Different Worlds

By happydaysandersen

38.5K 882 31

An alliance is sought with an English king in the wake of the great army's attacks. Ivar has been chosen to... More

|Chapter One|
|Chapter Two|
|Chapter Three|
|Chapter Four|
|Chapter Five|
|Chapter Six|
|Chapter Seven|
|Chapter Eight|
|Chapter Nine|
|Chapter Eleven|
|Chapter Twelve|
|Chapter Thirteen|Finale|

|Chapter Ten|

2.1K 57 4
By happydaysandersen

The battle had been going on for many weeks, the fighting and winning flipping sides. There had been countless talks, instigated by Lagertha's army. Ivar, Hvitserk and Harald not agreeing to any terms. Prolonging the battle but, eventually becoming victorious. All Ivar could think about, was how he wanted to be back in Kendra's arms. How he could not wait to make home in Kattegat. Marry Kendra in the eyes of his gods as promised, making his mother and father proud. The boats had already loaded, with the injured and the remaining items. Ivar was sat next Hvitserk when Hvitserk began making idle conversation.

"You didn't share your bed this time around brother?" Hvitserk asked nodding his head to the shieldmaiden on a different boat.

"I do not see the point when I have all I need in one woman" Ivar smiled, his hand holding the pendant dangling freely from his neck.

"things are going well with you and Kendra?" Hvitserk asked putting his younger brothers' shoulder.

"Very well... I have grown quite fond of her, when we return to Kattegat we will marry" Ivar beamed as he watched the boat depart from the land.

"I am happy for you brother. Do you reckon she will make a good queen? Kattegat and Christians do not go well" Hvitserk asked, his tone calm but only strengthening the realistic thought.

"she has been moulded from birth to rule, I think she will make a fair and great queen" Ivar smiled still. The idea of ruling with Kendra by his side exciting him, she would be forever fair. He knew he would be forever ruthless; her kindness would balance him out. "I guess when people realise how I care for her" he paused "how fair she could be, it could work" Ivar finished thinking about the struggles he knew laid ahead.

"Well you haven't married under our gods yet Ivar" Harald chimed in with a smile. Ivar giving him a glare as he watched his face soften. "All I am saying is, there are bound to be numerous troubles coming your way, reclaiming Kattegat, and bringing a Christian princess into the turmoil" Harald shrugged.

"What are you getting at Harald?" Ivar scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Well there is still time for you to choose another? Or return to England and rule her kingdom?" Harald nudged his shoulder "it hasn't been blessed by our gods yet, you have time to think" He shrugged and walked off. Ivar looking upon the horizon, angered at the prospect of leaving Kattegat, if he did Harald would surely take over. If he went back to England, he would miss his way of life, his gods. How could he have brought Kendra all this way, just to return. It wasn't happening. They were going to marry, give Kattegat something to celebrate and they will grow to love her. His mother was a stranger, but things went well under her regal reign there was no denying that.


It had been almost two weeks since Ivar's departure, the ongoing war over Kattegat that had been approaching for some time. A war between brothers, a way to bring justice for the death of Ivar's mother. A woman Kendra knew would not approve of her, especially over her religion. However, Kendra had been asking questions, trying to read books listen to stories, brushing up on her knowledge of the gods. The same gods her husband believed un-deniably in, there was no deny the stories were extravagant, some so farfetched to her own mind. But there was no denying the difference when comparing the world, she had known and loved. To the world she was to get to know.

She couldn't wait to tell Ivar how much she had learned, although the idea of sacrificing humans made her stomach turn, she was excited to have him tell her more. An excitement growing within her at the prospect of marrying Ivar in front of his own gods, asking for more and numerous deities to bless their marriage. She made a joke to herself about how their marriage would be the most blessed matrimony known to mankind. Elwin had grown restless, wanting to play and move. Even asking about metal supports like Ivar's. Kendra had worried the ideas he was getting, how he would cope not being fully developed like Ivar. His legs were still forming, his whole body still forming. Last thing she wanted to cause was more damage to his fragile frame.

Just as Kendra was coming back from her thoughts, she felt a wave of sickness wash over her. It wasn't the first time the spontaneous sickness flushed through her. She only put it down to the smell of a carcasses or food. But she was beginning to feel weak with the lack of appetite, her body aching from broken and restless sleep. Although, she thought she was restless worrying about Ivar, wanting to fall asleep in his arms again. It was Elwin that had convinced her to be seen by a healer, when he saw her fall faint one to many times for his liking. As she got up to her feet and grabbed the nearest bowl emptying her stomach into it, she wiped her mouth.

"are you going to see a healer today?" Elwin asked, staying back but watching on. "I can come with you? it rare you are looked at" He smiled as she laughed.

"I am sure it is nothing Elwin, just being restless" she wiped her head with a damp cloth.

"it seems to get worse" Elwin whined this time. Causing Kendra to roll her eyes.

"If I go to prove I am fine, will stop mentioned it?" Kendra asked giving him a small smile.

"I will be on my best behaviour, not mentioning your illness" Elwin placed his hands together now begging.

"if we leave now, I will get checked and you can play with the kids before dinner" Kendra smiled, grabbing Elwin's cloak, and tightening it around his neck before adjusting her own.


Kendra had made her way inside the hut, filled with herbs and flowers. Pastes and all sorts of weird smells. Elwin opting to stay outside, talking to one of the children nearby. Kendra had made her way through, calling out to whoever was inside.

"I am coming dear" A voice spoke wiping her hands on her overall. "I am sorry to keep you princess" She spoke calmly bowing down.

"Oh please, don't bow" Kendra spoke calmly, "I am just woman here, trying to find my place" Kendra laughed giving the woman a warm smug.

"Aren't we all dear" she laughed as Kendra let out a small laugh agreeing with her statement. "How can I help?" she asked sitting down, signalling for Kendra to take a seat.

"I have been feeling faint, random waves of sickness washing over me" Kendra started "restless sleep and constant aches" she paused looking at the woman "I am sure it is nothing, probably just feeling restless my husband being away fighting. But the child I care for wished for me be looked at" she laughed, feeling silly taking the advice of a mere child.

"Let me look at you dear, have you been intimate with your husband?" she asked, standing up approaching Kendra. Placing her hands on her stomach and poking around.

"Ouch" Kendra winced, a pain shooting up her side. "Yes, I have been intimate, only recently. We didn't think we could, but we can" Kendra laughed, trying not to give too much away.

"Well dear, I think you may be with child" The healer said, supporting Kendra back to a comfortable position. "It is still early, but the symptoms you describe are typical. The gods have blessed your union for a second time by the sound of it" the healer smiled.

Kendra shocked, trying to take in the news. With child, she said the words sending fear straight through her.

"is there any other possible reason?" Kendra asked trying not to get her hopes up.

"I can't imagine so love, you still have time but, do not over work yourself" The healer stated. "do not stress or worry, your husband will soon return. You can share your news. A child is a blessing" The healer chimed wiping Kendra cheek.

"I am to be a mother?" Kendra stated processing everything she had been told.

"yes dear" the healer laughed. "one already with practice given the child outside" she laughed as Kendra shook her head, remembering Elwin outside.

"Thank you" Kendra chimed, smiling to herself. Kendra got up and went to meet Elwin outside, smiling to herself. Reassuring him of her wellbeing, as she walked with him back to their home, watching him play with the children before the bells sounded, signalling for dinner. Kendra trying her best to eat what she could, with reason to eat now. Anticipating for Ivar's safe return now she has news to share.


It had been over a week since Kendra had visited the healer, Kendra had been busying herself with readying the house, making it as cosy as possible. Preoccupying herself with sewing, everything from new tunics for Ivar to clothes for Elwin and a throw to cover up the chairs. She had been proud of her work. A parcel had arrived from England, with word from her father. As much as she hated being away from all she knew, she appreciated sending and hearing word between herself and her family. This time her father had sent a gift, a wedding gift as asked and spoke about in their letters.

From Kendra's questionings of how Vikings weddings took place, she had learned of a sword exchange. The notion seemed soothing to her, the idea of an heirloom of Ivar's being passed on to their children. With something of her own fathers being passed on to protect the marriage. Although, her father could not part with his own sword, she knew this to be true since it is symbolic of his reign. She undid the tie on the box and lifted the lid up. Revealing a silver sword, engraved with Latin and English inscription, the handle mad of gold and encrusted with two gems on either side of the handle. She smiled at it, reading the inscription and the note inside.

Her heart sunk at the idea of family treasures being melted down. She was excited to see Ivar's reaction. She stood practicing holding it, the weight of the sword was heavy to Kendra. Having to take a moment to balance it properly. She had hoped it wasn't too brash for Ivar, hoping he would take it to battle when he was away. As she put it back in the box, hiding the box safely out of reach and turned to resume her sewing. A slight twinge shooting up her side, an ongoing and unwelcome feeling as she looked down.


Dinner had soon come to an end, the moon was shining bright, reflecting on the sea. People began leaving their great hall, emptying out onto the streets, when the sound of horns blowing could be heard throughout the town. Signalling for survivors from the battle. Kendra's heart thumping through her rib cage, with the excitement. She knew Ivar was safe, she had believed she would know if he had fallen in battle. Kendra rushed holding Elwin on her side to the docks, watching man after man and woman after woman climb off the boat. She even recognised the shield maiden, the look she gave her as Kendra shrugged it off and ruffled Elwin's hair.

"He will be off the boat soon Elwin" Kendra whispered, as she felt him shuffle against her embrace.

As the boats were almost empty Kendra turned around, the chill of the air shaking her bones. As she began to walk back to her hut, mumbling about Ivar being on the next lot of boats. She heard his voice, how she had missed it.

"I do hope you hadn't given up on my return wife" His voice shook, his teeth chattering with the cold as she turned around to see him. Tears leaving her eyes as she let out of a low cry.

"I thought you would be with the next lot of boats husband" she spoke, gently placing one foot in front of the other approaching him.

"You look beautiful Kendra" He gushed, his hand reaching for her dress. His grip pulling her into him as he held her as close as he could. Resting a hand supporting Elwin's weight. "How about we go home, I just want my wife beside me tonight" Ivar whispered kissing her temple as he soothed Elwin back to sleep with his hand through his hair.

"I could think of nothing better husband" Kendra whispered, heading back to their house.


Kendra watched on as she settled Elwin down to sleep, before gently and quietly making her way to her bedroom. Seeing Ivar already settled under the furs, a throw she had made resting over the top.

"I love what you have made here Kendra" Ivar smiled, looking around the room noticing her craft. He shuffled under the bed turning on his side to face her.

"Thank you, Ivar" she smiled, lifting the cover to get under it with him. Her hand reaching out to caress his cheek, Ivar's eyes closing gently at her touch.

"I have missed you Kendra" Ivar whispered, his voice signalling all the tiredness her had felt since being away.

"tomorrow, can we just spend the day together?" Kendra asked as she lifted Ivar's arms, resting her leg gently over his, sleeping skin to skin and feeling as comfortable as she ever had.

"Whatever you wish wife, I would not mind not leaving this bed at all" Ivar whispered placing his lips to hers as he cosied up to her, his arms softening around her keeping her close.


Daylight had broken, the light shining through the fabric curtains covering the windows. Ivar had rolled over under the furs, his arm over his wife's hip. Tightening his grip as he pulled her into his chest. He smiled at the feeling of her body wriggling and settling against him. the curve and groove of her arse pressed against his already hard prick.

"good morning husband" Kendra spoke, her voice heavy with sleep skipping over each of her words.

"Good morning wife" Ivar groaned back, resting his head into her free-falling brown hair.

"your already awake" Kendra smiled, shifting her hips rubbing her arse along his hard length. Ivar's lips parting, letting a low groan escape his mouth.

"You need to stop that wife" Ivar whispered as her moved her hair over her shoulder, out the way of his assault. His lips and tongue working at her neck, Kendra moaning into the air. Kendra stretched her hand behind her and began pumping away at his length. Ivar's hips rocking into her hand. His moans turning to low growls. "I have missed your touch, the way you smell. The way you feel and the way you taste" Ivar stated, his lips moving down her neck, his hand traveling to her breasts. His fingers toying with her nipples, feeling them harden under his grasp.

"I have missed the way you work me Ivar" Kendra moaned, his hand traveling down her stomach, moving to her folds. "The way you fill me so well" Kendra whispered, "with your dick and with your seed" Kendra moaned, this time Ivar groaning with her at her words. Awakening a lust in him that he had worked hard to keep dormant for so long on his journey.

"I want to fill you with my seed with" Ivar whispered back, lifting her leg up and over his waist, crawling behind her, rubbing his length against her slit. He could feel the warmth radiating from her, welcoming and calling him. "Over" He whispered as he rocked his hips "Over" he whispered again repeating the motion, feeling Kendra writhe back against him "and over again, until you swell with my baby" Ivar groaned, his finger seeking out her bud, the bundle of nerves that threw her over the edge every time.

"Ivar, I want to have your child" Kendra cried, feeling him push inside of her. Her walls adjusting to the welcome but much missed sensation of her his prick. His thickness taking her by surprise as she rocked back onto him, their bodies picking up a rhythm they had mastered. Their lips drying as moans escaped. Their moans turning to euphoric cries. The sweat beading at Ivar's body, his thrusts becoming slopping as he felt her walls tighten. Kendra body shaking against Ivar's, her release and climax flowing through her. As she cried one last time, Ivar emptying inside of her with one last thrust.
Kendra laid in Ivar's arms, her back against his chest. His muscles flexing around her, holding her tight as he was scared, she would vanish. Ivar remaining inside of her until her became sore, pulling out and ensuring she stayed on her back.

"I want you to stay in bed for my, at least for a while" Ivar whispered as Kendra looked at him, feeling guilty for not telling him her news, she wanted to share with Ivar. Have him be so thrilled at the idea of being a father, she wanted to be able to feel excited. But she realised she wanted to enjoy having her husband to herself a little more.

"I can walk Ivar" Kendra groaned as Ivar leaned into her, His eyes exploring her own.

"I know, But I meant what I said. I want a child Kendra" Ivar started his eyes never leaving her own. "I want to marry you, before our gods. I want to return to Kattegat, I want you to carry my child" He finished as her caressed her cheek. Kendra nodded closing her eyes, feeling herself drift off to sleep under Ivar's watchful eyes.


Kendra finally woke up the sounds of Ivar and Elwin in the living room. Laying there for another moment, she could hear Elwin getting excited and Ivar speaking softly. Kendra kicked her legs out of the bed, and pulled a shawl over her arms, gently making her way to the living room. When she saw what was before her, her blood boiled rage filtering though her.

"What is going on here?" Kendra asked, her tone stern.

"Ivar is helping me walk Kendra" Elwin beamed at her, balancing on his crutch and his legs strapped up in smaller versions of Ivar's fabric supports. Ivar looked up at her, smiling.

"he's doing great" Ivar chimed ruffling his hair.

"He doesn't need to walk" Kendra stated. "He was doing perfectly fine as he was!" Kendra's voice raising. Elwin falling back startled as he looked up at her.

"He wanted to walk" Ivar stated calmly, "You said you thought I could help me... I am helping him" Ivar face screwing up, confused about what had upset her. "You can't carry him around forever Kendra" Ivar finished, helping prop Elwin back up on his feet.

"He could have had a cart!" Kendra shouting now.

"Kendra you're the one scaring him, he was doing so well!" Ivar shouted back. Elwin trying not to cry at the raised voices, sitting down and taking the supports off.

"I just wanted to be able to play with the other kids... Like ordinary children play" Elwin sighed, his words saddening Kendra and cutting Ivar deep.

"go outside and play buddy" Ivar smiled at Elwin and as he wiped Elwin's cheeks watching him crawl off.

"what was that all about Kendra?" Ivar hissed at her

"I don't want you turning him into you! I did not know he wanted to walk!" Kendra straightened up her posture.

"Because him being like me would be so bad?!" Ivar raised his voice.

"He is not you! you can't make him like you!" Kendra defended her argument. "I love you. But he is not you! Elwin is soft and gentle he is a child" Kendra raised her voice back.

"A child, who wants to walk and play with the other children like the other children Kendra!" Ivar paused looking at her "I am not taking him out and having it play with swords and bows Kendra. The kid wanted to walk!" Ivar explained. Kendra felt guilt wash right over her, the thought of upsetting her friend and insulting her husband.

"I am sorry Ivar" Kendra spoke. "I saw him standing and with the same things you use. I panicked" Kendra paused looking at him "I remembered all the time your feet hurt you more because you have been on them, the scars from the screws on your metal frames" Kendra wiped her face "I don't want him to hurt any more than already does Ivar" she shrugged walking away from him, leaving Ivar on his own.

The evening had passed with neither of them talking, even at the great hall for dinner. Ivar was angry, Kendra knew it would be some time before he was approachable. Kendra played with her food, with the loss of appetite remembering the baby growing inside her. How bad she felt for not thinking about it today, not one thought about the growing soul inside of her. The argument with Ivar and the growing tension around had caused her stress.

"I am going to retire" Kendra stated pushing her plate away from her.

"You have hardly eaten" Ivar looked at her plate and then to her.

"I do not feel like eating" Kendra stated as she stood up, causing Ivar to sit back in his chair refusing to argue. He waved her off and avoided her face, sipping his mead. Ivar focused on the conversation between brothers. Listening to the sounds of her footsteps grow distant, as she walked away. Refusing to the follow her.


It had been over a week since the argument with Ivar, Kendra still hadn't told him about her being with child. There were plans underway and they were due to return to Kattegat at the end of the week. The boats were ready, the belongings were packed. Kendra and Ivar were still trying to get back on track. Kendra had begun fainting again, the pains had started in her stomach again, and her appetite had still vanished. Elwin was working on his use of crutches; the children were welcoming of him in games. Although, they knew he couldn't run or catch the ball on the crutches, his balance still being wobbly. Ivar had enjoyed watching Elwin being accepted by the children, they attempted to include him had made him consider his own child hood. None of the children wanted to play with Ivar after he buried an axe in one child's head. He admired the friendships Elwin was making, how different Elwin was to himself. How Kendra was a part of that.

It was when Ivar was watching Elwin play, her would think about having children with Kendra, how his children would be the very best of her and himself. Whether, they would have her hair, and who's eyes. How he would look forward to training sessions and watching them grown. Even imagining a daughter to take care of them both in their old age. A son coming back and telling tales of his victories or travels. It was only when he heard crashing and breaking, that brought Ivar back to reality. Ivar got up on his crutches and made his way inside the house. Gently and slowly making his way through the rooms.

"Kendra are you okay?" Ivar called getting to nothing in return, "Kendra?" He asked as he found her laying on the floor in the hallway. He used his crutches to get as close as possible, sliding down the wall to sit on the floor by her head. "Kendra, what has happened love?" He asked, a sense of fear and anger washing through him. He thought it could have an assault, but looking around the room, the crockery had just falling off the surfaces. Most likely when Kendra fell over.

"Are you in pain?" Ivar asked, brushing her hair aside, trying to tell if she could speak. He had noticed she hadn't been eating, looking pale and in some way frail. Elwin, had mentioned her fainting but he just assumed she had been ill, trying to get her to rest. But, looking at her on the floor, under her touch he could tell there was more to it. More beneath the surface Ivar immediately hating himself for distancing and pulling away. Being too stubborn to back down.

"Elwin!" Ivar cried out, hoping the boy could hear him, shortly after the boy's face was visible peering around the corner.

"Is Kendra hurt?" He asked sadness on his face.

"she could be, I need you to get a healer okay? Or ask for your friends to send for one" Ivar asked, his voice shaking as he tried to stay calm. He watched Elwin disappear, Ivar played with his wife's hair.

"Kendra, I'm sorry I have been distant" Ivar whispered as she held her hand, her chest was moving each breath. She was alive, just not responding. Ivar held her still waiting on a healer to arrive.


The healer had arrived shortly after, Ivar's brothers Hvitserk and Ubbe had come to help move Kendra to the bed, offering support to Ivar as he worried. Elwin staying by the bed, watching over Kendra.

"she will be okay brother" Hvitserk said, rubbing his younger brothers' shoulder.

"I feel terrible, things haven't been good since our argument" Ivar watched on at the healer busying herself around his wife. "I knew she has not eaten properly, she was looking frail but, I did not care to talk to her about it" Ivar groaned, his head in his hands.

"is the baby going to be okay?" Elwin asked the healer. Ivar's head shooting up at the word baby.

"Elwin did you just say baby?" Ivar asked his eyes white, staring him down. Trying to assess the situation and the words that left the boys mouth.

"Kendra was with child, she was ill while you were away Ivar" Elwin squirmed under his gaze. "I did tell her to see a healer, and the healer said she was with child" Elwin looked down at his feet. Ivar's hear sunk at the words the boy spoke, He was night mad at Elwin he knew he cared for Kendra, did what he thought was right in telling her to see a healer.

Ivar grew angry at his wife not telling him, he understood things were bad. But a child is great news. have revelled at the thought, making sure she rested. They wouldn't have argued, he would have been supportive. The thought of his wife not be able to tell him such news was heart breaking.

"I am sorry Ivar" Elwin spoke sadly, looking at Kendra.

"It is not your fault Elwin" Ivar spoke calmly. Watching him resume his place holding Kendra's hand.

"did you not know brother?" Ubbe asked Ivar, his face sad.

"Kendra did not tell me she was with child" Ivar shrugged.

It was in that moment the men were ushered out of the room, leaving Kendra and the healer alone on their own, waiting for a thrall to assist her. The men seating outside the house, waiting on news or anything. Elwin growing impatient as Ivar tried to cuddle him.

"she will be fine Elwin" Ivar whispered as he ruffled his hair.

"I didn't mean to upset you, if I had said to much" Elwin whispered to Ivar.

"Don't you worry about that now" Ivar gave a small smile and held him close.


It had been some time since the healer had arrived, the sun was setting as the men were still sat outside. The thrall had finally opened the door, letting the men inside.

"I need to talk to you Ivar" The thrall had pulled Ivar aside.

"Can I just get Elwin settled?" He asked as she nodded. "Come on buddy, you need a nap before dinner. It has been a busy day".

"Can I see Kendra before?" Elwin asked looking up at Ivar.

"I think they are still in the room buddy, once you wake up you can see her" Ivar smiled at him, as he followed him into Elwin's room, tucking him into the bed under the furs. Talking to him for some time until he fell asleep.

Ivar came out, to speak to the thrall this time she was seated with the healer. Ivar had sat down with Ubbe and Hvitserk.

"Is my wife okay?" Ivar asked looking at the healer.

"She will recover, she needs rest Ivar" the healer looked at her bag.

"What of the baby?" Ivar asked, relieved that Kendra was going to be well.

"we had to take the baby Ivar out" The healer watched his face, his features turning stern.

"it's dead?" Ivar asked trying to process what was being spoke about.

"We do not know why, but the baby was making Kendra ill. Her blood was tainted, and the baby would not have made it to full time" the healer spoke, her face soft and her tone sad.

"can I see?" Ivar asked, "I want to see my child" Ivar added. The healer looked at him.

"It was barely formed Ivar, merely a blob of blood" The healer said calmly. Ivar looked at her his eyes angry.

"I want to see, it was still a life and I want to see my child" Ivar spat, the healer nodded, opening her bag. Pulling out a cover, drenched with blood, no bigger than her palm.

Ivar's face softened immediately, reaching for the cloth not opening it. He nodded and gave it back to the healer.

"My wife will recover?" Ivar asked as the healer nodded.

"She needs rest Ivar, but she will make a full recover. She should be able to children. You will be blessed again" the healer, stood as she touched his shoulder reassuring him before she left.

His bother speechless at what had happened, they looked at Ivar.

"I want to be with my wife" Ivar whispered as she turned around and made his way to Kendra's bed, lying beside, and holding her hand.

"we will bring you food Ivar, one of us will stay if you need help" Ubbe said calmly.

"I just want to be alone right now Ubbe, thank you" Ivar nodded as he watched his brother leave the room. Ivar stayed beside his wife, his fingers ghosting over her jaw and cheek. Tears falling from his eyes, thinking of all the things he wished to say. All the questions he wanted to ask. But all he wanted most was Kendra to open her eyes.

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