the text or the MEKA Squads gamertag/codename (D.Mon, King, Overlord amd Casino) with thier logos beneath the text.

As we lightly jogged by them they all chanted out loud "Spartans" or "MEKA". They also hand their hands out for high fives. We high five as much as we can when we jogged right by them. Feels nice to have adoring fans.

When we got inside the panel room it was empty, everyone has been waiting politely outside. We had to be in the back stage room first because before the pannel started they were gonna be showing an intruduction video on the big white projector screen behind the tables that we were gonna be seated at. We all went onto the stage and went left through the back door leading us to the back stage room.

With all of us in the back room prepared and ready, the PAX staffs opened the doors to let in the eager and excited fans. When all the chairs were full, the staff gave everyone five minutes to settle down before they dimmed the lights and played the introduction video on the white projector screen. Everyone went quiet with their full attention on the screen.



At first their was just a black screen, but then a music soundtrack started to play.

(Recommend playing in background for added atmosphere)

After a few seconds of the soundtrack running to set the tone and mood to the audience. A short clip was being displayed on the screen. It played a clip of an Omnic invasion consisting of various Omnic models ravaging through a destroyed/burning city.

Then a white text was layered on top of the clip.

"When the Omnics wanted revenge"

The text fades away to black and same with the video clip. Another white text is then seen on screen displaying:

"We responded"

The text fades away and it cuts to a clip of a Spartan soldier being fitted in Mark IV Mjolnir Armor while scientists analysis his body status while wearing it.

The camera pans to a dark side of a scientist back making it fade to black. Then it revealed a clip of three MEKA Squads getting in their mechs while engineers make one final check to ensure they are combat ready.

Then it fades to black with a white text displaying:

"We are the wall between humanity and extinction"

That text fades away and another white text pops up displaying:

"We have shown them what humanity can do"

This text fades away and the next text appears on screen rather slowly then the previous text.

"And they have shown us what they can do"

Then the text fades to black slowly like how it appeared. There was a five seconds wait before the next white text popped up displaying:

"We have tasted defeat before"

Then it cuts to a disaster scene that had bright yellow caution tape surrounding two MEKA's mechs; one being badly damaged with two of its Fusion Cannons ripped from its mounted point and is laying on top of destroyed city rumbles and has a wounded MEKA pilot being helped out; and another mecha being lift up by a crane which is missing an arm and leg.

It fades to black slowly and reveals a shot of a wounded Spartan with badly damaged Mjolnir Armor laying to the side and being aided by medical troops. The Spartan's helmet took up most of the screen and was resting on the ground with a big visible crack on the visor, it also had a damaged front end.

Then it fades to black slowly again and the music starts to rise higher in beat and empathy (Music Time code 1:46). Then another white text appeared on screen.

"But we shall stand back up!"

In the background of the text layer, it had a clip of a Spartan rising up from the battlefield and helping a fellow Spartan up onto its feet. Then it showed a shot of MEKA having their mechs fully rebuilt and thier pilots fully healed. That scene fades away and a text quickly replaces it

"Hero's never die"

Then another white text appeared:

"We are Spartans"

It had a clip of a group of Spartans standing side by side looking stronger then the soldiers behind them. Then the Spartans leads the charge into battle.

And after that clip another white text displayed:

"We are MEKA"

With a shot of all five of them charging into battle together as a unit against a giant Gwisin Omnic.

And then a text showed up the words:

"We are humanities..."

Those three text stayed white while the last words:

"finest", "savor" "best soldiers", "peace keepers"

Became red text and were being replaced by each other to form other sentences:

"We are humanities finest, We are humanities savor, We are humanities best soldiers, We are humanities peace keepers"

And then the last phase was:

"We are the shield to humanity"

This text made a losing connection type of transition to a more killer line/phrase:

"We're not going anywhere"

This text remained on screen while various types of footage of Spartans and MEKA were being played in the background. For the final clip to end the introduction, a clip of MEKA and Spartans were charging into battle together, Spartans up front with MEKA backing them up.

The video ends and a still image stays on the screen for the remainder of the panel. The image was Spartans and MEKA looking at each other (like the Captain America Civil War poster) and in between them was PAX logo, Spartans logo, MEKA logo, the year and the words "special panel".

End of Video

The crowd was roaring in excitement all cheering and clapping loudly that we could hear their excitement in the back room. While the video was being played to the audience, me and everyone was in the back room being briefed by a staff.

Staff: "When we give you guys your cue. Just walk up on stage and take your seats." He looks at the MEKA Squad.

Staff: "You guys have done this before so this isn't anything new." He then looks at the Spartans.

Staff: "As for you guys. This is completely new to you, but it isn't anything special or unique. Just get up there and talk, create cool topics to talk about, answer peoples questions and just have fun up there."

We were given the cue to go up on stage. We all went up on stage one by one all waving to the audience while we made our way to our seats.

We sat in this order: King on the right, Overlord, Casino, D.Mon, Hana, Me, Jamie and Daniel on the left. (This is the way the audience sees you guys)

On the table that we were seated at, it had a name tag which had displaying our real name (first and last) and below that was our other name that we go by (D.Va, Spartan (number), etc), a black microphone on a stand, a bottle of water to keep us hydrated and a fully coloured one foot tall statue displaying ethier a Mjolnir Armor or a Mecha.

Hana: "THANK YOU ALL FOR COMING!" She said cheerfully with excitement in her tone.

The audience applause and cheered.

The moment I took my seat and stared at the audience, I knew this was alot worst than what I imagine. Hundreds of people all eager to see us live in person and to have us answer their many questions. Hana notices the stress in my face and places her hand on top of mine which was resting on the table. I look at Hana.

Hana: "It'll be alright. Just image we're streaming together like we usually do." She gave me a genuinely sweet simile and I try to simile back without making it look awkward.

"I can do this." I say to myself with pride and determination. I wet my lips with my tongue and cleared my throat before leaning in closer to the microphone.

(Y/N): "Umm... hello everyone."

The audience roared in excitement.

Overlord: "God these people are excited aren't they?"

Hana: "And I don't blame them."

D.Mon: "Why wouldnt they be? They get to see two heroic icons right next to each other in person."

Daniel: "They were always able to see us in person."

We all turned our attention towards Daniel.

Daniel: "When we had to save them from an Omnic invasion."

Laughter was heard in the crowd. Feeling confident I decided to start a new conversation topic.

(Y/N): "Now I must say, it's been awhile since I got to reunit with my brother in sister again and it's great to see them again."

King: "Wait, you guys are siblings? I don't want to be rude but you guys don't look related."

(Y/N): "That's understandable, the reason I call them my siblings is because I grew up along side them and all the other Spartan IIs candidates back in the Spartans II Program.

Jamie: "That's true." She nods her head.

Daniel: "And don't forget. Mendez and Halsey were father's and mother's figure to all of us. We were really a caring family. We always cared about each other and had each other's back when we needed it."

(Y/N): "Yeah that's why, we Spartans aren't regular soldiers force to get acquainted with eachother. We are family."

Hana: "Look at you go (Y/N)! Your not nervous anymore, your acting calm. I'm so proud of you."

(Y/N): "Thank Hana, getting used to this."

Hana: "Just for your information. (Y/N) here has beens nervous and anxious for the entire time we were coming here."

(Y/N): "Not all the time."

Hana rolled her eyes.

Hana: "Yes you were."

(Y/N): "Okay yes I was."

The audience laughs.

Hana: "Ahaaaaa gotcha." She points at me.

(Y/N): "Didn't your parents teach you that it was rude to point?"

The audience laughs again.

Hana: "Of course they did silly. And yes I do feel the same way. It has been awhile hasn't it fellas?"

D.Mon: "Yeah, we all miss you Hana."

Hana: "I've missed you guys too."

We had many more discussion to talk about in front of the audience. One of those discussion was when MEKA engineers was putting in a new reactor core into one of theirs mech, they mounted it in improperly which created a combustion of small explosion and black smoke, luckily no one was harmed. With that accident done the mech was damaged and the reactor core compartment was badly damaged aswell. Without a power supply and a damage mech it was rendered useless for combat until it and the mech was fixed. The pilot had to sit out for any upcoming attacks on Busan.

The more interesting and more intense discussion we had was when Jamie brought up the topic of the 5v1 we did awhile ago.

Jamie: "Aye (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Yeah?" I take a sip of water from the water bottle they gave us."

Jamie: "You remember that 5v1 you did against the MEKA Squad?"

(Y/N): "Oh yeah! That was fun."

The audience seemed interested in this topic.

(Y/N): "If you guys remember the time I went to Korea to get my Mark VI Armor. Me and Hana stayed at Busan for awhile. While I was there Hana's Commanding Officer allowed us to take part in a 5v1. All five of them versus me."

Judging by the excitement in the audience, we had to tell them more.

Hana: "That was a fun match, but how about we do a rematch?"

(Y/N): "Why bother? You guys are still gonna lose. You guys barely manage to hold onto me for at least a minute. In that time I completely destroyed Overlord."

Overlord: "I wasn't even trying that time."

(Y/N): "Sureeeeee you were." I rolled my eyes and the audience laughs.

During our 5v1 the simulation room had cameras inside of it to film the action and to analyze the results when finished. With this we were able to show the audience some clips of our 5v1 match.

A video played on the screen and it was the moment where I managed to get my grips on Overlord's mech legs and climbed it to where the reactor core hatch would be. You could see Overlord spin his mech in circles and him screaming "GET HIM OFF OF ME, GET HIM OFF!!!!". The audience laughs. Then it showed me punching through the reactor core hatch and ripping it off. To be fair, that was some thick steel, it took me a couple of punches to punch right through it. Then it showed me blasting Jamie's shotgun at the exposed reactor core overlording it and sending it to explosion.

The audience applaused and I thank them. I also made a small pun.

(Y/N): "Overlord. You just got Overlord-ed."

The audience laughs and Hana retaliated back.

Hana: "Yeah but remember that time Casino swung his arm at you while you tried to explode his reactor core? He threw you off of him and sent you crashing into a wall completely depleting your shields."

Now on the screen played a clip of when I was climbing onto Casino's mech to do the same thing as I did to Overlord's mech. When I reached its arm Casino has swung it at me sending me off his mech and crashing into a nearby wall. The loud crash sound that I made when I made contact to the wall made the audience flinch back.

(Y/N): "Don't talk about that! He just got lucky."

Hana: "Sure he was." Hana rolled her eyes and the audience laughed.

(Y/N): "Yeah but remember that time I threw back one of your micro missiles?" King made a thump noise as he rested his head on the table. The audience laughs and I put on a smug face back at Hana.

Another video was now being played on screen. It show me inside of my bubble shield that I used to let my energy shields recharge. King had shot all of his micro missiles at my bubble shield but I'd use my inhanced reflexes and reaction time to time it perfectly to grab the last missile before impact and throw it back at him. The audience are amazed at this and same with Jamie and Daniel. Even through Hana was proving that MEKA could of won that match she also admitted that was pretty epic.

(Y/N): "And also that time I hijacketed King's mech and used it against you guys." King made a anyoned groan with his head still remaining on the table which makes the audience laugh even more.

Another clip was shown on screen. It had me rushing towards King's mech and me making one big leap to make me land onto King's mech. Then it showed me ripping him out of the pilot seat and replacing him with me.

As me and Hana kept on arguing on the "possible" winner we kept leaning in closer to each other's face with every argue. It made it to a point where our faces were beyond the personal space limit. With our faces quite close to each other Hana then smashed her lips onto mine quickly. The audience goes in awes and woohoo before applauding for us. (Colour) Team and the MEKA Squad looked at the cute couple who was making out for a bit before applauding as well. When me and Hana sperpated we both had a little giggle.

Jamie: "You know, Hana may have a point. Our Mark VI Armor was produced in Korea. Maybe MEKA one day MEKA may get our tech incorporated into theirs."

Hana: "See I told ya."

(Y/N): "We'll see Hana, we'll see."

Now it was time for a QnA session. We all took a turn selecting questions from the audience.

D.Mon: "How about you in the red there."

Red shirt fan: "Oh uhh my questions are for the Spartans."

Daniel: "Please continue."

Red shirt fan: "My question is how do you Spartans use the bathroom when you guys are in armor?"

Laughter was heard from everyone.

Daniel: "(Y/N) you want to explain?"

(Y/N): *chuckle* "We are potty trained for combat." Everyone laughs.

We all kept on answering as many questions as we can. It was my turn to pick and I pick a fan wearing one of Hana's tee.

(Y/N): "You in the pink D.Va tee over there." I pointed to her and she looked a bit nervous when she was selected.

D.Va tee fan: "Thanks for picking me. Umm... my question maybe personal business to you guys but many others myself included are wondering about... y-you and Hana's sex life?"

(Y/N): "Oh umm yeah." I look at Hana and Hana looks at me.

(Y/N): "Well it maybe a bit too early for that. We've been dating for a couple of months now."

Hana: "Yeah I agree, its too early." I felt happy that Hana agrees with my decision.

(Y/N): "If it makes you feel better, then it will happen eventually."

The audience laughs and same with Hana. Like all good things in life, they all have to come into an end. We had to end the panel but we had time for one more question. Jamie was up next to select a question.

Jamie: "Umm... how about you young fella?" She pointed to a MEKA T-shirt fan.

MEKA T-shirt fan: "Thank you for picking me."

Jamie: "No worries."

MEKA T-shirt fan: "Alright my question is when... when will you guys have a joint operations together. It would be so sick to see Spartans fight along side with MEKA."

Jamie: "We may have a problem with that."

Overlord: "Houston, we got a problem." Laughter was heard in the audience and from us.

King: "Yes Houston we do *chuckle*, but yes she is correct. MEKA is only allow to remain station in Busan to protect the coastal line from the Gwisin Omnics."

D.Mon: "Yeah, for something like that to happen, it's less likely to happen. Sorry."

MEKA T-shirt fan: "Oh, I understand." He look disappointed so I decided to change that around.

(Y/N): "Well it's already happen right now."

Everyone turned their attention towards me.

(Y/N): "Hana's a member of MEKA and I'm a member of the Spartan II Program. We literally working with each other right Hana?"

Hana: "Yep!"

MEKA T-shirt fan: "Thank you. That made my day!"

(Y/N): "No problem."

Hana: "And I think this is where we're gonna end this. Thank you so much for coming and showing your love and support to the things we do!! We cannot appreciate it enough."

(Y/N): "Bye everyone." I waved to the audience.

D.Mon: "See ya." She also waved to the audience.

Everyone waved at the audience while they applause at us while we made our way backstage. When we got there, King went through the mini fridge that they had. He found some icy cold drinks and tossed them to everyone.

King: "A toss for great panel we did today lads."

We agree to toss. We cracked opened our drinks and clang them together.

Everyone: "Cheers!"

We all take a drink and create some small talk. Midway through our chat we heard a explosion like sound in the distance.

Casino: "I'm not the only one that heard that right?"

Everyone: "Yeah."

Then a different PAX staff come busting through the door like the one from earlier. He looked horrified when his face was revealed in the light.

Jamie: "What's wrong champ?"

PAX Staff: "The city's being attacked!" He panicked.

D.Mon: "Attacked by what?"

PAX Staff: "Omnics!"


(A/N) Notes

Final a new chapter is out. I hoped you enjoyed reading this one like how i enjoyed writing it.

There is 11 more days til Christmas! YAY! Quite a tight squeeze for my original plan. I wanted to make the final chapter about this whole PAX West scenarios about the attack performed by the Omnics as you may of guessed already. But I want to get a Christmas special chapter out before Christmas.

S̶o̶ ̶h̶e̶r̶e̶'̶s̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶n̶e̶w̶ ̶p̶l̶a̶n̶:̶
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PS. I hope that intro video for the introduction into the panel wasn't too cringey. I tried my darn best to make it epic and all.

Remember to keep sharing and voting on the book and I'll see you guys in the next chapter.

Signed Forbidden098

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This will be a Lemon story so if you are not 18+, Please don't read this. I don't want to get in trouble lol. Now this wont be a story where there's...
65K 1.7K 27
Really quickly: This is an Overwatch fan fiction for people who like cute romances- no lemons here. Ew. I'm *trying* to keep this appropriate for al...
8.7K 452 22
(Akaza x Reader) Chisaki (Y/n) is a girl who brings out the best in people. She doesn't realise it, but that becomes the very reason many people can...
4.5K 95 27
This is a story trying to follow the Overwatch storyline before the Recall (I'm gonna make a sequel for after the Recall). THIS STORY IS NOT FINISHED...