|Chapter One|

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There had been talk of a return of the heathen army for months, talk feeding through town after town. No one knowing when, or where they would land. The churches had never been so full at mass praying for safety. After word of what the army had down to the neighbouring kings Ecbert and Aelle, England as divided as it was, united in their fear and shake.

That was until, the kingdom belonging to king Alden fell to siege. The town was only modest in size, with little room for anything but farming and trading. The siege had lasted so many nights, with little word or little sleep.

"we are preparing for battle" King Alden demanded over dinner one evening.

"so soon father?" the princess, his only daughter had replied. He was all she had left after the plague had washed through, taking his sons and wife with it.

"we need to attack while we are still fed and strong" he had confirmed. "Daughter, I know the prospect of war worries you". He consoled her, tucking a strand of her long brown hair behind her ear. "But if we do not go now, we will be too weak by the time they come knocking" he whispered to her.

She knew she wouldn't understand battle plans, but the options were running out.

"instead of fighting them, can't you negotiate with them?" she almost pleaded.

"they are heathens!" he cried. "They are not like us, open to diplomacies and alliance's they want nothing but to destroy us".

"Well try to come back father, I will be at the church with the sick children" she said before packing her bag and returning to find him in full armour.

"Daughter you have always been so holy and Christian like" he praised you before taking you into an embrace. "I will try my best to return" he reassured his daughter as best as he could. All Kendra could do was nod at him. As she held his hand before parting, heading out to ready her horse for the ride to the church.


Once Kendra arrived at the doors as the church, climbing down from her horse and tying him safely for food. Making her way through the doors, being greeted by nuns. The religious icons hanging soundly from the walls, with the candle light illuminating their faces and detail.

"are you here to Volunteer Kendra?" one of the nuns asked with a small smile. It was obvious they were aware of the growing tension, even when they were kept away from most of the village.

"I am here to lend my services" Kendra smiled, brushing the loose hair out of her eyes that had fallen in her face.

"that's great, Elwin has been asking for you" she smiled, as she led the way to where the children were kept. The room was covered with furs, cushions swamped with children's bodies. Most of whom had ailments and disfigurements, deemed unfit for social interaction with the main village.

That very notion never sat well with Kendra, they were all human and children of god. Their parent's may have been unable to care for them. Some parents just did not wish to, so volunteering and helping where possible always made Kendra's day better. Even making her soul itself feel fulfilled to some extent.

She paced the floor, her shoes tapping until she reached the familiar child. His eyes closed gently as his hair fell over his face. She took a seat on the stone floor beside him, holding his hand.

"Hello again Elwin" she cooed at him, brushing his hair out of his eyes. His lips framed a smile as his stomach began to rumble.

"Princess Kendra" he greeted back in a whisper. His green eyes illuminated in the candle light.

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