|Chapter Four|

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Kendra had ensured that the food was stored safely for the church, checking in one last time on Elwin. Confirming that it was okay to leave with one of the sisters in charge for the evening. The nuns talking amongst themselves, Kendra over hearing them being thankful for the food given by the heathens. As she prepared her horse for the ride back, one of the nuns came out to see Kendra off.

"Are you okay sister?" Kendra asked calmly, "am I needed?" she asked again, tightening the straps of her saddle around her horse.

"No not at all Kendra, everything is as it should be" the nun approached giving her a small smile. "I just wanted to offer you some friendly words, I do hope I am not crossing the line" the nun smiled at Kendra.

"Speak freely sister" Kendra encouraged, appreciating the honesty.

"It is about Ivar" The nun started, "He may be rough and unusual, even hard to handle Kendra" she paused, looking for a sign of distress on Kendra's face. "But he is trying. We can all see it, he didn't have to bring food for us. Moreover, from what I know heathens don't apologise". The nun smiled, "He seems sincere, just abrupt and unsure... you may find he needs you and that you can help him as you do with so many" The nun finished.

Kendra took in the nun's words before thanking her and wishing her well. Kendra knew she needed someone to talk to or at least encourage her. With her mother passing and marriage being unquestionable, Kendra found refuge in the nun's words. Kendra rode back to her castle safely, she saw Ivar busying himself with some of his men. She gave him a small nod and slowly approached him.

"Thank you, Ivar" Kendra smiled. Keeping her distance from him. Not wanting to upset any of his men as they watched her intensely.

"For what?" he asked giving her a small smile.

"The food, it was needed and will not go to waste" Kendra tilted her head slightly, folding her arms trying not feel so small amongst the Vikings and their glares.

"We had spare" Ivar whispered, "I wanted to help them, your time spent there means a lot to you" Ivar shuffled uncomfortably. Not knowing how to stand or how to position himself. A few moments of silence had passed, not knowing what to say to each other, the atmosphere still tense.

"Ivar, was you still okay to go for a walk after dinner?" Kendra asked.

"I would like that, my meetings may take a little while though Kendra" Ivar paused, looking at her face not wanting to upset her. When he saw her eyes divert to the ground, her body rock on her feet. "I can send word if you are still awake?" Ivar asked with a small smile. His heard feeling heavy, not wanting to let her down, still wanting to make things right Kendra.

Kendra reached for Ivar's hand. Gently caressing with her thumb, her gentle skin grazing over her coarse and rough knuckles. She watched as Ivar's body relaxed, as he let out a small hum he smiled at her nervously.

"Do send word Ivar" Kendra chimed enthusiastically. Letting go of his hand and turning around to walk up the steps and into the castle, where she would get ready for her dinner.


Ivar was tapping his fingers on the table, listening to the plans between his brothers. Taking in the ideas. Battle strategy was easy to Ivar, he just needed to know the ground. He had settled on sending a small group of fighters to find out more about field. Hvitserk was nursing the same horn of mead, before asking about what to do about Kattegat.

"I can't think about that right now" Ubbe spoke clearly.

"We need to reclaim it surely?" Hvitserk asked looking up at Ivar for support.

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