Different Worlds

By happydaysandersen

38.4K 881 31

An alliance is sought with an English king in the wake of the great army's attacks. Ivar has been chosen to... More

|Chapter One|
|Chapter Three|
|Chapter Four|
|Chapter Five|
|Chapter Six|
|Chapter Seven|
|Chapter Eight|
|Chapter Nine|
|Chapter Ten|
|Chapter Eleven|
|Chapter Twelve|
|Chapter Thirteen|Finale|

|Chapter Two|

3.8K 87 0
By happydaysandersen

Kendra had moved down a few steps to allow him room to move. "Now why would you have left the talks of diplomacies and alliances, to come find me Ivar?" She asked, her eyes going white and glazed as they locked on to his.

"Can you hold these for me?" he asked passing her one of his crutches, as he slowly slid down the wall of the castle. Crawling over to the step behind you, heaving his legs in front of him now draping over the steps below him. Kendra's eyes had gone wide shock. She shook her head trying not to give away her surprise.

"Have you never seen a cripple before?" he scoffed, rolling his eyes at her. She could hear the concern laced with his words.

"I have seen many, I do apologise for staring" Kendra started off calmly, sympathetic was obvious. "When you walked in earlier, I hadn't even thought to look at your legs" she let out a small laugh, causing Ivar to smile at her. "You stood so tall, it wasn't obvious that something was different". She smiled at him, for a moment she could have seen his face soften.

"Well that would have been thanks to the braces and crutches, they do that you know" Ivar joked. Letting a laugh escape his lips. How plump they were, Kendra hadn't noticed before. "Have you not heard of me?" He asked raising his brow, "Ivar the boneless... scourge of the world" he added his eyes going blank, waiting on her response.

"Well Ivar the boneless, I do not believe much of what I am told" she smiled at him "Unless of course I see it with my own eyes" she looked away at the courtyard.

"You are not afraid of me?" he asked sliding down from his step, making himself eye level with Kendra, looking at her straight in the eyes.

"At first I was yes" she looked straight at him. "You carried yourself so different from your brothers in there" she paused, his face not changing at her words. "your words so open and free" she smiled. "It was startling but, now I see it was not scared. Just startled" she nodded showing finality in her words.

"You are one of few to speak so brazenly to me"

"That may be because this is my castle and my home" she rolled her eyes.

"Your father had made his mind up. We are to marry Kendra" he looked at her, the sight of Kendra's body stiffening at his words.

"Then if my father wills it, it must be so. It is for my people" she looked at him, trying to seek some form of kindness.

"I have to say I do not know how I feel about this, marrying some Christian" he said with hatred at the word, waving his fingers around it. "However, I am leader of the army. I will protect your kingdom, that is all I can promise you at this time". He looked up at her, the more he took in the sight of her, he could appreciate her beauty. Her brown curled hair, her brown eyes glistening in the night light. He small hands intertwined with each other fallen in his lap.

"I appreciate that Ivar, I can't promise to make you happy. I have no idea of how a marriage will work. But I can only promise that I will try" She smiled at him, reaching for his hand. She gently placed hers on top of his, not expecting anything back. "I will try and be a good wife for you, given the nature of this arrangement".

Ivar looked down at his hand now being covered by her own. They were so dainty in comparison to his own. So soft as he placed his free hand on top of hers, attempting to show her some sign of compassion. Before looking up at her own eyes, giving her a small smile.

Kendra could see the vulnerability in his eyes "I am sorry Ivar, I did not mean to come across to strong" he shook his head.

"You haven't" he reassured her, now tightening his grip on her hand. "I came out here to tell you, that our marriage had been agreed" he looked at her, a small bit sadness in his expression. "I would also like to ask if we could try and get to know each other" he rushed out raising a brow at her, trying to read her expression. "I do not wish to be married to a stranger is all I ask" Ivar looked away nervously.

Kendra bit her lip with her teeth nervously, before nodding to herself. "I would like that Ivar, I do not wish to marry a stranger either" she smiled at his as he looked up at her, giving her hand a squeeze. Before her tried to pick himself up. Kendra had jumped up and passed him one of his crutches. "You had not the first cripple I had met, or with poor legs Ivar". She reassured him, noticing he was about to argue over her helping him.

He rolled his eyes, choosing better than to argue with her over some crutches. "Will you let me walk with you inside?" he asked nervously.

Kendra nodded walking in through the doors, side by side with Ivar. "Thank you, for sitting and talking with me Ivar" she smiled.

He hummed and nodded his head "I had already explained I wished for you to hear it sooner rather than later" He paused. "I also wanted to ask to get to know you" he smiled a small smile. "So long as you still okay with that" he began to ramble.

Kendra had reached for Ivar's hand once more. "You do not need to explain, I will see you in the morning Ivar" Kendra gave his hand a squeeze, "I am going to retire to my room now Ivar, I will see you tomorrow" she smiled, he watched her hand and nodded letting her pass. He stood watching her turn away from him, her green dress float along the stone steps. He smiled once their eyes had met, giving her a nod. Silently wishing her a peaceful sleep.


The sun light was shining through the curtains, and the sound of servants busying themselves with their morning routine. As Kendra tossed and turned under her covers to try and savour a few more moments.

"Morning Kendra! It's time to get up" one of the servants chimed. Receiving a groan in response as Kendra kicked her feet over the side of the bed.

"Morning" Kendra groaned sliding out of the bed and walking over to the basin to wash her face.

"Do you have any plans for today?" the servant had asked politely.

"I do believe Ivar and I were going to try and get to know each other a little better" she kept a straight face.

"Are you going to marry a heathen?" the servant asked coming to a halt.

"If my father wills it and its for best for our people then I will" Kendra spoke up. "I can't say I'm thrilled at the idea of it" she shrugged making her way to her dresses. Settling on a purple velvet with silver trim this time.

"But how would that work? You are a Christian?" the servant asked now tightening the ribbon of the dress.

"Ivar is a pagan it would be difficult. But, so long as I stay true to my beliefs" Kendra paused "Compromising where possible. There is no reason it won't at least be a decent matrimony".

"So long as you are sure, we all wish you nothing but good luck" the servant smiled. Giving Kendra a finally nod, signalling that she was ready for the day. Siding her hair back and into a jewelled head peace, letting it hang freely down her back. Before leaving her room and joining her father for breakfast.

"Morning Kendra" her father cheered looking up from his plate.

"Morning father" Kendra chimed, before taking a seat at the table and picking at some of the food.

"We have to talk" her father stated, making eye contacting with her across the table.

"about the talks last night father?" Kendra asked putting her food in mouth and taking the time to chew to listen to him.

"I had tried not to hand you over to them. But it Is needed to save our people" he rambled on, causing Kendra to grow annoyed.

"Now father, from what I know. You were rather quick to marry me off to one of those heathens" she paused, "Ivar himself came to tell me last night, that it is him I shall be marrying". She looked up at him, Her father in shock. "I have no problem in playing some chess pawn in this game to ensure our people are safe, I just wish I could have had some more control over my own life in the process".

"Kendra, I am sorry" he spoke up shocked at how calm she was about the situation".

"Father, if you don't mind. I am going out to go meet this husband to be of mine. We are going to try and get to know each other" she stood up from her seat and smiled at him. "I can't say that I am happy or thrilled with the prospect of marrying a heathen" she looked at him. "there is a possibility of easing relations between our two people" she nodded at him, as he father gave her a smile and watched her leave.

Just as she left the doors of the hall she bumped into Ivar, clearly having some difficulty with the servants in being trusted enough to let in. The sight of frustration on his face as he watched them busying themselves around him.

"Ladies, it is quite alright to leave him be" Kendra spoke up. Causing them to stop in their tracks and look up at her, bowing their head.

"Thank you, Princess" Ivar grumbled as he steadied himself on his crutches. He looked up at her, giving her a small nod. "I came to see if you still wanted to get to know each other?" he asked standing tall again, having gained his balance back. Now towering over the servants.

"I would like that yes" she nodded, reaching to move some hair behind her ear. His blue eyes glistening as he hummed in relief, giving a simple nod in acceptance.

"What would you like to do then princess?" he asked his face steady and almost emotionless.

"You can call me Kendra" she smiled as she stepped forward towards him. "We could go for a ride? Or just walk through the town and talk?" she asked as he looked down at his legs.

"I can't ride unless I take my chariot" he stated trying to bypass the conversation of his legs.

"Would you like to take your chariot? Or just go for a walk?" she asked now readying herself beside him.

"How about we just go for a walk?" Ivar smiled at her with a nod of acceptance. He turned on his crutches to exit the half with Kendra.


The courtyard was busy, although most people cleared paths the moment, they spotted Ivar. Ivar scoffed trying to shrug the obviously tense atmosphere.

"Your people could be a little nicer" he grumbled to Kendra. Causing her to look up at Ivar, her eyes white with disbelief. "Considering we feed them and agreed to support them offering them our protection" he stood still, seeing the thought process going on behind her eyes.

"You scare them Ivar" Kendra took a breath to remain calm. "Not just you, your whole people" she paused "Just because, you have agreed to support us and feed us even ending your siege" she flattened the skirt of her dress down. "But you have arrived with a history of bloodshed they are scared" she muttered. Causing Ivar to shuffle on his crutches, finally realising that it will take more than a marriage to be accepted.

"I am not one for seeking appreciation" Ivar cleared his throat. "But you are so loved by all them" he nodded to as she stood in front of him.

"I can't imagine if I go back with you, when you do, I will be received well Ivar" he shook his head nervously, his eyes focusing solely on her own. "It will be no different, except I will be the different one" she gave him a smile "Just take your time, don't think they are out to get you. They are just scared" she reassured him. causing him to give her a nervous smile.

As they walked past some more stalls making idle talk, trying to get to know each other. Asking about favourite flowers to what it was like growing up, Kendra asking about his gods and his people's ways.

When Ivar, saw Kendra smelling some of the flowers on the stall Ivar, had asked the trader for one of them when she walked on.

"We know it has taken a lot for your people to not raid our city" The trader stated, nerves obvious in his tone. "We are grateful, just take care of our princess for us. She is good in every way" the trader finished passing Ivar the flower, taking only one coin instead of the whole fee. As Ivar watched on at the princess taking to other people, looking back at the trader giving him a thankful nod.

It took Ivar a few moments to catch up to Kendra, when he did, she jumped slightly not noticing how close he was.

"did you have a nice chat with the trader?" she asked nodding towards the flower stall.

"I did, He even said he's thankful for our help" Ivar smiled. After a few moments of suffocating silence, Ivar had cleared his throat. "I had errr..." he paused causing Kendra to look up at him with an encouraging smile "I got you a flower" Ivar choked out, holding it out to Kendra.

Kendra could feel her cheeks flushing red, as she smiled taking a moment to process his gift.

"that's very kind of you Ivar" Kendra reached for it, sniffing at the flower like she had previously at the stall. "It's my favourite" she added. It was his turn to blush, the feeling of doing something as intimate at that being foreign to him.

"I thought it looked similar to the ones you had described" he looked down at his crutches, shuffling to shift his weight.

"I really appreciate this Ivar" she reassured him, a feeling of nervous flooding through her as she saw how vulnerable and unsure, he was before her. She took a step to him and stood on her tip toes, placing a gently and quick kiss to his cheek.

Ivar shook his head, his eyes white and wide as she realised what she had done. A different sense of nerves flooding through him.

"what was that for?" he asked looking down at her his lips tugging at a smile.

"it was my way of saying thank you" she stood back "Sorry if I was forward, it was just a gesture". She looked down at her feet. Ivar's hands reaching for her chin as he lifted it up to her, their eyes meeting. How he wanted to kiss her lips as he went in to do so, he hesitated and settled for her cheek. Parting with a gentle hum as he gave her a smile.

"I like when you think you've been forward" he smiled, as he brushed her hair out of her eyes. Kendra felt her heart sink at the thought of her wanting his lips on her. But the way she felt when his lips touched her made up for it. She felt the nerves disappear and be exchange to excitement. As his larger hand pushed a piece of her behind her ear, and he placed the flower gently rested upon it. Kendra bit her lip and nodded at him. She stood to his side and linked her arm around his, as he shifted his crutches forward to move.

"Is this okay?" she asked looking up at him not wanting to impose on his personal space, or to make him unsteady.

"It is just fine" he smiled at her as he hopped forward, Kendra taking slow and steady paced where possible.

It was only when a Nun had run in front of Kendra dropping down to the floor before her.

"Princess" she coughed "We need your help!" She gasped trying to catch her breath.

Kendra immediately panicking, crouching down to eye level with the nun. "Please mother, how can I help?" She asked as Ivar stood back watching, taken aback by how familiar the pair were. How easy it was for someone to run and attack Kendra.

"a fever has hit the church, some of the children died last night" The nun stood up, helping Kendra up with her. "Elwin asks for you, he's so scared" the nun looked up to Ivar. Before patting her dress down and readjusting her head peace. "I am sorry" she spoke to Ivar.

"If Kendra is needed is where she must go" he nodded at the nun, his eyes canning over her outfit, thinking about how peculiar it looked in her. How unflattering the whole outside was, hiding their modesty in every way.

Kendra looked at Ivar, reaching for his hand gently. "I am sorry Ivar, I need to help" she stated, concern in her voice.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" he asked, as he watched her before him. Leaving his hand under hers, not wanting to startle her.

"I should be back tonight, if I need help, I can send word" she smiled at him as he nodded.

"be safe" he parted as she nodded and headed off to get on her horse. Ivar watching as she rode off and out of the courtyard. Heading back to his camp, where he would wait for word. Planning with his brothers a strategy of attack.


It had been two days since Kendra had rushed off with the nun, no word had been sent. Ivar was growing impatient. He settled down at breakfast with King Alden.

"Do you know where she might have gone?" Ivar asked over his wine.

"There is a church, that caters to the sick and discarded" King Alden spoke. "Kendra will be safe, she volunteers there and has done for many years" he spoke calmly.

"If anything has happened to her, our arrangements are off" Ivar warned the king.

"She is fine, god is watching over her and she is in one of our most holy places" he shrugged off, taking a bite of some food.

"Is this the same prized protected places that was just overrun with fever, causing her to go there" Ivar raised his brow at the King her placed his food back down on the table.

"it is nice how you care about Kendra. She is a strong as well as, a smart woman" King Alden finished. Ivar stood up from his breakfast and headed outside, back to his camp where word had been received from Kendra.

"the church is under attack" Ubbe spoke reading the letter out for others to hear.

"Does it say from who?" Ivar asked concern in his voice.

"Just one of the waring and neighbouring towns" Ubbe looked at him.

"do we go help her?" Hvitserk asked confused about the situation. "She is but a Christian, Ivar Is only marrying her for the alliance" he sates calmly.

"She is more than just an Alliance, or so I hope she will be" Ivar spat out, before realising his own words.

"So, we go help her?" Ubbe asked, causing Ivar to nod in his direction. Hvitserk patted Ivar's shoulder and nodded at him.

It wasn't long until a small number of warriors were already on top and successful in defeating the enemy's army. When the army, had cleared the way for the church to run safely. Kendra ran outside the doors.

"Ivar!" she cried. Relieved to see him. As Ivar looked up from his chariot, removing his helmet.

"Are you okay?" he called sliding down from his seat and crawling to her. Kendra being started by the ease of how he moved on his hands. His hips swaying each side.

"I'm okay Ivar" she crouched down to see him. "Thank you for coming to help me" she sighed. Ivar's heart sinking at how tired she looked.

"you need sleep" he cupped her face looking at her.

"I'm still needed here Ivar" she sighed as he pushed her hair back from her eyes.

Just as Ivar was about to speak in protest there were screams from the church behind them. Causing some of the nuns to flee. As Kendra turned inside and found and saw some of the Vikings threatening the workers and injured.

"IVAR! Kendra cried at the sight of one the men shoving a nun over. Kendra looking at Ivar horrified, "CALL YOUR MEN OFF IVAR!" SHE CRIED AT HIM "The are children in there Ivar". Kendra panicking at the sight of the men throwing gold in their bags.

"that is what they do! they take spoils!" Ivar shouted back at Kendra.

"It's not the gold I am worried about!" Kendra shouted back at him, bending down to the children on the floor trying to soothe their crying and panic. As Ivar crawled into the room called his men to stop with the pillaging. Ivar looked at the floor and the bodies on the mass of beds.

"Kendra" Ivar sighed worried at the sight of her, seeing the panic on her face at what she had seen.

"they didn't hurt any of the children" Kendra spoke not looking at him, finally getting to soothe one of the children.

Ivar crawled up to her "it is what we do" he stated again reaching for her hand as she whipped it away.

"Your men could have hurt innocent life Ivar, this is far more important to me than the gold" she hissed at him.

"They stopped when I told them, I listened to you Kendra" Ivar pulled his hand back to himself as he looked down at the children.

"Let me help?" he asked looking up at her, "two pairs of hands are better than one" he gave her a small smile.

"There is someone I want you to meet" Kendra looked up at him, her gaze on his helping her body begin to relax and soften. As she got stood up and led to way to where Elwin slept.

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