Different Worlds

By happydaysandersen

40.5K 929 47

An alliance is sought with an English king in the wake of the great army's attacks. Ivar has been chosen to... More

|Chapter One|
|Chapter Two|
|Chapter Three|
|Chapter Four|
|Chapter Five|
|Chapter Seven|
|Chapter Eight|
|Chapter Nine|
|Chapter Ten|
|Chapter Eleven|
|Chapter Twelve|
|Chapter Thirteen|Finale|

|Chapter Six|

2.5K 61 1
By happydaysandersen

It had been over a couple of days since the heathen army had left for battle. Although, word was filtering back to the villagers about the falling armies. A sense of relief had found its way through the town. With people feeling like they can sleep easy, knowing that the immediate danger had been warded off. Kendra had busied herself with wedding plans, distracting herself from the lack of word from Ivar.

Almost everything was set and arranged, her dress was almost finished, Ivar's tunic was complete. The only thing he had to do was try it on. There had been a marital suite made up for the pair of them. In the far end of the castle, for privacy and Ivar's easy access to the stairs. Kendra had even managed to confirm that Elwin would attend, being seated near the front as her main guest. All that was left for Kendra to do, was to preoccupy herself so that time passed a little quicker.


It had been many nights with the battle in full swing, after one of numerous successes the army had settled for the night before moving on. Ivar had grown frustrated and lonesome in the night. Whilst staying out and drinking in the celebrations, Ivar had taken favour to shieldmaiden he had seen fighting earlier in the day. After conversation, and many horns of mead. Ivar had decided to retire to bed, inviting her along.

"Ivar what troubles you?" The shieldmaiden had asked as she pressed her body against his. The pair of them falling on the bed.

"I do not wish to talk of his" Ivar stated calmly, his eyes focussing on her lips. How her blonde braided hair rested over her shoulder. He couldn't help but appreciate how homely the woman was, how different she was in comparison to Kendra.

"Well maybe I can distract you" she whispered, her hand tracing under his tunic, their lips crashing and fighting against each other. This had carried on, until Ivar had felt a pang of guilt wash through him. Knowing he wasn't even married to Kendra yet and had already found another. As he rolled over, the shieldmaiden cuddling up behind him. Holding him tight for the night, as he had wished Kendra had done the night before he had left.


The morning after Ivar left his tent, shortly followed by the shieldmaiden. Her arms wrapped around his waist, as she nuzzled into the back of his shoulder.

"Morning Ivar" some of the passing fighters of his greeted him. looking to each other as they walked on and spoke amongst themselves.

"Ivar, is this a regular thing? Me sharing your bed?" The shieldmaiden had asked. He rolled his eyes and looked turned to look at her.

"I'm not promising anything but, I will send for you if want you" Ivar stated as he went back into his tent. To get ready for the last push on their plans. As he made his way over to his chariot. The men ready to finish off their last battle. Following Ubbe Hvitserk talking on the way about the shieldmaiden.

"Nothing had happened, she just stayed the night" Ivar stated.

"Not from what the men are saying Ivar. She seemed pretty keen" Hvitserk teased.

"I'm going back to Kendra after this, we will marry" Ivar stated looking an Ubbe for support.

"You can always take someone else on" Ubbe chimed in.

"I don't want anyone else, If the men wish to talk about me and let them believe that I can do all the things they can. There is no harm in that" Ivar shrugged.

"Is this about the stories of you and Margarethe?" Hvitserk asked watching at Ivar's face.

"You mean the lies Sigurd told? Then yes" Ivar shrugged. "What is wrong with letting the men know I am just as much of a man as they are" Ivar stated before riding off. Arriving at the battle field, no enemy in sight. But the men waiting for their opportunity to succeed.


Kendra had spent the morning with Elwin, watching him pass the ball to and from the other children. Playing innocently, admiring how happy he was. As he crawled up and over to Kendra on the steps.

"I hear that we are winning Kendra" Elwin smiled at her, Kendra giving him a small nod.

"It would seem that way Elwin" Kendra smiled at him.

"So, Ivar will be back soon? And you are to marry him?" Elwin asked as Kendra ruffled his hair.

"a day or so after he returns the wedding will take place, you are still coming Elwin" she teased him.

"I wouldn't miss it" Elwin nodded moving up the step and sitting next to her. "Does this mean you will leave to go back with Ivar?" Elwin asked, a hint of sadness on his face.

"I am, we are to have another wedding for his people" Kendra said happily. "What troubles you Elwin?" Kendra asked concern laced in her tone.

"I won't see you if you go. Not until you return" Elwin shuffled his hips getting comfortable.

"You can't think I'm going to leave you on your own Elwin" she smiled at him, straightening up his brown hair.

"on my own?" Elwin asked curiously.

"Well I have yet to speak to Ivar but, when we leave, I will ask you come with us" Kendra smiled

"That would be exciting" Elwin chimed as hugged her. Kendra embracing him in a tighter hug.


It had been over a week since Ivar and the heathen army rode off for battle. Kendra had spent most of her time at the church or helping with Elwin, with wedding plans being completed. She had taken to praying for Ivar's safe return. More than before as the days had passed. It was only when the sound of excitement from the villagers could be heard through the chapel window. That Kendra parted to look out of it. The sight of horses and the army returning in the courtyard. As she ran down the countless spiral steps, making her way out of the doors.

Watching on as groups of men came through the gates, excitement flooding through her as she kept watch for the chariot. Particularly, the bright blue eyes had had longed to gaze into for such a long time. She could see Ubbe and Hvitserk first. As she dismounted their horses and strapped them up, they gave her a smile and a nod as she waved at them. Approaching them both, with a genuine smile.

"Thank you" she chimed as both brothers gave a big smile back and told her that everything was a success. Before walking away to go congratulate their men in celebration of their return.

Kendra finally catching sight of Ivar's chariot. As she ran over to it, relief taking over her.

"Ivar!" Kendra cried as he looked at her. Leaning over the side of the chariot to reach for her hand.

"Kendra" He whispered in a hushed tone. "Climb up" He smiled as she walked around the chariot and climbed on.

"I was so worried" Kendra whispered as she placed her hand to his cheek. Ivar placed his hand over hers. His other hand going to her hips pulling her into to sit on his lap.

"we won" Ivar whispered to her. "Your people are safe Kendra" He smiled to her as she leaned into him. Placing her lips to his, cutting him off from whatever he was to say next. Ivar leaned into her kiss, their lips parting and tongues meeting. Kendra's hand falling to the back of Ivar's neck, her fingers playing with his hair. As he let out a low growl, Kendra smiling as she parted.

"Are you okay? You're not hurt?" Kendra asked. As Ivar pulled her into him again to resume where the left off. His hand making its way to her arse as he moved her as close as possible into him. Holding on to her as he leaned up into her kiss.

"It felt so good" He whispered, his lips now kissing at the corner of her mouth. Kendra heart racing, as she felt a sense of excitement. Different to the one she felt when waiting on him to arrive.

"When I did that?" Kendra asked as she played with his hair again. His eyes going wide as he growled again. Kendra laughing as she smiled at him. Resting her forehead to his.

"Would it be okay If I stayed with you tonight?" Kendra asked as Ivar raised his brow at her.

"Are you sure?" Ivar whispered his words and breath hitting her skin.

"I could help bathe you" She smiled giving him a gentle and chased kiss. "I could un braid your hair, re braid it in the morning" she gave him another quick kiss. "I can hold you while we sleep again" she smiled at him. He looked up at her, his eyes watering as he remembered the shieldmaiden. He nodded his head.

"I would love that Kendra" Ivar chimed as her wrapped his arm around her waist. Holding her in place, as Kendra tightened her grip around him. They both stayed there while the excitement had died down. It being easier and quieter to leave.


King Alden had arranged a feast to celebrate the success of the heathen army. Promising an end to the sieges and wars against their small kingdom. The music was steady, and the wine was flowing. Talks amongst north men and Christians were pleasant as Kendra smiled over to Ivar, he smiled back, seeming distant. Kendra reached for his hand, caressing it with her thumb.

"What troubles you Ivar?" Kendra asked her eyes sympathetic. Ivar shrugged trying not to look at her, guilt was eating him up. Remembering the maiden in his tent, he grew annoyed at himself. Many men took another, they weren't married yet it shouldn't have mattered. It was just a kiss was all he told himself.

"I think I'm just tired Kendra" He whispered back. Trying to keep his tone steady.

"would you like to retire?" Kendra asked, kissing his cheek. "I can join you" Kendra added as Ivar's lips turned to a small smile.

"I would like that Kendra" Ivar tightened his grip on her hand. Bringing it to his lips, placing a kiss to it. Kendra stood up from her seat as she helped pull Ivar's back for him. He used his crutch to balance on, allowing Kendra to link her arm through his. The pair of them walked out of the festivities, and down the steps making it to Ivar's tent.

"Thank you for rubbing my shoulders and legs down earlier Kendra" Ivar spoke as he sat down on the bed. Watching Kendra light, a candle to keep it the room bright.

"No need to thank me Ivar, you were very tense" she smiled at him, watching his ease of his tunic over his head taking it off. The sight of his torso peeking out of the fabric, his chest and muscles tightened with each move he made. As Kendra grazed her lip with her teeth giving him a small smile.

"Would you like some help with your breaches?" Kendra asked as he smiled at her.

"No thank you" Ivar grumbled as he took them off, shimmying out of his trousers. Once he looked up, he watched Kendra undress. Ivar rubbed at his legs trying to divert the sense of static in his thighs. Kendra turned to Ivar as she undid her hair. Letting it fall effortlessly over her shoulders as she walked over to the bed. Ivar couldn't help but admire the way the outline of her body illuminated through the fabric in the light. He laid back on the bed and crawled up to Kendra, as she pulled the furs over them both. Ivar cuddled up to Kendra as she played with his hair.

"Ivar, I have something to ask" Kendra whispered.

"What is that?" Ivar asked looking up to her, his eyes hidden under his lashes.

"When we go back to your home, I would like to bring Elwin" Kendra stated, should could feel Ivar tense up under her skin.

"The crippled boy?" he mumbled, shaking his head.

"He's my friend, yes him" Kendra whispered caressing his cheek.

"He won't last the journey" Ivar stated resting on his elbows to look at her.

"You don't know that, I can't leave him hear Ivar. Please" Kendra her tone softening.

"He won't be received well Kendra, what if we had our own children?" Ivar raised his brow. "How would that work with him about?" Ivar asked seriously.

"I think you will be good for him Ivar" Kendra leaned up kissing him gently. "If anything happens to him, I will be accountable" Kendra whispered, as she kissed jaw. Receiving a low hum.

"You need to stop that" Ivar groaned, causing Kendra to smile to herself, her fingers running through his hair. Ivar dropped his hips as she bit at her ear. Kendra gasping at the feeling of his breath hitting her skin.


The day had come, Kendra was having breakfast with her father.

"you're getting married tonight Kendra. Are you excited?" King Alden had asked.

"I am father, I think we could give it a chance to be happy" Kendra smiled at him.

"The north men were more than merry last night, celebrating their leader's marriage" Kendra smiled.

"They deserve some nights of celebrating from what they have done for us father" she laughed.

"Elwin had stayed here as your guest last night" the king looked up at Kendra. "He was so excited about the wedding" the king smiled. Trying his best to keep the conversation going.

"He is a sweet boy" Kendra added. As she got up and reached for her father's hand. "I know you worry father. But Ivar and I have taken our time, we are still getting to know each other. I trust he will take care of me" Kendra smiled as her father nodded.

Kendra walked off to go to her room, being stopped by a servant on her way up the stairs.

"Princess, Ivar dropped these by for you" the servant called as she showed Kendra the same flowers, he had given her on their first walk. She smiled to the servant and nodded a thank you. As she took the flowers to what would be their new marital suite. She sat on the bed, thinking about how they would both be in the bed. She had spoken about how the marital night should go, Kendra was nervous about the pain. The possibility of Ivar having had someone better before. Kendra made her way to her old room, it looked empty since most of her stuff had been either packed up or moved to the marital suite. The servants had made her up a bath, so she could get ready for the events of the night.


Ivar was in his tent getting ready for the event, his hair had been braided, his tunic was on. Although, the look of himself in the mirror made him scoff. Realising how he had looked nothing like himself. It was when the door of his tent opened. He turned to find the shieldmaiden in the door way, Ivar rolled his eyes.

"Have you come to mock me?" Ivar asked as he used his crutches to stand tall.

"No Ivar, I've come to see if I can help you?" she asked her eyes small as she took the image of him in.

"I don't need your help. I'm getting soon" Ivar scowled as he looked at her.

"Ivar please" she approached him, her hands running through his hair.

"Will you let me go" Ivar hissed slapping her hand away. "I don't want Kendra knowing about what had happened. It was one night, just to fill the loneliness" Ivar urged her. "Do you understand?" he growled as she nodded. "Good then leave me alone" Ivar stated, venom laced on his tone. Holding the door open for her to leave.

Hvitserk soon replacing her, joining Ivar in his tent.

"Are you having trouble with her brother?" Hvitserk asked sipping his glass of wine.

"She keeps lingering around" He growled. "I feel terrible when I think of how I invited her to my bed" He rushed out. "Kendra is so good to me". He looked at Hvitserk, seeing his stunned face on how serious he was.

"You care for Kendra? The Christian?" Hvitserk asked raising his brow.

"I didn't think I would. But I have grown to care for her yes" Ivar sat down on his chair resting his arms and legs.

"I think it is nice, you have grown to care for her brother. She obviously cares about you the way she greeted you back after the battles" Hvitserk encouraged. "I think you need someone to love you" he Nodded at his younger brother.

"But what about the maiden?" Ivar asked looking at him, shuffling his head in an annoyed way.

"I wouldn't mention it to her. You will only upset her. This is a day to celebrate after all, try and forget about it. You weren't married to her, most mean have more than one woman in their bed in their lifetime" Hvitserk shrugged "You haven't done anything wrong".

Ivar nodded as if he finally understood, he stood up at the sound of being called. "Sounds like it is time brother" Hvitserk smiled as he followed Ivar out of the tent. Signalling for Ubbe to join them. Ivar slowly took his steps up the stairs, as his men patted his shoulder and wished him well. He nodded to them, the eyes of the shieldmaiden still boring into his skin as he shrugged them off. Entering in through the doors.


Hvitserk and Ubbe had walked a head of Ivar into the chapel, Elwin being seated next to the King in the front row. Ivar stood at the door waiting for his queue, when he felt the familiar sense of Kendra holding on to his arm.

"Shouldn't I be meeting you in there?" Ivar whispered. Keeping his face straight, not looking at her.

"I wanted to meet you out here. Walk in with you" she smiled at him. "You look handsome" she smiled as he hummed at her. "Do you not like it?" she asked. Ivar immediately looking up at her, not wanting to insult her.

"White and gold is too clean for me" he laughed, as she smiled and nodded.

"I can see that" Kendra leaned up on her tip toes and kissed him gently. His lips moved with hers as he smiled into the kiss.

"You look amazing" Ivar whispered at her as Kendra turned to face the doors and they walked in together to complete mass and the ceremony.

The party was going well, with the music and the food and wine. Ivar was talking to Elwin trying to get to know him better. As Kendra danced around with Hvitserk, who couldn't grasp the footwork of the English music.

"Well Kendra, once we get home, I can show you how music should be danced to" He laughed as Kendra joined him.

"Well when Ivar and I marry in your home, you have to save me a dance" she smiled as he tipped his horn her way in a promise. Kendra made her way up the table, where she joined Elwin and Ivar mid conversation.

"Kendra! Ivar says he has a friend who can make a cart, so I can roll around instead of crawling" Elwin cheered excitedly, Ivar laughed and gave Kendra a small smile.

"Well that is good news, because you are getting a bit too big for me to carry you around all the time" Elwin pouted and as Ivar laughed, leaning into Kendra and placing his lips to her shoulder. Kendra's lips tugged to a smile as she held his hand. The conversation was still flowing, Elwin laughing at Ivar's stories. Kendra smiled on at the pair of them, seeing how Ivar tried to be nice Elwin, how excited Elwin got when talking to Ivar. But it was called short once the bell sounded. The King had announced that it was time that the marital night took place.

Kendra looked at Ivar, giving a small smile swallowing the lump that had formed in her throat. Ivar cupped her face and kissed her gently.

"You'll be perfectly fine" He smiled at her as he stood up. Bidding Elwin a nice sleep, tapping his brothers on the shoulders as he made his way up the stairs and to the marital suite. Laying in his night tunic Ivar settled under the furs, watching at the faces at the end of the bed. They stared at him back. Up until Kendra was allowed in, when she walked in Ivar smiled at her. Her nightgown floated and hugged at her body, she took her coat off and settled into bed beside him.

The priest blessed the bed and the bed and the two of them in it. When Ivar had looked to Kendra, looking back at the faces.

"Why are they still here?" Ivar asked as Kendra looked at them.

"They have to watch" Kendra shrugged looking at Ivar. His face turning, immediately remembering his night with Margarethe. How he couldn't please her, reducing her to tears. How he felt deep down that he couldn't have sex. Now they want to watch him relive all of that with an audience.

"I will not perform in front of an audience!" Ivar hissed at them. His face screwing up as they looked back started. "It is my wife's first time, you want to watch?! Don't be ridiculous and leave. Us. Alone" Ivar bellowed clearing the entire room of those who wanted to watch.

"Ivar" Kendra spoke calmly reaching for his shoulder. Trying to hide the shock of witnessing an outburst from Ivar the boneless.

"You looked beautiful" Ivar stated coldly as he turned to his side in the bed. "Goodnight wife, I will see you in the morning" Ivar groaned as Kendra went to reach for Ivar's shoulder, choosing against it.

"I am sorry Ivar" Kendra sighed as she blew out the candle. Turning on her back and staring up at the ceiling until she had drifted off to sleep. Thinking about how the night had gone so wrong, wondering if she was the problem.

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