|Chapter Eight|

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Kendra stood up eventually managing to wake Elwin up from his sleep. She smiled down at him, allowing him to loop his arms around her neck. She straightened up and tightened her grip. Her knees unsteady from the time at sea. By the time Kendra went to walk she noticed that the men had docked, leaving her Elwin and Ivar the only 3 left on the boat. Ivar reached for his crutch, slowly making his way to her.

"Are you ready Kendra?" Ivar asked, a smile on his face trying to reassure her. Asking her again, hoping for an actual response.

"Is this Kattegat?" Kendra asked looking around at what she could see.

"No, not yet" Ivar started as he, reached out and ruffled Elwin's hair. "We're in Norway, I need to make an alliance before we take Kattegat back" Ivar looked at her face, noticing how cold and emotionless it was as she nodded. "The King's name is Harald, he is a friend or something like that to my father" Ivar added trying to encourage her to speak.

"We should probably get off the boat" Kendra looked at the plank, her heart sinking at the sound of her own tone.

"Are you okay Kendra? You seem upset?" Ivar asked raising a brow at her. Kendra's sense of guilt being replaced with rage. After what she had seen and what she knew, shocked at his brazen audacity to keep things so sweet. Wondering whether he felt any sense of shame or guilt.

"I'm just homesick already, I just want to sleep in a bed. Have some time to myself" Kendra stated giving him a small smile, trying to get Ivar off the topic.

"It will take time" Ivar stated kissing her cheek "We will make it to Kattegat, it will be home for the two" noticing Elwin's shuffle, causing Ivar to laugh. "Three of us" He finished, receiving a nod and a smile from Elwin as he settled back on Kendra.

"I hope so" Kendra nodded, bouncing on her heels to try to wake her legs up. Ivar opened his arm for her to hold on to. Kendra shifted Elwin in her arms, using him to signal a no, as she walked on. Leaving Ivar standing there bewildered and annoyed. Slowly hoping along on his crutches behind them.


King Harald eagerly greeted Ivar, he seemed more than friendly to Kendra as she forced a smile. Ivar and Harald laying out their intentions of needing to discuss an alliance. Ivar introducing Kendra as his wife, Harald giving him a smirk.

"It is good, you needed a lady to keep you steady" He laughed as Ivar rolled his eyes.

"We have yet to marry under our gods. We wish to use it as a celebration for when we reclaim Kattegat" Ivar said with a smile, looking at Kendra with a sincere smile, his eyes full of awe. Kendra gave a smile and a nod in response.

"You don't speak much princess" Harald stated looking her up and down.

"I do apologise, it was my first time on such a journey" Kendra gushed out, still holding Elwin in her arms. "I am just tired" Kendra let out a yawn on que. Harald immediately apologising, his face sincere.

"Of course, I am sorry. Let me show you your rooms, well house for the mean time" Harald started as he led the way to the shack.

"Given that you and Ivar are married, it only seems fair to give you your own 4 walls" He laughed and nudged at Ivar suggestively. Kendra looked around, the smell of rotting carcass filling the air with the whaling port being so close. The shack was small but, homely with potential. She reminded herself it wasn't for long.

"It's lovely thank you King Harald" Kendra smiled at him.

"Do you mind if we settle in? I can come speak to you later?" Ivar asked looking and Harald.

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