Destiel One-shots

Von LaurenABlack

412K 20.6K 11.8K

Funny Destiel one-shots!! Also Headcannons, Oneshots about Dean and Sam's brotherhood, and little rants about... Mehr

Meet The Cast
Mood Rings, An Angel, and A Tease
The Moose Is Done
Avril Lavigne
Castiel and TV
Bees, Wasps, and Other Stinging Insects
Thank You Taylor Swift
Cameras See All
Possessed By Gwen Stefani
Secret Affair
Dean Winchester.
Rejected By The Moose
Donkey Kong Is An Assbutt
Bobby Singer
Sitting On The Dock
The Trickster Leads To Good Things
Missing Something?
Stupid Dean
Top or Bottom?
A Wedding Surprise
Your Mission
Viva Las Gaygas
Viva Las Gaygas Part 2
Who Randomly Did Who
Did You Just Han Solo Me?
Just Funny Pictures
The LAST Episode
S.O.B. No HoMo
Traveling Soldier Song Oneshot
Saving Dean
Destiel Rant.
Dean's Date. Cas's Date. No Relation.
Gabe and Cas and Their Humans
John Winchester
Cas and Crowley, the Teenage Girls
Morning, Cas
Stupid Pastries
1941 video
Six Months Old
G. I. Winchester
The Supernatural Club
The Supernatural Club Part 2
Winchesters Don't Say "I Love You"
The Winchesters are so gay......
Run Away
Supply Closets Can Be Fun
Wedding Plans
Charlie ex Machina
Stressed Out
My Headcannons
Headcanons I Found
Meet The Parents
Say Anything
Winchester Initiation
Drunk Cas is Fun Cas
It's Season 16 and Somebody's Coming Out Of The Closet
Dean, the Mama Bear
Merry Christmas Sammy
We Know, Guys. We've Always Known.
Jimmy NO.
Breakfast Recipe For Disaster
Hey Jude
Christmas at the Bunker
Cas on the Left
Bo Burnham
Destiel Acting Out Imagine Your OTP Prompts
This is What Happens When Sabriel Robs a Candy Store
More Headcannons I Found (Plus Memes)
Family Dinner
Prank War
Angel Love Prevents Nightmares
Pestered By Families
Pestered By Families Part 2
Sharp Dressed Man
Cas's Secret Is Out
Torturing Balthazar
This Is What Happens When Team Free Will Is Left Alone
Just Do It
I'll Drive
Road Trip
Sam is Done Being Subtle
Boondock Baby
What's More Important? Your Mission, or Your Family?
What They Said vs. What It Means
Sariel's Paperwork
Happy Birthday Dean Winchester
Magic Mike
Tall Tales
Dear Cas
Different This Time
Never. Watch. SPN. With. Your. Parents.
A Kiss
In Honor of Lebanon
Terms of Endearment
Game Night
We're So Screwed
Strippers, Sammy. We are on an actual case involving Strippers. Finally.
Band Geeks
This is Why Jack Shouldn't Go To Parties
Season 20
Lilo and Stitch Led To A Sobbing Moose
Punk and Nerd
Valentine's Day
Breaking Dr. Phil
Double Date
Jensen's Parents
Bartenders and Breakups
Vicki and Danneel
Don't Talk About It
The Ma'lak box
The Story of Gabriel
Just Answer The Question, Dean.
Lily Flowers
Mary Found Out
The New Shadow
Episodes I Really Want
Wanna Talk About It?
Sam Winchester's Lovers
That Night
Cas Does The Chores
A Smile And A Laugh
Three Dads
DEEEEEEAAAANN, That Kills People!
If The Pizza Man Truly Loves His Babysitter....
Cardigan Keep Away
Soulmates Are Key
Sabriel's Love Child
Supernatural, Meet Lucifer
Don't. Touch. The. Angel.
Domestic Destiel, Doing Normal Things
Family's There For You, Through Good And Bad
Random AU I Can't Stop Thinking About
Prisoners Part 2
Fatherly Advice
I Met Someone
I Met Someone Part 2
Castiel and Crowley
Break up
PTA Dads
It's Finally Broken
And They Were Soulmates
The Phone
He Prayed
The Pharmacy
"I love you"
"I love you" Part 2

Pen Pals

1.7K 108 15
Von LaurenABlack

Dean Winchester was in third grade when it all began.

His dad moved them around a lot, so Dean never stayed at any school long enough to really make friends or really learn anything. But if he went to school at all, it probably meant that they would be staying in the same place for at least a month. 

Dean was glad for that. He didn't care about school at all, but he wanted Sammy to. Sam was only in kindergarten, and yet, he was already smarter than Dean. Dean could only read because John had enforced it, and he had to know what his dad left on notes before he left Dean and Sam alone in some motel room.

Currently, Dean was in some cheap school in Maine, and the teacher was smiling at him.

"You've come on a very good day, Dean." She insisted. "For we are about to begin our most exciting project of the year." The other students perked up, but Dean didn't really care. He'd probably be halfway across the country before the due date hit.

"We're going to have pen pals with a school in Oregon." Now Dean perked up, paying attention. Pen pals? That was just writing letters- that was something he could do from anywhere! Sure, it be impossible for anyone to write back, but who cared?

The teacher went on to explain the project, and she let everyone pick out a name of a student in the California class for them to write to.

Dean was up last, seeing as they went in alphabetical order by last name, and he frowned at the name he'd been given.

Who would name their kid Castiel Shurley?


Castiel Shurley was a third grader in Oregon, and he loved school. He didn't have a mother, but his father, brothers and sisters took good care of him, and he was ecstatic when his teacher announced that they'd be getting pen pals from Maine.

Apparently, the class in Maine had picked out their names, and Castiel's teacher went around, handing everyone a piece of paper with their pen pal's name and address on it, so they could write their first letter. Castiel smiled at the page he was given.

Dean Winchester. What a fascinating name.


Dear Castiel, Dean began that night, sitting in the motel room table while John and Sam slept in the next room. What was he even supposed to say? He knew nothing about Castiel.

....But maybe that was a good thing.

Castiel was all the way across the country. Dean was sure they'd never meet.

Why couldn't he tell Castiel everything he'd ever wanted to say?

Castiel- how do you pronounce your name? He began. I'm Dean. I'm eight years old, and I don't have a home, so it's going to be hard for your letters to find me. I used to have a home- it was in Lawrence, Kansas, but then there was a fire, and my mom died. My dad took me and my brother away after that, and we haven't been back to Kansas since. Now we just travel all over the country, because my dad hunts monsters, and he has to find them in order to kill them. I'm not sure why I'm telling you this, except that I don't think anyone else will listen. I hope you'll listen, Castiel. I'd like to have a friend I could talk to. Actually, I'd just like to have a friend. But we can't be friends if I don't know anything about you! What's your family like? What's Oregon like- I've been to Washington, but not Oregon. Do you like cars? I like cars. And pie. Especially cherry pie.

I don't know what else to say.

-Dean Winchester


Dean's first letter had intrigued Castiel. He felt bad for the boy, seeing as he had no friends. But Castiel could relate- he didn't have friends either. He wrote back to Dean, and the two exchanged letters for a good month, until Dean didn't reply.

There was a letter in Castiel's mailbox a month later from him.

Dear Castiel,

God, your name is a mouthful- Can I call you Cas? I'm sorry I didn't write back, but we moved. I'm in Chicago now, but we're not staying long. I'm sorry if you kept sending letters to Maine, but I'll no longer get them. Here's a new address. It belongs to my Dad's friend Bobby. He'll make sure I get your letters, and I'll keep writing you from wherever I am, if you'll let me.

I like you, Cas. You're a good friend, and I hope we keep writing each other for a long time.



Years started to pass, and yet, Dean and Castiel kept writing.

Dear Dean,

I would love it if you called me Cas. I understand about the whole moving thing, and I'm glad Bobby will give you my letters.

I like you too. I want to write with you forever. You're a better friend then anyone here in boring old Oregon.

-Cas :)

Dear Cas,

I'm in Mexico!! How weird is that? I'm learning how to swim in the waves, although Sammy gets worried because he thinks it's dangerous. Well, too bad, Sam- not all of us got fancy swimming lessons. You make any new friends this year in school? I didn't, but I learned not to take a joint from a guy named Don. Don't do drugs, Cas. Good luck in your school classes and stuff- I know you'll rock them, because you're a genius who is silently correcting my letters as you read them, I know you are, so don't deny it. 

Have some fun, Cas.


P.S. I found this for you in one of the shops, thought you might like it.

There was a necklace in the envelope of the letter. A simple gold chain, with two little pendants. One with a symbol Castiel didn't recognize, but that kinda looked like a pentagram, and the other with a pair of wings. Cas grinned at it.

He slipped it over his neck, and didn't take off. 

Dear Dean,

The necklace is beautiful, thank you. And STAY AWAY FROM DRUGS AND DON, MISTER. I haven't made any new friends, but yeah, I'm acing all my classes. Please don't drown in the waves of Mexico- actually, just don't die in general, okay? Good luck hunting monsters, my friend.


Sometimes Castiel wouldn't hear from Dean for months, and then he'd get four letters within a week.

Sometimes Dean wouldn't see Bobby that often, and then when they got anywhere near the old guy's house, Bobby would show up with a stack of letters, roll his eyes and call Dean an idjit.

Dean and Castiel grew up writing each other. It became an outlet for them, a way to escape the rest of the world, even when it got cruel.

It was a way to calm down and remember that someone cared when things got to rough to handle. 


Dear Cas,

I'm sorry to hear about your Dad. I know how much you loved him. We're only in Montana, so I'm trying to find a time to sneak out and come see you, but Dad's watching me like a hawk, and if I left Sammy alone, he'd kill me. I wish I could be there, Cas, there's nowhere else I'd rather be. But I can't, so I'm just going to hug you through the paper and tell you that it'll all be okay, and if you need anything, you can write me, or better yet- I snagged one of my Dad's burner phones. Here's the number- call me if you need to talk.


Dear Dean,

This is hard for me to write, but we've always shared everything with each other before, so I feel like I have to. My siblings have already shunned me for this, but I hope you don't. Just.... what would you say if I told you I was gay?


Dear Cas,

I will never shun you for anything, Castiel Shurley. You are the greatest thing in my world. And, BTW, I'm bi, so.... I don't care if you're gay. You're the best person ever, Cas, and well, screw it, I love you.


Dear Dean,

I love you too.


Dear Cas,

I know I'll regret sending this letter the moment it goes in a mailbox, but here goes. We've been writing each other for over a decade, and I want to meet you. Not over the phone, not through a letter- in person. And I was hoping, that if we did meet in person.... maybe I could buy you a cup of coffee or something?


Dear Dean,

I would love to go out for a cup of coffee with you. I'd tell you where I live, but you've been sending me letters for exactly thirteen years. Anytime you want to knock on my door, I'm ready.



Dean Winchester was in Oregon. Finally.

He had stopped by Stanford college on his way here. He knew Sam didn't want to see him, but Dean couldn't help but check in on his little brother. And if that meant spying in on classrooms for a day and grinning as he silently watched his brother know all the answers, then that's what he did.

But now it wasn't about Sam.

It was about the boy that Dean had fallen in love with. The one he'd been writing for thirteen years. 


He occurred to him as he knocked on the door that he had no idea what Castiel Shurley looked like. In all those years, it hadn't occurred to either of them to send each other a picture.

And yet, as soon as the door swung open, Dean knew exactly who he was looking at.

A tall man, with messy black hair, and the bluest eyes Dean had ever seen. He had an old gold necklace on.

Castiel had no idea what awaited him on the other side of the door when he opened it. But now he stared at the man before him.

A tall man, with dirty blonde hair, and eyes greener then the grass on his lawn. He had the most shocked expression on his face.

"Yes?" Castiel tilted his head. Maybe one of his siblings had been expecting someone-

"Hi Cas," Dean said breathlessly. Castiel froze. All these years, and there was only one person who had ever called him Cas. He smiled widely, recognizing the man before him.

The boy he knew everything about. The only one who knew everything about him.

The man he had fallen in love with. The one he'd been writing for thirteen years.


"Hello Dean," He whispered. 


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