
By infintywarmakesmesad

26.6K 613 141

Book one of five. *Takes place in Thor, Avengers, and contains Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D references!If you haven'... More

Chapter 1 (prelude+character intro)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Book Two

Chapter 10

846 17 3
By infintywarmakesmesad

Eerika's POV

After Loki and I parted ways I went to the healing room to check on Fandrall. Even though I was concerned for his health, I just needed someone to let my emotions out too. Lady Sif is my greatest friend, but she isn't very good at helping me feel better. Fandrall always has been.

When I arrived at the healing room I came in contact with a nurse.
"Show me Fandrall's room."
I ordered. The nurse bowed her head.
"Yes my princess, follow me m'lady."
She led me to a room in the back of the building. She opened the door for me which revealed a bed with a sleeping Fandrall on it.
The nurse waited for me to walk in to close the door.

There was a chair next to the bed. I sat down and looked at Fandrall as he slept. His amour was off leaving his chest bare. The only thing he had covering him were his pants, and the bandages that are wrapped around his wound.

I trailed my hand along his arm until I reached his hand. I grasped it with my own which caused his eyes to open.
Fandrall asked tiredly. He used his other hand to rub his sleepy eyelids and turned his head to face me.
"I'm sorry I woke you." I said softly.
"Don't be sorry, are you okay?" He asked. He ran his thumb across my arm after seeing my distressed face.
"I know that you are in a lot of pain, but I didn't know who to go to. I'm not really close with Volstagg and Hogun. Sif and Loki are bad comforters. Thor is banished to Midgard. Odin is in an Odinsleep, and I just don't want to see Freya right now.

Fandrall shifted over to the other side of the bed leaving space.
"Lay down, Eerika." Fandrall commanded softly. I didn't know what to do, really. I didn't want him to get the wrong idea, but I also really just wanted to be held.

I kicked off my boots and took off my leg guards, helmet (more like a headband), and cape. I slowly crawled onto the bed a lied down next to him. He slid over so we were laying side-to-side. His head faced mine, but I was staring at the ceiling.

"If you're going to talk, you have to look at me, Princess."
Fandrall lightly placed his hand on my cheek so he could turn it to face him.

"After you, Sif, and the rest of the warriors three left, Odin banished Thor to Midgard as punishment for his actions."
Fandrall's face widened at my words.
"For how long? Will he be okay?"
I shook my head.
"Odin didn't say. Thor has no power, I don't know how long he'll last without losing it."
Fandrall sighed in disappointment. The two were very close, I felt bad for having to be the one to break the news

"When we were in Jothunehim a frostgiant pinned me down. He grasped the top of my arm, but instead of burning me, my skin turned blue."
Fandrall shot up.
"That's impossible, you must be cursed."

I sat up after him.
"It happened to Loki as well."
Fandral grasped my shoulder to comfort me.
"Perhaps you just saw things wrong, there is no way that you could be a monster."

I could feel heat roll into my eyes. Water started to cloud my vision, but I didn't let any tears fall yet.
"Loki and I went into the vault. We held the casket. We both turned blue, our eyes red. Odin told us that we are Laufey's children. I'm Laufey's daughter."
Instead of backing away, Fandrall hugged me. I closed my eyes and a few tears went down my face, but I wiped them off before he could see them.

"I'm sorry, you had to go through such an experience, darling."
I tucked my head into the crevasse of his (good) shoulder and neck.
"Odin was put into an Odinsleep. Now no one can bring Thor back."
Fandrall rubbed his hand up and down my back.
"There isn't much I can do for you, but if you need anything just let me know and you can consider it done."

I pulled back from the hug to look at Fandrall in the eyes before blurting out
"Just hold me, please, Fandrall."
I threw myself back onto Fandrall being careful not to hurt his wound. He lightly hugged me back.

After a bit we leaned back down onto the bed and just gazed into each others eyes for a bit. I was never alone with a man that wasn't my brother or father before. My stomach felt empty and my face felt hot. I don't really know how these things work, or what I'm supposed to do.

Fandrall started to lean close to me until our faces were millimeters apart. I started to close the gap and closed my eyes.

Before anything happened the door slammed open which caused me to sit up immediately. Two guards were entering the room.
"Who do you think you are? Haven't you two been taught to knock?" I screamed at the guards. Their faces were growing red once they realized that Fandrall and I were laying in bed together.

"Many apologies, Princess Eerika. We have come to inform you that the king wishes to speak with you."
I tilted my head.
"Odin, is in an Odinsleep. Did he awaken?"
"King Loki wishes to speak with you, Princess."
The two guards bowed their heads at me and left.

I hopped off the bed and put my leg guards and arm guards on.
"Fandrall, thank you."
I have him a smile. He reached out for my hand and brought it to his lips.
"Come cost me tomorrow, will you?"
I nodded my head.
"Of course."
I laced my cape back through my shoulder pads, grabbed my head-thing, and left.

I paced my way into the castle and what do I see as soon as I walk in? My green-eyed twin sitting on the throne. He had a wide grin on his face as he held the staff.
"Hello, sister."

"Oh Loki, Thank Norns you're ruling." Eerika placed her hand over her heart and took a few deep breaths. "You must bring Thor back home."
"Why on Asgard would I do that?"

I stood there for a moment. I didn't think Loki would question my request. "Because he is alone, scared, and powerless. We must bring him home. He is our brother for odins sake!" I threw my arms up in the air.

"He isn't our brother. Not by blood anyways. Besides, I can't have my first command undo Odin's last."
"Okay, then command some maids to fetch us some sweets. Then bring Thor back." Loki shook his head.
"Thor was sent of to Midgard for a reason, sister. I will watch him myself and when he has learned his lesson, I will bring him home."

I don't know why I was so disgusted with Loki. He had a point, but it wasn't a good one. There are better ways to learn lessons. Casting Thor out isn't exactly going to help him.

I decided that I was going to visit my brother on Midgard tomorrow. I wanted him to know about everything.
I wanted him to know that I was going to get him home.

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