|Chapter Ten|

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The battle had been going on for many weeks, the fighting and winning flipping sides. There had been countless talks, instigated by Lagertha's army. Ivar, Hvitserk and Harald not agreeing to any terms. Prolonging the battle but, eventually becoming victorious. All Ivar could think about, was how he wanted to be back in Kendra's arms. How he could not wait to make home in Kattegat. Marry Kendra in the eyes of his gods as promised, making his mother and father proud. The boats had already loaded, with the injured and the remaining items. Ivar was sat next Hvitserk when Hvitserk began making idle conversation.

"You didn't share your bed this time around brother?" Hvitserk asked nodding his head to the shieldmaiden on a different boat.

"I do not see the point when I have all I need in one woman" Ivar smiled, his hand holding the pendant dangling freely from his neck.

"things are going well with you and Kendra?" Hvitserk asked putting his younger brothers' shoulder.

"Very well... I have grown quite fond of her, when we return to Kattegat we will marry" Ivar beamed as he watched the boat depart from the land.

"I am happy for you brother. Do you reckon she will make a good queen? Kattegat and Christians do not go well" Hvitserk asked, his tone calm but only strengthening the realistic thought.

"she has been moulded from birth to rule, I think she will make a fair and great queen" Ivar smiled still. The idea of ruling with Kendra by his side exciting him, she would be forever fair. He knew he would be forever ruthless; her kindness would balance him out. "I guess when people realise how I care for her" he paused "how fair she could be, it could work" Ivar finished thinking about the struggles he knew laid ahead.

"Well you haven't married under our gods yet Ivar" Harald chimed in with a smile. Ivar giving him a glare as he watched his face soften. "All I am saying is, there are bound to be numerous troubles coming your way, reclaiming Kattegat, and bringing a Christian princess into the turmoil" Harald shrugged.

"What are you getting at Harald?" Ivar scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Well there is still time for you to choose another? Or return to England and rule her kingdom?" Harald nudged his shoulder "it hasn't been blessed by our gods yet, you have time to think" He shrugged and walked off. Ivar looking upon the horizon, angered at the prospect of leaving Kattegat, if he did Harald would surely take over. If he went back to England, he would miss his way of life, his gods. How could he have brought Kendra all this way, just to return. It wasn't happening. They were going to marry, give Kattegat something to celebrate and they will grow to love her. His mother was a stranger, but things went well under her regal reign there was no denying that.


It had been almost two weeks since Ivar's departure, the ongoing war over Kattegat that had been approaching for some time. A war between brothers, a way to bring justice for the death of Ivar's mother. A woman Kendra knew would not approve of her, especially over her religion. However, Kendra had been asking questions, trying to read books listen to stories, brushing up on her knowledge of the gods. The same gods her husband believed un-deniably in, there was no deny the stories were extravagant, some so farfetched to her own mind. But there was no denying the difference when comparing the world, she had known and loved. To the world she was to get to know.

She couldn't wait to tell Ivar how much she had learned, although the idea of sacrificing humans made her stomach turn, she was excited to have him tell her more. An excitement growing within her at the prospect of marrying Ivar in front of his own gods, asking for more and numerous deities to bless their marriage. She made a joke to herself about how their marriage would be the most blessed matrimony known to mankind. Elwin had grown restless, wanting to play and move. Even asking about metal supports like Ivar's. Kendra had worried the ideas he was getting, how he would cope not being fully developed like Ivar. His legs were still forming, his whole body still forming. Last thing she wanted to cause was more damage to his fragile frame.

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