Different Worlds

By happydaysandersen

40.5K 929 47

An alliance is sought with an English king in the wake of the great army's attacks. Ivar has been chosen to... More

|Chapter One|
|Chapter Two|
|Chapter Three|
|Chapter Four|
|Chapter Five|
|Chapter Six|
|Chapter Seven|
|Chapter Eight|
|Chapter Nine|
|Chapter Ten|
|Chapter Eleven|
|Chapter Thirteen|Finale|

|Chapter Twelve|

2K 50 2
By happydaysandersen

it had been a day or two after you had set sail, leaving King Harald's realm for Kattegat. The boat was bumping along with the waves, but the weather had been good. Kendra feeling grateful for it, given what she was leaving behind. Her nerves a constant mess, with the thoughts of her arrival, the danger and fear that laid ahead. Even the sight of her new home in the aftermath of the battle. Elwin had taking this journey in his stride... the only thing he had missed was his friends. Ivar had helped in cheering him up with the promise of new friends.

The feel of a hand on her shoulder had drawn Kendra back to reality. Kendra turning to find Ivar's blue eyes looking at her. She gave him a small smile, as he moved his hand from her shoulder to her hand. Taking it in his own and bringing it to his lips placing a gentle kiss to it.

"what are you thinking about?" Ivar asked, his tone laced with concern.

"I was thinking about Kattegat, I am nervous that is all" Kendra gave Ivar a reassuring smile, taking her hand and rubbing his cheek. Ivar tilted his hand to her embrace.

"I will not let any harm come to you Kendra" His hand placed on the back of hers, his lips pressing to her palm.

"I know you won't Ivar" Kendra smiled, kissing his forehead. "It is not harm I fear, more rejection" she nodded.

"they will grow to love you, you will be fair and sweet in all the ways you are" Ivar added, a smile on his lips.

"I do hope you are right Ivar... at the very least be civil if they can't accept me" Kendra smiled. Ivar resting his head on Kendra's lap, the feel of her dress soft against his face. He smiled to himself, enjoying the momentary rest.

"I love you Kendra, more than I thought possible to love another" Ivar states, his voice low enough for only Kendra to hear. She ran her fingers through his hair, rough with the splashes of the waves. Sea salt hardening and matting his brown locks.

"I love you to Ivar". Kendra smiled, leaning into Ivar, and kissing his hairline. "now rest you will need it" Kendra smiled to herself, feeling Ivar relax against her.


The shore and coast could be seen ahead of them, cheers erupting from the men on the boats. Elwin's eyes going wide at the sight of the docks, the sight of the people and the cliff tops. Kendra could feel her stomach turning within her. The boat drawing closer, the with sound of men jumping into the water and pulling the boat with them.

Kendra looked to Ivar, now positioned at the front of the boat. His eyes met hers and he smiled, his lips mouthing the words are you ready? As Kendra nodded at him and smiled. Turning to Elwin and tying up his cloak around his neck. Ivar leaning down and tightening his breaches around his leg, watching for the men to depart. Ivar using his crutches to stand with Kendra at his side, Elwin in her arms.

"We are home" Ivar smiled, kissing her forehead.

"Home sounds nice" Kendra whispered as she watched Ivar step first, walking behind him off the plank and down the dock. Ivar rubbing men's shoulders displaying gratitude and wishing them well. Kendra could feel the eyes of the people, hearing the whispers, as if their words and looks burned her flesh. Kendra tightened her grip around Elwin, almost to protect him. Hvitserk greeted Ivar, Ubbe eventually joining, the three of them partaking in a hug.

"Kattegat is ours brothers" he cheered. Ivar smiling and nodding.

"We have to decide as to who is doing what" Ivar added "what our plans are and discuss future tasks.

"But first brother, you must rest. Settle in to your home with Kendra and Elwin" Ubbe smiled, rubbing his shoulder. Hvitserk nodding in agreement.

"Kattegat can wait a day brother, sleep... bathe... we will celebrate tomorrow" Hvitserk smiled. Ivar looked to Kendra, seeing Elwin's sleepy frame in her arms.

"We could do with sleep and a bath would be welcomed" Ivar smiled at her as Kendra nodding. Hvitserk showing Ivar and Kendra to their house.

"I should go see Margarethe" Ubbe stated, "We have things to talk about" he added, giving Ivar a nod and a smile before parting ways.


Kendra had settled Elwin down in her room, having bathed him and helped her relax. Elwin finally drifting off to sleep, after the promise of being able to go out and play once he woke. Kendra made her way to her empty room, shared with Ivar. Ivar already filling the tub with more water.

"Has he settled?" Ivar asked looking at Kendra in the door frame.

"At last, I had to promise he could play once he wakes" Kendra laughed as she sat on the edge of the bed. Bouncing once or twice on the cushion, appreciating the softness of the mattress.

"Is the bed okay?" Ivar asked smiling at her watching her bounce.

"It is soft, much needed after the voyage" Kendra smiled at Ivar. "Are you getting in the bath?" Kendra asked nodding towards the tub, now full of water.

"Will you join me wife?" Ivar asked reaching his hand out for her hers.

"Would you like me to join you?" Kendra asking raising her brow at him. Ivar let out a small laugh, his head wobble alongside it.

"I would like for you to join me" Ivar smiled, Kendra nodding and approaching him, helping Ivar get out of his clothes and help him over to the tub. She lowered his legs into the water, while she undressed herself letting her braids down. Kendra approached the tub, Ivar biting his bottom lip and dragging his teeth across the skin. Kendra stepped into the water, humming as she adjusted to the warmth and sitting in the tub, enjoying the water surround her body.

"This is nice" Kendra smiled at Ivar, his eyes bright as he watched her. Ivar gave her a nod in agreement.

"Come here" Ivar asked beckoning her to come closer to him, Kendra raised her brow at him and smiled. Kendra moved along the tub, mindful of Ivar's legs under the water. Her back to his chest, resting into him. Ivar kissed the back of her head, when he felt her skin to skin his heart sunk. A need to touch her, feel her even flooding through him. He rested his head on her own, his arms tightening around her. He felt Kendra relax into his embrace, his hands playing with her hair. Kendra's hands grazing along his legs.

"Do they hurt?" she asked curious, gently massaging her thumb into his skin; not enough to hurt them more, just release some tension.

"They do a little, must have been the journey" Ivar hummed at Kendra's caress, smiling against her hair.

"I have some paste if you would like me rub that in for you? it sounds like you will have a busy day tomorrow" Kendra's hand working the same effort into his other leg.

"That would be nice" Ivar agreed, disappointment washing through him. Swiftly followed by guilt, remembering how he wouldn't rush her for anything sexual. "do you miss me?" Ivar asked, his hand gliding from her knee to her inner thigh.

"How do you mean?" Kendra asked confused.

"In the way we used to be?" Ivar asked, his breath hitching in his throat. His hand gently moving up her inner thigh "the way I would ravish you, leaving you crying under me" Ivar added, he kissed behind her ear.

"the way you fill me so well? Hitting all sorts of spots? Reaching all kind of highs?" Kendra added, teasing him playfully. She took a deep breath trying to relax at his touch, having been so long since she had enjoyed Ivar in such ways.

"that's it... do you miss in that way?" Ivar asked, his fingers gliding over her stomach, and his other hand finding her core.

"I do Ivar, it's taken time and we have been busy" Kendra sighed, resting her hand back into his chest. Moving his hand from her stomach to her breast, Ivar's eyes goings wide as her tightened his grip, kneading at the skin in his palm.

"let me take care of you tonight" Ivar moaned into her ear, his lower hand using a finger to part her lips, rubbing it along her slit. Kendra gasping at his touch, heat flooding through her body. She moaned in acceptance of his offer.

"We don't have to go too far" Ivar moaned, arching his chest into her back. Using his finger tip to circle her clit, his fingers with her breast twirling her nipple in between his fingers. Kendra moaned his name, as the pressure built in her stomach, her hips raising from the bottom of the tub, Ivar slipping a finger gently parting her walls. Placing his finger tip deeper inside her, Kendra's hips rocking onto his finger as she moaned.

"I love the way my name sounds when you cry" Ivar whispered into her ear, placing feather light kisses along the shell, biting at her lobe as she cried his name again. Ivar placed his second finger into her, curling his tips and scissoring them apart, picking up his pace causing cry after cry to leave Kendra's lips. Until her body shock around his fingers, her warmth, and juices even in the water, running down his fingers. Ivar's arms tightened around her as he held her into him.

"you are so beautiful Kendra" Ivar groaned into her hair, kissing her forehead. Kendra sighed, her heart racing in her chest. The pair remained there until they decided to retire to their bed. Falling asleep wrapped up in each other's arms, legs entangled under the furs.


The following day was full on, Ivar was in meetings with his brothers. Ubbe having decided to take the offer of returning to England, Margarethe having agreed to go with him. Ivar feeling relieved at the decision, knowing how Margarethe could have interfered; putting up a fight and undermining Kendra. Ivar could see it all unwinding in his mind's eye, feeling content with his brother's decision. Hvitserk had decided to stay and support Ivar in the meantime, until the wedding and normality had returned to Kattegat, unsure of his plans for after giving him time to decide.

Kendra had been out in the town, making herself known and getting to know some of the villagers. She enjoyed talking to the shieldmaiden's the most, enjoying their stories of fights and training. Finishing her walk by browsing the stalls, looks at the food and flowers, even the jewellery. Kendra had made her way back to the house, talking to some of the thralls. The topic of the wedding coming up, as she asked her questions on the ceremony, answering the things she needed to know. Elwin was sitting outside, playing with a toy; watching the children play. Too nervous to approach them and ask to play.

Kendra started to unpack her belongings, butting the throws over the chairs and the beds. Flowers on the table, some trinkets above the fireplace. Hanging her clothes up in the wardrobe, finally looking around and looking at the house, she felt at home. Elwin's room was big enough, clothes hanging nicely, and cushions and blanket positioned. He had few toys, but those he did survived the toys. Ivar had sent word of having dinner at the great hall, celebrations for their return.

Kendra smiled had one more look outside, watching on at Elwin and willing him to speak to the children. Elwin staying put, eventually deciding to come back inside.

"how was it outside?" Kendra asked sitting down on one of the chairs.

"It was okay, none of the children played with me" Elwin sighed looking at Kendra.

"did you ask?" Kendra asked subtly and smiling at him.

"No, I was too scared" Elwin sighed, sitting on the floor looking up at her.

"well tomorrow is a new day, I can ask them if you can join in. If you would like?" Kendra offered.

"would you please?" Elwin asked a smile on his fight.

"I will do that tomorrow for you Elwin, it will be a better day" Kendra promised as Elwin smiled and agreed. "Now, go get changed... dinner is in the hall tonight Elwin" she smiled at him ruffling his head as they both walked off to their rooms to get ready for the feast.


Kendra and Elwin had made their way to the great hall, Ivar already seated at the main table. The table long enough for 7 maybe 10 people. Ivar's smile grew the moment he had seen Kendra, her purple floor length dress, with gold trimmings adorned with a necklace and her hair braided. She looked different, almost happy... and genuinely happy at that. She smiled back, admiring Ivar. How strong and confident he looked, proud of his achievements. Ivar looked Elwin, his hair tied back in a simple string. His tunic green with black trimmings, supported by his crutches. Ivar felt pride when he saw Elwin walk beside Kendra, how steady he had become on them. Ivar had beckoned them over to him, seats free for the pair of them. The thrall's waiting to begin serving, prepared with ale and wine.

Kendra and Elwin made their way to the table. Elwin taking in the sight of the hall, the banners of Ivar's shields hanging strong. The decorations of flowers and candles, the hall almost looked like home. Minus the gold and paintings of course. The Fire in the pit going strong, warming them as the paced the floor. Kendra placed her hand on Ivar's shoulder and a kiss to his cheek, making her way around his seat, taking her own seat beside him, Elwin taking the seat the other side of Ivar.

"My Elwin, you look almost Viking" Ivar stated looking at him and giving him a smile.

"Thank you, Ivar. your clothes are different to those in England, but I like them" Elwin smiled back.

"I am glad to hear it, you suit them" Ivar added ruffling Elwin's hair. "You walked so well back there, it's nice seeing how well you have come on those crutches of yours" Ivar gushed with pride. Elwin nodded thanking Ivar for the help. Kendra smiling on at their interactions, sipping at her cup filled with wine.

"You look incredible Kendra, I am a lucky man" Ivar whispered in her ear, his hand taking hers in his. Kendra smiled at the feeling of his rough hands embracing her gentle and smooth ones.

"You look rather royal and handsome yourself husband" Kendra whispered back. Ivar kissing the corner of her mouth, letting his lips linger. Kendra felt his lips turn to a smile against her skin, a smile tugging at her own lips. Distracted by the thralls placing food in front of them.

Once the food had been devoured, the atmosphere was merry. Ivar had stood up deciding to make a speech. Kendra and Elwin both looking at him, waiting on his words and what he was to speak. Ivar cleared his voice, the hall quieting at his command.

"Tonight, we gather in the hall to celebrate" Ivar began. "We have much to celebrate... our success in the battle, the return of our late kings Ragnarsons' to our home, I included" Ivar spoke so clearly, the hall erupting into cheers. "Our greatest achievement being the revenge of my beautiful mother's death" Ivar nodded accepting the cheers and nods of the people gathered in the hall. "We have one more thing to celebrate" Ivar paused looking at Kendra and giving her a smile. Kendra smiling back at him, encouraging him to carry on. Her eyes beaming with pride and adoration. "While in England I had married the beauty that sits beside me tonight" He gushed looking at the eyes of the people before him. "But we wish to marry before our gods, in the true Viking way" Ivar paused, receiving more cheers. "Therefore, what better way to celebrate success and a return, than with a marriage?" Ivar asked the crowd, encouraging Kendra to stand beside him. His arms draped around her waist, his grip holding her tight and kiss to her cheek. Kendra remained silent, scanning the room of people before her. A smile tugging at her lips, she turned to Ivar and kissed him.


It had been a week since Ivar's announcement of their marriage. Kendra had been welcomed by most of the people of Kattegat. Elwin had even began making friends, Kendra had many sew her own wedding gown, a simple white dress, with gold lace and a black belt. She had styled it from the Viking women's dresses, a little simpler than the gowns she had grown used to. Ivar had his tunic picked out, with a black trim along the sides. The wedding was due to take place the next afternoon, with the ceremony in the morning followed by games and a feast. Ivar and Elwin had even arranged Kendra's flower crown. Made of her favourite yellow flowers with daisies and other small flowers, they knew she would love it the moment she had seen it. Ivar had received his father's sword, and Kendra had ensured her sword was still safe and undamaged. Everything had seemed planed, there would be a sacrifice to be made this evening. Kendra feeling unsettled at the prospect but wanting to experience Ivar's beliefs. Remembering the loss of her baby, the thought of her being swollen by now with it growing inside her. The memory confirming how Kendra had wished for their marriage to be blessed by the gods. How she longed for to give Ivar a child, to become a mother and watch their child grow. The sound of Ivar entering the room had brought Kendra back from her own thoughts.

"Hello wife" He chimed, approaching Kendra slowly.

"Hello husband, you're back early" Kendra smiled at him. Placing her sewing to the side allowing room for Ivar to sit next to her.

"I had brought you something, I wish to give it to you" Ivar smiled, toying with a soft felt bag in his hands.

"You didn't have to get me anything Ivar" Kendra awed at him.

"well two things, one is for us both" Ivar stated and sat next to her. Holding his hand out for her Kendra to place her own his. Kendra obliged, opening her hand out a smile on her lips. Ivar had placed the felt bag in her hand. Kendra opening it up, revealing a necklace, the pendant encrusted with what she recognised as a rune. With small gems embedded, she looked at Ivar in shock.

"It is beautiful Ivar" she traced her finger over the lines of rune. "What does it mean?" she asked looking at him, a small tear racing down her cheek. Ivar's hand reaching to wipe her tear.

"happy tears I hope" Ivar smiled, kissing her cheek, leaning in to clasp her necklace. "it is a rune, it is the symbol of love fortune" Ivar kissed her, Kendra leaning into the kiss. Placing her hand on the back of his neck, willing him not to break it. Ivar smiled into the kiss, content sight leaving his lips as she pulled back for air.

"I love it Ivar" she whispered, biting her bottom lip still numb from his taste.

"well, I am the most fortunate man to have you as my wife" Ivar explained. "I promise I will love you to no end, every day we have. Including those after" Ivar finished, his forehead pressed to hers. "I have one more gift" Ivar smiled. Kendra sat up her hand resting on his lap.

"You have already spoiled me" Kendra smiled.

"This is for the pair of us, tomorrow we will be married before the gods" Ivar started. "I know we have time before you are comfortable again" Ivar paused showing her the statue of Freyja. "It is of Freyja, god of Fertility" Ivar explained. Kendra running her fingers over the carving. "if we put her in our room, when you are ready Kendra and after we marry again. I pray she will watch over and bless us with a healthy child" Ivar nodded, nervous as to how she would react at the thought of trying for a child again. Kendra smiled at Ivar, her heart sinking at how cautious he was.

"Ivar, I really do appreciate how patient you have with me" Kendra replied, her thumb reaching for his cheek and ghosting his scar. "I am not able to tell you when I will be ready. But, with the help of your gods especially Freyja I am willing to try" Kendra smiled at Ivar, her lips grazing his.

"what do you mean try?" Ivar asked, his breath hitting her lips. Kendra leaning in and cutting his words short with a kiss. The kiss was hungry and full of love, Ivar held onto her hips and allowing her to straddle him.

"Well... How about we put Freyja in the bedroom" Kendra smiled resting her hand on Ivar's thigh, her thumb tracing shapes on its inside. "Maybe see how much of you I can take, I want to try" Ivar's eyes went wide, his tongue dragging along his bottom lip.

"Are you sure Kendra? We will have so much time" Ivar asked, his hand taking hers in his.

"I am positive Ivar; what harm could trying do... I'll let you know if I can't" Kendra smiled as she kissed his cheek to earlobe.

"I will stop if you want me to" Ivar nodded, Kendra standing up, holding his hand as they retired to their bedroom.


Kendra had woken up the morning after, entangled in Ivar's arms and legs. Skin to skin remembering the way he felt. On top of her; palming her skin and the way he filled her. The way his tongue had worked her, how incredible it felt being his wife in the way they had been before. To have been his wife in every way. Kendra bit at her lip, turning around in Ivar's arms, kissing his nose and lips gently.

"If this is your way of waking me up, I don't want it to stop" Ivar whined, sleep heavy in his voice. His grip tightening around her.

"Last night was incredible" Kendra hummed, hitching her leg over Ivar's waist. Ivar's hand gliding over her skin.

"what part?" Ivar asked a smile tugging at his lips.

"Well the sacrifice was surreal" Kendra started Ivar rolling his eyes at her teasing "But the sex was incredible, almost heavenly" Kendra smiled, kissing him her hand running through his hair.

"Must have been the sacrifice" Ivar smiled, speaking in between kisses, and finishing with a moan.

"You need to stop, or we will end up going for a 3rd time" Ivar pouted.

"Well maybe I want to" Kendra whined, rubbing her hips into him. Ivar leaned into Kendra, kissing her once on the lips. his lips dragging down her neck to her breasts.

"I can't start the day without eating now" Ivar toyed with Kendra's nipple in his teeth, a moan escaping her lip.

"Just eating?" Kendra moaned, again her back arching of the bed.

"then we can finish it off after the ceremony" Ivar finished, kissing down her body and making his way down her body, his fingers parting her lower lips. He smiled to himself looking up at her squirming at his touch. His hair brushing against her inner thigh, tickling her legs. Ivar kissing the skin between her and her fold, licking a strip along her parted folds. Flicking the tip of his tongue, swirling under bud was shown, a moan escaping her lips as her hips dropped to his face. Ivar moaned against her, enjoying how he had her so soon writhing and moaning.

"You always taste amazing" Ivar moaned his speech vibrating at her skin and burning her inside, a knot in her stomach tightening. Ivar latched his lips around her bud, sucking and flicking his tongue over her bud, the bundle of nerves sensitive from the night before. Ivar pressed a finger into her walls, he hips rocking and her back arching. A cry leaving her mouth as she called his name. Ivar continuing his tongue and finger, pressing another finger into her. Kendra closed her eyes, the feeling of Ivar pumping and twisting inside her. With each pump and flick, the knot insider her stomach tightened. Until it came lose, her body shaking as she cried Ivar's name. Her lights tightening around Ivar's head, he flicked her bud one last time, a smirking growing on his face.

The pair of them calming down, Ivar' feeling the morning chill against his glistening back. The sweat beading along his hairline. Kendra's chest tightening as she caught her breath.

"I am glad you liked that Kendra" Ivar smiled, his head resting on her breasts. His hands kneading at her hips.

"I wish to wake up like that every morning" Kendra laughed, her breathing finally returning to normality.

"Well I will do my best my love" Ivar smiled, his grip loosening as he traced shapes on hips. Ivar closed his eyes, listening to Kendra's heartbeat, a smile tugging at his lips. Enjoying the few moments he had with her, before he would have to head to Ubbe's and get ready for the day ahead. The thought of him next seeing Kendra in her dress, stood before the speaker, marrying before the gods. How he could not wait for the night to ravish her, how he had desired.

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