|Chapter Six|

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It had been over a couple of days since the heathen army had left for battle. Although, word was filtering back to the villagers about the falling armies. A sense of relief had found its way through the town. With people feeling like they can sleep easy, knowing that the immediate danger had been warded off. Kendra had busied herself with wedding plans, distracting herself from the lack of word from Ivar.

Almost everything was set and arranged, her dress was almost finished, Ivar's tunic was complete. The only thing he had to do was try it on. There had been a marital suite made up for the pair of them. In the far end of the castle, for privacy and Ivar's easy access to the stairs. Kendra had even managed to confirm that Elwin would attend, being seated near the front as her main guest. All that was left for Kendra to do, was to preoccupy herself so that time passed a little quicker.


It had been many nights with the battle in full swing, after one of numerous successes the army had settled for the night before moving on. Ivar had grown frustrated and lonesome in the night. Whilst staying out and drinking in the celebrations, Ivar had taken favour to shieldmaiden he had seen fighting earlier in the day. After conversation, and many horns of mead. Ivar had decided to retire to bed, inviting her along.

"Ivar what troubles you?" The shieldmaiden had asked as she pressed her body against his. The pair of them falling on the bed.

"I do not wish to talk of his" Ivar stated calmly, his eyes focussing on her lips. How her blonde braided hair rested over her shoulder. He couldn't help but appreciate how homely the woman was, how different she was in comparison to Kendra.

"Well maybe I can distract you" she whispered, her hand tracing under his tunic, their lips crashing and fighting against each other. This had carried on, until Ivar had felt a pang of guilt wash through him. Knowing he wasn't even married to Kendra yet and had already found another. As he rolled over, the shieldmaiden cuddling up behind him. Holding him tight for the night, as he had wished Kendra had done the night before he had left.


The morning after Ivar left his tent, shortly followed by the shieldmaiden. Her arms wrapped around his waist, as she nuzzled into the back of his shoulder.

"Morning Ivar" some of the passing fighters of his greeted him. looking to each other as they walked on and spoke amongst themselves.

"Ivar, is this a regular thing? Me sharing your bed?" The shieldmaiden had asked. He rolled his eyes and looked turned to look at her.

"I'm not promising anything but, I will send for you if want you" Ivar stated as he went back into his tent. To get ready for the last push on their plans. As he made his way over to his chariot. The men ready to finish off their last battle. Following Ubbe Hvitserk talking on the way about the shieldmaiden.

"Nothing had happened, she just stayed the night" Ivar stated.

"Not from what the men are saying Ivar. She seemed pretty keen" Hvitserk teased.

"I'm going back to Kendra after this, we will marry" Ivar stated looking an Ubbe for support.

"You can always take someone else on" Ubbe chimed in.

"I don't want anyone else, If the men wish to talk about me and let them believe that I can do all the things they can. There is no harm in that" Ivar shrugged.

"Is this about the stories of you and Margarethe?" Hvitserk asked watching at Ivar's face.

"You mean the lies Sigurd told? Then yes" Ivar shrugged. "What is wrong with letting the men know I am just as much of a man as they are" Ivar stated before riding off. Arriving at the battle field, no enemy in sight. But the men waiting for their opportunity to succeed.

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