A Fractured Light

By _xItsSarahx_

4.4K 261 20

Alina Sykes lived a life full of love and light. Spreading her love and happiness around. Alina just wasn't y... More



477 18 3
By _xItsSarahx_

*Beep Beep Beep Beep* 

I groan as I heard my alarm clock go off. I barely got any sleep finishing this essay. I covered my face with a pillow right as my mom walked in. 

"It's time to get up sweetie." She said opening my curtains even more letting the light in. 

"Five minutes please." I mumbled through the pillow.

"If I do that then you'll be late." My said removing the pillow from my face. 

"Get up Alina." My mom said with such a stern tone.

"What time is it?" I asked sitting up. 

"Seven thirty." My mom arched her brow at me. 

"Fuck." I stood up moving fast getting ready for school. "I wish I had your powers mom, I could be at school right now." 

"One day." My mom patted my shoulder. "I'll get the car ready." 

Being that my parents both have supernatural powers I have to go to a special school, even though I don't have my powers yet. I sighed. I'm fourteen and my powers still haven't came. I tried everything. I feel like I should give up. Maybe I'm one of those unfortunate kids who doesn't inherit their parents powers. If I end up do getting powers I hope I get both of my parents powers. That would be cool. 

"Will you be okay? You didn't have breakfast." My mom said as I got out the car. 

"If I run, I'll make it for breakfast." I said waving bye to her. 

I took of running to the cafeteria. I got there with five minutes to spare. 

"Alina." I looked around to see Julia walking towards me. "I knew you were doing to be late but not this late." 

"I didn't get much sleep last night." I yawned, covering my mouth. 

I smelled my own breathing doing so. My eyes watered on how foul my breathed smelled. Good thing I always keep a hygiene kit in my back pack. I grabbed my breakfast and walked off with Julia. 

"That essay was hard." I whined. 

"I don't even think my makes sense." Julia laughed. "But hey at least it's done." 

"You right." I said chewing. 

"Oh did you hear, there's a new kid in school." Julia leaned closer to me. "They say he's dangerous." 

I raised my eyebrows interested in what she said. 

"His name is....Well no one knows his name yet." She froze in silence. 

I turned around to see someone with a dark aroma around him. His eyes and hair was black. He wore black leather gloves and he was heading our way. 

"Hopefully he just passes by." Julia whispered. 

I didn't say anything. I just watched him like everyone else. But everyone else look scared. His eyes met mine. I thought I was going to be scared but surprising I wasn't. I've seen scarier things on tv. 

He stopped, our eyes never leaving each other. My eyes widened in shock as this black mist like smoke appeared around him. I wish I had something to show him up with but I didn't. I just sighed and looked away putting my head down. 

"Alina, what is it?" Julia said looking worried. 

"Everyone has a power but me." I complained. "Why do I go to this stupid school when I'm powerless." 

"Maybe you're just a late bloomer." Julia said trying to comfort me. 

I sat up giving her a straight dead look. 

"A late bloomer, seriously." I wanted to laugh. "Julia, I'm fourteen. I should have a power by now." 

"Let's go, I have to brush my teeth before the bell rings." We walked out, heading for the bathroom. 

"That new guy is scary." I over heard. 

"Scary but hot." 


I laughed shaking my head. Those girls don't stand a chance. I do have to admit though, he is hot. As I was brushing my teeth the bell rang. 

"Hurry, Ali we're going to be late." Julia said in a panic voice. 

She's never been late for a class, I wasn't going to the one making her late either. I tossed my tooth brush in my bag and as we ran through the halls making it to class with seconds to spare. We took our seats right as the new kid walked in. 

"Welcome." The teacher said, you could hear the fear in her voice. "Please tell us your name." 

"I rather not." He said. "It's not like I'll be here for long considering school will be out in two months anyways." 

He has a point. 

"Okay then, as you can see there's only one seat left so please go take your seat." The teacher motioned to the empty seat. 

I clinched my jaw shut, the only empty seat is next to me. I sighed knowing why it was empty. No one wanted to sit next to me because they knew I had no powers. Who would want to sit next to a powerless girl. Even the people around me were a good couple of inches away from me. Everyone expect Julia. She's my only best friend here. We've been best friends since we were in diapers. Julia gave me a worried look as he sat down. 

"It's okay if you want to scoot your desk away from." I sighed. 

He looked at me with, curious look. 

"Nobody wants to be around a powerless girl." I let my head drop hitting my forehead on my head. 

"Stop it, Alina." Julia scolded me. 

I rolled my eyes lifting up my head looking at her. 

"Stop being so hard on yourself." Julia sighed. 

"Listen to your friend." He said looking at me. 

I looked at him, I wasn't expecting him to say anything to me at all the rest of the school year. 

The bell rang dismissing us from class. That's six more classes I have to get through. 

As times passed I realized that I have four classes with Sir Darkness. That's what I gave him as a nickname since he doesn't tell anyone his name. It fits him though. 

I sat out front waiting for my mom or dad which everyone comes and gets in when I heard shouting. I got up and walked towards it. I moved people aside to see what was going on. My eyes widened to see Sir Darkness on the ground. Three guys were kicking him. 

"Stop!" I shouted pushing them away from him. 

"Stupid bitch you should've mind your own business." He shot ice from his hand but it never hit me. 

Instead a huge black wall was in front of me. 

"Stupid girl." He stood up coughing. "You could've been killed." 

He touched my shoulder. Everything went black then we were in front of the school. 

"What the fuck!?" We heard them say. "Where did they go?" 

"Spread out and look for them." One shouted. 

I began to panic but everything faded away as my dad pulled up. I heard someone shout. I turned seeing them charging at us. 

The ground beneath them turned into mud then hardened. My dad stood shaking his head. 

"I'll release you after my daughter is out of harms way." He said leading me away from them. 

"Dad, he needs help." I looked back at Sir Darkness who was holding his side in pain. 

"You, kid. Get in." My dad pointed to the car. 

"Don't argue just get in." I said. 

He sighed and got into the car. As we drove off my dad turned the land back to mud so everyone was able to get out. 

"Can I ask what happened?" My dad looked at me. 

"Uh, well I heard screaming and went to check it out and found them beating him up." I mumbled. 

"Alina." My father sighed with frustration. "No offense kid, but Alina you should've just left him. You have no powers to defend yourself from bullies like them." 

"I know." I frowned. "But that doesn't mean I can't help someone." 

"And you boy, why didn't you use your powers." My dad looked at him through the review mirror. 

"If I did I would've killed them." He groaned in pain. 

"Don't talk, I think they broke your rids." I looked at him. Dad, he needs to go the hospital." 

"No, just drop me off at the corner." He coughed. 

"No." I argued. 

He rolled his eyes and vanished. I sighed.  

"I just wanted to help." I crossed my arms. 

"Not everyone wants to be helped." My dad patted my leg. "I have to pick up your mother." 

The drive to her work was short. I got into the back seat. I wasn't really paying attention. All I could do was think about Sir Darkness. 

"Honey watch out!" My mom shouted but my dad's foot was too late. 

He slammed into the back of car in front of us. My mom teleported us out of the car just in time, the car behind us slammed into our car squishing it. We heard screaming and people running in our direction. 

"Alina, go hide." My mom stood. 

"No, let's run away from this too." I cried. 

"What good is it to have powers but not help anyone?" My dad cupped my face. "Please go hide." 

He kissed my forehead. I looked at both of them. They're really going to leave me here. 

"We love you Ali." My parents said as they walked towards the danger. 

I didn't listen to them, when I should have. I watched as they fought this alien looking human. He was shooting acid from his hands. If you ask me I'd say he looks like a pickle. I moved back but ended up knocking over a metal trash can catching his attention. He reached his hand shooting it towards me. 

"Alina NO." I heard my mom shout as she formed this protective shield around me. 

I was trapped in a ball. I couldn't reach them as the man shot acid at them. I watched as their skin burned away to nothingness. 

"MOM! DAD!" I cried. 

"We love you sweetie heart." My mom with her last breath. 

More people with superpowers should up to take him but he ended up getting up. I balled, crying. It's my fault. It's all my fault. I let out a loud scream as the protective shield went away. 

I crawled over to where my mom and dad were, barely anything left of them. I took the matching necklaces they were wearing and sat there crying, until someone came for me. 

⊶ ❃❃❃ ⊷

Hello, My fellow Wattpaders.
I'm back at it again with another lame book.
Please show it some love by commenting and voting.
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Thank you for just clicking on my book and giving it a chance. 

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